View Full Version : Courtship (SR)

Jul 28th, 2004, 04:13:59 PM
"Let's talk about the Yellow Bantha, Mr. Jatrow."

The deponent cleared his throat and watched Stafford intently as he paced the witness stand. The lawyer made gentle gestures with his hands as he spoke.

"What kind of ship is she?"

"YV-100," he mumbled.

"How long had you been serving on the ship before the incident three months ago?"

"Uhm, about a year." His eyes shifted involuntarily.

"How many people were serving on the ship along with you at the time of your employment?"

"Three... no, four."

"What were their names?"

"Captain Malko, Streb, Wortner, and me."

"Were these the same people who were serving on the ship at the time of the incident?"


"Now, tell me how Captain Malko died," Stafford said evenly.

Jatrow breathed deep and recalled what Lanker, his attorney, had told him to say. "An alarm light came on in the passenger corridor, and soes I told Malko about it. He goes back, then I hear a big bang from the cargo hold, cuz thats where I was, and I go back to the passenger corridor and theres he is, laying on the floor with a bulkhead crushing 'is chest. He wasn't breathin or nuthin." The lawyers representing the crew sitting in the side booth smiled.

"Where was everyone else?"

"Streb was with me in the cargo hold, and Wortner was watchin GNN in the lounge."

"Why didn't you go to investigate what the alarm was?"

"Wasn't my job. Streb and I was inspectin the cargo and Wortner had the GNN on too loud."

"I didn't ask you why nobody else checked. So, who was flying the ship when Malko checked on the corridor?" He laid the trap. It was too late for the other lawyers to do anything.

"The computer."

"Yesterday, Streb told me that the reason the distress signal was sent was that the nav computer was malfunctioning. Now, when the Sector Ranger Marauder Corvette Reliant boarded you over Tatooine, their tech easily fixed it, and in his report said that it was a minor malfunction, and that a blind Jawa could've fix it. But that wasn't the real reason the distress signal was sent, was it?"

Before Jatrow could answer, Stafford continued. His words came out like blaster bolts from an E-web. "Yes, it's true that you were in the cargo hold, however Streb was not. Streb was in the cockpit with Malko when Wortner came in with a blaster. Malko had just enough time to hit the distress button before he got stunned. Then you placed his body in the passenger corridor and blew out a bulkhead to kill him. Then you proceeded to Tatooine to meet up with gods-know who, at which time you realized the distress signal was still beeping. Is this not true? And if it isn't, then explain how the computer was flying the ship when the navigational instruments were malfunctioning?"

Jatrow just stuttered for a couple moments. Then Stafford said, "No further questions. Mr. Lanker, if I could speak with you?"

Lanker was furious. They agreed to schedule a settlement meeting tomorrow. Another Sector Rangers excessive brutality case that would never reach the courts, much less the major networks. The Rangers on the Reliant beat the living crap out of every member of that crew when they found Malko's body. No questions asked. That was his job.

Later that evening, Roman Stafford sat in his office and opened up a bottle of Corellian whiskey.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Jul 28th, 2004, 07:58:53 PM
A shadow darkened the opaque glass insert of Stafford's office door. It was late, and his secretary had already done home. A light tap on the glass announced he had a visitor.

Sasseeri Reeouurra licked her lips and straightened her hair. Roman Stafford was a tremendous assest to the Sector Rangers. He was the head of their legal department, a real sharrrk, she thought the term was. He wasn't attractive, not to her tastes, but he was successful. The Sector Rangers hadn't lost a case since he had been brought on board.

In terms of success, he was very attractive. And it was time for her bi-monthly visit. She took a deep breath, looking at her chest, and adjusted the buttons, doing one more up. Roman was conservative, although he did like a glass of liquor in his office after everyone had left.

You never could tell what a conservative man who liked to drink alone in his office might do. Sasseeri huffed impatiently, and tapped a little more insistently at the door.

Jul 29th, 2004, 09:55:35 AM
The flesh around Roman's eyes tightened when he heard the tapping on the door. He studied the silhouette against his office door. Despite the dismal light from the hallway he could make out the shape of whoever it was, and his eyebrows rose when he noticed the curves in the outline. The chair creaked as he shifted his weight forward from his leaning position and the bottle of whiskey thumped pleasantly on the table as he stood up and strode to the door.

He opened the door and peaked through momentarily before opening it all the way. He was pleasantly surprised to see Sasseeri. Roman smiled easily, but his eyes did not.

"Ah, madam. Good to see you. Please, come in."

He held the door open for her and motioned with his hand, as he often did. A court habit.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Jul 29th, 2004, 08:27:36 PM
She entered, squeezing past him as he motioned to a chair. Sasseeri adjusted her blouse again, waiting for him to re-take his seat.

Roman closed the door, and there was a moment where she was sure he was going to try and wait her out, making her sit before him. The half-breed Cizerack cleared her throat, and looked pointedly at the lawyer and then a chair. When he still didn't move fast enough, she sighed, and took the seat behind his desk.

"A wonderrrful wjin today, Mrrr. Stafforrrd." She smiled smugly. "You left them gapjing ljike ljionfjish on Mon-Cal."

Jul 29th, 2004, 09:29:42 PM
Roman who was always the gentleman sat down casually after Sass did, in his guest chair. She was the boss after all.

“Well, thank you madam. I try my best. Most of the cases laid against the Sector Rangers are done by pansy lawyers who don’t know how to work a courtroom.” Roman spoke casually, as if to an old friend.

“Lawyers good enough to who know who I am… and more importantly who you are, don’t bother trying. Oh, ah… would you care for a drink?” He picked up the bottle of whskey and produced a glass seemingly from nowhere.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Aug 2nd, 2004, 07:18:49 PM
She inclined her head yes, and added, "On the rrrrocks, jif you have jice."

Sasseeri let her eyes examine the office. It was clean and functional, like it's occupant. It was also borrrjing, unlike her office, which was done in bloodwood and rich colors. Of course, Stafford had never been there, so he would have no idea.

She really didn't mingle much with the legal department. They worked for the Sector Rangers, not so much for her, and as long as they continued on with their fantastic track record, there was no reason for her to visit often. Sasseeri crossed, and re-crossed her legs, trying to get comfortable, and wondering if she could get the lawyer's eyes to pop. Of course, she was behind the desk. Chances were he could hardly see anything.

Sasseeri chewed her bottom lip as she thought, accepting the drink but making no other indication that she was paying any attention to Roman Stafford.

Aug 3rd, 2004, 09:03:18 PM

Roman stood and went to the minifridge in the corner of his office and scooped some ice into the glass. He filled the glass to about half and closed the fridge. Stafford turned around and placed the glass in front of her, on a coaster of course, as he sat.

Being a lawyer allowed Stafford the opportunity to study creature behavior. He could tell when a question hit the mark, and when the witness felt uncomfortable. As Sass fidgeted, Stafford could only wonder what she was thinking. He had never questioned a Cizerack on the stand, and hoped he never would.

Although, he did find her lip-chewing odd. These meetings were usually placid, about as placid as he was. Behind his emotionless face however, his mind was always analyzing. The room was silent save for a weak fan that wheeled forever.

"Do you need anything else?"

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Aug 12th, 2004, 03:07:26 PM
She turned her face towards him as he spoke, and nodded. "Yes, therrre jis one thjing jI would ljike you to do forrr me. jI need a small tjime swoop/speederrr bjike shop put out of bujisness."

Her blue eyes narrowed, and her lips curled in half a snarl. "The ownerrr jis Sanjis Prrrent. He's my employee, but he hasn't shown up to worrrk, or even contacted me jin months." Sasseeri gave Stafford what was supposed to be an even look, but the lawyer found himself stepping back from the intense emotion in her eyes.

Sanis was hers! and there was nothing the hyuu-man could do about it. His contract was not up! Not in her eyes. First she would take his business, and then his woman, and finally... him. Sass purred a bit in her throat.

"Thjis shop must be brrrought down. By whateverrr means necessarrry." Sasseeri took a <a href=http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35207>datachip</a> out of a pocket and laid it on his desk.

Aug 17th, 2004, 10:13:20 PM
Roman was taken by her sudden show of emotion. He cocked an eyebrow as he took the chip and laid it aside.

"He hasn't shown up in months..." He said it more to himself than to her. Even now Stafford's mind was analyzing possible routes of prosecution. He knew that a boss of an organization wouldn't seek prosecution or settlement of an employee just because the employee didn't show up for work. There was something else. A history, possibly, between them. But that was not his business.

"I see. Well, is there a certain time you want this done? Because the avenue I'd be taking might take a few weeks before we'd even be able to begin pressing charges or whatever it is you wished done."

Stafford leaned forward on his elbows and looked her in the eyes. "I can ruin this man... or I can just close down his shop...It all depends on what he's done, who he is, and what you want." Roman finished with a knowing smile.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Aug 18th, 2004, 01:15:52 AM
"Rrrujin hjim." jI want hjim on hjis knees, beggjing forrr me to take hjim jin. Sasseeri licked her lips after she sipped her drink once more.

"He must be brrroken, and the pjieces scatterrred." She got to her feet, straightening her tiny suit.

Aug 18th, 2004, 08:24:34 PM
Roman smiled the way he did when could foresee an arduous court battle ahead. He stood and opened the door while offering his hand for a shake to finalize it.

"My lady, he will be the dirt beneath your feet."