View Full Version : This could get confusing...

Kyle Raiden
Aug 26th, 2004, 06:08:58 PM
Jacen Parami/Malcolm Trippen here. I can't be bothered to log out and log back in as either of the above right now, so I'll just post from here.

Basically, I've decided that my squadron names need tweaking. Its nothing major, and I could probably get away with changing it, and you'd not notice. However, I thought I'd let you know, and destroy the excitement of anyone who thinks "Aha! I spotted a mistake!"

You may wonder why I'm changing. Well, basically, I've decided to make my naming logical. So, "Halo Force" now consists of the following:

Archangel Squadron
- Formerly: Dark Angel Squadron
- Fighters: A2/a A-Wing
- Call sign: "Archangel X" (abrev. to "Arc X" in combat)

Angel Squadron
- Formerly: Seraph Squadron
- Fighters: A2/b A-Wing
- Call sign: "Angel X"

Seraph Squadron
- Formerly: Vanguard Squadron
- Fighters: Xjx X-Wing
- Call sign: "Seraph X"

Saint Squadron
- Formerly: Rear-Guard Squadron
- Fighters: Xjx X-Wing
- Call sign: "Saint X"

Doesn't make a big difference, really...I'll update my "database" thread later. Its just that Vanguard and Rear-Guard didn't sound very halo-y, and I'm considering using "Dark Angel" somewhere else, so...*shrug* You're alerted to the change.

Oh, and also, as all of these names are now "heavenly", it allows me to have a uniform colour scheme for Halo Force. So, if you see a black fighter, with white squadron colours...you'll know its us. :)