View Full Version : Lack of Activity... (Post Your Opinions)

Jul 28th, 2004, 07:32:14 PM
Hey I don't really want to stir up some controversy but- well I do.

In recent months; the months of summer to be more exact, I have found an overwhelming decline of posting from our council members. I as well as others I know have had requesting threads to go on missions; many of which have gone unanswered.

I have been waiting for about a week now, and my request thread has gone unanswered. I was hoping to get the thread organized in a month, but the council has slowed it to a stop. In addition, the new method of creating council related missions has become far too tedious and takes up weeks to complete;
1. Post a request to post in the IC Avalon Request
2. Post the exact same thing IC in the Avalon Forum
3. Post up your own OOC thread to get people to go on the mission with you and to organize.
4. Start the mission.

In my opinion, the process would be faster if the council was more active.

I in no way doubt the skills and knowlege of the Jedi Council, the problem is merely that either the council members are rarely online, or that there are just not enough of them. Post here if you've experienced the same trouble.

P.S. I know the council members have RL things going on, but I don't know how all of them are busy all summer.

P.P.S And I know the "rules" say that I shouldn't complain and that I might be ignored later, but the activity of the council in my threads is just as bad as being ignored.

James Prent
Jul 28th, 2004, 11:12:28 PM
Well, keep your eyes open for other active Jedi, and nominate them come September?

Other than that, yeah, your complaints mean little to nothing. Everyone has things that come up, you, me, the people who RP the Council members. Heck, my promotion thread is halted as well.

Deal with it.

Jul 29th, 2004, 05:21:28 AM
If it's any help/consolation, Wei Wu Wei will be home Sunday, which will give him more time/regular internet access. He'll be more active.

Jul 29th, 2004, 06:02:32 AM
And Nav's looking after her mom...that's not exactly something she planned for.

Figrin D'an
Jul 29th, 2004, 09:05:12 AM
People become busy with other things. It happens, especially during the second half of the summer. Cope.

Originally posted by spada
In addition, the new method of creating council related missions has become far too tedious and takes up weeks to complete

Then don't do a mission thread that needs council approval. Go do something else instead, then come back to it when people are more active.

Post here if you've experienced the same trouble.

I don't think so. If you, or anyone else, has a problem with the activity of particular council members, take it up with them personally, or simply don't vote for them the next time an election comes up. If you have a problem with policy, take it up with the staff.

Thread closed.