View Full Version : For those in the Pacific Northwest...

Figrin D'an
Aug 18th, 2004, 09:51:20 PM
... watch out for those party bears if you go camping.


Aug 18th, 2004, 09:54:45 PM
I want a pet bear :cool

Mu Satach
Aug 18th, 2004, 10:48:01 PM

Aug 19th, 2004, 01:29:25 AM
At least he had good taste. Ranier Beer isn't half bad, and used to have the greatest television advertisments known to man.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 19th, 2004, 01:35:12 AM
LMAO. Busch beer is swill. That's hilarious.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 19th, 2004, 10:31:11 AM
yuk @ bush beer...

Razielle Shadana
Aug 19th, 2004, 11:39:41 AM
:lol thats great, I wonder what Smokey Mountain bears drink around these parts?


Slayn Cloak
Aug 19th, 2004, 01:56:06 PM
They prolly stick to good ol' johnny or jack.

Aug 19th, 2004, 02:11:28 PM
Smoky mountain bears drink George Dickell.

Only pretentious nonces drink Jack Daniels black label. No whiskey lover will subject themselves to it.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 19th, 2004, 02:35:50 PM
WTF is jack daniels black lable? I'll write that one off as a typo and assume you ment johnny walker black... I like JW black a lot actually. And what's georege dickell? Is it good?

Aug 19th, 2004, 05:05:51 PM
Jack Daniels black label = Old #7 = Generic Jack.

Its not really that great as far as whiskey goes. Its got its popularity because of hype, and because some people just don't know any better.

However, Jack Daniels has some very nice top shelf offerings. Gentleman Jack is an extremely smooth whiskey, as is Jack Single Barrel. They also have some specialty limited run casks, which are a bit different, but enjoyable.

As for George Dickell, its one of the best "blue collar" whiskies I've ever had. Its very similar to Jim Beam.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 20th, 2004, 01:44:04 AM
Jim bean has always been a dear friend to my wallet, so I'll try your george dickell. I hope we get along. Gentlemen jack isn't much more exsive then #7 but that single barrle stuff can be 50.00 for just a liter. I've only bought that once. JW black lable is usually in the 28 - 36 $ range and taste just as good as gentle jack.

Aug 20th, 2004, 08:26:07 AM
Not at all. Gentleman Jack is far far far smoother than #7. Regular Jack has this nasty spice funk to it that throws everything off. Gentleman is smoother than Crown Royal, which takes some doing.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 20th, 2004, 02:07:15 PM
Agreed, I meant that I don't taste much of a differance from Johhny black to gentle jack. I hate crown royal... Are you a vodka man? It's much more virsitle I think. I don't enjoy drinking it " neat " as I do whiskey, but how do you feel about stolichnaya?

Aug 20th, 2004, 02:09:36 PM
I'm not big on Vodka. There are only a few brands that I'll drink in a shot, or on the rocks.

Stolichnaya's one of them. So are Grey Goose and Belvedere. Stoli's about the most "even" tasting vodka I've had. No aftertaste or noticable flavor standing out at all. Grey Goose smacks of citrus, and Belvedere almost of butterscotch.

Outside of that, its hard to find good vodka. Most is swill.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 20th, 2004, 02:30:08 PM
Yeah, I have a friend that drinks "sky" cuase he thinks it's kool; Poor deluded fello also thinks it taste good. Stuff like rubbing alcohol... yuk. Smirnoff is also pretty nasty. I like my vodka to go down like whater, but burn like gassoline or something lol. I only drink stolichnaya, whiskey there's a few. I guess that's the difference whiskey has a taste, and you can like more brands based on the flavor. Vodkas like... yes or no. How do you feel about rum?

Aug 20th, 2004, 02:39:18 PM
As a rule, I don't drink Bacardi stuff straight. White, dark, or 151, its best left to mixed drinks.

Captain Morgan makes good stuff. Their regular dark rum is fine, Parrot Bay even better, and Private Stock is fantastic.

The flavored rums are also good, but really not intended for drinking by themselves. I enjoy equal parts of Malibu Rum and Cruzan Pineapple Rum in diet coke with lime.

But if you want the good stuff (and hard to find incidentally), go for Pussers - the official rum of the British Navy :)