View Full Version : Request

Aug 3rd, 2004, 06:11:35 AM
I'd like to do something with this account, preferably with a Jedi, preferably with a Knight / Master. Exactly what that is, I dont really care. Just... somethign so I dont waste a good account.


Navaria Tarkin
Aug 5th, 2004, 02:10:24 PM
but you're a robot o_O

what have you done here with this account?

Aug 17th, 2004, 04:55:49 AM
Originally posted by Navaria Tarkin
but you're a robot o_O

what have you done here with this account?

Eh, some training stuff a long time ago. The Knight I was with got banned. Lost interest for a while, then trying to work out what to do from here.

Figrin D'an
Aug 17th, 2004, 03:31:03 PM
What kind of activity are you looking for? Training, missions, killing bad guys? And, does this character have any Force ability of any kind? In your profile, it does say 'cyborg'... organic brain and nervous system in a mechanical body... so, I'm assuming there is a little bit of Force ability within him, correct?

Aug 18th, 2004, 02:56:44 AM
yes, there is some - Not huge amounts, but enough to make a low grade Jedi in the end. It's only really possible as I dotn subscribe to the Midichloridian theory.

What I specifically waht to look at is...

1) Jedi History, laws and rules governing Jedi behavour, protocols.Which, given it's nature of being literal, it will follow exactly.

2) Telekineses - I theorise that a cyborg, while capable of using the Force cant use it to enhance senses or to do some other things a regular full bodied Jedi could. I dont know really what else a cyborg would be truly capable of.

3) Lightsabre - To be honest, I realyl didnt think a machine would be fast enough to weild a sabre, but Clone Wars cartoon persuaded me some use of a sabre is possible. Not in the order displayed as this character is fairly large and bulky.

The primary programming of Robot is law enforcement, so if there si a mission, it would be in this area. Which is the reason the number 1 learning would be the laws and rules of a Jedi.

The other item would be explorign the supposed ability a Jedi has to exert a control over machines. This is shown to be possible in some of the RPG guides. Would it be legal here and how far would it be allowed to go, this I'm not sure. A cyborg Jedi is admittedly a bit of stretch, but I feel is possible.