View Full Version : Hey honey!!

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 1st, 2004, 08:54:17 AM
How are you?? Evie, you out there, too??

Ladies, my <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> is draggin'! We're still not finished moving Mom and Dad, tho its very close and theyre ready to put the place on the market. Going to have a moving sale next weekend and if we dont make money like we're expecting, then we'll (me, Mom and my sis) will never hear the end of it from Dad (Oh, noone wants to buy that stuff!) OY!!

Mom, bless her little heart, has to look through every friggin box , every bag, etc. (Do you remember this? etc, etc) Yes, I know these are her memories and I understand that they are/were part of her life but JEEEEEEZZZ!!!! I have spent my WHOLE summer doing this!! I dont feel like Ive had a break at all!! :cry

K, enough of my whining now - whats going on with you two? Jenn, hows your mother doing? How did their visit go? Hows work and your fam??

Evie, hows work going for you? Did you get a diff job? Hows the websites working out??

What have I missed on? Would you two give your phone numbers - Id love to give you a call :D

Let me know how you both are, ok? Love you both dearly!!!! :hugs 'n' :love

Aug 1st, 2004, 11:21:21 AM
Same old stuff here. Gah you two have been gone a while. Jenn and I have talked a bit over e-mail.

The only thing new here is that Brian is coming out on the 24th of this month. He will be here for a week.

And I am hung over. I don't know why I ever drink.

I hope you get done moving soon!

My number is 720.272.3563, but I left the phone at my mom's. HAH.

Talk to ya soon!

Estelle Russard
Aug 1st, 2004, 12:58:51 PM
Hey gals! *mondo-hugs*

I just popped onto IM but neither of you were on, just Fett-ly was there.

My phone is 604-802 4416. Thats my cell.

Daiq - STILL with the moving process?? Goodness!

My mom is doing good - the visit went really well. My folks did better than I expected, especially my mom. They were like two adventurers when they were here. Even took a bus to Banff (13 hours away) and then had a helicopter ride over the rockies while they were there.

I might be around tomorrow, or even later tonight. I really miss talking to everyone.

Love you two!!

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 21st, 2004, 09:13:58 AM
See this is why I'm glad my sister moved herself and I didn't have to help her (teasing, but she didn't want me touching any of her stuff).

Thought I'd just pop in and say 'Hi'.

Miss you guys.

Aug 28th, 2004, 11:55:56 AM
Hi baldy. What's news?? Haven't talked to you in forever.

Sonja - Is Brian visiting you atm? I seem to recall he was heading your way round this time. Give him hugs from us!

Daiq, email me or somethin. I feel like you've dropped off the edge of the world.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 28th, 2004, 04:40:40 PM
Well, the biggest news is it looks like May is when I'll finish school. Going with a History degree not journalism (and believe it or not, it's not setting me back any). And I'm finishing up a three-week vacation away from school (although I did help my dad's office out a bit).

I'm just ready to be busy again, and Lord knows I will be starting Monday.

Oh, and I go a new cell phone.

Aug 28th, 2004, 05:21:22 PM
Yah Brian is here. He leaves tomorrow morning. Jenn, I sent you your late b-day present FINALLY. So, look for it. You already thanked me for it, so I know! Sorry its so late.

And where is the Daiq?

Aug 29th, 2004, 02:00:20 PM
The Daiq has vanished! Come Back Daiq!

I cant wait for your presi to arrive - its exciting, like Christmas! And hey, I think you're still not as bad as me for lateness in mailing. Yours was what? 2 months over due, even though I bought it a couple days before your birthday.

How is it to meet Brian? Bet he's a sweetheart even more in the "real" form as opposed to the internet one :)

One day, it will be me coming to visit ya. And Daiqle, too.

And as for you Mr. Radio - I read you have youre own talk show? Thats awesome. Shall we start calling you Dr. Phil. Or Oprah. Or O. heheh. Really Tay, thats wonderful.

And congrats on the Graduating.

I have good news - I got another position in the hospital. I will now be working Mon-Fri 8-4. That is sooooooooo great!. *Jumps around with Joy*.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 23rd, 2004, 05:28:32 AM
So, missy...if your new job is 8 - 4, then why arent you on AIM at night? Ive been on 3 nights in a row looking for you....just missed Evie the other night :( Congrats on getting the new position - you deserve it!!!

Evie, hows the new job going? Are you still getting the extra side work? (the web stuff?) Hows Spencer..still being a butt hole?

Taylor, Taylor, Taylor - WRITE!! CALL!! Something! :hug

I just got to thinking the other day, thats its already been a year since I had my surgery - wow!! Cant milk that anymore, can I ;)

Jenn, Ive missed two of your calls and I was quite upset that I wasnt home to talk to you :cry

If you post your #, I'll try to give you a shout...might be a short one, but still...:)

Love you all!!!!

Nov 15th, 2004, 09:40:02 PM
Hey there - just popping by to say "hi" to you cats.

Daiq..now you can milk the "anniversary" of your surgery. Thats good for atleast one week or two out of the year. ;)

Sorry I missed you too with the phone calls. I am being very good and not spending money on my phone bill, but will touch base with you all before xmas, for sure.

Anyway - Im thinking of you all. Miss you all lots. Hope you miss me too!

ps - Laura is getting braces verra soon. She finally came round to the idea, Sonja.

Steve is still not a super star yet. But he still has his dreams.

Ah, youth.

Anyway! Sorry none of you were on AIM tonight.

*snooches x infinity*

Nov 15th, 2004, 09:41:15 PM
ps - my cell is 604-802 44 16


Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Nov 17th, 2004, 02:05:45 AM
Just missed you by a day :( Varsity basketball started last night and its a home tournament....thats where I was last night. It ends this Saturday.

I may just have to call that cell number of yours this weekend....what time is good for you?

Tell Jaders that braces are her friend, LOL! Courtney still needs them but Gabbys are off and her teeth look great!! :D

Evie, where you?!?

Has anyone heard from Tay since his last post?

Its 2 in the morning here and I cant sleep, which sucks :(

Love to you both (or 3 counting Tay, lol!) - take care, mah ladies!! :hug

Nov 21st, 2004, 05:59:32 PM
I think I spoke to Millard-man around the same time as he posted his recent update, so no further news to add in that regard, other than that he sounds like he is doing really well.

Are the girls playing on the team, Daiq?

I havent seen Evie in for-evah /joan rivers voice
Mind you, seems like we are all as scarce as each other.

Laura is pretty resigned as far as getting the braces on now. Now its just the doing of it. Is it very painful, do you gals know?

Daiq - are you doing any rp now?

Sonja - give us an updateon yourself honeybunchy.

Nov 21st, 2004, 07:21:36 PM
btw, Daiq, you can try anytime on my cell. However, I only have the phone on when Im out and about. But I have voice mail.

btw, Sonja - do you still have the web site for the Quests board? I think ezboard deleted the rp board, but I recall you actually built a site for the background info, map etc etc. Do you still have that? If so, what is the url?

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Nov 24th, 2004, 11:27:58 AM
Gabby said that it was briefly uncomfortable but not painful...I think the spacers bothered her the most. Tylenol helped and that was all she took.

Im at work, subbing for the regular detention lady - did it yesterday, too. I actually have comp work to do but stupid me, Ive accidentally closed the program out twice and dont know the pw to get back in, lmao!!

Just wanted to say hello and send my love - take care and thinking of you all!!

Taylor Millard
Nov 25th, 2004, 02:03:44 AM
Originally posted by DarthHERA
Laura is pretty resigned as far as getting the braces on now. Now its just the doing of it. Is it very painful, do you gals know?

It does hurt getting the braces but not too bad. I've definately had worse happen to me. Okay I'm not a gal but I thought I'd answer anyway.

As for myself (since Daiq did ask), things are doing pretty well. The usual busy with school and the like, however, the show did get re-upped for next semester (which is good) and everyone seems to be real happy with it (which is even better).

So things are good (passing Spanish II which is even better). I might even go to the University of NOrth Texas Bowl Game this year (haven't gone in previous ones).

Btw Daiq, I don't have any of your numbers or addresses or the like. Only phone number I have is Jen's...and I think I have Sonja's around here somewhere.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Nov 29th, 2004, 02:52:37 AM
Tay!!!!! Hey darlin', great to hear from you!! :hug

My phone is screwed up right now but the number is: 618-964-1271

Address: 326 S. Third St, Marion, IL 62959

Thats my folk's address and I can get anything there :)

Evie has been silent...any news from her??

Did everyone have a good thanksgiving? I know you dont celebrate it, Jen, so how was your weekend?

Dec 5th, 2004, 11:44:24 PM
:wave Taylor

My Thanksgiving was back in October, but back then, it was good :D

Hope you guys all had a nice family time.

I havent talked to Sonja in quite a while. Hopefully we will cross paths sometime soon.

It snowed here last week. Didnt stick though. I saw the Denver/Oakland game in Colorado and it was coming down like crazy there. Colorado always seems to get lots of snow. You guys had any your way?