View Full Version : All should try these games!

Iona Ula
Aug 13th, 2004, 06:27:36 PM
But only if you can get yer hands on a GCN.

Tales of Symphonia- An RPG, very good for being on a Nintendo system, that isn't the SNES. My sister says the voice acting is as bad as Yuna in FFX, but I think she's gone slightly deaf. ANYWAYS, this has been my RPing fix due to my lack of internet, and I'm enjoying it. It has a cooking/recipe guy (The Wonder Chef) who tells you how to make HP/TP (Otherwise known as HP/MP) restoring foods. You can choose what skills/spells you characters can learn by equipping certian EX Skills, which can consist of EXP increased at the end of a battle to immunity to status effects. I've only beaten it once, and I'm trying to get everything thing I can, and will beat again, and then start over!

Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life- Own a farm, marry a woman and have kid. That's a simple way of summing up HM:AWL, but it doesn't cover the entire scope of things you can do. You can crossbreed cows (and 'milk' the males ones :lol!) raise sheep, chickens and ducks. Make hybrid crops, and grow fruit bearing trees. The best thing about this, is unlike other HM games, it last for your Farmer's whole life, about 60 years of simulated farm-livin'!

That's all. :p