View Full Version : Bestine: Prelude to War (PM for Invite)

Alexi Hesith
Aug 6th, 2004, 11:12:24 AM
The Senate was quieter than it usually was. Normally the corridors that surrounded the Chamber and the office blocks that housed the staffs of the planetary and governmental delegates were a hive of activity as Senators negotiated with one another, lobbyists vied for their attention and reporters ran back and forth for interviews. Today, however, the corridors were quiet, the offices practically deserted and the reporters absent. It was the Long Recess.

The Long Recess came around once a year and served as a breathing space. It was a convention retained from the ancient parliaments that had once ruled so many of the member worlds of the New Republic that, for a period of a few weeks, Senators take a break. For most this was a chance to get away from Coruscant safe in the knowledge that everyone else was similarly occupied with beaches, families and constituents and not plotting to oust them. What had begun, forty years ago, as a purely political break had come to be a break for the whole of the New Republic when beings set off for warmer (or for some cooler) climes to enjoy themselves. It was a time when nothing happened. Or at least it usually was.

Out on the edges of New Republic space a crisis was developing, one that would shortly embroil the Galaxy’s pre-eminent democracy in a bloody conflict. Thus far only a handful of people were aware of it and they could do very little about it given the circumstances. The Senate was in recess, the Chief of State away on a tour of the Mid-Rim and her Deputy, the former Senator and High Councillor Borsk Fey’lya was difficult to reach. Most believed that it was because he was engaged in bribe taking but the astute few knew he was consolidating his power base in preparation for the forthcoming elections for Chief of State. Rumour had it that Organa-Solo, after holding office intermittently for twenty years would step down the following year leaving the race for the Executive Mansion wide open.

Whilst these machinations were under way a small group of senior officers of the New Republic Army and New Republic Navy met to discuss the situation on Bestine IV. What had begun only a few days ago as a minor border skirmish with the forces of the Imperial Sovereignty- largest of the Imperial factions- had escalated to a point where a new approach was required, one that would need the approval of the Senate. They talked in hushed voices, their hands moving over the maps laid out in front of them, their deliberations illuminated by a harsh overhead light that created patterns of blinding light and deep shadow that obscured the faces of some around the table. One of the men leaned forward to summarise the plan that had been drawn up…

Senator Thareena
Aug 26th, 2004, 02:30:17 PM
Thareena leaned back on her padded office chair, and tossed a stylus on the desk where it promptly rolled off the other side, missing the stack of flimsy she'd been aiming at. The senator of Chandrila sighed, and rubbed her forehead. Being one of the most junior members of the Senate drove her to spend long hours in her office, even when most of the other senators had long since traveled to their home planets for the Long Recess.

She was due to leave by private yacht in two days, but before then, there was work to be done. The draft of her speech to the Senate about the Corellian system was not done. Senator Hesith and she had spent an informative session with the newly elected ...something, of the main planet. Mayor, or President, or something. It was just a puppet position, she was sure, no matter what the Sith overlords instructed the girl to say. And girl she was, Rasha Vill was in her twenties at the most.

Of course, Fa'un Thareena was only 36, and there was a long history of statesmen and women who were barely in their teens. Thareena waved her hand in the air as though brushing that all away, and returned her attention to the flimsies she was transferring onto a datapad. Opening a drawer, she pulled out a new stylus, and set to work transposing.

There was also the bit of trouble brewing in Bestine. Senator Hesith of Gall had mentioned there might be a meeting called of the senators still in the Building, but she had not been contacted yet. Only two more days and home. Oh how she missed Chandrila's wide open spaces.

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 29th, 2004, 08:56:20 AM
"Then everyone is agreed?" a voice asked, echoing throughout the room.

Admiral Lion El' Jonson looked up from the planning table, leaning over it with both of his arms braced against the corners. Despite the fact that he was wearing full dress uniform (which he hated), with dozens of medals glinting on his chest over the black fabric, a smile was playing at the corners of his mouth. The thought of finally hitting back at the Sovereignity appealed to him. There was a murmur of assent from some of the most brilliant military minds in the New Republic.

"Let's go over this from the beginning, Admiral El' Jonson." garbled Admiral Ackbar, from his chair at the head of the planning table. Lion nodded, and instructed a droid to dim the lights. The room became dark, and a hologram projected up from the table.

"Alright." said Lion, straightening up. "Our initial objective will be to break the enemy blockade of Bestine IV, and land a sizable amount of troops and equipment on the planet. To that end, we will have to breach the Imperial Fleet in orbit."

The hologram rotated, displaying the planet Bestine IV. A number of red holographic starships flashed up on the screen; the most recent intelligence they had on the enemy force's composition.

"Line Captain Scott will arrive in system first. He is in command of Task Force Justice, one of our largest standing fleets in the area. His flagship is a Rejuvenator-class Star Destroyer, and he also maintains a number of large escorts." Lion paused for a second, while the projectors displayed a holographic respresentation of Redic Scott's vessels dropping out of hyperspace. "Task Force Justice will immediately engage the Sovereignity Blockade Force, drawing them away from the planet."

The hologram now showed the enemy blockade and Redic's force move closer and begin exchanging fire. "At first, Line Captain Scott's objective will only be to occupy the enemy force. After we have drawn the enemy fleet sufficiently far enough away from Bestine IV, the other pieces of our plan will fall into place."

A number of things happened on the holographic projector. From out of nowhere, a second fleet of New Republic Starships dropped out of hyperspace behind the enemy fleet, and moved to engage them.

"As you can see, we have a surprise in store for the Imps. Colonel Taichi Yamagi and elements of Taskforce Emancipator will be waiting on the outskirts of the system. Captain Scott will trigger a hypercomm frequency to signal Tai's fleet to enter the system. Assuming that we've got the hyperspace coordinates correct...and they are correct..." he added, looking at the concerned faces arrayed around the planning table, "...Colonel Yamagi and Line Captain Scott will be able to pin the Sovereignity Blockade between their salvos and keep them ducking long enough for us to execute the rest of this operation. Incidentally, Tai's fleet is nicknamed 'Crossfire Group'...I think we need some more originality from the planning department." he joked, eliciting laughs from the gathered seniority,

The holographic projector updated to show the Imperial Fleet caught in a crossfire. Several Imperial holographs extinguished as their 'shields' took the brunt of the New Republic's pincer movement.

"The final phase of the insertion operation should go off without a hitch, if we can draw the Imps away from Bestine. General Forlon, General Scorpion, and Captain Trippen will lead a large force of troop transports and cargo vessels into the area. They will approach the planet from the opposite side of where the Imperial blockade will be currently engaged, and deposit their troops as quickly as possible. Our current insertion point is along the shoreline of the continent New Republic forces still control; Division Charlie will be in charge of constructing a fortified forward base to stage our ground campaign from. We may be finished with the first production 'undersea prefab' base in time for the operation, and if so, General Scorpion will deploy this facility, as well as a number of Valor-class Battle Submarines from his Liquidator-class Cruisers. General Forlon's forces will be inserting Divisions Alpha and Bravo; General Scorpion will be inserting Division Charlie. Captain Trippen will provide fighter cover for the insertion op; the Sovereignity may have set up surface-to-orbit cannons, and it will be Captain Trippen's job to neutralize these. Captain Deveneaux and a small taskforce will keep our exit route clear of enemy vessels. I will be waiting with Taskforce Implacable at Ackbar Command Station on Mon Calamari, where my battlegroup will be reinforced before I head to the front lines...and then, the war will begin."

The hologram zoomed into Bestine, showing the projected strength of the New Republic Ground Forces.

"Division Bravo is composed of the 1st 'Crimson Knights' Cavalry Regiment and the 4th 'Blood Eagles' Air Mobile Regiment, under the command of General Forlon and his staff. The 32nd 'Republic Rancors' Armored Brigade is currently attached to Division Bravo, and will provide heavy fire support. The 28th 'Replenishers' Supply Unit is also attached to Division Bravo, and will be in charge of logistics."

Lion paused to take a sip of water, and then continued.

"Division Charlie is under the direct command of General Scorpion. Its primary strength is the 16th Republic Guard Regiment, which is composed of three battalions of New Republic Infantry: the 410th, 506th, and 510th. The 3rd Special Support Operations Regiment is composed of the 49th Infantry Support Battalion, the 83rd Armored Support Battalion, and the 405th Heavy Support Battalion. The 4th Special Operations Regiment is in charge of all sea operations, and will be one of our primary buffers. It is composed of the 7th Aquatic Operations Battalion and the 9th Aquatic Operations Battalion. The 122nd Republic Recon Battalion is also attached to the 4th SpecOps Regiment. Finally, the 2nd Republic Air Support Regiment will be deploying from General Scorpion's Liquidator Cruisers at first, and later from our forward base when it is constructed and fortified. The 2nd Republic Air Support Regiment is composed of the 3rd Air Support Squadron, the 8th Air Support Squadron, and the 4th Air Support Bomber Squadron."

The hologram continued to update as Lion named these forces, displaying an impressive number of troops, tanks, and ships against the holographic surface of Bestine IV.

"Division Alpha will be one of our primary assault assets in the region. It is commanded by Lieutenant General Revco and his staff, and is, in my opinion, our most tech-heavy division on the ground. It is composed of a number of prototype systems, including advanced mechanized support units. Its primary strength lies in the 3rd Republic Light Assault Brigade, the 5th Republic Light Assault Brigade, and the 12th Republic Mechanized Assault Brigade. Support is provided by a number of forces: the 2nd Heavy Armor Battalion, the 10th Heavy Armor Battalion, the 12th Reconaissance Armor Battalion, the 4th Anti-Aircraft Support Battalion, and the 102nd Artillery Support Battalion. Additional capabilities are provided by the 2nd Special Operations Battalion, which is composed of the 1st, 3rd, and 10th Special Operations Companies."

Lion paused after reciting all of this. He merely glanced at the hologram, which was now crowded with hundreds of force statistics.

"All told, in excess of 25,000 troops will be deploying to Bestine IV. This will be the New Republic's largest ground campaign since the war against Grand Admiral Thrawn. We will be fighting to take back what is rightfully ours. I hope you're rested, my friends...because this is only the first step on a very long journey."

Lion sat back down, and took another swig of water, unbuttoning his collar. Admiral Ackbar stood, mouth pulled apart in a Mon Calamari imitation of a smile.

"Excellent work, all of you. Thank you, Admiral El' Jonson. You are correct, this will be a hard-fought battle...but it is one where I will be proud to see the New Republic triumph over the Imperial Sovereignity. This battle plan is approved. May the Force be with us."

With that, a round of applause broke out in the planning room. Lion grinned, but a strange feeling filled his stomach...it looked like the Galactic Civil War had returned.

Alexi Hesith
Aug 31st, 2004, 02:46:26 PM
The next step that the High Command had to take was to seek Senate approval, as demanded by Article III Section 7 of the Constitution:

The Chief of State shall be commander-in-chief of all armed forces of the New Republic and shall direct them with the approval of the Senate.

The Senate delegated the approval, at least the initial stages, to the Defence Committee. The plan had to be submitted to the Committee for review before the Senate as a whole debbated it. With the Senate in reccess the ranking member of the Committee was Tercer Kensington of Clak'dor VII...

Senator Kensington
Sep 2nd, 2004, 09:54:58 PM
"The Committee will come to order. Please, take your seats so we may begin this morning's business."

Kensington was suprisingly calm considering what the Committee was about to talk about.

"Let it be known, that this Meeting of the Committee on Defence of the Senate of the New Republic has come to order; the purpose of the hearing being to come to a decision on the crisis in the Bestine system; Senator Kensington of Clak'Dor VII presiding pro tempore over the committee."

Tercer folded his hands and looked at the assembled.

"We all realize the circumstances of the attack and how, at the moment due to the Long Recess, our Senatorial resources are stretched. However, we do have a Constitution to deal with these problems, and at the moment we have the tools necessary to respond to the crisis and so we shall.

"We have with us, Admiral Lion El'Jonson of the New Republic Navy. He has, with the approval of his fellow soldiers, submitted a plan of action to respond to the Imperial Sovereignty's aggression concerning Bestine. In the interest of time, with the Clerk's approval, I shall merely display the force deployment and chronology table on each of the assembled's datapad rather than read every point off."

After a few moments, the lengthy report was uploaded to the datapads of all those present via a desk connection. Tercer, having already read it twice, merely glanced over it before speaking again.

"There will now be a question and answer period, followed by a vote to ratify or send back the plan. Upon ratification, we shall then move a vote to the Senate. We hope to shortly have enough Senators present to sustain a vote, and each of our respective staffmembers are working on that as we speak. If the plan is sent back, Admiral El'Jonson would return to speak with the military planners and return with another.

"However, I hope we can all agree here that time is of the essence. That being said, it is now time for us to understand the proposed plan. I shall begin with ten minutes' alloted time."

Tercer took off his glasses and glanced over the report once more before asking his first question.

"Admiral El'Jonson, first I wish to thank you for being here and creating this plan in the first place. Your military competence is in no way in doubt before this committee. I hope that you realize we merely seek to understand what will occur when we send our soldiers into battle, not question your leadership.

"Now then... the three divisions in the plan... Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie... what are their specific objectives? Are they to secure the cities and major metropolitan centers or will their main focus be on destroying the Sovereignty's troop concentrations?"

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 3rd, 2004, 10:18:50 AM
Admiral El' Jonson stepped forward. He was wearing a full dress uniform, resplendent with medals, and his back was uncomfortably straight. He paused before his podium and began speaking.

"I thank you, members of the Committee, for inviting me here. If we are to emerge victorious from this encounter, everybody must have an understanding of what we are embarking on." He straightened his cuffs and began speaking again.

"In regard to this plan, the three main divisions will be serving in a dual-role. As you know, the New Republic still maintains a hold on one of Bestine IV's smaller continents. Upon arrival in the area, Charley Division's primary objective will be to secure the coastline and begin construction of a military base, from which we will utilize as a command center. Following completion of this facility, Charley Division will transfer to the front lines. Alpha Division's primary objective will be to wrest control of the cities from Sovereignity control; they are the closest division we have to a Mechanized Infantry, and as such they will be the most effective in an urban setting."

Lion paused for a second to take a sip of water before continuing; he always got a bit nervous when addressing the Senate. "Bravo Division's primary objective will be to eliminate the Sovereignity's troop concentrations; to accomplish this objective Bravo is composed of a division of heavy infantry, as well as a full Armored Brigade. Charley Division will supplement Alpha and Bravo as needed."

Alexi Hesith
Sep 3rd, 2004, 12:36:01 PM
Senator Hesith sat in one of the plush seats in the gallery overlooking the semi-circular committee room. He had done his bit to bring in the necessary Senators to form a quorum and now he would observe the procceedings. He was not alone, a few other Senators sat around the gallery but, unusually, no repoerters. This was a closed session and so only Senators could enter the room.

He had not, as yet, formed an opinion on this matter. He was in two minds about it. One of them wanted to strike back at the Imperials for what they had done, the other was worried about consequences of such retaliation. He sat back an watched in silence as the committee continued its examination of the plan.

Senator Kensington
Sep 4th, 2004, 10:16:57 PM
"I see... very intricate plan." Tercer nodded and looked down at the datapad.

"Now, this next one is a three-fold question." He held up his fingers and counted as he asked each one. "First, is complete victory feasible with the forces that will be deployed? Now, by complete victory I mean the neutralization of all hostile forces and the complete liberation of the entire planet.

"Secondly, if complete victory is possible and even if it isn't, how long in your estimation will ground troops be deployed in combat operations?... perhaps I should clarify... how long will it take to re-take the planet?"

Kensington folded his hands again and said gravely,"And thirdly, what sort of casualty figures can we expect?"

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 5th, 2004, 04:32:16 AM
Lion took a deep breath before speaking.

"With the forces we will be deploying, complete victory may be possible, but it depends on a number of factors. Our most recent intelligence on Sovereignity troop deployment suggest that they have established large, permanent bases away from the cities, and that their only current force deployments are garrisons in the cities, and small companies defending the coastline. If our main divisions, especially Bravo and Charlie, can launch a lightning assault on one of the Sovereignity Bases, simulations have shown that we have a very good chance of destroying the facility and eliminating approximately 20% of the Sovereignity's military strength. If such a rout can be achieved quickly, and if General Revco's Alpha Division is successful in retaking one of the main cities, we have an excellent chance of forcing the Imperials into a full retreat. Assuming that the New Republic fleets in orbit do their job, we should have a free run at retaking much of the planet."

He sighed, and continued speaking. "However, it is more likely that we will be moving in a protracted campaign. Given our hold over the second continent, we have a stable position from which to launch attacks. If our fleet action can thin the Imperial Blockade, we will be able to move further reinforcements onto the planet. Admiral Ackbar and I have authorized the transfer of over 2 dozen divisions to the Naval Bases at Agripinaa and Belis Corona, which are our closest major naval facilities to Bestine IV. Assuming we can land several more divisions in rapid succession, sir, victory is possible within two months." He paused for a second to consult his datapad. "As for casualty figures, sir...we don't know. Assuming that everything goes according to plan, we've seen numbers ranging from 15%-35%. If Alpha Division is unsuccessful in quickly retaking one of the major cities, and is forced to move into prolonged urban combat, or Bravo or Charley are forced into a flat-out 'Lines of Battle' slugging match with Imperial Divisions, that casualty figure rises sharply. In space, we've seen heavy damage all around, but no losses of major assets and less than 5% casualties."

Lion looked up from his datapad. "Frankly, sir, there are too many variables, too many unknowns, to give an accurate picture of what's going to happen. We'll be going in heavily outnumbered, but this is our only chance to land forces before the Sovereignity is able to reinforce their blockade. If we can smash their forces in orbit, we open the way for more New Republic divisions to deploy to Bestine IV." Lion frowned for a second.

"I'm sorry I can't be more specific, Senator Kensington." he added, looking genuinely sorry.

Senator Lorain
Sep 5th, 2004, 10:21:54 AM
The Contruum owned Sacheen Escort came out of hyperspace smoothly. It had been traveling along the Perlemain Trade route for sometime now on its way to Contruum and now it was only one jump away. As the ship slowed turned toward its new exit vector, the planet of Taanab passed toward the starboard side. As it turned, the ships scanners came on-line to recieve any data that could have been sent to them. They had done this many times along their route and the captain sitting on the bridge didn't think it would be any different. However, this time the screen beeped and the comm officer turned toward the man in charge, "Sir, recieving transmittion, it's from Coruscant."

At mid ship was the quartars of the man this escort had been purchased to protect. The man that was senator of Contruum and that repressented the planet to the whole galaxy. He was one voice speaking for the masses and they had elected him to the position because they thought he was the best man for it.

Max Lorain sat at his desk and read over the reports from around the galaxy and noted anything that concerned his planet. This was the part of the job he really hated, the paper work and sifting through all these documents. Even though he hated it though, he did knew it was important and did it to the best of his abilies.

Getting tired of reading he looked up at the wall across from him and stared at the painting in front of him. To him it was beautiful, it was home. On the canvas was the painting of his capitals skyline during the sunset. When he looked at it, all his problems seemed to drift away and he smiled, happy to be going home. Max was looking forward to taking some time off and going to his country side cabin for a little while.

All his thoughts were suddenly interupted by the comm system. "What is it captain?" Max asked as he looked at the painting.

"Sir, there is a situation. Could you please come to the bridge?"

"I'll be right there. It better be important." Without even letting the man answer Max stood up and walked out of his office. He let the nearby lift take him to the bridge. As the doors opened he knew something was wrong because all stations were manned and orders were being given. The ship was now turning around toward the direction they had come from and the holo table was plotting a new set of jump points.

"Captain, what's going on?"

"Senator Lorain, I'm sorry but your visit to Contruum is being cancled. A short time ago the Imperial Soverniegty attacked Bestine IV and took the planet. Coruscant is requesting you back so that a plan of action can be made. I think you will have to vote if he we go to war once more. They need you back in the senate."

Max couldn't believe his ears, after so much time of being at peace, why does this have to happen now? "Take us back to Coruscant captain. I'll be in my quartars if you need me"

"Yes, sir." The captain replyed "I have sent all the files on the battle to your datapad. You can read them over when you wish."

Max nodded and thanked the man. He knew the captain knew that he was a former soldier and would like to get all the facts. As Max slowly made his way to his room, he felt the ship lerch slightly and knew they had entered hyperspace once more.

Senator Carter
Sep 5th, 2004, 02:34:18 PM
Bonadan. Wide. Open. Simple. Relaxing. A haven from the mad chaos that was the galaxy. In other worlds, boring.

Gabriel Carter, Senator of the New Republic, stared at the red/gold wasteland that surrounded his home. Behind his perspective sat the epic Senatorial mansion. But what he looked at now...that was the symbol of Bonadan. Not much to look at, not much to think about.

Gabriel threw the holo-still back onto his desk, dragged out of his imaginary visit home. He'd avoided it this time, but he'd have to go eventually. Have to face the family he'd 'abandoned'. Industrialists such as them tended not to like politicians. Despite being a famous figure on his planet, respected by many for his position, he still was not welcome at his father's table.

He sighed. At least here, on Coruscant, he had something to do. There was always something else to think about...something else to read about. Especially when the Imperials went and did something stupid.

This situation on Bestine worried the Senator. For a former soldier like himself, sending men of to die wasn't something he looked forward to. That's why he'd entered politics - to escape wars like these. But in situations like Bestine...conflict was inevitable. A war was coming; a war the NR would be forced to fight, whether it liked it or not. The Sovereignty would attack. The Civil War would return. Those were days he remembered without the slightest hint of warmth.

Another sigh escaped his lips as he grabbed the datapad on the top of his mini-Coruscant. Draining the last of his cold caf, he started to thumb through the latest reports.

Telan Desaria
Sep 5th, 2004, 05:41:20 PM
Moff Gerion turned to enter the observation deck and bade his guards to wait. The number thereof had doubled from two to four, though only two wore the jet black of the Imperial Fleet Assault Corps. Their counterparts wore grey pants and white shirts, sporting odd-shaped blast helmets and square-tipped shoes. They were definitively un-Imperial: indeed, the pair had been assigned from the New Republic's Internal Security Department to keep watch over the Moff.

Anatoly Gerion could not hold any malice though, for they were there as additional protection as well as uniformed survelliance. In the recent days, the Empire had grown exceedingly unpopular - a sentiment exclaimed when a sniper's blast ruined the Moff's best M34 cap.

Gerion proceeded inward and took up a seat behind Senator Hesith. The already present fellow had in his ear a small device that allowed him to eavesdrop on the proceedings below - Gerion could hear nothing. It was an excellent system for reporters could hear nothing the Senate did not want them too.

For his part, Moff Gerion was not vain enough to wish to listen. No one perked an ear when the General Staff was in deliberation and he understood the way things worked.

" Senator," Gerion whispered.

No response was forth coming. It was as he expected. Hesith had been a vocal part in allowing the Moff's presence on Coruscant, but they were certainly not friends. They could, nevertheless, respect each other.

" You know my duty here is to act as Imperial Liaison to the New Republic for the Matters of Supervision of Prisoners of War. With oue governments engaged in open battle once more, I shall fuflfill my position now more than ever. As such, I present you with this."

Gerion removed a flimsiplast from his breast pocket and placed it on the chair next to Hesith.

" For my part, I cannot pretend to be saddened by the attack on Bestine. My commanders are only trying to bring Glory to the Empire. I simply wish it was not this way. Good day, Senator."

Gerion departed, his guards in tow and his mind fleeting. As a proviso of his presence, every transmission into and from Imperial Space was uncoded and clear. Anyone could read them for they were disguised in no way. The Moff knew Gerion had doubtless seen the document already, but he had to do it in person. Perhaps, if not well, he might sleep better that night.

To Whomever it May Concern:

The purpose of war cannot be described simply for it takes on too many forms in too many times, and for too many reasons. Our war is older than we are but we fight for memories of those who passed before us.

As the Government of the New Republic is no doubt privvy, the Imperial Articles of War were redone over four years ago. They have not changed. Copies however have been distributed to every command, outpost, and officer in the Whole of the Empire. Found in your databases is a copy, but here I have abridged them.

Put simply, a War fought without honour is a massacre and no man wearing the Imperial Uniform is a savage. Thusly, any soldier officer or combatant taken into Prisonership during hostilities shall be accorded every right and privilege according to rank and station. Rations will be provided as well as medical care and shelter. Under no circumstance will a serving combatant in uniform be mistreated. Contravention of this order will be dealt with by myself directly - and harshly. I will not tolerate brutality.

I also realize that it is the duty of every prisoner to escape and carry on the war from wherever is advantageous. So - no actions aside from a brief stay in the cooler will be taken against said parties.

All Republic prisoners will be sent to Genolen V, natural satellite of Ison. There construction equipment is active as well as agricultural means. Shelters for your men have been erected but they also possess the means for self sustenance. They will be looked after.

In accordance with an old Centaurian tradition, Republic officers may keep their side arms once on Genolen. To deprive them of their honour would be inhumane.

I engage in warfare as an officer and a gentleman. I expect the same from my men.

Grand Admiral Baron Telan Desaria
Supreme Commander, Imperial Navy

Senator Kensington
Sep 6th, 2004, 03:44:29 PM
Tercer waved his hand and nodded, "I completely understand, Admiral. That answer was more than sufficient." Actually it wasn't, but the Senator understood why it couldn't be.

After glancing at the datapad once more he leaned forward and spoke clearly, "Who is commanding the Imperial forces both on and off-planet?"

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 7th, 2004, 04:21:02 PM
"According to New Republic Intel, the commander of the Sovereignity's blockade is Line Captain Teleran Balades. We have very little information on him. As for on-planet, we are not sure, but we believe the overall orchestrator of the offensive was Field Marshall Jarek Tchort, so there's a very good chance that he is commanding their forces now. Jarek Tchort was born on Abregado Rae, and joined the Imperial Army when he was 16."

He paused for a second to allow the Senate to look up both names on their viewscreens. "In regards to the fleet action, we believe that Grand Admiral Telan Desaria may have been involved as well, but as to the validity of this we are not sure. Furthermore, before Bestine IV fell to the Imperial Offensive, they sent off transmissions indicating that their Planetary Ion Cannon had been taken by Imperial Commandos. We're not at all certain about this, but from what Intel has managed to piece together, an operative named 'Tear' seems to have led the infiltration team. Indeed, we're not even certain whether 'Tear' is a codename or his real name, so I consider it quite a success we were able to figure that out at all." Lion looked back up at Senator Kensington and nodded to indicate that he was finished speaking.

Senator Carter
Sep 8th, 2004, 11:24:51 AM
Gabriel nodded to the Republic guards that escorted the Moff as he passed, but his eyes refused to aknowledge the presence of Gerion, or his IFACs. The soldier inside him stopped him from greeting the enemy in their midst. A slight sigh escaped him, as the doors slid apart to allow his entry to the observation deck.

What are you planning, Admiral? he wondered, taking his seat a few places to Hesith's right. The Senator was concentrating on the events below. No need to disturb him.

He pulled listening device from his pocket and, pressing a tiny activation stud, slipped it into his ear.

Senator Kensington
Sep 8th, 2004, 06:59:55 PM
hmmm... impressive

"That's some very nice intel, Admiral. I applaud your Navy spooks for a job well done.

"I want to thank you again for coming in and presenting the plan. In my estimation, it is a sound plan of action, and I see no flaw in it other than the fact that we are still debating it. With that in mind, I yield my time to any other committee member wishing to ask questions. If there are none.. ?"

Kensington glanced around the sparse room for any volunteers.

Senator Thareena
Sep 14th, 2004, 12:22:55 PM
Thareena looked up from her vantage point in the gallery, and saw the senator from Bonadan taking his seat. I didn't even know he was still here. She was sitting almost in the corner of the semi-circular gallery, and reluctantly returned her attention to the goings on underneath her. She was supposed to be on her private yacht bound for Chandrila and vacation, but a declaration of war had to be voted on by the Senate, which meant that if this Committee meeting turned out the way she thought it was going to...

Well, tomorrow the messages would go out, recalling all Senators back to Coruscant to vote. Thareena rubbed her forehead lightly with her fingertips as she listened to Kensington speak.

Senator Lorain
Sep 14th, 2004, 05:56:46 PM
After landing at the pad, Senator Lorain quickly passed the security check points and made his way toward the senate meeting. He was dressed in a black suit, which he didn't mind after being in the military for so long, and large black polished dressed shoes. As he walked down the hallways he could see people rushing to get things done, something he hadn't seen a while. This told him that something serious was indeed up and things were moving quickly.

He passed through the doors that led to the balcony and saw senator Carter. With a smile, Max walked over and sat down next to the man. "Senator Carter, a pleasure seeing you again. However I would have hoped it would be under different circumstances. Looks like we go to war once more, huh?"

Max looked at the man and extended his hand as he spoke.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 15th, 2004, 03:15:42 AM
Lion nodded. "I'll be sure to pass along your compliments to Lady Winter and her intelligence operatives, Senator Kensignton...she was instrumental in piecing together that information." He relaxed slightly, stepping back perhaps 6 inches. "Any other questions the committee has, I'd be glad to answer, sir."

Senator Carter
Sep 16th, 2004, 11:18:10 AM
Gabriel nodded, his attention split between the scene below, and the Contruum Senator. He'd been experimenting for a while, and had found the perfect volume to make this possible.

He replied to Lorain with a slight nod, gripping the proffered hand. "Unfortunately, these are the circumstances we are presented with." He let out a slight sigh. "Welcome back to Coruscant, Senator."

He looked around the gallery, registering the names of the present Senators in his mind, placing them all into a political model into his mind. They represented only a few out of billions, from only a handful of the New Republic's worlds. The Galactic Civil War was looming, and a new generation of war-free peoples was beginning in the galaxy. They would have to take up arms in a battle that had been fought for generations. Once again, the Empire was an enemy.

Gabriel's voice escaped as a breath. "No peace in our time."

Senator Thareena
Oct 5th, 2004, 07:38:31 PM
Thareena leaned forward as the Rylothian senator, Takeni'twal, posed a question to the Admiral. "Perhaps I am meesing soomething, but humor mee for a moment. What makes Bestiine IV a planet that we should go to war to 'liberate'?" The blue skinned Twi'leki Senator cleared his throat, and his lekku twitched, as though he was wishing he could communicate his point with them.

"I suppose I am askeeng for a heestory of the war, and why it is necessary for us to sacreefice our troops in a seetuation where wee are heavily outnumbered, as you said." Takeni'twal sat back, muttering under his breath in Twi'leki.

Lion El' Jonson
Oct 8th, 2004, 10:26:39 PM
Lion cleared his throat and looked at the Senator from Ryloth.

"Senator, we need to liberate Bestine IV because as long as it remains in Sovereignity hands, it is a strategic threat to the New Republic. Bestine IV itself is not terribly significant. It has a moderate population, and produces few strategic resources. Unlike the prospect of losing Fondor or Mon Calamari, with their shipyards and command facilities, or the grainworld of Ukio, losing Bestine IV does not significantly impair the New Republic's capability to function."

Lion paused to sip some water. "However, Bestine IV still poses a significant threat to us. It is currently one of the Sovereignity's few possessions in New Republic space, and certainly the most significant. Bestine IV has the infrastructure in place to support an Imperial force for a moderate period of time, even if we were to cut their supply lines. The Golan II in orbit could conceivably be used as a repair platform." Lion glanced down at his datapad. "Furthermore, holding Bestine IV allows the Imperial Fleet to launch attacks on over 3 dozen sectors, including Teyr, Vulvarch, Duro, Abregado-Rae, and the 12th Fleet Headquarters at Mrisst." He stopped for a second, wondering whether or not to say what he was thinking. "Incidentally, while the Sovereignity holds Bestine IV, they threaten Corellia. Although I'm not current on relations between the Sith Order and the Imperial Sovereignity, they do have to be acknowledged as a variable."

"As for the question of why we are going in with an outnumbered, underequipped force...well, Senator, time is not on our side here. Every day that passes gives the Sovereignity time to fortify and rebuild. If this operation is to be successful, it has to be launched within the next few days. According to Intelligence's force build-up projections, within three weeks Bestine IV will be just as heavily defended as Yaga Minor, Muunilinst, or Bastion. If the Sovereignity is allowed to fortify Bestine to that extent, a future invasion would cost the lives of 300,000 troops and at least 65 ships. If we attack now, however, there's a chance that we'll be able to break the Sovereignity's hold over the planet with minimal casualties." He drank some more water.

"Finally, there is the issue of morale to consider. Back during the days of Grand Admiral Thrawn, nothing inspired the troops more than news of a victory. Nothing could convince planets to stand with the New Republic better than the knowledge that millions of men and women were out there, willing to fight and die for a cause that they believed in. If we sit back and allow the Imperial Sovereignity to keep Bestine IV, it is not only a grave mistake, but also a stupid one. If recent signatories to the New Republic do not see us rushing to defend one of our member planets, then it casts doubt as to whether we are truly willing to fight for our beliefs, no matter the cost. That, Senator, is why I believe we need to retake Bestine IV."

Senator Lorain
Oct 15th, 2004, 10:53:49 PM
Max scratched his chin as he listened to the Admiral talk. He agreeed with everything said knew how he would vote already. As he looked around the chamber, he could see that some of the senators were taking notes and talking amongst themselves. They were not yet sure on the right actions to take.

At one of the desks the Duro Senator stood up and spoke toward the admiral. Out of the speakers around the chamber, a translation came out. "Admiral, do you think this is a one time attack from the Imperials or is this the start of something different? If it is the start of something bigger, should we not crush them there with everything we have available and put a stop to this?"

Lion El' Jonson
Oct 18th, 2004, 03:51:33 AM
Lion nodded.

"Thank you for your question, Senator. To be truthful, I have no idea as to the Sovereignity's intentions. I've seen reports from Intel, the Inquisition, and the NR Observers that all suggest different things." He paused for a second. "It's possible that this is just a territory grab, but I don't think it's likely. For one, the Imperials seized a relatively unimportant planet. Two, they're fortifying this planet to the same extent as their major naval bases. Third, they're risking war with the New Republic; they must know that we can militarily overwhelm them. Logically, the only answer is that this is the start of something far larger than just Bestine."

He let that sink in for a second. "Indeed, I feel that the only way to avert a second Galactic Civil War is to launch this strike immediately. If we can loosen the Sovereignity's hold over Bestine, we've broken their momentum. The force that I have outlined will, if successful, be able to destabilize the Imperial's position, giving us enough time to secure the planet and wipe out any hope of the Imperials mounting a renewed offensive."

Alexi Hesith
Oct 19th, 2004, 02:09:36 AM
The bulbous headed Duro nodded at this response and made a note on the pad in front of him. After a moment's contemplation he spoke again.

"Thank you, admiral. Since time is of the essence, Mister Chairman," he turned to Senator Kensington, "I would like to move that this committee submit this plan to the full Senate at the first opportunity."

"I second that motion," clucked a bird-like senator that Hesith did not recognise.

All eyes in the room now fixed upon Senator Kensington. Would he allow the vote or would he continue the questioning until all the committee had spoken?

Senator Kensington
Oct 24th, 2004, 07:40:30 PM
Kensington stirred from his passive sitting position and cleared his throat.

"Very well, the motion is in order. I wish to thank the Admiral, once again for answering our questions. We have no doubt, whatever plan of action this Republic seeks to endeavor, that men such as him shall not hesitate in carrying it out. We owe much more than a thanks to you."

Shifting aside some papers, he continued.

"Per the rules of procedure, voting will be enacted through electronic device. The time alloted for voting will not exceed ten minutes. If there are no objections...?"

He glanced around the room, then nodded to the Clerk of the Senate before he brought down the gavel. The hushed silence broke out into dull murmurs and conversations as the Senators voted immediately, or spoke with whomever they needed to before casting their vote.

Kensington looked down, on his desk, at the small menu before him. On the screen was a brief explanation of what the vote was about and the entirety of the proposal in text and graph form. The flesh around his eyes tightened and he touched the "Approve Proposal" tab.

Tercer sighed, looked up, and sipped from a glass of water.

Alexi Hesith
Oct 25th, 2004, 03:08:07 AM
The ten minutes ran down and the chair sounded the gavel. The votes were tallied (at the press of a button) and then the result announced.

"Ayes: twelve. Noes: Three. The ayes have it and the motion is carried." Kensington's voice intoned to the silent room, "This proposal shall be brought before the Senate in two days time. The committee stands adjourned." The gavel sounded again and the committee filed out.

The senators in the gallery, including Hesith, also left. They went to theit offices, to consider what was to happen. To plot and scheme and, in some cases, to worry.

And on a far off world, under a foreign sky two armies waited, unaware that their lives hinged upon the votes of a thousand beings to be cast two days hence. (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37132)