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Syren Wyssholt
Jul 24th, 2004, 10:59:36 AM
Those who are fans of his series known as The Dark Tower and have also read his book, Eyes of the Dragon might appreciate this.

Eyes of the Dragon: Currently in production. The story has been optioned by a French production company (WAMC Entertainment). This will be an animated feature and there is no release date set.

Personally, I'd rather see it as a film. I absolutely loved this story and have always viewed it as the very beginning of the Dark Tower tales, even though SK has said it isn't.

I'd love to see the entire Dark Tower tales made into films, provided that they do follow the books and cast it right. Of all the books I've read in my life, Roland the Gunslinger is my absolute favorite character.

Just out of curiousity, I was wondering if anyone else had ever wondered who would be able to portray Roland if the Dark Tower (or Eyes of the Dragon) were ever set to film? I was thinking about this last night and I could really only think of three off the top of my head who would do the character justice:

Hugh Jackman
Ralph Fiennes (I know I spelled that wrong)
Caviaziel (erm, I know I spelled his last name wrong too and for the life of me I cannot recall his first name)

Those who've read Talisman, Desperation or Riding the Bullet and enjoyed them might be happy to learn that these are going to made into films.

Desperation: Currently in production. This is slated to be a mini-series, but no date has been set.

The Talisman: Currently in pre-production. This movie is slated for theatrical release in 2005, but no date has been set.

Riding the Bullet: Currently in post-production. This movie is tenatively slated for a theatrical release around Halloween 2004.

Stephen King (http://www.stephenking.com/) , to read more about future works, upcoming publications, etc.

Those who have been reading the Dark Tower series might be happy to know (if they didn't know already) that the final book is due out in September, simply titled Dartk Tower VII.

Jul 24th, 2004, 11:05:09 AM
I've also heard rumbling of a Dark Tower animated series, possibly on HBO. It's certainly in the "talks" phase. If it were ever a live action series of films, I have no idea who I'd op for as Roland. Kurt Russell is the only person who comes to mind, and I always pictured Roland as a little slimmer.

I really enjoyed Desperation, but I doubt it'll translate to film well at all.

Syren Wyssholt
Jul 24th, 2004, 11:22:31 AM
If they do the animated series, I'll end up watching anyways. I wouldn't be able to resist. I'm sure that I'll also get upset with it, but I still won't be able to not watch. I enjoy his stories so much and its discouraging to see them go to crap in adapting them to film.

Though, I did enjoy seeing Needful Things. I think they did a decent job with adapting that tale to film. The re-make of Salem's Lot that was recently aired was pretty good, as well. The original was pretty cheesy and I remember it well.

I haven't really had the chance to see Kingdom Hospital, though I'm not hearing good things about it at all, which too, is discouraging.

Kurt Russell as Roland ... hm .... *ponders*

Possibly. He could probably due the character justice though in my mind I've always seen Roland as the stoic, quiet type. Soft-spoken yet people listen when he speaks because his voice is commanding without being overbearing. (I hope that made sense).

Have you seen some of the artwork for the Dark Tower series? I suppose if you have the hardcover books then you have. I'm not sure if the images I've seen of Roland suit the character. Then again, it could be that I just have a different set image in my mind of him from reading the stories.

I enjoyed Desperation as well. I agree that I'm not if it will adapt to film well but my reservations won't stop me from seeing it.

The thing I don't understand is why make Eyes of the Dragon an animated series? If done right, it'd be a great mini-series on tv.

Jul 24th, 2004, 11:49:13 AM
I don't know if anybody's got the look for Roland. Hugh Jackman could. After all, he made Wolverine work, and I always figured Roland for a kind of grizzled guy as well. Kurt Russel could definitely do it as well.

If only there was a way to go back in time and get Clint Eastwood to do it.

I've only just started reading the Gunslinger (book one) on Akrabbim's recommendation. Its already become one of my favorite books, and I'm hooked into the series.

Jul 24th, 2004, 12:02:53 PM
It gets really zany as it goes on - you may not like the series by book 5 or so, if you're expecting the style to stay the same.

Depending on when you caught him, Eastwood could have definitely done the character justice (http://img20.exs.cx/img20/9531/clint.jpg).

Some of the pictures in the books fit my imaginging of the character and others do not. The cover for book 7 isn't too far off.

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 24th, 2004, 11:21:56 PM
Desperation is suppose to be a ABC miniseries not sure if that fell apart or not have heard nothing about it. I could see an animated Dark Tower that be cool.

Syren Wyssholt
Jul 25th, 2004, 11:20:38 AM
Originally posted by Charley
... If only there was a way to go back in time and get Clint Eastwood to do it.

I've only just started reading the Gunslinger (book one) on Akrabbim's recommendation. Its already become one of my favorite books, and I'm hooked into the series.

It's funny that you mention Clint Eastwood. Last night "Cyrel" and I were watching Coogan's Bluff and the minute I saw Clint Eastwood (1968), I sat up in bed and pointed to the screen "He could do Roland!"

And yeah, if you're expecting things to be as they are in The Gunslinger, you might not like it as the series goes because it does take some pretty weird turns. However, I do encourage you to read the entire series. I'd also suggest reading Eyes of the Dragon because I don't care what SK has said about this book not being a precursor to The Dark Tower series - it is. I also think it's important to read Eyes because; 1. If you are really enjoying the Gunslinger, Eyes of the Dragon is right up your alley, and; 2. Eyes of the Dragon will help you gain a deeper understanding of Roland, his ka-tet, and his reasons for seeking The Dark Tower and the "Man in Black". You'll also understand his relationships with Susan, Cuthbert, Alain and the "Man in Black".

Though the series does take some wicked turns, its still an excellent read. I think you might actually appreciate the writing he's used in this series and might even like the turns it takes.