View Full Version : Birthday Girl (Natia and all the Lost)

Hunter Kincaid
Aug 24th, 2004, 04:26:22 PM
It was early morning as Hunter awakened, too early for many. But, she didn't care, today was her day! It was her eighth birthday and she was ready to celebrate.

Cake, presents and her family was all she needed, she was growing up fast and yet it wasn't fast enough for her. It had been a couple of months since her return to the Lost. She knew what the Lost meant to her father and she herself couldn't wait to be more of a part of it.

Hunter wondered deep down, if today she would receive the ritual daggar that her brother got on his eighth birthday, she felt ready. With a sigh, the mute child dressed and went up to the rooftop to maybe watch the sunrise over Coruscants skyline. It was something she enjoyed, even as young as she was.

Without turning, she felt the presence of someone behind her. She smiled as she could now use the Force to do more than just mentally telepathize.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 25th, 2004, 10:36:59 AM
*Natia had awakened early this morning as well. Mind you, she usually does wake up early in the mornings as long as she's not doing heavy training, well any training, later in the day. But today is special for one little girl living amongst the Lost. Plans had been made that the group of them will be having a bit of a party. It's something she herself has always wanted to do for somebody. Help plan a party and attend said party. Well, later today the party's going to be held.

She walks over to Hunter and sits down next to her*

Morning Hunter.

Hunter Kincaid
Aug 25th, 2004, 08:47:20 PM
The young girl smiles as she sees Natia. Good morning, Auntie Nat.

Her mind is fresh and clear, but Hunter has her own surprise to share with her family later. She unclipped her specialized comm from her belt.

Mom called yesterday.

She pressed her message button.

Angelina's voice was heard. "Hi, baby! I just wanted to let you know I'll be at the B&G tomorrow and would like to see you, if I could. Sweetie, it's been too long and I know you miss mummy. I miss you and I'm cleaning up my act, sweetie...I really am. I want you to come back and I'll be that mum you want me to be, I promise. It won't be like it was, I swear. Just give mummy one more chance." There was a pause.

"I love you, Hunter, I'll be at the B&G at four in the afternoon. I hope to see you there."

The comm disconnected.

I want to believe her, but I can't and I feel bad because of it. She didn't even remember it was my birthday. Her response seemed a bit glum.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 27th, 2004, 09:49:48 AM
*Natia nods her head slightly, remaining silent for a few minutes*

If you wish, either myself or your Dad will take you to the B&G this afternoon so you can visit with your Mother. But your Dad and I have talked this over, and you'll be staying here were we can garentee that you'll be taken care of properly, though if you wish, you can visit with your Mother since she is your Mother.

*Natia puts an arm around Hunter's shoulders*

Don't feel bad about the fact that you can't believe your Mother. Yes, she is your Mother, but she made some pretty bad mistakes which make it hard to trust her anymore.

*Natia at this point pull's Hunter in for a hug*

Hunter Kincaid
Aug 27th, 2004, 09:13:40 PM
Hunter returns the hug, she was so glad that Natia is there. The little girl wants so badly to grow up and be older.

I want to love her, but she left me so many times in that room, so many nights I'd sleep behind the couch, hoping that nothing was going to get me. I remember, when she and daddy were together, everything was perfect.

But, those days were gone and Hunter knew it. I know mummy and Daddy won't be together anymore, but it doesn't take away the memories I had when they were together.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 29th, 2004, 03:03:33 PM
The memories which you have of your Mom and Dad together and happy are important. Don't ever forget that. They may not be together anymore, but that doesn't make the time with them any less important.

I'm sure that deep down you still love your Mom, but it's hard for you to acknowledge it because of all the hurt that she's caused you.

*Natia looks at Hunter and smiles*

One of the hardest things a person can do is forgive a loved one which has hurt them. I don't expect you to understand that truly yet, but in time you will. It took me a long time to figure it out, but know that I have, I feel better.

*Natia laughs lightly*

Just listen to me, I'm starting to sound like a Jedi now.

Hunter, always remember the fun times you've had with both your parents. That in the end is what's completely important. Remember the good times, and don't dwell on the bad and things will turn out.

How 'bout you and I head down to the diner and have some breakfast.

Hunter Kincaid
Aug 30th, 2004, 04:46:20 AM
Hunter nodded with a smile. Sounds yummy. She knew what she wanted eggs, bacon, the works.

I wonder, if dad's up yet. If he was, perhaps he'd give her the dagger now. Her heart was full of anticipation.

River Kincaid
Aug 30th, 2004, 05:05:14 AM
River had been awake when he heard Hunter go upstairs to the roof and then he felt Natia's presence go up as well.

He smiled as he got up himself, dressed and went downstairs to help with the finishing touches.

Dexter was already up and going, the birthday cake had been made and was done decorating, balloons were everywhere and there were a small pile of gifts on a table nearby.

Everything was in place, all but one thing and that was neatly hidden in the pantry.

Hunter's first daggar.

It was a ritual on Falycin, on a child's eighth birthday a dagger was given, not just any dagger, but the Menalla Dagger.

It meant, that the child was ready to begin training. Training to hunt and training to kill. Self-defense was a big issue here.

River had taken weeks to find just the right one for his little girl and knew she would be quite pleased with what he had found.

Dexter had closed the diner for the day to celebrate the childs birthday, which River had been greatly apprieciative.

"Is she up yet?" Dex asked as he finished up cooking the bacon.

River nodded. "Yep, she's up on the roof with Natia. Ridge should be arriving here shortly and I hope that Marcus comes."

"I also heard Quay will be in attendance, River." Dex smiled.

"Quay's coming?" He was surprised by that one. "Hunter will love that."

"It'll be good to see her here." Dex nodded.


imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 1st, 2004, 08:20:17 AM
*Natia smiles at Hunter before sending a telepathic message down to River. Are you ready down there. Hunters kinda hungry and you know we eat in the Diner. Or at least I do.*

Hunter, quick question before we go down, what do you want for you birthday??

Hunter Kincaid
Sep 1st, 2004, 08:28:47 PM
Hunter didn't have to think about that one at all. I want the ritual dagger that our people recieve on their eighth birthday. I hope, my dad hasn't forgotten.

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 1st, 2004, 08:36:09 PM
A very pregnant Quay stepped off the turbo bus and began walking towards the Diner. It was a lovely morning for young Hunter's birthday.

Ry-Obi had made sure Quay knew what was going on and that Hunter really would want her to be there, so she couldn't possibly say no. Not today, even though her pregnancy had begun to exhaust her pretty easily, she was going to come through for the little girl.

In her hands, she held a bright colorful gift. As she neared Dexter's, she ran right into River's twin, Ridge.

"Oh excuse me...." she began.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 1st, 2004, 08:42:09 PM
Ridge Towers-Kincaid had been looking at his chrono when plowed into the pregnant Padawan and nearly knocked her down.

He caught her arm. "Oh, Quay...I'm terribly..." Ridge got a good look at her and her growing bulge and paused for a good moment. He had no idea that she had been pregnant, had he been away that long?

"I'm terribly sorry, Quay'Na, how foolish of me." Ridge quickly apologized as he opened the door for her.

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 1st, 2004, 08:48:16 PM
"No harm done, Ridge. It's good to see you." She smiled as walked through the open door, the room was nicely decorated with balloons and streamers and a large cake.

A Happy Birthday, Hunter!! sign was strung up on one wall and another table had gifts on it.

The smell of bacon was coming from the kitchen.

"Very nicely done." Quay said admiringly.

River Kincaid
Sep 1st, 2004, 08:58:40 PM
Natia, it's all ready down here, except for Ry-Obi. Can the two of you get him up, before you come down? I believe, Quay and Ridge just arrived. I'm not sure where Marcus is, but if you could get Ry-Obi down here that would be great.

With a soft sigh, River walked into the dining area and greeted Quay with a hug and a kiss and his brother with a light slap on the shoulder.

"I'm really glad the two of you could make it, Hunter will be thrilled." He told them quietly. "She should be down soon."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 2nd, 2004, 09:36:08 AM
*Natia smiles as she stands up after acknowledging the request from River*

Come on Hunter, lets go wake up your brother and have him come down with us.

And I'm sure your Dad hasn't forgotten about the dagger. You are his little girl after all.

*Natia helps Hunter up before taking her down to Ry-Obi's room to wake him up with Hunter*

Hunter Kincaid
Sep 5th, 2004, 07:35:58 PM
When Hunter and Natia arrive in Ry-Obi's darkened room, all is still and silent.

A lump lay in the middle of his bed, completely covered with blankets.

Ry, wake up. Hunter tells his mind, but the boy barely moves and she could hear a distinct groan.

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Sep 5th, 2004, 07:46:59 PM
Ry-Obi felt terrible, he had been feeling bad the past couple of weeks, but nothing like this.

His head was pounding and he was freezing to death. His lungs hurt and he was trying to breath softly.

Ry-Obi groaned after his sister spoke to his mind, it felt like jackhammers. For a moment, the boy thought he was going to vomit.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 7th, 2004, 05:20:06 AM
"What were you up to tonight???"

The large alien stared in shock at the rather bloodstained cloak tossed onto the floor. He knew the business the Jedi Master got up to was dangerous, but it was rare for any evidence to show up. The blood on the cloak was to him, disturbing.

"You dont want to know" Marcus replied quietly, finishing washing his face. "It is best you do not know. But what you can do is contact the metalsmith. My sword was destroyed. I will be in need faster than I thought"

"How in the Galaxy did anyone even get close enough to do that?" replied Dexter.

"As I said... you dont want to know" he replied grimly. "Things are changing. The Jedi are losing control. Our plans must change"

"If ya say so"

"I do. Mind telling me what all the noise is about?"

"Ahhh well, you know Kincaid? It's his daughter, having a birthday"

Marcus glanced up. "I did not know this"

"You wouldnt know - your either with Arwenai or out on your one man war. You need to be careful Marcus...."

"Careful of what, Dexter? That I miss simple things? That the others here have their own lives? I am careful enough"

Dexter's look was exactly all the reply needed. Marcus sighed. "All right. I'll change into somethign more appropriate"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 7th, 2004, 10:39:09 AM
*Natia frowns as she watches Ry wake up*

Ry, you stay in bed. You aren't feeling well.

*Natia sends a telepathic message down to River. Ry-Obi's sick.*

River Kincaid
Sep 7th, 2004, 08:41:53 PM
River was just about to offer Quay and Ridge some coffee when Natia's message came through.

Ry-Obi was ill.

Alright, Nat. I'm on my way. He told her telepathically back.

"Ummm, why don't you go ahead and help yourselves to the coffee and I'll be back shortly." He said as he quickly walked out of the dining area, through the kitchen and up the back stairs.

He made it into his son's room in a flash and swept past Hunter and Natia.

"Ry, what's wrong?" River asked softly as he sat down next to his son and looked at him. He was pale, except for his cheeks, they were quite rosey.

He put a cool hand on his son's forehead, he was very warm...hot even. "Ry, your burning up." River quickly stood and rushed into the fresher and got a cool cloth. He returned and gently placed it on his son's forehead.

The boy moaned as his dad pulled up the covers and straightened them over him. A moment later, Ry let out a hollow 'yelp' as River brushed over his stomach.

"Ry, what's wrong?" River asked as he pulled back the blankets and gently pulled up the boys tunic. He gasped at what seemed to be a carved tattoo on his son's torso and it was very much infected.

"My God, Ry-Obi, what have you done?" River had never seen the likes of such a thing. It was raised, reddish and looked plain nasty.

He covered it back up and looked at his daughter and Natia. "Hunter, go on down with Natia and have some breakfast. You have some guests down there. I'll be down as soon as I can."

River looked back at his son and called out to Marcus, if anyone would know what to do it would be him. Marcus! I need your help, it's Ry-Obi! You need to have a look at this. If River had been on Falycin, he would've gotten some herbs for the bad infection, but here he had no clue what to do, besides take the boy to the med center.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 8th, 2004, 09:25:32 AM
*Natia nods as she turns, guiding Hunter from the room*

Let's get you your breakfast now Hunter. What is it your wanting??

*Natia asks as she takes Hunter down into the diner*

Hunter Kincaid
Sep 8th, 2004, 08:13:32 PM
Hunter didn't see the infection that plagued her brother and taking her out of the room seemed to brighten her day. Bacon and soft gushy eggs. She piped in with a smile.

Her thoughts on her brother hadn't lasted long once the two walked into the diner and saw Auntie Quay and Uncle Ridge.

She ran over to both and greeted them mentally and gave them a hug. It was about that time that she noticed the banner, streamers, cake and balloons.

Her eyes widened as she saw the table full of gifts!

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Sep 8th, 2004, 08:21:08 PM
Ry-Obi looked at his father. "Dad, I'll be alright. Go down with Hunter...don't let this ruin her birthday. She has a surprise for you. Please, Dad, we can do something with this later, just go." He told him weakly. "I'll explain this later. Go to Hunter, Dad. Please."

The look in Ry-Obi's eyes were pleading.

River Kincaid
Sep 8th, 2004, 08:25:39 PM
River debated for a few moments and then looked at his son and pointed his finger at him. "You, young man have some big time explaining to do. I'll check on you in a while and after Hunter's party, we're going straight to the doctor, no if ands or buts. Got it?"

Ry-Obi smiled and nodded.

"I'll be back to check on you in a little bit." With a deep sigh, River left his son and went back downstairs.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 10th, 2004, 05:11:38 AM
"Dexter, seems one of Kincaid's kids done something silly. Take the med kit up there and attend to him"

Marcus sighed. To be honest he wasn't feeling much like company, but he had to guess that it would be wanted of him to be here.

But first, to finish clean up. Looking at the mirror, the blood splats were all too clear. It had been a disaster, nothing more could be said of it.

And after cleaning up, he would go hug Arwenai.

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 10th, 2004, 05:22:18 AM
"Happy Birthday, Hunter." Quay'Na beamed as she hugged the little girl. She was always glad to see the child.

"Hello, Natia." She said with a smile as she looked at the older girl that led Hunter down.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 10th, 2004, 05:28:56 AM
Uncle Ridge. He loved being called that. He hugged Hunter with a smile. "Heya, kiddo. Happy Birthday."

He glanced down at his watch. Faith and the twins should be arriving anytime now, he had had his limo go to pick them up.

River would be surprised as well to see his two-month old twins, son- Nikolai and daughter, Ta'lori.

The entire family would be happy to see them. "Natia," he smiled with a curt bow. "It's good to see you."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 11th, 2004, 04:46:21 PM
*Natia smiles as she comes into the main area of the diner where the party's being held*

Hi Quay, Ridge.

*Natia walks over to Quay and gives her a hug, while at the same time, speaking through telepathy to Marcus. You alright??*

River Kincaid
Sep 11th, 2004, 08:18:31 PM
River met Dexter while coming back down. "The kid's gonna be grounded as soon as this party is done. I don't know what the heck he did, but I'm going to take him to the doctor as soon as the party is over."

Dexter laughed. "Kids, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. Don't worry, River. I'll go have a look see and take care of things, the boys just trying to grow up. Seen it before."

"Thanks, Dexter. I owe ya one." River smiled as he patted his alien friend on the back and continued down the stairs.

As he entered the main dining area, Faith and Ridge's limo driver walked in with two baby carriers. "Faith!" He beamed as he hurried over to her and kissed her. "I didn't think you were going to be able to make it."

"Of course, I wouldn't miss Hunter's birthday for anything." She told him with a smile. It was the same smile River had fallen in love with.

He took the baby carrier from her and lead her to Hunter. "Look who's here." River told his daughter as he placed the carrier on the floor.

Nikolai was sleeping peacefully.

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Sep 11th, 2004, 09:14:32 PM
Ry-Obi coughed and it hurt unlike anything he'd ever felt. He had no idea what had gone wrong, it had to be the scarring. The boy just knew it, but he didn't see anything wrong the day he'd had it done a couple of weeks ago.

The blade had looked clean. The guy that had done it could've been a bit cleaner, but still why was he so sick?

Dexter walked in as Ry-Obi tried to remain as still as possible, but it was no use his stomach was coming up.

The old alien being had seen it coming and grabbed a wastebasket for the struggling boy. "Easy there, son. Ole Dex is here."

For a moment, Ry thought he was going to pass out as he finished and lay back.

Dexter put the basket back on the floor and looked the boy over, he looked pretty bad. "Okay, now that I've been reminded of last nights dinner, what's going on here?"

A trickle of sweat rolled down Ry's forehead. "Just sick, I guess." He answered.

"Your dad seems to think its something else. Care if I have a look see?"

Ry-Obi sighed and lifted up his shirt. Same reaction from Dex. "What in the universe did that?"

"I just need it cleaned, Dex." Ry mumbled.

"Cleaned my bum..."

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 16th, 2004, 08:57:54 PM
Quay returns Natia's hug and excuses herself a few moments later to go see River's twins.

On her way over, she too could feel the presence of Marcus. His aura she felt was darkened a bit. It had been sometime since their last conversation and she could sense that he was in no mood to talk.

With a sigh, she continued to River's twins.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 18th, 2004, 12:13:21 PM
*Natia stands off to the side, a smile on her face as she watches the going on's of the others at the party*

Hunter Kincaid
Sep 19th, 2004, 08:34:26 AM
A big smile brightened the little girls face as she saw her baby brother and sister, she hadn't expected them to come.

Hello, Faith. Hunter greeted her soon-to-be-stepmom. Can I call you mama, after you and daddy get married? That was big question, she so longed to have a mother to be able to count on.

"Of course, sweetheart." Faith smiled as she gave her a hug. "I would be honored."

Hunter's smile grew.

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Sep 19th, 2004, 08:56:16 PM
Ry-Obi wiped away the tears that had fallen as Dexter cleaned the badly infected wounds on his stomach.

"I'm going to have to insist that your dad take you to the med center as soon as possible, Ry. Right now would be good." Dexter mumbled as he turned to leave.

Ry-Obi grabbed one of Dexter's hands. "Wait, Dex. This is Hunter's birthday, let her have her day. I promise, I'll go as soon as it's over. Please, don't say anything to my dad yet. Let my sister have her day, I beg this of you."

Dexter rubbed his chin in thought. "I suppose a couple of more hours won't hurt anything." He looked at the boy. "What is this called anyway? It's obviously, some kind of design."

"It's called scarring, I thought it would be cool and now, I'm thinking it's not so cool."

"Well, you get some rest and be ready to go to the med center later."

"I will, thanks Dex."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 22nd, 2004, 06:23:15 AM
Ridge walked over to Natia. "So, how've you been? It's been a while since we've talked. It seems I'm always busy with the company or spending time with Mylia to hang around here too much. I do miss talking to you though, Miss Natia."

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 22nd, 2004, 07:00:33 AM
Those sensitive in The Force and tuned in to the Master who have realised he wasn't a happy camper. The days of him being truly frightening when he was moody were gone - but, still.....

What a stupid accident. That's all that could be said. Damn Jedi.

He got changed and cleaned up. The little baby in his room watched him quietly, she even seemed to realise her father was not right.

If she was older, she might have wondered why Marcus picked her up and hugged the baby for what seemed to be no reason at all.


He came into the same room everyone else had gathered in about 10 minutes later, Arwenai in his arms. The baby was looking at Marcus, as if she had learned somethign and was wondering what it meant.

"Good Evening" he said quietly

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 22nd, 2004, 09:37:43 AM
I've been doing alright. You aren't the only one that's been busy. Between my Family and my training, I haven't had much free time to do anything really.

And Ridge, you can call me Natia. No Miss is needed infront of it.

*Natia looks over at Marcus when he comes in with Arwenai*

Morning Grandpa. Morning Arwenai.

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 22nd, 2004, 07:12:27 PM
Quay saw the Lost Jedi Master enter and bowed in respect. "Good morning, Master." She gave him a pleasant smile and looked at Marcus' daughter. How she'd grown in just the few weeks she'd been away.

Quay knew that children didn't remain babies very long and in that time of nurturing and feeding, was a blessing in disguise.

She assumed her son would grow at that same amazing rate and smiled as she felt him nudge her insides.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 24th, 2004, 04:18:44 AM

"Morning?" he said obviously confused. "Have I lost track of time that badly?"

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 24th, 2004, 03:54:03 PM
"Very well, then...Natia." He nodded as he looked at his brother. "Excuse me for a moment."

Ridge made his way over to her brother and future wife. "Greetings Faith," he smiled as he looked the twins. "Well, let's see. Nikolai looks like River and Ta'lori looks like Faith. You've done very well, brother. Very well indeed."

Ridge looked at Faith. "May I?"

"Of course." She smiled as she watched her fiancee's brother carefully scoop up Nikolai into his arms like a pro.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 25th, 2004, 09:44:08 AM
*Natia nods as Ridge heads towards River and his family. She makes her way to Marcus, a smile on her face*

Yes Grandpa, it seems you have lost track of time that much. May I??

*Natia picks Arwenai up from Marcus's arms before waiting for his answer. She loves the little girl immensly*

River Kincaid
Sep 28th, 2004, 07:51:19 PM
It was the day, River had been preparing for. He stepped into the middle of the room taking Hunter along by his side.

"First, I'd like to thank all of you for coming. The Byonna is a very special time in a Falycin childs life. It is basically a day of recognizing for a child."

He looked down at his daughter and smiled as he knelt down in front of her. "This is your day of recognition, Hunter. Are you ready to bind yourself as a Synai of the Penah Tenai?" The words were of a Falycin ritual, words that had been spoken to him so many years ago, though it was a bit different for a girl child.

Hunter Kincaid
Sep 28th, 2004, 08:05:47 PM
Her stomach was a flutter as she watched and listened to the words of her father. A bit of nervousness was felt within the small girl as her father asked her the question of Synai. This was probably one of the most important questions in an eight-year-olds life, binding oneself to the Righteous One.

This was her chance, she'd been practicing with Ry-Obi for weeks.

Hunter took a deep breath and concentrated on the words she needed to answer with.

"Ah...Aum..waa, Papa." She stammered a bit, but the words were actually spoken. It was the first time she had spoken to her father in years.

River Kincaid
Sep 28th, 2004, 08:19:51 PM
River stared at his daughter as he heard the sweetest words ever spoken.

"Hunter, you...you spoke!" It was his turn to stammer as she gave him a smile and nodded.

River lost his train of thought for a moment as happiness filled his heart and his mind. He couldn't believe this!

It took him a moment to regain his composure again to fulfill his daughter's wishes. With careful ease, River pulled out a daggar from a sheath at his side. This daggar had taken him weeks to find.

He held it flatly in him hands and held it to his daughter. "This is a gift of the Synai, forever shall you hold this to your heart and only use it to fulfill the rights of the Byonna. Do you understand your part, Hunter?"

River prayed to hear those sweet words again.

Hunter Kincaid
Sep 28th, 2004, 08:26:33 PM
The daggar was the most precious thing she'd ever seen.

"Aum...wai, Papa." This time it had become a bit easier.

It was strange how the entire room had become as silent as a tomb as the young girl spoke. This was her own surprise to her family, she and Ry-Obi had worked so hard to do this.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 29th, 2004, 09:42:31 AM
*Natia goes dead silent as she hears Hunter actually speak. She's never ever heard her do that before. Her smile gets even bigger as she hears Hunter talk some more*

River Kincaid
Sep 29th, 2004, 08:07:54 PM
The words meant yes in Falycin. After her daggar was presented, he wrapped him arms around her.

"I'm so proud of you, Hunter. Your words are heaven sent." He whispered in her ear.

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Oct 4th, 2004, 08:42:06 PM
He was dizzy and it was making him sick. Ry-Obi groaned and rolled over to get to his feet.

It hurt like hell.

As soon as he stood, he knew something was very wrong. The world before him spun out of control and he saw the floor come up to greet him.

Hunter Kincaid
Oct 5th, 2004, 08:33:04 PM
Talking and cooking had resumed once again downstairs in the diner, no one had heard the boy fall.

Hunter was near tears as she looked at her dad. Ry-Obi helped me, papa. I coudn't have done this without him.

She gave her dad a hug.

River Kincaid
Oct 5th, 2004, 08:40:27 PM
"This is a birthday I will never forget, the day I heard my daughters voice again." He held her tight for another moment and then released her.

"How about some breakfast and then presents?"

Hunter nodded happily.

"Alright, everyone. Dexter has prepared us quite a breakfast feast buffet-style, so go ahead and get your plates and help yourselves." River announced.

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Oct 6th, 2004, 04:16:17 AM
He was burning up and tried to get up, but it was no use. With a last final effort, he called out to his father.

Dad...I'm sorry... Darkness enveloped him as he lost consciousness.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Oct 6th, 2004, 08:46:48 AM
*Natia goes and helps herself to some breakfast items before sitting down with her breakfast and Arwenai*

River Kincaid
Oct 6th, 2004, 02:25:52 PM
River had just helped himself to a cup of coffee and was about to take a sip, when he heard the faint words from Ry-Obi.

Everyone was talking and bustling around, but River froze.

His breath caught in his throat as he heard the chilling call, it felt like the last words someone used if they knew something more than everyone around them.


The coffee cup shattered and it's contents spilled everywhere as River paid no attention and sprinted for the hidden staircase through the kitchen.

He could hear his own heartbeat thumping in his ears as everything seemed to go in slow motion. Up the stairs he ran and straight into Ry-Obi's room.

The Lost Jedi gasped for air as he saw his son lying unconscious on the floor.

"Ry!" He went to him and cradled the boy in his arms. "Son!"

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 9th, 2004, 06:42:32 AM
Ridge felt a chill envelope him as the cup hit the floor. The look on River's face told him something was definitely wrong.

He took off after his brother, not knowing where he was going. But, was stopped in the kitchen by Dex.

"Sorry, can't go any further." The large alien said as he blocked the path.

"But, something's wrong!" Ridge said impatiently as he felt the array of others coming up behind him.

"All of you go back out to the dining area. I'll see what's going on!" Dexter informed them as he turned and made his way to the stairs and closing the door behind him.

Ridge sighed and turned around. What is it, brother? He asked silently as he walked back out to the dining area.

He picked up the broken peices of glass and noticed Quay and Natia had disappeared.

Hunter was gone too. He looked over at Faith with a questioning look on his face. What was going on?