View Full Version : Simulated Naval Engagement (Will Antiles)

Aug 3rd, 2004, 02:26:59 PM
For this Battle Captain Antiles will be Commanding a small group of escorts which are assigned to protect a convoy carrying weapons for the NR. A Band of Pirates Strike As the Convoy drops out of hyperspace to change headings

Convoy consists of 10 Action V Transports
Escorted by a Corona Frigate with 1 Squadron of E-Wings and 2 Squadrons of X-wings. and 2 DP 20 Gunships Names of the ships are up to Captain Antiles

Pirate force Has a beat up Neb-B with 2 Squadrons of Uglies, 6 Skipray Blastboats and a Vibre equipped with a Cutting and Docking port.

We will start as the NR convoy drops out of Hyperspace. Immediately you will know there is a problem when one of the Transports explodes from fire from the Neb-B

Will Antilles
Aug 3rd, 2004, 03:02:18 PM
The Corona Frigate Endor and the gunships Solo & Madine come out of hyperspace along with 10 Action V Frigates carrying weapons for the New Republic.

I sat on my bridge as the star lines of hyperspace turned back into the stars of normal space. This had been a boring assignment so far. I had picked up some weapons for the New Republic and was escorting it back to base. This was just another hyperspace adjustment. I watch through the view port as the ship changes direction along with the convoy. Then i watch in terror as one of the Action V explodes in a fireball. I was stunned before the alarms went crazy.

"We have boogies all over us" yelled a voice from the sensor station. "One Nebulon-B Frigate, Vibre Assault Cruiser, 6 Blast boats and 24 fighters swarming over us Captain" he said.

I jumped from my seat. Maybe this wasn't going to be so boring after all.
"Launch all fighters. Direct the X-wings to take out there star fighters and the E-wings to split into pairs and work on taking out the blast boat." i spat the first orders. "Get the Solo & Madine after that Vibre Assault cruiser. " i order. I look to the sensor station for a location on the Nebulon-B

"Sir its 1 1 /2 clicks to port of the engagngement sir." yelled an officer.

"Engage Engines to full i want to go after that Nebulon-B." i yell. "Tell those Action V to get out of the engagement zone and someone turn off that bloody alarm." i yell.

And all orders were undertaken. The gun ships turned from the front of the group to confront Vibre. The E-wings launch first followed by the X-wings and begin going after their targets. The Corona Frigate engages it engines and begin to slowly turn toward the Nebulon-B, firing all turbo laser Canons and batteries in that direction.

Aug 4th, 2004, 02:20:46 PM
Shouts and cheers came from the members of the command crew of the Neb B as the first Transport to drop out of hyperspace succumb to the Turbolaser fire of the Frigate. Immediately the cheers stopped as the recognition of the 3 escorts was made.

"Commander, 3 Escorts Reverting. I make 1 Frigate and 2 Gunships."

The Commander of the Frigate looked sideways at his crewman showing he had already figured out the news he had just been given.

"Concentrate Fire on the Frigate See if we can give the others enough time to get out of here. Tell any craft which has a hyperdrive to get out of here as fast as it can."

The Vibre broke from its attack run with the order to escape but was soon under the fire of the 2 NR gunships. Turbolaser bolts began to sizzle the aft shields as the Old Vibre poured all its power into the engines. Across the engagement Zone the NR Fighters had no problem with the motley assortment of Uglies the Pirates had managed to collect. The Blastboats made for an escape but were cut off as E-Wings from the frigate opened up. All around the Pirates were out gunned and out numbered.

Will Antilles
Aug 4th, 2004, 06:04:24 PM
The Gun ships were now on the tail of the Vibre Cruiser firing all firepower forward....

On the Solo the Commander ordered the ship turn on its broadside to present more of its weapons to the enemy. While keeping with the same pace it slowly moved towards it port side raining even more firepower onto the aft shields of the Cruiser...

On the Madine the Commander saw what his counterpart was doing. Presenting that big of a target was a bit reckless but the Vibre had more to worry about.
"Target their engines. All weapons fire on my mark." he spat. "Mark." and with that the turbo lasers launched a deadly rain of turbo laser and laser canon energy towards the Cruiser. "Continue firing" he commanded.

The Frigate Endor was now speeding by the Neb-B frigate's broadside while presenting its own. Captain Antilles wanted this to happen. As the head of the ship went past the Neb-B the port turbo lasers opened up on the Frigate.
"Continue firing until Enemy threat has been neutralized. Cut engines and re-route all available power to the port shields. Lock on with tractor beams so they don't get away" the Captain ordered.
The Turbo laser Batteries fired with remarkable accuracy but that what they were trained to do. Once all enemy turbolsers had been neutralized the Tractor Beam Projectors locked onto the ship. With the Endor going one way and the Neb-B heading the other the two ships cancelled each other out.....

The E-wing squads were tackling the Blast boats in pairs as ordered and had been taking turns with laser canons and torpedo launchers. Green 5 & 6 were even able to score a kill against there Blast boat. The E-wings kept onto the Blast boats dragging there numbers down one by one

The X-wing squadrons were having a very easy time with the Uglies. Not being very fast or manveurable craft, the X-wings dispatched them Quickly. Red squadron was finishing up and waiting for further orders when the call came to assist the Gun ships in the Capture of the cruiser. They transferred most of there power into engines and pouring most of their power into shields

Aug 19th, 2004, 01:38:10 AM
The Corona came up along side the NEb with all guns blazing. Shields enveloped under the strain of the constant fire and failed as the generator erupted into a ball of sparks and flame. Hull plate after hull plate were destroyed under the massive heat and force of the Turbolasers. From the Bridge it was evident they Pirate Frigate was outclassed.

"Commander we have Hull breaches on decks 11 12 and 13. All Starboard Turbolasers are either destroyed or have lost power."

The Pirate Commander looked threw Hazy eyes. HE had suffered a concussion from the continuous Shock waves of the Turbolaser fire. Blood streamed from his ear and down his neck.

"Commander The Vibre is almost clear of the engagement zone. They have taken massive damage and can not go to hyper speed. They request assistance."

The Commander stood silent for a moment. His thoughts of his wife and child. He had been a pirate all his life and he had drug them into it. They had not ask to live the life of a cast out. Constantly moving from planet to planet. Living in the worst possible places to raise a family anyone could imagine. Now he only wished he was with them. His child in his arms. He knew this battle was lost. but he was determined to live and get away.

"Alright I have a plan."

The man ran swiftly to the Helm panel. The Shields were down and the Ship was venting atmosphere. the good news was the Corona was no behind them and they were out of her Firing arch for a short time.

"Come to Course Alpha 120. Full power to Engines. Radio to all personnel they are on there own. We are All on our own."

Will Antilles
Aug 21st, 2004, 01:34:18 PM
The Endor went past the Neb-B frigate carried by its speed and momentum. "Damn it! Why didnt we compensate?" i yell.
"Ummm sir we haven't been trained that much yet." replied an officer I slap my forehead. They gave me a bunch of trainees. "Match course and speed of the Neb-B. Target here hyperdrive and fire with everything we have. " i order.

The Corona begins firing salvos of turbolaser energy at the frigate when in firing range again.

The Gunships had all but neutralized the Vibre assualt cruisers. New orders were sent to the Solo & Madine to intercept the enemy command ship. Changing heading and putting there engines to the recommended limit they begin hunting for the Nebulon-B

The 2 X-wing Squads were more or less intact with one of the pilots having to go EV. The E-wings had destroyed a large portion of the Blastboats, while taking minimal casualties as well. All were given orders to hang tight and keep a watch over the Vibre Assualt Cruiser. All Fighters turned and started heading for the Vibre Assualt Cruiser to keep it in line and make sure it didnt escape.....