View Full Version : Alien Versus Predator

Zasz Grimm
Aug 13th, 2004, 12:41:06 AM
A pre-emptive post. I know it's going to rock, I'm seeing it two times in a row tomorrow. I really can't wait. I'm extremely excited for this flick.

Lance Henrisken is gonna rock.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 13th, 2004, 01:22:32 AM
Somehow, I very much doubt it's going to rock. It instead sounds like yet another bad idea that is going do well in the first week and bomb out, never to be heard of again. Ever since hearing of this, it's just simply struck me as a wholly unorignal attempt to eck out any last good will out of two francises.

I mean really, PG-13? Lame.

Aug 13th, 2004, 03:45:29 AM
There are no space marines! This movie is made of butt and poo.

Jared Mriad
Aug 13th, 2004, 04:23:45 AM
Originally posted by Charley
There are no space marines! This movie is made of butt and poo.

Set on present day earth, a satellite detects a thermal event in Antarctica which triggers a hastily assembled scientific expedition financed by the Weyland Corporation.


And by the way, just because it's rated at PG-13 doesn't mean it's 'lame' or 'gonna suck'. If I'm not mistaken; Lord of the Rings is rated PG-13, and it wasn't 'lame' or 'sucky'. Seriously, get out of the 'OMGGOREANDDEATHNAHAHAA' and 'Omgpg-13wtf' mentalites that are crawling all over IMDB.

Aug 13th, 2004, 04:49:29 AM
I'm sorry, what does set on present day earth have to do with anything?

Predator still had some awesome special forces. Have you seen the gaggle of weiners in this movie?

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 13th, 2004, 04:55:23 AM
The originals are rated R and that was half their awesomeness. There was simply things you can say and do that simply you cant do in PG 13. Imagine aliens toned down. How much lacking would it be targeted at PG-13, instead of R? I think a lot.

So, I shall remain in OMGPG-13WTF, because I know full well the original R rating is one of the reasons both Aliens and Predator worked. LOTR I might add was M15 rated in Australaia, which was appropriate. Why you dont have aything between PG13 and R is beyond me. Beyond quite a few people I suspect.

Aug 13th, 2004, 06:49:57 AM
I really do want to see this, but I am skeptical. I care nothing for the people in this movie, I just want to see the Predators and Aliens tear each other apart, and I assume that most people will be there for the same reason.

If it does well this week and then flames out, I think that will be mostly because this is a movie made almost exclusively for fans of theses movies and most will see it during opening week.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 13th, 2004, 07:19:58 AM
Let me say this - want a sign a movie sucks? No advance reviews. Nothing unto release. No chance for negative word to turn it stillborn.

AvP, quite unusually had no meter reading on RT.com. This is a bad, bad sign, the only other movies that have this normally are murdered by critics. Now that reviews are coming out.... it's being murdered by critics. And fans too, if I read the reviews on other forums right.

Oh, I'm sure there'll be comments how critcis suck - but when there's a full blwon rush to create new ways to pan a movie, you know something's wrong.

I would rather had seen a proper Aliens style movie and a proper Predator style one. Not this.

Aug 13th, 2004, 07:48:39 AM
Of course. Compared to a Saving Private Ryan or RotK or American Beauty, this is going to suck, and probably rightfully so. But this is such a fan-boy premise to begin with, everyone on the planet knows that. This movie never had a chance to get a good review, especially when the principals of the movie are aliens that don't speak english and like Charley said, the humans are all wieners.

Ryan Pode
Aug 13th, 2004, 08:27:41 AM
Considering there will be more Predator on Alien and vice-versa violence and gore, that could be a big reason for the PG-13. MPAA ratings get higher based on how real the gore is and how it could affect younger audience members, and I hope everyone 13 and up understand that neither Predators nor Aliens exist.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 13th, 2004, 10:03:37 AM
Yeah thats true real violence is different than Predators and Aliens cutting each other up. Actually this movie won't bomb since it didn't cost much to make it probably will make over 80 in the US and 150-200 WW which would make it a hit considering its budget, which is well under 100 million. As for the film well my only concern is Paul Anderson as the director. The man just can't direct. If it wasn't for him I would go see the movie this weekend.

Jarek T'chort
Aug 13th, 2004, 11:39:42 AM
Everything I have seen and heard of this movie has left me cold. The storyline, the clips, the costumes, the director. I won't mindlessly bash before I've seen it, but I have the feeling I will hate this movie.

As an aside - if this movie does well, I doubt we will get an A5 or P3. Fox will see that AVP is the future of both franchises. If it does badly, again, no A5 or P3, at least for some time yet. The saddest thing is if it is true Jim Cameron and Ridley Scott were going to respectively write and direct A5, as long as AVP was not made. Now it has been and I sincerly hope my favourite movie franchise (the Alien series, not counting A4) has not been crippled by Paul WS Anderson and Fox.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 13th, 2004, 12:09:47 PM
I'm going to see AvP today after work with my husband. I don't have high hopes, except that I'm probably going to jump out of my skin a hundred times. :cry

But that doesn't mean much. You can walk up behind me and say "boo" and I jump.

Mu Satach
Aug 13th, 2004, 04:05:23 PM
Originally posted by Jarek T'chort
Everything I have seen and heard of this movie has left me cold. The storyline, the clips, the costumes, the director. I won't mindlessly bash before I've seen it, but I have the feeling I will hate this movie.

Well said and ditto.

Ryan Pode
Aug 13th, 2004, 04:48:40 PM
I saw it. It was a good actiony film. A decent film overall. It should not have been rated PG-13, it was definately R in nature, for the record.

Aug 13th, 2004, 05:50:48 PM
The saddest thing is if it is true Jim Cameron and Ridley Scott were going to respectively write and direct A5, as long as AVP was not made. Now it has been and I sincerly hope my favourite movie franchise (the Alien series, not counting A4) has not been crippled by Paul WS Anderson and Fox.

I honestly hope that rumor is untrue, I would have to kill Anderson. The best of the Alien movies were directed by Scott and Cameron, I would love to see them work together on an Aliens movie.

As for AvP, I just got outta the theater, and I thought it was a good movie, Anderson seemed to have done a little bit more research on this film. Although it was not as good as Alien, Aliens or the first Predator I still thought it was well done, though I also liked Resident Evil, Soldier and Event Horizon ( I know I'm going to get bashed for saying that, lol. ) The only thing I missed as Charley mentioned before was the cigar smoken, gun toting bad <smallfont color=#FF0000>-Censored-</smallfont>.

The only thing I found strange was the Alien/Predator hybrid that came out of the dead predator on the ship at the very end of the movie. I still don't understand that.

Zasz Grimm
Aug 13th, 2004, 06:38:06 PM
I didn't find it strange at all; followed the games quite well, IMO. But went a round about way of doing it.

I rather enjoyed it, and thought it was a very good flick. The predator who survived till the very end was awesome. I loved the hand gesture about the bomb, and him helping her with the makeshift weapon and shield.

I saw it twice in a row, I'm very pleased. And I doubt if Cameron and Scott we're in talks, would they call it off. They know good and well we need an A5 to rectify A3 and A4.

And I heard that they were still planning on doing it.

Aug 13th, 2004, 06:51:38 PM
I was just glad the Aliens won. :D lol. I never played any of the AvP games, so my question is then how was that Alien/Predator hybrid created? That Predator was never infected by the face huggers, unless I missed something. How could have the queen Alien impregnated the predator just by impaling him?

Zasz Grimm
Aug 13th, 2004, 07:06:48 PM
A face hugger did get on the predator; you remember before the story about what happened in the past, after he marked himself? There was the second face hugger that was about to hit him as he was standing; we just never saw what happened. And in the games, a mad scientist blah blah blah, took a predator, infected it, enhanced it, etc. You know that story.

Aug 13th, 2004, 07:12:35 PM
Ohhhhh thats right, I forgot. Don't I feel like a jackass, lol.

How are they going to explain it in the movie though? When a human is infected the Alien that emerges isn't part human. Why would it be any different for a Predator?

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 13th, 2004, 09:35:17 PM
I saw it. I liked it. I'm still a little jumpy. :eek

Razielle Shadana
Aug 14th, 2004, 02:10:07 PM
I saw it, I loved it. I dun care what anyone says I thought it rocked. :) My only wish was for more Tommy Flannagan. He is such a good actor and he always gets cast in a secondary role -_-.

As for this:

Originally posted by Lucian Belial
I was just glad the Aliens won. :D lol. I never played any of the AvP games, so my question is then how was that Alien/Predator hybrid created? That Predator was never infected by the face huggers, unless I missed something. How could have the queen Alien impregnated the predator just by impaling him?

My theory that has nothing to do with the games is: The Aliens didn't win. I think the Predators knew what he had inside him and thats why they retrieved his body. They were way too smart to miss that - especially with the enhanced visors they would have seen that thing inside him - like he saw the one inside the Italian dude.

I think they harvested the Predator/Alien hybrid to use for future hunts, since the Queen was destroyed. They would need a new source to keep their right of passage/ hunt thing ongoing.

Just my thoughts. ;)

The Predator's are dead sexy till they take off their helmets though...:smokin >_< :lol

Drake Shadowstalker
Aug 14th, 2004, 04:26:37 PM
I saw it today and thought it was very cool.

Aug 14th, 2004, 04:55:01 PM
I agree, it was a good way to kill a couple hours.

Aug 14th, 2004, 05:03:16 PM
I saw it, I loved it. I dun care what anyone says I thought it rocked. My only wish was for more Tommy Flannagan. He is such a good actor and he always gets cast in a secondary role -_-.

I agree 100% on both accounts. Was an awesome movie, besides I've never been one to listen to critics, I refuse to let the opinions of others ruin a movie for me.

My theory that has nothing to do with the games is: The Aliens didn't win.

I'm not saying the Aliens won completely, nether side was going to win 100%, we knew that from the beginning, there are still hundreds if not thousands of both Aliens and Predators. What I am saying though is that the Aliens won this little bout, I mean one drone Alien killed two Predators, and when he killed the second one he was badly injured. If it wasn't for that chick, the last Predator would have never made it out of the temple alive, let alone to the surface. She saved him twice ( Not a very good hunter, to have the 'human slaves' save your life, bet you he wasn't going to tell his friends about that, lol. ) once when they were in the temple; the Alien had got the Predator on the ground and was about to finish him off when the chick stabbed the Alien, drawing him off the Predator to attack her. And second when they were on the surface.

Thought it was kinda lame how they killed the queen.

I think the Predators knew what he had inside him and thats why they retrieved his body. They were way too smart to miss that - especially with the enhanced visors they would have seen that thing inside him - like he saw the one inside the Italian dude.

Maybe they didn't scan his body when they took his corpse onto the ship, I mean when they scanned Weyland and the italian guy they had to switch through several different settings before they could see anything, their primary vision is just heat sensing. Also, if they knew the corpse had an alien/predator hybrid in it why did they leave it alone? I think Andersons making it to be a surprise to the predators, perhaps if they make a second movie thats what it will be about, the new hybrid hunting the Predators. I dunno though.

The Predator's are dead sexy

Bah, their a bunch of sissies. Now an Alien ... thats sexy.

Nathanial K'cansce
Aug 14th, 2004, 09:49:09 PM
I think the Predators knew what he had inside him and thats why they retrieved his body.

I think it's tradition that the Predators bring their fallen back with them. In the second Predator movie, they all took that one that died into the ship. I'm going to have to agree with whoever said it's meant to be a surprise to the others - they had no idea that he had anything inside him.

And yea, I just got back form seeing it. Definately liked it. Not great, but good.

Peter McCoy
Aug 15th, 2004, 07:20:03 AM
I haven't seen it yet still, doesn't get released in the Uk until October. One thing though, in response to what somebody said about Aliens not looking/being part human.

In ALL the Alien movies, the creatures that emerge take on aspects of their hosts. The one in ALIEN and the ones in ALIENS, and the ones in ALIEN RESURRECTION all take on human physical characteristics/wehatever you want to call it. But each movie has a variation which can be explained.

The reason for the creatures in ALIENS looking different to the one in ALIEN is that we see the original alien at the beginning of its life, whereas its been some time since the creatures in ALIENS were created when we actually see them when the marines go to LV4-26. Their heads are different - ridges etc, suggesting the cranium has had time to develop, unlike the creature in ALIEN, which had a smoother cranium because it was less than 24 hours old.

In ALIEN 3, it came from a dog/ox (depending on the version you've seen), hence the walking on all fours. In Alien Resurrection, they look different again, their hands and legs are different, as is their head, plus they are browner than before. This might be due to the fact that they came from a queen obtained through a cloned host, and so human and alien DNA has been fused more so than through a simple host impregnation. As for the Alien-Human hybrid - wrong name. As I said, the ones in Alien and Aliens came from humans - they're alien-human hybrids. This thing is just more human (yeah right! Have you SEEN that ugly git!?) because the queen had something very similar to a human reproductive system instead of an egg sac.

Of course, the technical explanation was that each director wanted a different look to their monsters. But in-film, they're the explanations.

So as a result of that little essay you can deduce that I'm a pretty sad bugger! :p What can I say, I love the aliens and love reading up on them. Just wanted to clear that up since its always bugged me how people say they don't take on their hosts characteristics. I have to say I can't wait to see this film!

Razielle Shadana
Aug 15th, 2004, 07:58:02 AM
Originally posted by Lucian Belial
Bah, their a bunch of sissies. Now an Alien ... thats sexy.

No way. Snarling drool monsters have nothing on the Predators. ;)

Especially at the end where he flipped out of nowhere and skewered the Queen threw.. -pants- :D

Aug 16th, 2004, 04:42:06 PM
Originally posted by Razielle Shadana
I saw it, I loved it. I dun care what anyone says I thought it rocked. :) My only wish was for more Tommy Flannagan. He is such a good actor and he always gets cast in a secondary role -_-.

As for this:

My theory that has nothing to do with the games is: The Aliens didn't win. I think the Predators knew what he had inside him and thats why they retrieved his body. They were way too smart to miss that - especially with the enhanced visors they would have seen that thing inside him - like he saw the one inside the Italian dude.

I think they harvested the Predator/Alien hybrid to use for future hunts, since the Queen was destroyed. They would need a new source to keep their right of passage/ hunt thing ongoing.

Just my thoughts. ;)

The Predator's are dead sexy till they take off their helmets though...:smokin >_< :lol

You took the words right out of my mouth! :lol

I actually enjoyed this movie. Saw it last night and loved every minute of it. Good action. Yes, maybe a bit cheesy at times, but it's GOOD cheese.

This kinda reminded me of the first game, and then with the last scene with the pred-alien coming out of the dead predator, I'm wonder if that's an indication for a sequal to kinda go with the second game.

Well, dangit, now I'm in the mood to play the games. :D

(As an aside note, while I think the Predator's are quite the lookers (with their helmets on at least), I really really like playing the Aliens in the game. There's just something about scurying around, climbing on walls and ceilings, jumping great distances, and surprising your prey that just does it for me.)

Peter - Thanks for the explaination. That'll explain some of the different types of Aliens in AvP2 game. I mean, they don't explain it in the game, but i hadn't thought of looking for the explainations in the movies. You have cleared up sopme questions for me. :)

Yurza Magus
Aug 16th, 2004, 05:41:08 PM
Originally posted by Razielle Shadana
Especially at the end where he flipped out of nowhere and skewered the Queen threw.. -pants- :D

Best part of the movie right there.

Jinn Fizz
Aug 19th, 2004, 07:00:33 AM
I saw it over the weekend, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. I wasn't expecting Great Cinema, I was expecting a fun popcorn escapist flick. And that's exactly what I got. A solid 7/10 for me.

The only thing that I thought looked really goofy was the moment when the Predator and the woman were running in slo-mo to escape the Predator's bomb and then jumped on the little sled thingy and then shot up the tunnel. That was silly-looking.

But overall, lots of fun!

Aug 19th, 2004, 01:33:45 PM
Excellent summer action flick.

I liked how they used slo-mo with the face-grabbers and how the last Pred just bisected it. Pretty cool seeing everybody in the same room, though :D. I also remember seeing Bishop do the inbetween-the-fingers-stabbing near the beginning. When the Pred looked at him, he didn't have a heart did he? I don't remember if he did or not.

Aug 19th, 2004, 04:44:28 PM
Know who didn't like it? The director.

Bloody-Disgusting has a report from a recent screening of Alien vs. Predator which included a Q&A with the film's writer and producer Paul W.S. Anderson, with some hasty explanations about last week's release. "About the studio's cutting of the film, which he had no control over, he said, and I quote, 'All of the best scenes were cut.' Anderson was obviously very annoyed at the way the film was released. However, this was not purely because of the PG-13 limitation, which incidentally, the studio enforced THREE WEEKS before the release date! It was always going to be R until then. Part of the reason for the cutting was that some of the effects were not ready by the time the release date came around. The effects team had very little time to do anything. As far as the content that was cut, apparently we see all those who die, die on screen, but he also said that there is a sub-plot that we will have to wait for on DVD. Yes there will be an R-rated Director's cut DVD although they don't know the release date yet."

Master Yoghurt
Aug 20th, 2004, 03:23:25 AM
Sounds like the DVD cut will be better

Aug 20th, 2004, 02:04:46 PM
I also enjoyed the film.

Being the Alien ignorant that I am, I thought the alien at the end was supposed to kill all the predators and that will be the alien infested ship that the Marines would find in the future, thus connectin AVP with Alien

Does that make any sense?

Razielle Shadana
Aug 20th, 2004, 02:59:56 PM
Originally posted by JediBoricua
Being the Alien ignorant that I am, I thought the alien at the end was supposed to kill all the predators and that will be the alien infested ship that the Marines would find in the future, thus connectin AVP with Alien

Does that make any sense?

....yus, it does. :( piffle.

Kieran Devaneaux
Aug 20th, 2004, 04:29:58 PM
I saw this last weekend, and I was impressed....the Predators were awesome as ever.

Boricua: Interesting idea. Only problem is, the ship found on LV (or is it LB?) 426 and the ship used by the Predators in AvP are two different designs.

Also, I've been hearing people say, "The Bishop androids were not based on the founder of the Weyland Corporation." If you're one of them, then no offense, but what are you smoking? Two big and rather obvious connections: One, Lance Henriksen plays both guys, and two, the guy's full name is Charles BISHOP Weyland. Hmm, coincidence?

All in all, a good movie.

Jared Mriad
Aug 20th, 2004, 04:47:30 PM
Originally posted by JediBoricua
I also enjoyed the film.

Being the Alien ignorant that I am, I thought the alien at the end was supposed to kill all the predators and that will be the alien infested ship that the Marines would find in the future, thus connectin AVP with Alien

Does that make any sense?

Different ship created by a different species. I think one of the books, or perhaps the games, explains it.

Jarek T'chort
Aug 21st, 2004, 09:57:15 AM
Originally posted by JediBoricua
I also enjoyed the film.

Being the Alien ignorant that I am, I thought the alien at the end was supposed to kill all the predators and that will be the alien infested ship that the Marines would find in the future, thus connectin AVP with Alien

Does that make any sense?

The ship discovered by the Nostromo in Alien is an ancient derelict spacecraft, it has nothing to do with the Predators. The huge fossilized alien growing out of the pilots chair that the crew discovers is refered to as a Space Jockey (http://enc.absoluteavp.com/pics/spacejockey.jpg). This larger alien was transporting the Aliens eggs in it's ships cargo hold. It is also thought that the Space Jockey's somehow bio-engineered the Alien species.

Ha I'm a nerd.

Aug 21st, 2004, 12:02:13 PM
Aren't we all?

So they actually classified that thing, it's not just some unnamed creature (or a Predator)? Hmm, news to me - and I've seen all four Alien movies!


Aug 28th, 2004, 03:31:33 PM
One part I was confused about: the presence of Charles Bishop Weyland in this movie. In Alien^3, a man purporting to be the human Weyland, whom the androids were fashioned after, meets with Ripley at the end of the movie - several hundred years after AvP. Also, Weyland died in this movie.

There's a couple of possible explanations: The Weyland in Alien^3 is either a descendant of the one in AvP, or actually an android who was lying. But either way, it's a confusing point.

Jared Mriad
Aug 28th, 2004, 03:45:52 PM

And from another site:


Bishop II, another model of the same series, was sent with a team of special forces to acquire Ellen Ripley after she had been impregnated by a xenomorph with an alien queen, but she committed suicide. Unlike the first model, which had white "blood" like most other androids in the Alien universe, Bishop II had red blood, possibly to be able to imitate humans better.

JUST in case someone hasn't seen A3.

Aug 29th, 2004, 09:31:42 AM
Finally saw this last night.....I liked it, though there were some parts I didn't quite like....

The humans.....way too much of the humans! The whole story took a little long to get into with the actual Aliens & Predators doing anything cool.

The Hunt.....why exactly did the Predators main weapon have to be retrieved from the Pyramid? Shouldn't they have come pre-pared? It seems as dangerous a prey as Aliens are the Humans messed things up severly for the Predators.

The Predators....man the first one died way too easy! I know....as this is their right of passage they are not seasoned warriors, they are probably very young and have no clue what they are doing but he hardly put up a fight. The 2nd one did a solid job but still went down. And the third, until he got his weapon back the Lady was up on him.

Also the Predators mouth.....that just didn't look right, I know its been a while since I"ve seen the first one but the mouth was totally different if I recall and it just stood out and looked wierd.

Also IMO the hybrid on the ship at the end won't stand much of a chance, its a single Drone in a ship full of Predators.

Aug 29th, 2004, 11:28:54 AM
The Hunt.....why exactly did the Predators main weapon have to be retrieved from the Pyramid? Shouldn't they have come pre-pared?It wouldn't have been much of a challenge for them to use their shoulder cannons exclusively. Just look at how easily that one Predator blasted three aliens once he got his.

Also, for people wondering about the Predalien at the end of the movie: This is pretty much AvP cannon. Aliens tend to take on some of the characteristics of their hosts after they're implanted. I know Predaliens have been in the AvP games, probably in the comics, too.

I agree that way too much time was spent on the humans and not enough on the titular fighting. I still kind of enjoyed it, but it was mostly forgettable for me. Not as good as Freddy vs. Jason, and probably my least favorite of Paul Anderson's movies.

Jarek T'chort
Aug 29th, 2004, 02:15:04 PM
Originally posted by Shawn
One part I was confused about: the presence of Charles Bishop Weyland in this movie. In Alien^3, a man purporting to be the human Weyland, whom the androids were fashioned after, meets with Ripley at the end of the movie - several hundred years after AvP. Also, Weyland died in this movie.

There's a couple of possible explanations: The Weyland in Alien^3 is either a descendant of the one in AvP, or actually an android who was lying. But either way, it's a confusing point.

I don't agree with the android thing. The novelization states that Michael Bishop in A3 was human, since Weyland Industries only dabbled in robotics, but was otherwise a communication and scientific research company.