View Full Version : The Snat (Natia)

Random Person
Aug 11th, 2004, 03:19:26 PM
---- One and a Half Years after Leten fell into the Abyss
---- Floor 25, Coruscant's Lower Levels
---- Outside the Street Rat Village of Trash Haven

"Alright you little punk! Hand over pack if you want to live to the next morning!" Says a rather large man, to a young street rat. "Everybody has to pay their share in salvage, or we stop protecting your little hide out from thouse Ghouls and slugs!"

The street boy hands over his pack as the larger man picks him up by the neck. The large man tosses the boy into a pile of junk as he starts to take anything of value from the pack. The boy looks up at him and says...

"You people make me sick! I hope that The Snat finds out what you and your men are doing and shut you down! And then he will make sure we are protected by nice people!"

The big man Laughs... "That Snat person is nothing more than a story told by that old witch to give you some hope! There is nobody that will ever care about the Street vermin like you and your pithy village!" He tosses the boy back his empty pack and starts to walk away. "Next Time Get some good junk!"

The young boy calls after the man.. "He is Real! My Brother has seen him! He will rid this place of all your kind!"

The man just laughs as he walks away with the boy's salvage.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 12th, 2004, 08:37:42 AM
*Natia watched silently as the exchange between the two ppl happened. Then as the large man walks past, she spins around, gripping her walking stick and smacks the guy upside the back of his head, knocking him to the floor unconcious.

She then grips her walking stick as a walking stick again and limps a bit closer to the guy which she then kneels down beside to tie up*

You're under arrest pal.

*Natia whispers softly to the unconcious man as she ties his hands behind his back with a piece of rope before standing up*

Come take what this guy took from you boy. He won't cause you trouble no more.

*Natia turns to face the boy. She's dressed in a dark blue dress which is dirty and ripped. Her black leather boots are hidden under her dress except for the toes which are heavily scuffed. The light gray cloak that she has on is also dirty and ripped. The hood is pulled up. Her hair is tied back, but the white lock is going down both sides of her face.

Tucked at her back is her lightsaber, kept out of sight, but within easy reach for her. In her right hand, she's gripping her walking stick as if she needs it for support*

Random Person
Aug 12th, 2004, 09:47:34 AM
The young boy watches as the crippled girl takes the man down. When she tells him that he can take his things back, he goes over to the man, keeping an Eye on Natia, He gathers his things, and goes to hurry off. But he stops only a few steps away from Natia.

"Your no cripple, miss. And you don't live down here. I thank you for your help, but you likely gave me more trouble than I need. I have to go pack my things and Hide now, 'cause when they find out what happend here, The will take me away and kill me, or worst, Sell me."

The boy goes to start to head off again.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 13th, 2004, 11:04:30 AM
Wait. You're right about a couple of things, but they will not cause you harm. I'm in need of a bit of help though. I'm trying to find a very close friend of mine which disappeared awhile ago and I am unfamiliar with the area down here since I wasn't born here, nor have I lived down here. I've come across a bit of trouble while I've been down here searching, hence my appearance. I was wondering if I could hire you to be my guide down here. I will pay you what you want within reason.

Even if you are not willing to be my guide, then I'd like to ask you some questions.

Random Person
Aug 13th, 2004, 11:24:33 AM
The boy stops and turns to face Natia. He thinks for a moment, then says.

"I guess since you helped me, I can help you. I'll show you what I can, but I am warning you, There are some places that only Idiot, or People with death wishes go, And I'm nether of those. If you can keep me safe, I'll be your guide within reason. Does that sound fair?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 14th, 2004, 08:44:46 AM
That sounds fair to me, and I would never expect you to take me to places where you don't feel comfortable.

*Natia walks up to the boy, only a minor limp in her step*

But I want to clear up a slight misunderstanding first. I may not be a complete cripple, but I am still a cripple. I just have ways to get around it.

Random Person
Aug 14th, 2004, 08:12:00 PM
The boy looks her over, and shrugs.

"Okay, whatever, But can we get out of here, since I don't want to be here when his buddies show up." He says gesturing to the man that took gis things.

"So where do you want to go?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 15th, 2004, 11:18:42 AM
Into the town. That's where I was headed. I'm trying to find a rather close friend of mine which fell down the Abyss a year and a half ago. He means alot to me, and I know that if anyone could survive it, then survive down here, it would be him.

*Natia then turns and starts walking towards the town, a limp in her step. She's been working herself to hard lately, and it's definately showing*

Random Person
Aug 15th, 2004, 11:38:37 AM
The boy shrugs...

"Okay, But I can't stay in this village for long. It would be the first place they would look for me." The boy says as he goes into the town.

"As for the Thing with people fall down the abyss. I remember hearing about that. But the Salvage team that went to look at the bodies said there were no people living down there. Though there were a bunch of Ghouls down in that area, so I wouldn't expect any living people to stick around. But I don't see how anybody could have lived the fall. Unless another team got there faster than our team and took him out of there, Even if he did live He would have been gotten by the Ghouls, But I doubt that another team got there first, because we got a ton of great salvage from them, and I doubt that any other team would have left it there."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 16th, 2004, 09:49:39 AM
Could you describe the ppl, and the items you salvaged?? Anything you can tell me about it would be greatly appreciated.

Random Person
Aug 16th, 2004, 11:05:42 AM
The boy shakes his Head

"No, I'm not the person to ask about that. I was not on the salvage team. Though my brother was. He was one of the first to make it to the site. He just lives around the corner over here. He could answer your questions better."

The boy hurries off to what look like a porely constructed shed. He opens the door and heads in, pulling Natia with him. Inside is an older man, about in his late twentys, who looks up at the two of them enter.

"Hey little bro! Whos the Girl? Did you finaly find somebody?" Says the older boy.

"No, I'm helping her out. She helped me with one of the protection collectors, and Now I'm helping her find a Friend She lost. She wants to ask some questions about the salvage run to the bottom of the abyss, about one and a half years ago, The one where all those people fell."

The older boy looks Natia over and says...

"Sure I'll answer her questions... For a price of course. Let's say 500 Credits."

He knows that 500 is a rather high price to ask, and he is not expecting her to give him what he thinks of as a small fortune just to answer some questions.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 17th, 2004, 11:46:01 AM
Done. I'll give half up front, and the other half after you've answered my questions. If I'm satisfied with the answers, I'll give even more.

*Natia pauses for a moment to let the surprise wear off*

Can you describe the ppl who fell, and the stuff you salvaged from them??

Random Person
Aug 17th, 2004, 12:20:19 PM
The older boy is shocked that Natia would pay that much just for him to answers some question...

"Oh... Okay... Ya... The people." He says snaping himself back to the questions at hand. "Most of them looked like the average street thug. There were so many of them I doubt I could discribe them all. As for the things we found, Most of it was clothing, Blasters, Knives, pipes, some money. I also found a Backpack hanging on a beam a few floors up. it had some nice stuff in it. Like a bunch of Ration bars, a small spool of gold chain, and a nice clean change of clothing that fit my little bro."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 18th, 2004, 09:11:14 AM
*Natia nods her head slightly*

Did you find a rock on a gold chain around one of the ppl necks?? Or a cylindar about this long

*shows with hands the measurements*

and about this big around

*again, shows with hands*

Random Person
Aug 18th, 2004, 08:01:19 PM
The older boy thinks for a moment.

"Nope, I didn't find anything like that. and nobody was showing off stuff like that. Though there whas some drag marks on the ground as if a body was draged off, likely by one of the ghouls. I didn't notice the marks untill I was looking down at the bodies from where the backpack was. The marks were right underneath the pack."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 19th, 2004, 09:38:23 AM
But it could have been possible for the person to be dragged off by another person. It wasn't necessarily the ghouls which dragged the person off.

*Natia takes a deep breath before speaking again*

Do you have the spool of gold chain or the backpack still??

Random Person
Aug 21st, 2004, 05:39:27 PM
"Well Yes I guess it is possible... But unlikely, because of the fact that the bodies were not striped of the stuff. That sort of stuff is worth killing for down here, and even more so for the people that live futher down than us. As for the pack, I still got it. It's broken enough that I can't sell it, and I haven't found the stuff needed to repair it yet. The chain I have in my stash of stuff that I'll take to the upper floors so I can get a better deal on it than I can down here."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 23rd, 2004, 08:48:56 AM
How much do you want for the pack and the gold chain??

*Natia asks casually, her mind still telling her that Leten is alive*

Random Person
Aug 24th, 2004, 10:46:19 AM
The young man thinks for a moment.

"Well I could likely get 25 credits for the chain in the upper levels, and untill the pack is repaired it really isn't worth much..."

He looks up at Natia.

"So why do you want the pack and chain? Exactly how much are they worth to you?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 27th, 2004, 09:44:55 AM
I want them because they belonged to a friend of mine which I believe to be still alive though I have no proof of it. I'll pay you fifty credits for both the chain and the pack.

*Natia keeps her face calm and composed as she keeps her gaze on the young man*

Random Person
Aug 29th, 2004, 11:50:56 AM
The boy smiles

"Okay, Sounds like a deal."

He goes off and fetches the broken pack, and the spool of gold chain. When he gets back he is about to hand the stuff to Natia, but pulls it back befor she can take it.

"How about I get the the money first. Since you didn't give me any money for the information yet, I would like that money too."

After He gets the money from Natia, he gives her the pack and chain.

"Thats all I really know about what happened down there. Do you have anymore questions?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 29th, 2004, 03:05:37 PM
*Natia pays the money without hesitation before she takes the things*

Tell me about the Snat. Your brother has said that you've seen him.

Random Person
Aug 29th, 2004, 04:56:24 PM
The young man's eyes twinkle as he hears the request to hear about the snat. It is obvouse that he looks up to the Snat, and that he thinks of the Snat as something more than just a person.

"Born amongst the garbage, filth, and wreckage of the Extream Lower Levels of this planet, A hero was formed. When all others grew weak and sick from the filth, He thrived! When all others fled from danger, He Ran for it's heart! He is a gift from the angels, sent down to us in order to protect us, and drive the evil from the darkness that harbors them.

He is called the snat because, just like them he, thrives on this realm's junk, filth, and darkness! Not only does he thrive, it seems to make hims stronger! From the bottom of the food chain, he has evolved into the hunter. A hunter that only the strongest of us would even think of hunting.

Some people hate him, others, like me, worship the ground he walks on, but most people don't even think that he exists. They think that he is just a legend that the Old Witch of the Outcasts has created in order to make us think we have some hope in our lives, but I know he is real. As you said, I've seen him, and if it wan not for that I wouldn't beleave the stories ether."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 1st, 2004, 08:12:11 AM
How would a person go about contacting him?? If not him, then the Old Witch who is telling ppl of the Snat.

Random Person
Sep 1st, 2004, 11:08:02 AM
"There is no was to contact the Snat, at least not that I know of. He shows up where there is trouble, and he deals with it. The old witch how ever you will find travlling from town to town down here. Her home in on the second floor, but I think she is only two floors down in the village of Ghoul's Bane spreading the word and glory of The Snat."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 7th, 2004, 10:46:34 AM
*Natia nods her head slightly at what she has been told*

Is there anything else you can tell me about the Snat or the old witch??

Random Person
Sep 8th, 2004, 10:50:31 AM
"Only that the snat has an unstopable glowing purple blade that he uses to smite evil people and ghouls."

At this point a lady pokes her head into the room and says to the younger boy. "Tommy, the gang is here, they are looking for you. You may wish to slip out the back way."

the young boy looks at the lady. "Thanks!"

He then faces Natia. "We need to leave. If you want I'll take you to the witch, but I need to leave now. If you have anything else to say to my brother, say it now. I'm leaving."

The boy lifts up a portion of the back wall of the room and slips out of Natia's sight.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 13th, 2004, 09:05:01 AM
*Natia looks at the the person who's been answering her questions as she fishes out another hundred credits and tosses it to him*

If you see the Snat again, tell him that I'm looking for him. Give a description.

*Natia then turns and slips out behind Tommy*

Random Person
Sep 13th, 2004, 10:35:33 AM
Tommy moves quickly for the first little bit away from the village, then he stops to let Natia catch up. He then makes his was to the village of Ghoul's Bane. The trek there only takes a few hours, and when they get there it's not hard for them to find the old witch.

When they enter the "gates" of the village Natia's Eye s caught by a woman that looks in her mid 40's, preaching to a small crowd of people.

"All evil will find judgment! For he will clean our street of all evil! He will protect us! He will guide us! He will teach us to live and thrive in the trash we call home! I only ask that when he calls for YOUR help, You will respond with the same kindness that he has shown to our people!"

Tommy walks to the back of the crowd, bringing Natia with him. He points to the woman. "That's her." He whispers.

If Natia checks the woman out with her powers she will find the woman is strong with the force.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 14th, 2004, 09:32:38 AM
*Natia, upon seeing the woman, does use the Force to check her over. She nods her head slightly at what she finds. She pulls the hood of her cloak up over her head, hiding her unique hair colouring. As the neared the village, she exagerated her limp again, just in case they come across any trouble*

Well, let us move up to the front in the hopes that once she's done, we'll be able to talk to her.

Random Person
Sep 14th, 2004, 09:52:28 AM
The boy nods, and the two of them make there way to the front. After the woman if finished she goes to start packing her things so she can move to the next village. She also says to natia without looking at her...

"Greetings Lady Jedi, I've been expecting you, And I can tell you now, you will not find him. You will not be taking my little snat away from me until he will go to you for help. He is growing and the people here need him. They need him more than you do. So you had better just leave and wait for him to come to you."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 15th, 2004, 10:20:39 AM
I'm sorry, but I'm not leaving until I have a chance to talk with him. As for him having stuff to do here, fine, he can do it if he wishes to. I won't force him to leave. I just want to talk to him, to assure myself that he's alright.

As for my need for him, it all depends on the perspective that you look at which will tell you who needs him more.

*Natia takes a deep breath before continuing to speak*

Listen, I just want to make sure that he's alright so I can rest easier, and so others who know him and care for him can rest easier. If it's his wish to stay and help down here, then that will be his choice and I can more or less garentee you that he will choose to stay down here and help his ppl but truthfully, not many ppl care about those that are down here. But he cares, and he'll do what he can to help them to the best of his ability.

Now please, help me find him so I can just talk to him, to reassure myself that he is safe.

Random Person
Sep 15th, 2004, 03:15:58 PM
The woman turns to face Natia.

"You will not find him. He will find you when the time is right. Untill then he will remain hidden from you. This is not my doing. This is how his fate has been desided to go. It will not be changed."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 18th, 2004, 12:11:00 PM
*Natia frowns slightly at what she hears*

His fate has decided. Bull. More like you have decided and are claiming that it's his fate. You've already stated that you will not allow me to take your snat away from you, so why should I believe that it's his fate that has decided instead of you.

I'm willing to let him do what he must down here, but I will talk with him to assure myself that he is safe. I don't care what you say to that so you can either help me find him and make things easier for you, or you can let me find him without your help and you'll lose your snat forever.

*Natia has a very serious look on her face, and is not bluffing in the slightest*

Random Person
Sep 22nd, 2004, 10:33:06 AM
"If you thing that he will stay down here after he sees you, then it is clear that you are not aware of how much he loves you. If you find him before he comes to you, you will be sentancing thousands of people, or more, to there deaths. His work must be finished before you can see him, otherwise you will take him from his work. The only reason he has not returned to you yet is because he has yet to find a good route back to the upper levels. Give him time. He will be returning to the diner."

The woman returns to her packing

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 25th, 2004, 09:32:55 AM
Look lady, I want to talk with Leten to make sure he's alright. And I will find him before he finds me. Now you can help me and then I'll help him down here. Or you can not help me, and I'll convince him to come back with me. The choice is yours to make. Do you want thousands to die?? Or do you want thousands to live?? Remember, their fates rest in your hands here.

Random Person
Sep 27th, 2004, 10:00:35 AM
The lady finishes her packing, then walks away saying...

"Without my help, you will not find him. So I have nothing to worry about."

Tommy looks at Natia.

"well that didn't go very well."