View Full Version : Wow

Aug 25th, 2004, 11:24:00 AM
First of all, hello to all you out there in RP land.

This is the biggest RP site I have ever seen.


There's so much to look through that I don't know where to start.

What are the graphics restrictions?
Who do I need to speak to for character approval?

Aug 25th, 2004, 11:30:27 AM
Graphics restrictions for avatars are 150x150 and a size of 15k

Signature is anything less than 30k

As for character approval, you don't really have to speak to anybody in that regard. If you're worried about being legal, you can always ask right here.

You wouldn't happen to be Darkestsith6's friend would you?

Travis North
Aug 25th, 2004, 12:17:00 PM
Welcome to Fans Lexx.

Jacen Parami
Aug 25th, 2004, 12:19:58 PM
Welcome to...um...here.

Be careful: there be sock thieves afoot...;)

Cardinal Aiyalin
Aug 25th, 2004, 02:01:32 PM
Welcome :)

I'd watch out, Lexx... These people are crazy!!

Oh, and BTW.. If you want to make a signature, or avatar, and are using a famous person or cartoon -- check this thread (be careful, it's long):


It's a huge Character Database where most of the RPers here have laid claim to various images. It'll help avoid any faux pas' when it comes to choosing an avatar for your character.

Also read up on the GJO and TSO (TSE?) websites if you want your character to be a jedi/sith. Have fun :)

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 25th, 2004, 02:02:56 PM
Originally posted by Cardinal Aiyalin
I'd watch out, Lexx... These people are crazy!!

Speak for yourself ;)

Welcome to the boards, Lexx.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 25th, 2004, 02:03:24 PM
Welcome, but I must warn you, this place is addicting.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 25th, 2004, 04:50:35 PM
Who what, eh, who ivited you eh? ... Oh wait, no, never mind. am I even on the welcoming committee?

Hi! :wave

Proved you wrong didn't I das?

Jarek T'chort
Aug 25th, 2004, 06:50:05 PM
Originally posted by Lexx
First of all, hello to all you out there in RP land.

This is the biggest RP site I have ever seen.


There's so much to look through that I don't know where to start.

What are the graphics restrictions?
Who do I need to speak to for character approval?

Welcome Lexx.

You don't happen to have Imperial leanings do you?

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 25th, 2004, 06:50:22 PM
Have fun, enjoy yourself, and all that rot. Oh, and if no one has told you to do so yet, READ THE FAQ! Trust me, it helps.

Vishalla Daoked
Aug 26th, 2004, 09:46:25 AM
Hi Lexx, have fun here. As others have warned, this place is addicting and there is craziness here, but it's harmless.

Oh, and read the FAQ It'll help.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 26th, 2004, 10:22:35 AM
Read the FAQ. Look, a link! :)

Slayn Cloak
Aug 26th, 2004, 03:26:07 PM
Man, I want to nominate hollie to be the welcome committie president;
She's always the most helpfull...

:cry I want to be like her.

imported_Jacali Danner
Aug 26th, 2004, 03:27:05 PM
Welcome, Lexx!! :D

Hope you have lotsa fun!!

Linn O'Conner
Aug 29th, 2004, 08:20:32 PM
WELCOME!! I promise that no mater what anyone says, this place won't get you high...wait a minute...I take that back...well, welcome to the forums anyway!!

Teleran Balades
Aug 29th, 2004, 09:11:08 PM
Welcome Lexx.

*waves hipnotizing pendulum*

Join the empire, we let you use snazzy guns and unecessarily large ships....And free coffee on Fridays.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 30th, 2004, 01:25:47 AM
Originally posted by Teleran Balades
Welcome Lexx.

*waves hipnotizing pendulum*

Join the empire, we let you use snazzy guns and unecessarily large ships....And free coffee on Fridays.

Dont listen to him. That 'coffee' is warmed up Fosters.

Aug 30th, 2004, 01:27:19 AM
I thank you all for your gracious welcome wagon.
I gotta say, I'm a little of my trolley myself so I'm sure I'll fit in fine.

I will be staking a claim on a character shortly, I'll be sure to keep all my graphics within your boundaries.

I shall also be posting a rough bio in this thread to see if it is playable, before I start posting IC.

So I guess I'll be see'ing y'all 'round !

Aug 30th, 2004, 04:55:41 AM
Okay, so that character himself should be fine, nothing too extravagant; a bounty-hunter/freelance bodyguard kinda guy.

There's alota info here so hold on to yer hats!

He won't be human, an origonal species that I have called Saronians, who hail from the far-off planet of Sartop. Saronians are virtualy identical to humans except for handful of differences.

Firstly, they are physically more fragile then humans, equivalent to a human with a medium case of brittle bone disease; and they have only about 75% of average human strength.
They are also three times more vulnerable to poisons and toxins, and are twice as suseptable to the negative affects of alcohol, chemicals and drugs.

They are physically faster, more agile and dextrous then humans with the average Saronian being commensurable to an accomplished gymnast in olympic trainning.

Their visual cortex, occular nerves and eyes are significantly different in structure; they use a photon-based emittion-absorbtion field to produce a kind of biological hololgraphic field which can measure light frequencies and intensities far more accuratley then human eyes.
Their vision is 20/10 (what you can see at 20 feet, they can see at 10) and can see perfectly well inlow-light areas whilst still being capable of withstanding bright light.
They have extremely rapid frame capture rates, resolution and focus reflex such that they can pick-up and proccess visual information over 20 times faster then a human.
However, their holo-occular matrix is onyl capable of binocular vison out to around 70m and anything further then 200m they cannot see at all.
Their sense of hearing has the same range of frequencies as a dog but can register sound amplitudes at a minimum of only around 2x that of the human minimum range.
Their sense of taste is also 50% less, and have virtually so sense of smell at all.

Their brains have a significantly different structure to. They have a dimminished capacity for compassion (failure to de-centre emotional thought) and emotional comprehension, they also have a poor sense of asthetics.
However, they have an extremely high aptitude for numbers, maths and sciences; they can calculate complex trig equations like you or I would count on our fingers.
They exhibit high initiative and problem solving skills, also being excelent natural code-breakers.
They have an eidetic (photographic) visual, procedural, iconic and semantic memmory, however their audio memmory is about the same as human and their other sensory memmories are 50% worse.
This also makes them very good and very fast at picking up new languages.

They are very week force users however they are very vulnerable to physical force-based attacks with the exception of being immune to mind tricks (but illusions still work as they do on humans).

Saronians prefer the cold and are vulnerable to heat. They have a natural phobia for being surrounded in flames and dislike warm environments.

For the sake of convenience, I will refer to my suit as a "MK.III".
The MK.III is technologically, marginally more advanced then mandalorian armor but is tactically equall in general terms.

It's power source is a high-capacity well which charges via colection cells which convert cosmic radiation (gamma and above) into usable energy for the suit.
It does not have limitless energy, rather is requires time to re-charge it's well; an active cycle can go for 16 hours (active-cycle) before requiring 8 hours of recharging (charge-cycle).

It also includes an energy bugeting system such that the passive systems remain online throughout a whole active-cycle, whilst the other systems essentialy have their own seperate power wells; these other systems include the following:

Passive Systems (online all the time):

1) Computer core; a fairly (but not exceptionaly) advanced computing device with a fair degree of learning ability with basic AI (equivalent to an R2); although user still holds executive command.
Responds to voice interaction.

2) HUD; interfaces with the Saronian's holo-occular matrix, allows the user to visualy monitor readouts from the computer (comm, scans, power-levels, damage, data, etc.) at a high rate without comprimising visibility too much.
It picks up feed back from the holo-occular matrix so that the Saronian user can inteface with their eyes (Saronians can do that).

3) Communications; built strait into the helmet, pretty standard stuff. Capable of long-range message sending/recieving as well as a basic encryption/decryption package.

4) Passive scan; uses long-wave EM fields to detect and render the immediate environment (essentially a RADAR system). A range of about 100m, enough resolution to be able to differentiate movement and approximate mass (+/- 100kg).

5) Environmental control; it does not include filltering beyond a simnple air scrubber to reduce effects of tear gas. It's main purpose is to sustain the internal temperature of the suit to the Saronians peak temperature of 12 degrees centigrade.

Active systems:

1) Active Scan; akin to a basic hand-held bio-scanner. Nothing to fancy, range and focus can vary but no more then 100m and 90 degrees. Resolution is often enough to verify species and vague vital information (gender, age +/- 10 years, heartrate/respiration, health poor/good).

2) Personal Shield emitter; self explanitory. Light-Medium Class sheilding (stops pistol/rifle blasters, fringes of grenade blasts, etc.), enough sheild well-charge for 5 mins of use per active cycle.

3) Bio-structural integrity field emitter; a sheild device which acts to re-enforce the relitively brittle biology of the Saronian user. It reinforces the muscle/skeletal and organ structure of the Saronian user such appropriate to the situation; it will kick in automatically when the Saronian attempts any big acrobatic maneuvores (note that it doen not have any effect on resisting against harm from weapons or the force).
This feature is not technically a passive device but it should remain in effect throughout a whole active cycle (although it tends to fade in the last 5 hours).

4) Gauntlets; A pair of gauntlets which include integrated weapon systems which are controlled via voice comman as well as holo-occular interface (voice controlls general weapon yield/rate/type, holo-occular controls firing and specifics).
The gauntlet weapon systems include 3 types: a) Blaster (light-heavy), b) Laser (variable) and c) concussive.

a) Their is enough blaster well-charge for 20 shots of medium blaster shots (equivalent = imperial blaster rifle) with a rapid-recharge time of 10 seconds; up to 3 rapid-recharge cycles can be completed before the blaster well-charge is depleted.
Alternatively; a light-yield setting allows for 40 shots per rapid-cycle (still with 3 cycles per well), light is equivalent to a run-of-the-mill light blaster pistol.
Alternatively; a heavy-yeild setting allows for 5 shots (still 3 rapid-cycles before full well), equivalent to a heavy blaster rifle.
Alternatively; a Max-yeild setting allows for 1 shot per rapid-cycle and is equivalent to a light Anti-Speeder weapon.

Only the light and medium settings can vary their firing rate, the medium anywhere between single shots to 20 shots per 2 seconds. The light can vary between single and 40 shots per 2 seconds.
Heavy and max can only be fired on single.
Max requires a pre-shot charging time of 10 seconds.

b) The laser is not strictly a weapons system more then a tool. Capable of being in either cutting or welding mode, it is capable of cutting through up to 1 inch of blast-door/bulkhead per 3 seconds (to a maximum of 3 feet, molten material provides too much blockage). As a welder, it operates like your standard arc-welder used to repair droids and the like.
The target acquisition system is far too slow for moving targets and so is fairly useless as a weapons system.

c) The concussive system is a more non-lethal alternative. It fires bursts of radiation which is non-harmful to biological tissues and exerts an EMP effect much like an EMP rifle/light grenade. The pulse ionises the air it passes through causing it to expand explosively but with very little heat; it has the effect of throwing people to the floor with great force (when a direct hit is made).
Yeild varies; 5% (a medium punch), 50% (drop-kick) and 100% (12 ga shotgun rubber bullets).

Destinct weaknesses: Although the suit contains sufficiant eletronic counter measures, an unprotected blast from an EMP grenade at 20m will diabale all suit systems for up to 10 minutes.
At a distance of less then 5m, an EMP grenade will evacuate all power from all wells such that the suit will need a complete 8-hour charge cycle plus a 2-hour reboot sequence.
During this time, The Saronian will have to seek a cold place otherwise a room temperature of 22 degrees will render him dehydrated an unconscious within 20 minutes and dead within 30 minutes.

Aug 31st, 2004, 08:00:53 AM

Scratch that last post.

I stumbled across a guardians thread and notcied the inactivity of Mr Pulse; I followed it up and I managed to email the user.
He told me that he had no intention of picking up his characters again and so I offered to take over and he accepted.

Is this alright with the board admin?

Obviously, this would include Mr Pulse and Jandor but I'll have to check again to see if he had any more characters (apparently he had allot).

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 31st, 2004, 11:34:13 AM
Oh, so are you new, or been here a year?

Malcolm Trippen
Aug 31st, 2004, 11:45:19 AM
Didn't something like this happen before? Like, when Jandor was after 'Talyn'?

Dan the Man
Aug 31st, 2004, 11:50:38 AM
Wait, is this Darknight again?

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 31st, 2004, 01:02:11 PM
As far as the question of taking over someone else's account, you'd have to take that up with the account owner and get the PW from them, etc, there is nothing that the admins/mods can do to assist you in that. Nor would we, in case the account take over was fraudulent in nature.

Aug 31st, 2004, 08:20:28 PM
Okay, to clarify what seams to be rapidly becoming a hazy situation; My name is Matt, Jandors previous user was a guy named Alfred (I think, his details where posted on another board).

I have emailed him and he says it's okay to take all of his accounts; he even handed over his image hosting account (because it was full of RP sigs, he needed it no longer).

With the number of interesting characters (so far, I know of Jandor and Mr Pulse) I will be making my "Lexx" account a simple guy; no suits or sheilds.

I will try and work out what other accounts he has but like I've said before he apparenty has quite a few and they're not terribely active so it may take time (even then I don't think I'll be adopting many of his characters, I prefer to keep my character numbers in single figures at the most).

Does this go any length to make things clearer?
I appoligise if I wasn't less confusing before.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 31st, 2004, 09:35:41 PM
Ah that's less confusing.

Shade Magus
Sep 1st, 2004, 12:01:04 AM
Originally posted by Jandor
(even then I don't think I'll be adopting many of his characters, I prefer to keep my character numbers in single figures at the most).

What's the fun in that? J/K :p...but yeah that is less confusing and welcome.

Sep 1st, 2004, 01:06:18 AM
Okay, good, now things are all strait I'll get on with the rping.

Arya Ravenwing
Sep 1st, 2004, 11:10:02 AM
Btw, I liked your character description. It was good. :)

Syren Wyssholt
Sep 1st, 2004, 01:33:49 PM
Perhaps a little less confusing to some but I'm wondering why some guy would turn over all of his character accounts and his hosting account to another guy who doesn't know the original characters/hosting owner name is.

I was wondering the same thing - doesn't any of this strike anyone as being similar (if not, the exact same) thing that happened before?

Jacen Parami
Sep 1st, 2004, 01:50:58 PM
*shrug* Maybe the guy really didn't want to be involved with Fans anymore. He seems like a different guy...maybe the old one just thought "He asked, I don't need the accounts anymore, so I might as well give them to him". Its feasable.

Not that there's anything about Fans that might drive someone away, of course...

Sep 1st, 2004, 01:58:08 PM
Originally posted by Syren Wyssholt
I was wondering the same thing - doesn't any of this strike anyone as being similar (if not, the exact same) thing that happened before?

Strikes me as exactly the same as before.

Malcolm Trippen
Sep 1st, 2004, 02:01:05 PM
Not quite...last time, he set up a new character, and when someone found him out, admitted it was him, and took up his old characters. He didn't come up with some reason to take up his old characters as a new guy...

Can Mods check the IP addresses? I know I can on my forums, but... That'd probably be the best way to find out for sure.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 1st, 2004, 02:12:33 PM
We can check IP addresses, yes. However, when there isn’t a match, there isn’t really much we can do or prove. For all we know, it could simply be a coincidence that this new person decided to pick up the accounts of a person who once tried to pass himself or herself off as someone else. It does seem like a big coincidence, yes, but at this moment in time it’s not a problem. However, should the staff find out that the same offence has been committed again, and the user was in fact lying, then there would be repercussions.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 1st, 2004, 07:12:12 PM
Thread split. C'mon people, notice the RP tag, that's a no-spam/hijacking tag.

Sep 1st, 2004, 11:18:48 PM
Right...Welcome to Sw-Fans....

As long as your on peaceful terms...

Sep 2nd, 2004, 08:32:10 AM
Yes, of course.
Well, peaceful OOC anyway.

what more can be expected from an IC rogue such as myself?