View Full Version : Running

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 28th, 2004, 11:48:01 AM
*Natia frowns slightly. She's just shown up on a small backwater planet after leaving Tyntia. Mordecai said they needed some supplies and so we had stopped here to get those supplies.

Dressed in a dark blue bodysuit, black leather boots, a black leather belt upon which hangs her lightsaber. She's also wearing a black hooded cloak, but the hood's down for now. Her long black hair is loose, and her white stripe is tucked behind an ear.

Overhead, Poledra flys, happy to be outside again to spread her wings and really soar for awhile.

Things have been lousy. First, Leten disappears, then the Coucil decides to I need to go to my homeworld to sit through my trial where I know I'll be found guilty. Then I go to Tyntia and see for myself the kind of destruction Thalius caused there, strengthening my resulve that he needs to be dealt with. Top that all off, my legs start acting so here I am sitting in this bar, taking a break in hopes of being able to make it back to the ship sometime soon.

A glass of ale sits on the table infront of her, one hand holding the glass as she looks around the bar, watching the various patrons*

Quay'Na Rakai
Jul 28th, 2004, 12:15:40 PM
While trying to avoid depression of leaving the Lost and not yet being accepted back into the Greater Jedi Order, a very pregnant Quay'Na Rakai left Coruscant to maybe reestablsh some kind of order in her life.

So far, nothing had been resolved. The planet that had been chosen to reside on for the moment, was not much. In a few days she would move on...again.

But, something strange happened that day, she was walking down the sidewalk and felt a very familiar presence. One she hadn't felt in a few weeks. Could it be?

Quay peered into the window pane of a nearby pub and low and behold, there sat her good friend, Natia.

She was very much surprised as a smile came to her lips. Entering the pub quietly and trying her best not to be noticed, which was rather hard being six and a half months pregnant. But, somehow she managed and sat down beside Natia.

"Imagine running into you here, Miss Natia." Quay began off-handedly.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 30th, 2004, 09:30:46 AM
*Natia looks up and over at Quay when she speaks up, a slight smile on her face though it looks like she wasn't surprised in the slightest that Quay is there*

It is a bit of a surprise finding one I know here. I never thought I'd meet up with somebody I know on this planet. Not much here, but good for supplies the least.

*Natia takes a sip of her ale*

So, I'm here for supplies. What brings a good friend like you here??

Quay'Na Rakai
Jul 31st, 2004, 01:06:18 AM
"Solitude, I suppose you could say. I'm sure you've heard that I left Marcus and the Lost. I held such high hopes of being there, but things can change so fast."

Quay placed a hand on her tummy, the lengthy green velvet dress she wore bore no hiding of her situation. "Aramis has changed my life and I feel I owe him a chance to live life without being secretive on what he was doing or where he was going."

The Padawan shook her head and sighed. "I need to find my way again. I don't know that the Greater Jedi Order is going to allow me to enlist with them again and being out here alone is somewhat intimidating." Quay paused and fiddled with one of the glass mats. "Sometimes, I feel like I need to go back and resolve my time with Marcus, but I don't know. River talked to me a lot and he really doesn't give me much advice, besides I have to do what is right. I feel like I'm running in circles."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 31st, 2004, 09:08:02 AM
Yes I have heard. I have to say I was rather sad to hear that you left us. But I understand your want for your child to grow up in a somewhat normal life. I know if I ever have children, I want them to have a normal life.

*Natia says quietly, knowing full well what it's like to feel like you're running in circles*

I can't give much advice seeing as how I'm still just a teenager who doesn't know much, but, you must always do what is right. Whether it's to follow your emotions, or to act like a proper Jedi and deny your emotions. Or any number of things. But in the end, only you can decide what is right for you.

And now my friend, whatever you decide, I will be by your side as a friend.

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 1st, 2004, 10:27:59 PM
Quay'Na smiled. "Thank you, Natia. Your friendship is a blessing. I'm really thinking of moving from Coruscant for good, possibly. I checked on the holonet and found another Jedi Order that might take me on."

She sighed. "It's just kinda scary to think about leaving."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 3rd, 2004, 09:51:51 AM
*Natia nods her head slightly. This was not something she was expecting. Quay considering to leave Coruscant*

It's always scary to leave a place in which you are familiar with and to go to a new place. I know it was scary when I first came to the GJO. Not what I expected it to be, or what I feared it to be.

May I ask why you would consider a different Jedi Order then the GJO??

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 4th, 2004, 10:12:00 PM
"Things are just really messed up, I've not been denied, but I've not been accepted yet either there. I'm still stressed over leaving the Lost, I never got to talk to Marcus about it." Quay'Na sighed as a tear escaped and she brushed it away.

"I don't know what I'm doing anymore, Natia. I really don't."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 5th, 2004, 10:31:57 AM
You might want to sit down and talk to him about this. About why you left the Lost. It might help to alleviate some of the stress you have about leaving.

*Natia pauses for a moment, as if collecting her thoughts*

You might want to sit down and write everything out. Write out your reasons for leaving the Lost, where you want to go, why you want to go there, what you might gain from doing that.

This is just a suggestion, and I don't even know if it might help.

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 7th, 2004, 08:00:40 AM
Quay listened to her and thought of what she said carefully. "I would like to talk to him about this. But, I've just been so mixed up lately, I don't know whether I'm coming or going. Just talking to someone is helping."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 9th, 2004, 09:37:54 AM
Then I'm happy to be able to help by being here with you right now.

*Natia takes a sip of her ale as she falls silent*

You're doing both, coming and going. When you leave one place, you're going, but you're also coming because you have a new place to go to.

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 10th, 2004, 09:13:40 PM
"I don't even know if Marcus knows I'm gone. He's been away so much and even now I question myself at being a true Jedi, but how can I live this way? I feel like I'm lying to my family, but...I do miss my master." Quay'Na sighed. "He's given me so much. Maybe...I should go back to him."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 12th, 2004, 08:25:58 AM
You have things you need to talk to him about. If nothing else, then to say goodbye. You are not the only one who misses him. I do as well. I just hope he understands why I had to leave for awhile. I left him a note saying I had a few things I need to deal with, some unfinished business, and that I'll be back when it's done.

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 12th, 2004, 12:18:18 PM
"How rude of me talking about all my problems...how are things going for you?" Quay'Na gave her young friend a concerned look.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 13th, 2004, 10:58:54 AM
It's not rude of you to talk about your problems when a person asks, which I did ask.

But as for me, things have been brighter. The Council has told me that I'm to goto my homeworld to go on trial for the things I've done since I was 4 years old when I killed my Father. I already know that they are going to find me guilty because I know I did it, and I will say so. When I do that, I will be sentenced to death.

I have a couple things I need to do before I go to my homeworld. The only thing I'm clinging to is the fact that the Council never said when I had to show up so I shall deal with my loose ends, and then, I shall go to my homeworld.

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 14th, 2004, 09:47:36 PM
"Oh, Natia," Quay said as her eyes widened. "That is so unfair, you were a child. A four-year-old child, how can they possibly hold that against you? I will go with you, if you'd like."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 15th, 2004, 11:24:58 AM
They can hold it against me because I used the Force to do what I did. Thus I was abusing the gift which has been bestowed upon me. There is a division of Law Enforcement on my homeworld which deals with the Force users, and they bring us in if we abuse our power.

*Natia takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly*

When I go there, I will welcome you. I have something I need to do before I go there to face my death. I have also done other things, like falling to the Darkside and killing while on the Darkside which they wish to punish me for as well. But the one that will get me sentenced to death is my killing my Father.

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 16th, 2004, 07:36:42 AM
Quay was silent for a few moments as she took this all in. "I can't believe this is happening. My problems sound so lame to what you are going through. I'm so sorry, I will come along when you go. I won't let you go through this alone. I promise." She put a supportive hand on Natia's shoulder.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 16th, 2004, 09:52:28 AM
But I won't be going through it alone though I do ask that you leave before I'm put to death. I have no desire to have any of m friends there to see me killed.

*Natia takes a rather large gulp of her ale*

Your problems aren't lame. They're just as important as mine, if not more so. I've already accepted my fate, no matter how much I don't like it. It's gonna happen and there is nothing I can do about it except to run for my whole life, but that won't accomplish anything except to ruin my life.