View Full Version : Roleplaying, on SW Galaxies

Jul 28th, 2004, 06:06:45 AM
I know that most of the Fans people play in Chilastra. However, I'm in the process of setting up a "roleplay" city and PA on the Kettemoor server (the unofficial roleplay server, apparently). Its Rebel, rather than Imperial, which I know a lot of you play. But its realistic rebel.

The theory is, basically, that we're like a World War II French town. Its a quaint little place, where everyone knows everyone else. Its a friendly, pretty little town. But secretly, we're harbouring the "Marquis". The PA (which will be our version of the Marquis) will hide in the city. The city will keep a "legitimate" profile by day, but at night, we secretly help the Rebellion. Its the sort of thing where people hide terrorists in their basement and stuff. Its pretty much a roleplay thing rather than anything else...I'm just getting annoyed with some Rebels waltzing around, as if they're part of the New Republic. Seeing as Fans has a heck of a lot of good roleplayers...it just made sense. I could use your help.

I have a few citizens lined up, but I'm looking for more, so that we can get all the stuff we want for the city, and keep the PA going. I'm looking to end up around level 3 in the city status...that's a Township. Between 35 and 54 players. But for starters, we need 10, just so we can qualify as an outpost.

So...yeah. I'm looking for all sorts of people, to slot into different roles. It doesn't matter if you don't have a Ket character - I only just set one up myself. I'm going to be the local Tailor, with my own little shop (eventually). A Master Artisan would be nice, especially one who can craft speeders (their house would preferably be next door to the garage, just to get the look right). We need shopkeepers (there's the posibility of a few more shops on the "high street"), as well as merchants to set up vendors in the "Market" (the PA's guild hall...we're probably going for Naboo style buildings, so the PA will be hidden in the basement). Armoursmiths, Weaponsmiths, Droid Engineers, Artisans, Entertainers, Chefs, and any other Crafters are welcome. Of course, Citizens are also more than welcome, especially if they want to be actively part of our Rebel PA. Smugglers especially...I'm planning on creating some roleplay situations with Rebels. Also, if there are any people who want to play Imperial informants, let me know. We'd only want one or two, but it would make our hidden Rebel group that little more realistic.

So...yeah. Here's hoping I'll grab your attention. If you have questions, you can PM me on this Fans account, or /tell either Ozaan Tzin'kor (Chilastra), Xanthos Tzin'kor (Wanderhome), or Kirano Tzin'kor (Kettemoor). Or, you can just post in this account. Either way, I look forward to hearing from you. :)

Master Yoghurt
Jul 28th, 2004, 08:08:14 AM
I will probably set up a Kettemoor character when I have the time

Jul 28th, 2004, 12:44:08 PM
Cool. If you join, that brings us up to six, I think.

Darth Viscera
Jul 28th, 2004, 12:59:02 PM
you don't honestly expect people to spend hundreds of hours again grinding up combat professions and some semblence of personal infrastructure in order to play on Kettemoor, do you?

Travis North
Jul 28th, 2004, 01:48:07 PM
It's just for fun. Besides it gives you the option of playing another proffesion while not disrupting your proffesion on chilastra. His idea has content as well, you get the Rebel roleplaying aspect of the game.

I've created my charcater. L'Vek newb artisan.

Aug 2nd, 2004, 03:45:22 PM
Hmmmmm... I may do this...

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 2nd, 2004, 03:58:39 PM
I think I will do it too, maybe something non combat where I won't to grind as much. Something easy like Entertainer or Doctor (or maybe that combo). I might even try a different species finally heh.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 2nd, 2004, 04:52:22 PM
I created a Male bothan by the name of Riosko. I always wanted to test a bothan out, and figured be better to do it as a rebel character.

Aug 3rd, 2004, 04:35:40 AM
:D Cool. Welcome aboard! I'll add you to the list.

If anyone who is ready to join can try and get a house (an ickle Naboo costs about 10k...and I keep forgetting how much that is for a n00b. Lol.) and let me know, we should be able to found with at least 10 members, which makes us an outpost. You probably know how long that will take...I'll get a price quote from a few architects, and I'll let you know. We'll probably end up waiting for you, so you can all become "Founding Fathers" (or mothers), and have a nice little plaque with your name on put in the City Hall, so you can be remembered forever. :)

Now all I need to do is somehow save up for a Guild Hall, while grinding Tailor and Pistoleer...I'm still using a CDEF. A cool CDEF, but still...*cry*

The current people we have in the city are aiming towards:

Tailor/Pistoleer (Me)
Bounty Hunter
Artisan/Chef/Architect (Travis)
Doctor (Allyson, for all you GRU people)

There are some people on the "probably" list (including another architect, and A JEDI ROLEPLAYER! *gasp*) and a couple on the maybe list.

Hope that helps you picking out a prof. And also, my advice: DON'T CRAFT. Levelling is a similar experience to driving red hot needles into your eyes. A slow and painful experience, and it leaves you struggling to see strait afterwards. :)

If any of you know people from other places who would be interested in joining us, you are more than welcome to try and recruit them.

And lastly:

The main bulk of the Rebel cell will be the "Fairhaven Commerce Guild". Thats our cover. However, not all members of the cell are members of that. Any of you in GRU may have heard of my Fury Troopers. Well, I'm considering setting up the cell as the "Alliance Fury Troopers", and having a few splinter-groups on other servers, as sort of Roleplay havens. I'll see how it pans out. It might mean that my Chilastra character needs to defect though. :(

In addition to the guild itself, we went to set up several non-PA groups, such as sports teams, bands, dueling squads, etc. We have a local player militia, so any of you combatteers may want to sign up. Its ceremonial, really, but as with most Roleplay things, it works if people want it to. We might also set up a theatre group - some people liked the sound of that idea. But that's all in the pipeline...guess I should concentrate on getting the city founded first!

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 3rd, 2004, 12:05:33 PM
I picked medic and brawler to begin with just to have something to start, I figure Brawler is easy combat profession to go with.

Malcolm Trippen
Aug 3rd, 2004, 02:39:36 PM
OK then.

I found two of the one-lot (I think) Naboo houses for 6k each on the bazaar. I bought 'em both (during the brief time between earning money, and spending it on stuff to grind tailor...:(), so if anyone wants the spare, just lemmie know.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 3rd, 2004, 10:25:25 PM
So are you on Naboo or somewhere else? I ask because that way I can move to the planet. Somehow I ended up on Tat for the beginning, I am going to move to somewhere haven't decided where to yet, I do prefer Naboo over Tat.

Aug 4th, 2004, 08:23:15 AM
We'll be on Naboo, yeah. I'm in Theed at the moment, although Fairhaven is down near Moenia (seemed to make sense with the Rebel ties and everything).

About ending up on Tat...Mos Eisley is now the default starting location. Its impossible to begin anywhere else...at least, with a non-FS character. I think they're creating a village or something to go with the Jedi, to explain where they're all coming from...FS people may start there.

But yeah, I'm on Theed...grinding Tailor...:(

Just out of curiosity, what weapon are ya goin' with in Brawler?

Aug 4th, 2004, 01:46:09 PM
Just so ya know, I'll prob start my Kett character tonight.

I'm thinking of starting her off on the path of medicine and botony (assuming I can do that O_o )

I may through in entertainer in there as a fun side job. :)

EDIT: Or maybe I'll go for bio-engineer... I'll think of something.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 4th, 2004, 10:30:11 PM
Not sure weapon wise I was just going up unarmed. I might do TK don't know yet. I might need my stats adjusted for it though I have like 600 health and 1000 Action (I guess its because I picked medic to start with) will keep that for now it is useful to start with.

Aug 5th, 2004, 05:28:45 AM
Originally posted by AmazonBabe
Just so ya know, I'll prob start my Kett character tonight.

I'm thinking of starting her off on the path of medicine and botony (assuming I can do that O_o )

I may through in entertainer in there as a fun side job. :)

EDIT: Or maybe I'll go for bio-engineer... I'll think of something.

In hindsight, picking Naboo was a good idea...you'll feel most at home there. :)

Just so you all know, as a sort of promotional thing, I am in the process of organising a "Marathon" run from Moenia to Fairhaven, to celebrate the birth of the city. Its also to get people aware of us, for the next time we do some more serious events. Later, when I can be bothered to check if the servers are back up, I might go and scout out a triathlon track, or a good cross country route, or something.

How many of you are going to need housing? I'm going to buy a few of the teeny tiny round Naboo houses, and "loan" them to people as a sort of "come see how cool Fairhaven is by living there for a bit!" package...if you wanna borrow a house to boost our citizenship numbers, let me know, and I'll make sure we have enough.

Aug 5th, 2004, 02:26:06 PM
I wouldn't mind having my own place so long as maybe I could share it with someone that's on quite a bit of the time. (Bascially so they can keep an eye on the maintanance. I get really paranoid with this cause i'm not on all the time.)

Aug 6th, 2004, 05:38:03 AM
I can do that if ya want. All of my lots right now are gonna be filled up with the Guild Hall, pretty much. I won't have any space for my Tailoring shop. I was gonna use one of those small round Naboo houses, but you can't really store that much in them before they get full. :\ I can cope with supplying the maintainance on the house...will that help? Even the small Naboo houses are epic, so I won't get in your way. :)

Oh, and having a Tailor as a roomie could have its advantages...I've already spotted a load of Ivy-esque outfits I'll eventually be able to make. :D

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 6th, 2004, 09:20:17 AM
I will probably need a tiny house just something to start with.

Aug 6th, 2004, 01:04:54 PM
Sounds like you got yourself a roomie, Alex. :)

Hope you don't mind me leaving lengerie lying about. :p

Aug 7th, 2004, 07:01:18 AM
Why would I mind? I'd be the one who made it. ;) :D

And you got yerself a tiny house, Carr. As soon as I see our Mayor, I'll probably get her to lay the City Hall - I'm pretty sure we've got enough people.


Just to check, do we have anyone wanting to join:
- The Constabulary (Militia)
- Sports Teams
- Bands
- Entertainment Staff (at the Cantina we haven't bought yet)
- Anything else to do with the town that I can't think of through this headache

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 7th, 2004, 11:15:39 AM
Where is the city, just curious? So I can check it out. Also haven't been on when you have Alex have only been able to play the last couple of nights after 7PM my time so probably just missed you, although there might be people playing here that I don't know the names yet.

Malcolm Trippen
Aug 9th, 2004, 12:33:06 AM
The city *still* hasn't been founded yet - didn't see the mayor over the weekend. However, the waypoint for where it will be (roughly) is 1600, -5050 on Naboo. That waypoint should guide you to the ridge. South of that is residential, north is industrial, and further north is the outskirts, and the mountain.

We're also getting an Imperial Garrison (other side of the mountain, prob) being established near by, to look after the goings on in our area. They'll deal with more severe crimes, that our Constabulary can't cope with.

Oh, and so you're aware...we are developing a series of "Civic Crimes" that you may find yourself fined for:
- Parking in Restricted Parking Zones (outside of public buildings, on the main street, etc. This also includes pulling speeders/mounts at that location)
- Walking around in public while armed
- Duelling in public (we may end up with a special duelling arena for you to duel in
- Defaulting on the fines for the above (you get 10 days, so you shouldn't have a problem, tbh).

More info on crimes will go up on the city website which I am working on this very second. So, if you could all help me out massively, and post up your name (full), and put down if you're interested in the Constabulary, band, sports teams, theatre group, or whatever, it would help me out immensely. Thanks. :)

I should be on almost constantly from now (07:30 GMT) until some time this evening (my time). I'll obviously be off when the servers shut down, and I might be afk every once in a while, but a Tzin'kor will be on-line most of the time:


Anyone with questions... ^ they're the people to talk to. :)

Oh, and on a side-note, does anyone know how, decoration-wise, I could make a room look like its really cold? In fact, I'd go as far as really REALLY cold? Its hypothetical, but I started wondering if I'd actually be able to pull it off somehow...

Aug 17th, 2004, 06:15:27 PM
OK...slight set-back. Naboo is capped out on player cities atm. ^_^; We're gonna look at Dantooine, but its pretty likely that's full up too. Which means we may end up living with the Gungans on Rori.

Oh, yeah. I've also fired the Chief Constable, because he was a total prick. :| Any of you interested? Basically, you wonder around looking important, and get to play lawyer every now and again.

Silus Xilarian
Aug 18th, 2004, 03:14:05 AM
As tempting as this is, ive barely got the time to play my Ahazi and chilastra characters =(

Aug 21st, 2004, 12:40:56 PM
Ok. I did a thread in the Roleplaying forums for SWG, but I'll do it here as well. I need to know who will be able to make it to Fairhaven as soon as possible after we found. So, can you guys answer a few questions?

1. When can you get to Fairhaven (nr Narmle, on Rori)?
2. Can you afford to get to Fairhaven?
3. Do you have a house, or do you want to borrow one?

Seeing as the City Hall cost 250k, and you need to get 10 people as residents within 24 hours of placing the CH...I don't wanna waste all that money. Especially seeing as it isn't mine...:)