View Full Version : Time to unwind....(Open to any)

Radzyn Boomtown
Aug 6th, 2004, 03:15:55 AM
It was the end of his shift, not too busy an evening really. Just your everyday run ins with the common riff-raff that frequent the lower levels. Most action seen all day was at the station. Some alien perp was high on that new substance Renyx and decided poorly to get roudy while the boss was there. Radzyn smiled and chuckled to himself as he remembered the aliens expression as the boss shot him in the leg. One thing you never do is interrupt the Capt's caffe time. Walking into the bar, Radzyn made sure he had his badge and clipped the commo-piece onto his belt just incase the precinct needed him.

Radzyn or "Boomer" as he was affectionately known by his peers, approached the bar and wanted his normal dose of poison.
The 'tender tonight was Tarn... a nice guy, always made a point to memorize frequent customers.

"Boomer! Haven't seen you in a while...Sundowner right?"

Radz smiled and nodded.

" Hey Tarn, yeah sundowner. And what d'ya mean I ain't been around? I been here..."

"Not recently my boy, not recently."

Tarn handed him the sundowner and Radz took it while sliding him the credits.

"Ahhh hoshposh....you ain't looking hard enough."

"Boomer.... you're a bad liar you know that?"

Radz laughed and nodded as he sipped the sundowner and turned to look for a table.

"Yeeeeahh, yeah I am."

Tarn laughed as well and went back to hussling the drinks. Finding a table near the back, Radz leaned back and kicked his feet up on one of the extra chairs at the table. Looking around, the young cop took out a deck of cards and began to play a small solitary game. Occasionally taking a sip of his drink.

Jame Kaman Dar
Aug 7th, 2004, 03:26:05 PM
"Can't say I have, Lorne. I've finally started training, and I've been busy with other things. So has that brother o' mine, I guess. I've hardly seen him at all since I got back on-planet quite a while back. Oh well... Here's my shooters..."

Jame removed two blasters from their holsters on her sides, and placed them with a gentle click on the weapons desk counter, smiling to Lorne, the NR officer on duty the past few days.

"...please take good care of them, like you always do."

Lorne nodded to her, just chuckling in response as Jame turned and headed into the main area of Yog's, going over to the bar, and requesting a peach cider. Tarn quickly prepared that for her.

"No tea? Since when do you drink?"

Jame laughed a little. "It's been a while, Tarn. Not being surrounded by a rowdy crew of men changes things." With that, she placed the necessary creds on the counter, watching Tarn scoop them up, and she went off to grab a seat.

"Some company would be nice..." She murmured to herself while taking a look around, and spotting a young law enforcer sitting alone playing cards, she approached his table.

Holding the mug of cider in both hands, she spoke. "You wouldn't mind a little company, would you?"

Radzyn Boomtown
Aug 8th, 2004, 12:10:09 AM
As the shadow came over the tabletop, Radzyn looked up and offered his boyish smile. Gesturing to the other empty chair next to him, He sat up straight. Bringing his feet from the other chair. " No ma'am, not at all." The young watch member replied. Gathering up the cards, Radzyn began to shuffle them.

"Not a bad night is it? Nights like this are few and far between for me. Guess even the bad guys need to take a break once in a while huh?" Radz joked with the woman. And it wasn't every night he got to have company like this. Usually he was all by his lonesome and recently he saw he was getting too used to it.

" Please excuse my rudeness, my name's Radzyn, but friends call me Boomer." Radz held his hand out to her with a smirk as he picked his drink up to sip it.

Jame Kaman Dar
Aug 8th, 2004, 12:32:25 AM
Jame placed her drink on the table with one hand, and used the other to accept Boomer's handshake while she sat down. "Jame Kaman Dar. Call me Jame, call me Kaman. Just don't call me Dar...sounds like a moron."

Wrapping her hands around the mug now, she relaxed in the chair, and took a small sip of the peach flavored alcohol.

"It's quiet in here. That's unusual. I never seem to catch this place in a lull..."

The room was actually starting to get busy at this time, so what Jame said might be taken as a joke.

"Oh, sorry.. I meant the emotional atmosphere..." She tapped her head.. " Empath."

Radzyn Boomtown
Aug 8th, 2004, 03:35:55 PM
Radz laughed at her comment of not being called Dar. He could see how that would pose a little problem. Sipping his drink, Radz listened as he shuffled the deck in his hands using different methods.

Looking around the young officer nodded in agreement to her take on the moment. It was busy, but "quiet"..."Yeah it is quiet, a little too quiet, but I'm not going to grumble about a little lull in the excitement. I get enough of that during my shift."....Then it hit him as she tapped her head and said "Empath".

" Really? Interesting...you know, there is a small unit we use to help with certain cases. Never seen you in the precinct, so you must be......with the temple?"

Radz asked as he meant the Jedi temple. Flicking a card to her, then to him and so on till five sat before both, Radz placed the deck in the middle and picked his hand up. If you're gonna sit and talk? Might as well enjoy a good poker game.

Fidgiting with his cards, Radz glanced at her.

"So just found out about your "gift"? Or have you been training awhile?"

Jame Kaman Dar
Aug 11th, 2004, 03:32:50 PM
Jame sipped her cider, glancing at the cards. She never touched the cards in any game until they were all dealt.

"I've known about my ability all my life. I've done counselling work back on Corellia because of it. I just always thought it was only that. Never thought I was...how do they say it? Force Able? So yeah, i'm with the temple."

It was better and slightly more honest than the mainstay of her life for the past ten years or so previous. She picked up her cards, and fiddled with them, then took another small sip of cider.

"So I just started training today. It seems new recruits are coming in all the time, so masters and knights to train them aren't exactly in abundance...not that they were before."

Radzyn Boomtown
Aug 15th, 2004, 12:34:21 AM
"Counsel work? You don't say...I dunno Jame, you jus' don't look the counselling type. Then again, I don't look the law enforcement type. But we are what we are."

Going back to sipping his drink, Radz looked at his cards and took three out of his hand and placed them down, pulling from the deck the three to replace them he didn't show anything on his face. Nothing that would give anything away. "That goes to prove that looks can be decieving..." He continued as he gestured it was her turn to throw and pull. " So how is it training there? I mean, I've yet to see the inside of the temple but, I doubt I'll get an assignment that allows me to do so. Is it really as hard as they say it is?"

Radz asked as he took another sip of his drink. He smirked, this was nice....good quiet night for once, good drink, good card game...and great company. First time for everything.

Jame Kaman Dar
Aug 19th, 2004, 07:14:44 PM
Jame kept two cards, threw three, and pulled three to replace them.

"Hmm....I'd think it's fairly easy at first...For those with no previous or inherent jedi-type skills, I guess everyone just gets the basics in the beginning. After that, it depends on what your apparent skills are and what you wanna do....I suppose it'd be hard for someone with no force ability.." She laughed at that, stating the obvious.

"But i've barely started my own training, so i'm pretty clueless anyways."

Radzyn Boomtown
Sep 5th, 2004, 05:06:04 PM
Radzyn smiled and nodded, yeah...basic training did seem easy at first. Even he thought of his training with the CCW as easy...then came the second half, and he stuck it out. Even though he almost failed in one aspect of it.

"Yeah, basics....I think it doesnt matter what you're doing, that basic training is easy at first, then it gets harder and harder. Though I understand why....weed the ones who will fail from those that won't I guess."

Popping a few of the peanuts into his mouth , he chewed and took a sip of the drink. Looking up at her, he grinned. Then took four of the peanuts and pushed it to the middle of the table...they hadn't spoke of or if they were actually gambling...so this game no money was placed. So the peanuts would suffice.

"I bet four.... So just started huh?" Leaning back, Radz lofted an eyebrow. " So what is the doctrines on Jedi initiates gambling?" There was that Boomtown smile of his, showing as he asked that question.

Jame Kaman Dar
Sep 5th, 2004, 06:35:11 PM
Jame replied with a smile of her own watching the peanuts skitter to the middle of the table, and taking a gulp of cider.

"No clue. I've done quite my share of gambling over the years, though... Before I was a Jedi."

Over the years? Ha. She was only 20, maybe 21.

Radzyn Boomtown
Sep 19th, 2004, 01:28:11 PM
Radzyn smiled and took a sip of his Sundowner. Glancing at his cards, his eyes averted back to her. "I was about to say, you got a good "poker face"." the young rookie replied.

ok, now his curiosity was piqued. "Over the years is it?? So what did you do before becoming a Jedi Padawan?" Radz asked as he fidgited with his cards a bit.

"You'd be surprised what I did for money... Before joining the Watch."

Jame Kaman Dar
Sep 21st, 2004, 09:00:28 PM
Jame took a few peanuts herself and let them jitter to the others on the table.

"I was a pirate. Not the bloodthirsty evil kind. But a pirate is a pirate, ya know...aside from that I worked as a counselor at a clinic on Corellia as well as a DJ at one of the planet's nightclubs...I grew up in a musical community on a planet...I don't know which one. I spent those first several years of my life being lied to. Lies I didn't even know about until this past year."

She threw two cards and drew two.

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 4th, 2004, 09:02:46 PM
Dalamar placed his swords from off his back and the one on his hip on the table then carefully wrapped them in red velvet. Handling the bundle to the weapons master he walked into the bar.

His black outfit blended well with the dim lighting. But his blood red eyes still gave him away for what he was. He scanned the room looking for a likely place to sit...

Jame Kaman Dar
Oct 23rd, 2004, 11:18:57 PM
She looked back at the rest of the establishment, just at the time a pair of red eyes wandered in. Then she looked away.

Been a while since i've seen THAT...

Jame looked closely at Boomer, and smiled.

"What was your life like before law enforcement?"