View Full Version : Silent Foot Falls

Nayala Palain
Aug 22nd, 2004, 10:48:20 PM
A long lost individual entered into the grounds, and smiled and looked around slightly.

Her dark and commanding aura set waves into the force. Athena waited and said nothing as she noticed people watching her. Her violet eyes looked about and waited. Athena hated to wait it was something she never got used to.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 23rd, 2004, 02:43:41 AM
“How now, Athena.”

Out of the murk came a familiar grin. Bathed in the planets crimson light, he looked like a bloodthirsty thing, with fangs gleaming and eyes alight. He stood just beyond the Bitter Gate and spread his arms invitingly.

“What brings you to the pleasant climes of Ch’hodos?”

imported_Blade Ice
Aug 28th, 2004, 10:19:53 PM
"Maybe she just came for the humble hospitalities of the local bed and breakfasts. A little R&R never hurt anyone."

Blade chimed in as he passed by his former master and Athena. He was just making his normal rounds to bug people especially Vega. He so loved the fact that Dalethria had given him the chance to face off against his former master. Yet he hadn't chosen to do so yet. He hoped that it unnerved Vega a bit and made vega wonder when his days would start to be numbered.

Blade just kept on walking past headed nowhere in particular. That was normal now though ether wondering the halls here studding the chaos of this palace or on meras studying the chaos of Dalethria's Family. He sent a message to Athena via the force.

Sorry I can't stay and chat I have other business to attend too.

Jade Doment
Oct 6th, 2004, 06:45:38 PM
Sith Knight Jade Doment comes rushing through, her arms loaded with crystals, saber hilts, wires, paperwork, holopads, datapads, and other unidentifed stuff.

Not knowing it, but Jade shoved past Athena, tripped on Blade's foot, and half of what she was carrying goes flying in all directions.

"@#$% @#$% @#$% @#$%!!!!"

She then drops everything else at her feet, yanks her reading glasses off with her right hand, and uses her left hand to massage the bridge of her nose. She did NOT need a migrane, let alone a headache, right now. Sumohn rubs against her thigh for direction on what she should do.

"Go back and get your mother Flavia and your father Semok, and see if you cant bring along Fawn and Moonlight. Wolves or panthers, I need all 4 of you and your saddlebags."

Sumohn takes off in a black blur and Jade merely sighs, oblivious to Blade and Athena, as her back is to them.

Nayala Palain
Nov 20th, 2004, 04:24:45 PM
(Bother I forgot about this thread)

She just watched as Jade tripped and landed yelling at one of her animals. Saying nothing she watched Blade leave and just looked at Vega.

' My sister is why I am here. "

Jade Doment
Dec 3rd, 2004, 04:53:32 PM
Jade hears a voice, spins around.

She packs everything up on her animals and walks backwards.

"Ill leave you two alone."

Spinning back around, Jade walks off.

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 3rd, 2004, 05:24:01 PM
With a knowing nod and smile, Vega looked from Athena to the bastion of chaos.

“I see. Just stopped in for a chat, have we? Or do you have some business with Dalethria?”

Nayala Palain
Dec 5th, 2004, 12:39:10 AM
" Just a chat dear, just a chat with my sister..."

She smiled at the man and just looked still at Jade.

" shes off with a start. "

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 7th, 2004, 06:13:51 AM
Casually and without care, Van-Derveld shrugged. While he spent a fair amount of time on Ch’hodos, his dealings with the lesser members of the Sisters were minimal. Mal Pannis and k’Vik were the only two with whom he concerned himself.

“Well, I can’t promise you anything… but you may as well come in regardless.”

As he spoke, the Bitter Gate began to open, apparently of its own accord.

Nayala Palain
Dec 7th, 2004, 06:22:34 PM
A smile creased her lips as the gate opened.

" So tell me Vega dear, are you to be my escort? "

She looked upon the male she had known for years longer then she could count.

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 9th, 2004, 03:20:53 AM
“Apparently I am!” Vega smiled uncharacteristically jovially and offered an arm to Athena. “Just like old times, hm?”

Nayala Palain
Dec 11th, 2004, 08:59:10 PM
Taking his offered arm she returned the smile.

" Yes just like. "

She watched him lead them down the walk ways towards where only he knew.

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 18th, 2004, 06:08:23 AM
Beyond the Bitter Gate was the bastion proper. It was deceptive to look at, as though it was only moderately sized, its interior was immense and stretched far beyond that reaches of its walls – a trick of Sith magic, doubtlessly. Ascending a set of harsh stone stairs with Athena, Vega called out through the Force to Dalethria, letting her know that the two of them were approaching.

Nayala Palain
Dec 19th, 2004, 10:34:21 AM
He walked and she followed she had done much in following in the footsteps of Vega. But now he was leading her towards her sister.

She stood and waited, if her sister had the time she would come out to meet with Vega and herself. Now it was all part of the waiting game. A game she was never really good at.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 19th, 2004, 04:31:28 PM
Dalethria had heard her Apprentice's call and merely told him to wait, letting Athena stew for awhile in good fun. She remembered how impatient her Blood Sister was. Besides, Dalethria was in the middle of some quiet time with her daughter and had to make sure that Aliandra was settled first.

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 26th, 2004, 05:42:34 AM
“Your sister won’t be long,” Vega assured Athena, as he lead her to one of the makeshift common rooms in the bastion. It was full of stone and metal furniture, and centered on a large fireplace, whose flames seemed to be burning on little more than the oxygen in the crevice. Like Athena, the Lupine did not enjoy being kept waiting, but there were some people you simply could not rush – and Dalethria was one of them.

Nayala Palain
Dec 28th, 2004, 06:32:57 PM
" Tell me Vega, is my niece here or back at Meras? "

She waited and figured it would be a while. Heck why not? She had been gone for nearly every and now, she sought out her sister.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jan 1st, 2005, 12:02:29 PM
"She is here." Dalethria had heard the question upon entering the common room. "Resting, in her room my sister."

She gave Vega a nod of appreciation for leading Athena here before addressing them together. "I....had not known you were back."

Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 5th, 2005, 01:30:20 PM
“Always a mystery, Athena,” Vega said, in a tone not far from patronizing. “Never can quite tell when or where she will appear.”

Nayala Palain
Jan 5th, 2005, 02:22:27 PM
A smile danced her lips. She touched Vega's arm in her thanks. Even offering a hug for a dear and deadly friend. For all times they would stay that way.

Looking towards Dale she stepped closer but only slightly.

" I am please to hear of my niece. When she wakes, may I see her? "

She had loved that little girl since the day she was born. Same as the relationship of Dale and she, since they became blood sisters, nothing would break the bond.

" I hardly knew I was back. "

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jan 7th, 2005, 08:12:02 PM
"Of course, though I ask of you to be gentle with her. Aliandra has been ... distant to others cept for Arriana." She sighed, "It make take some time for her to warm up to you."

Then Dalethria looked at her blood sister a bit confused by her choice of wording, "How could you not know you're back when you are standing there ... but of a sister as always."

Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 8th, 2005, 06:34:07 AM
Though Vega was a little confused at Athena’s words also, he could not help but laugh. He expected there would be some story, with regards to her absence, and was eager to hear it. The Lady always did lead an interesting life.

Nayala Palain
Jan 8th, 2005, 07:20:17 PM
She smiled and knew right then and there a story was needed.

" As you both know I was a bite more dormint (sp) then even I would like. Friends, family, not even Jedi sparked my interests. So I wandered about losing tract of time and space. My learning and hunt for more information on the Darkside took over. When i finally realized how long I had been away I contacted Lady Vader at once. Finishing up my lose ends I am now back. Once TSO knew of my return I figured it was best to seek out my sister.

I found a good friend along the trip, I am most pleased. "

She finally shut up and waited.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jan 20th, 2005, 04:12:02 PM
"Wait.. you got so wrapped up into your stuides that you just lost track of time?" She blinked, not believing that was the reason Athena was gone for so long. Injury, disease, seclusion... those were reasons Dalethria could begin to understand but.... being a book worm...

Nayala Palain
Jan 22nd, 2005, 10:02:25 AM
She smiled at her sister and said nothing for a long time.

" The studies I was into took much physical tuning... Dark Arts if done wrong cause great amounts of pain. Mentally and physically. Each spell or cast one can only learn from trial and error. "

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jan 29th, 2005, 11:07:13 AM
"Well, at least you did something with your seclusion. I was just a depressed fool that did absolutely nothing for months on end. Ah well," she gathered Athena into her arms for a hug and slipped an arm around her neck, "One good thing, myself and the Order are on pretty good terms. So incase you find me wandering around there, don't be too surprised."

Nayala Palain
Feb 2nd, 2005, 08:34:26 PM
Embracing her sister as they walked. She figured everything would soon fall into place as it had always done.

" So tell me why has my niece not been happy? Nor my sister willing to do more then nothing. "

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Feb 5th, 2005, 11:39:31 AM
She stopped in her tracks and narrowed her eyes at Athena. It sounded as if her sister was questioning her parenting. "Perhaps you could explain what you mean further, Athena..."

Nayala Palain
Feb 5th, 2005, 10:04:11 PM
She saw the look in her sisters eyes as she once more turned and spoke.

" My niece was happy.. and my dear sister. I have never known you to not be busy.... Tell me what had you so depressed and my little angle clinging to only you and Arriana. "

She would never think to question her sisters parenting. Heck she had been doing better then Naya any day.

Milivikal k'Vik
Feb 7th, 2005, 11:00:30 PM
For the first time in over a month, Milivikal emerged from her quarters without evading her Sisters.

Since her quest to retrive a Seyugi Assassin, Milivikal had become reclusive, only emerging for supplies. She spent the better part of a week on an intense alchohol binge, followed by two days of physical recovery and then into four days of total reclusive depression. Rage graced the next day, which destroyed most of the wood, metal or glass in her room and shook the attached corridors. After rage came the ritual burning of the broken things in her room.

Vicet's Siren knew not where the ritual came from, but did it nonetheless. For the first hour, she watched the flames consume most of her meager belongings. The smoke twirled through the room, following Ch'hodos' twisted gravity. The room did not fill with smoke, though it should have. Instead, the stone seemed to draw it in. Milivikal was confused, and reached across a gravatic twist to the wall/ceiling/floor that was coated in soot.

It was darker than raw carbon, a seemingly impossible black that swallowed light. It was softer and smoother than silk. The Siren stared in wonder for an unknown span of time. Impulsive, she reached back out, smacking her hand against the "ceiling." She brought her hand against her face, and down her left breast, back across her belly. A single black finger traced her spine under her clothes, which, after a brief difficulty, she cut them off and fed them to the fire. She stood, and continued this process. She jumped to her ceiling, again with her right hand, and covered more of her body. It became a dance as she did it faster and faster, until she suddenly stopped collecting the soot. Milivikal looked down in her dance.

Exactly half of her body was black, and half shone near pure white. Strange patterns were drawn over her skin, some were as fine as human hairs, drawn with her fingernails. She jumped, swayed, and shook. She chanted and screamed. A rythmless madness had possed Milivikal, a creature obsessed with rythms. After two days, she passed out in the sonic shower.

She woke, her skin clean and her body ravenous. The fire seemed to smoulder, but at the core it was an inferno. k'Vik had piled the shattered glass and metal in the center. She chewed on a ration she had put in her clothset, prodding the fire with her dagger absentmindedly. Inevitably, she began to cover her body with the soot, and resumed her frantic dance. The cycle continued for five weeks, only broken by raids for nourishment. Each session's soot designs grew more intricate and terrible, until the final day. On the final day the right half of her body was pure black, except for her eye. Her left eye was caked with the soot, and she could not see from it. Milivkal lay next to the fire, and reached down. For the first time, sweat wicked away the black substance, which oozed into the fire. She worked herself, at first slowly, but over the course of hours it became frantic. It ended in an explosion of clarity as the blackness suddenly cleared from her eye. A piercing scream escaped Milivikal before she passed out.

When she woke again, the fire was dead. For the first time in weeks, she showered and then dressed. At the fresher, she let the water pool. Pale ice blue eyes stared back. Mili rubbed her stomach, which was rippled and hard. Her body felt light.

The pile slighly off center in her room was still and cold. She kicked it, now in boots. A jagged, slender short sword, hilt and all, revealed. Milivikal grabbed it, and slid it into her belt. Her stomach growled, but a search revealed there were no rations left.

Milivikal set foot in the corridor, and her loathing for Ch'hodos swelled. It was now total and absolute. There was no reason to be here.

"Ch'hodos." Milivikal's voice was achingly pure. No one had noticed her approach. Her footfalls had been silent.

"This planet ails us all." Icewater seemed to flow with her words. Lessers would have been set into shivers, but her Sisters and Bretheren merely felt chilled and a slight tingle.

Nayala Palain
Feb 10th, 2005, 02:41:42 PM
Words could be heard yet they remained unsaid as the sisters walked down the corridor. Naya was being led by her sister Dale and trailed by Vega a dear friend. A thick and hrash smell was lingering in the air. Although unknown to the Sith Master at the time what all it could be.

Marcasite eyes flickered back and forth as if searching for something. Something unknown and un revealed to her. Her perifial vision picked up on Vega smelling the air. The lupine had always done that since she knew him. Someone was close but he knew who, making no movements at all. Naya returned her gaze to the back of her sisters moving form.

The halls seemed to eat footfalls, Naya had yet to hear any since they entered the compound and its corridors. Not a sister of their coven like life but she was strong within the darkness, her skin started to crawl as a sollum deadly voice peirced into the air around them.

"Ch'hodos." Her voice Naya could not pin point. She had never met this female for all she could remember.

"This planet ails us all." The sound of death and damnation flowed with her ice cold words. Mostly likely a look of pureity within death, sadistic and cunning spread the femals face. One Naya would be sure not to cross.

Nayas head snapped towards the female as she spoke heeding every warrning the darkside had offered to her sences. At first Naya didnt bother to speak waiting for Dale or Vega to strike the conversation.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Feb 12th, 2005, 10:34:04 AM
Dalethria's arm slipped away from her blood sister's shoulders and turned around, rather surprised by this unexpected visit. She had not heard Milivikal's voice in the same room for over a month and wondered what was to become of her second. She had relied upon the Siren for various reasons, but one of her most important abilities was to communicate with the Vore, a job that was bequeathed to Tirsa who had become far from reliable because of what occurred with Sorsha. It had left Dalethria in a rut on what to do with the Sister's and tried as best as she could to run the small group on her own, but it had proven far more difficult then even she had imagined even with her immense resources.

The truth of her Sister's words had stung her pride and it was visible in her features. "We've gone from outright hating to ailing have we?" She averted her narrowing eyes at the ground as her mood continued to be spoiled. "This is why you needed to be locked away for weeks on end? To come to this conclusion?"

Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 6th, 2005, 11:10:58 PM
Icy eyes narrowed and locked with Dalethria's brown ones.

"No, Dalethria. Sorsha had misread the intentions of our Mistress. While she was favored things were difficult. We must leave here, or we will become as empty as Ch'hodos." She drew the sword, and let the weapon's flat rest against her breast, the rest eclipsing her shoulder. The black blade reflected light in a scattershot, chaotic fashion that moved. It was never static, and was both disorienting and hypnotic.

"This blade, I forged with a ritual of fire. I learned then. The Galaxy is in motion, and from here we cannot dance with it. Can you hear it from here? No, just a dull echo, not even the now."

"But you have other matters to attend to at this instant." Her voice lost it's aching edge, but still sounded unnaturally pure. She looked at Nayala with curiousity.

"I am Milivikal k'Vik, Siren and Second to Dalethria."

Nayala Palain
Mar 7th, 2005, 06:27:41 PM
Her marcasite eyes focused upon the female as she spoke her name and most likely a rank.

" Nayala 'Athena' Palain, Dark Mistress and sister to Dale. A pleasure to be sure. "

Her eyes looked upon the black blade and its hilt. She spoke of a ritual that she used and then she herself forged the weapon.

" Nice work on the weapon. Beg my pardon, but what is a Siren? "

The chestnut hair of Nayala seemed to move even as there was no wind to move it.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 14th, 2005, 10:10:58 PM
Dalethria stared at Milivikal in awe. The self imposed seclusion that the Siren had forced upon herself did more then just change the inflection of her voice, thought pleasantly commanding and sure it was now. Whatever ritual that had been performed had a profound impact upon Milivikal for this was not the same person she was helping to train months ago. In a sense, Dalethria was a bit jealous. What had taken her years to work through, the Siren did in a fraction of the time.

"The word Siren has a couple of meanings that fit Milivikal here perfectly, Nayala." As she spoke, she was moving closer to raven haired beauty. "She has an alluring voice that is quite deceiving for it can bring a tear to your eye with its melody or bring about immense pain if she so wishes. You must have noticed? Even I felt the chill of her voice run through my veins.

It also means a woman of great beauty and seduction." She flashed a grin as she turned towards Nayala, "The two go hand and hand with Milivikal."

Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 16th, 2005, 07:27:35 PM
Milivikal bowed, holding the blade to the side. She sheathed it as she stood.

"Dalethria speaks kindly." k'Vik smiled.
"However, I am sure the two of you have things to discuss. If you have need of me, I shall be in the dining hall. I have not had a proper meal in weeks." She brushed Dale's shoulder as she passed, and winked before dissapearing down the corridor.

Nayala Palain
Mar 27th, 2005, 03:24:35 PM
There within all of her glory stood Milivikal. Dale spoke of the word siren, I knew the meaning but hell Mistress had another meaning to it as well. So she was dark, stunning, and deadly. But then again most women who could walk the path of the night where.

" Sister, why would I tell if something bothered me. Others could use it against me and that would never be wise. So if the chill had swept my body and you nor Lady Milivikal didnt notice, so be the hidden joys of my being. "

There was no reason to move from where I stood. I watched as the female moved away slightly before telling where she was off to.

I nudged Dale and smiled. " Shall we join your interesting friend? "

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 28th, 2005, 02:38:54 PM
Dalethria found her already smiling lips curling just a tad more at the notion. "Interesting doesn't do her justice, but it's up to you really. You are my guest afterall."

Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 29th, 2005, 08:13:03 PM
Milivikal stalked around the kitchen. There was surprisingly little there, but the food synthesiser worked. After a minute, a somewhat mushy platter of vegetables and beans emerged. A nerf steak was defrosted, and seared. She noted that much of the spices that were in the pantry before were twoard the bottom of the containers.

Despite the meal being less than satisfactory, she ate. k'Vik was ravenous after her months long seclusion. Fresh food, even pseudo-fresh food, was a welcome change from Imperial rations.

Milivikal contemplated Nayala's presence here. She lnew the woman was a powerful Dark Jedi, and a friend of Dalethria's. Sometimes that was all there was to it, or if Nayala would become a familiar face.

Nayala Palain
Apr 4th, 2005, 01:28:47 PM
Moving along the corridors of the compound Dalethria had lead the way to the kitchen area. Still in hope of seeing my neice I took a seat not far from Milivikal. She was intreging to my mind. Something of her. Either way the Sith Master would sit in wait to see what all it was. Having already eaten upon her ship before she landed, Naya was not hungery but more thirsty. Making her way to the shelves, my eyes searched for one thing and one thing only. Ahhh

Yes there it sat, a half empty bottle of red wine. My hands searched blindlessly for a goblet or glass to pour the red substance into. Finally my fingers had found such a thing as my eyes read the lable of the bottle.

" Dalethira, Milivikal a glass? " I figured best to offer.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 5th, 2005, 09:07:07 AM
Dalethria did not sit down just yet. She had picked up on a familiar sensation from her blood sister, the same sense since Nayala arrived here, and did not wish to disappoint her any longer. Hopefully Aliandra would behave. She never did quite understand why her daughter felt uneasy around Milivikal and that was even before the Siren found her way into Dalethria's bed.

"Yes, pour me a glass," she answered while heading out of the room. "Though I'll be right back. Won't be long."

Milivikal k'Vik
Apr 5th, 2005, 09:42:08 PM
"Please." Milivikal's voice flowed through the air while she continued to eat.

After Dalethria left, the Siren spoke.
"Dalethria is concerned about my presence with Aliandra. She is uneasy with me." Her voice stated, but made it very clear she was at a loss for why.

"Ahhhhhhmmm." The smell of the wine was awesome.

"There is something I do not understand: how are you and Dalethria sisters?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 6th, 2005, 02:26:52 AM
Vega hadn’t taken offense that Athena had neglected to offer him the wine. She knew the Lupine well enough to know that he would decline. Left alone with the Siren and Nayala, he smiled thinly (more than enjoying being in the company of two such women), and decided to answer Milivikal’s question himself. “By blood ritual,” he scoffed. “An old practice that was particularly popular among members of the Sith Empire.”

Nayala Palain
Apr 6th, 2005, 11:39:50 AM
She knew he was there, never in her life would she ignore Vega.

" Jd or do have another drink of your pleasure I can get you Vega? "

She took a seat next to the other female. Nayala placed the bottle and the three glasses of the Red Wine upon the table. Pushing one of the glaess over towards the siren. The second she left next to her since it was for Dale. Hearing the lack of understanding within the Sirens voice as she spoke of Dale and her Neice.

" I have not seen my neice, so do not think she will take to me like before. And yes, as the Lupine said a blood ritual but it was done long before I joined the lacking Sith Empire. She and I go way back. "

Naya took a sip of the Red wine before her. She had brought over a small glass for Vega and a bottle of what she knew to be his choice drink. Placing them both not far from his reach if he so wished them.

" Will you both tell me of this place? " Her eyes glanced back and forth from Vega and the other female.

Aliandra Mal Pannis
Apr 6th, 2005, 05:13:29 PM
Aliandra hadn't seen Nayala in a long time. She was excited to hear from her mother that her long lost aunt had returned. The brief times that Nayala was here, they were good and reminded her of the fun times on Munto Codru.

Course, mother had to spoil it by making her promise to be on her best behavior. It wasn't her fault that Milivikal was creepy to her :(, but she didn't relent without a lot of pouting and whining and making mommy promise to give her a treat! :D

So, she made her way with mommy in tow to the kitchen. She spotted Uncle Vega first and gave him a big smile before making a face. Auntie Nayala would have to be sitting next to Milivikal ... not so fun. But there would be treats!

"Auntie 'Thena!" She proclaimed her presence and ran over to take a seat across from her, narrowing her eyes in annoyance in a way that reminded her of Dalethria. "Where the heck have you been?!" :mad

Nayala Palain
Apr 7th, 2005, 02:01:47 PM
The sound of small footsteps filled the hall out side of the kitchen. Turning her attention around and towards the door, she saw her. God how she had grown. The child was stunning and the dearest thing she knew. The face she had made at Vega indeed was interesting. The small feet took the child across the table from Naya.

" Hello my pretty Angel. I left, and I left for a long time. But I have brought you something. "

Standing from her seat next to Mili, Naya moved towards Aliandra.

" hold out your hand child. " Aliandra did so and within her small palm an ice figure mock the shape of a butterfly formed there. Athena had learned the creat things within the force, for more then one reason. A fighting tool, and a way to make gifts for her family.

" So tell me my love, how have the days been to you? " Nayala's eyes drifted off towards Dale, a sign of thanks glissened within the Marcasite coloring.

Aliandra Mal Pannis
Apr 9th, 2005, 01:06:28 PM
It was so pretty. Her eyes lit up in joy. "T'ank you, 'Thena!!!"

Alia brought the butterfly around in different paths, making it fly about but gently. She didn't want it getting a scratch on it.

Her eyes grew sad suddenly and then a small pout protruded. "You're not gonna break it like you did my other stuff before?" Alia's question was directed at Milivikal. "Are you?" :(

Milivikal k'Vik
Apr 9th, 2005, 01:12:08 PM
Mili stopped mid-chew, and swallowed after a moment.

"No, Aliandra, I will not. I did not mean to break your things."

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 10th, 2005, 03:58:08 AM
Vega stifled a laugh with a morsel of food. The little Mal Pannis looked at the Lupine accusingly. He couldn’t help but be amused by the dysfunctional family that had formed on Ch’hodos. It was just like home.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 10th, 2005, 06:36:50 PM
She stroked her daughter's hair affectionately, "Vega wasn't laughing at you. His head is just full of silly thoughts."

With a pat on the Lupine's shoulder, she sat down in the vacant seat left by Athena, next to Milivikal, and sipped at her wine.

Nayala Palain
Apr 10th, 2005, 10:39:02 PM
Doing her best to contain her laughter Naya smiled at the child.

" No child, she didnt break anything to be mean. Although what was broken? Maybe I can try to place them back together. "

She sat upon the floor with her legs crossed to be more at her nieces level of sight.

" Tell me what you did while I was away. "

Aliandra Mal Pannis
Apr 12th, 2005, 08:07:35 AM
"All our family stuff in the living room!!! I liked looking at them and some of it was mine that mommy got me. And you can't fix it. They were in itty bitty pieces that aren't around anymore ..." :(

She toyed with the butterfly, lower lip puckered in thought. It was clear that Alia wasn't sure about Mili's sincerity but liked the change in subject.

"Been on Meras and here now. Mommy teaching me stuff!"

The butterfly now was floating on its own around everyone in a steady path. Aliandra had a proud smile on her face with the control she had.

"See!" :D

When it whizzed passed Mili, she made certain to slip her control enough to bop her on the head. :crack

Milivikal k'Vik
Apr 12th, 2005, 06:59:34 PM
Milivikal nearly frowned, but pressed her lips together instead. Her free hand clenched shut, but she did nothing. This could be discussed later. There was no need for a scene. Aliandra was just a child, but she was very smart. She had pushed buttons and she knew it. Mili distracted herself. She slipped the free hand under the table and ran a finger down Dalethria’s thigh. k’Vik smiled softly.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 13th, 2005, 04:17:51 PM
As pleasant as it was having Mili so near, Dalethria was focused elsewhere. She knew her daughter too well. That slip wasn't an accident.

Aliandra saw the disappointed look on her mother's face and cringed. She dreaded that look and fumbled with the butterfly that was now in her hands.

Forgot what we talked about already, Alia?

The connection that mother and daughter shared was silent.

Well? Dalethria asked again.


We'll talk later. After Athena turns in. Understood?

... yes.

She returned to sipping at her wine, her mood soured, as Alia began to play with her aunt again.

Nayala Palain
Apr 16th, 2005, 07:32:47 PM
Naya smiled she knew Ali well, and watched the butterfly move about the air. She lifted the ice gem into the air own her own accord.

She smiled at her niece and stood.

" Come child... I will show you how to make your own ice creatures that is if mother does not mind. "

Athena looked at Dale, then Vega, she smiled at both. Last her eyes moved over to Mili.

" May I take her out into the courtyard Dale?"

Jade Doment
Apr 16th, 2005, 08:39:51 PM
(Im making another post to make up for my last one, whichI imagine was stupid. Thatis, if no one minds...)

A loud crash is heard, followed by the Daemun curses of the Sith Knight. She was making her way across the hallway, and stopped in the kitchen. Her commlinks were buzzing annoyingly, and she activated the MindDrive implant in her brain, and all 4 of her commlinks sizzled and exploded. Nothing else was damaged, just the commlinks, as the MindDrive Implant only worked on Daemun machinery.

"Frelling Daemun machines! There outta be a law against them!"

She wrenches open the freezer door and stops short, noticing the 5 person group at the table not far from her left side, which was half in the freezer. The Sith Knight could feel the curious and confused looks of Aliandra, Dalethria, Milivikal, Athena, and Vega. She withdraw 2 bottles of chilled crimson liquid, her own creation called BloodWyne in each hand, and waved her hand with one bottle in it as she shut that freezer with her other bottle-filled hand.

"Didnt mean to interrupt your dinner. Just came to get a couple bottles of liquor and be on my way."

Jade turned and slowly made her way for the door, waiting for any replies as she retreated.

Aliandra Mal Pannis
Apr 17th, 2005, 07:49:43 PM
Alia had one eyebrowed raised, then giggled. "You're so weird Jadey!" :D

Hopping up, she gave her mom a pleading look. She had been bad and didn't know if mommy would let her out with her Aunt, but maybe she would since it would be away from Mili. "Can I go? Please?" :(

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 18th, 2005, 08:42:57 AM
Dalethria was tempted to say no but separating the two of them was preferable. "Yes. Go on and have fun with Athena."

And this doesn't change anything for later.

Alia responded quickly this time. I know! T'ank you Mommy! :D

She watched as her daughter led Athena out of the kitchen before staring into her half finished wine with a sigh. It was an awkward situation, one that Dalethria had made for herself. She knew Aliandra did not like Milivikal, but that didn't stop her from sleeping with the Siren, who was now rightfully upset about Alia's antics.

What a mess.

Jade Doment
Apr 20th, 2005, 04:26:04 PM
Jade twisted her mouth up in a mock laugh, then giggled and ruffledthe girls hair as she went running past with Athena.

"Nice girl. But something tells me she has her parents tempers."

Jadey whistled and went on her way.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 6th, 2005, 02:40:33 PM
She chewed on her inside cheek, watching Jade leave. Lost in her own thoughts, Dalethria stood up and departed on her own, letting Milivikal and Vega finish their meals.