View Full Version : Sebastian Shaw replaced with Christensen in ROTJ DVD
Jul 24th, 2004, 10:16:38 AM
Even after having viewed a video clip of the segment in question, I'm pretty skeptical. Still, have a look for yourself: - has a list of the changes supposedly in the new DVD releases.
Edit: In fact, the more I look at it, the more I'm convinced that his head has simply been replaced over Sebastian Shaw's somehow. Still, I love checking out all of these hoaxs for myself. :)
Figrin D'an
Jul 24th, 2004, 10:39:09 AM
Originally posted by Shawn
Edit: In fact, the more I look at it, the more I'm convinced that his head has simply been replaced over Sebastian Shaw's somehow.
It certainly looks that way to me as well. And I certainly hope it is indeed a hoax.
It strikes me as rather lame that Anakin would revert to a youthful form as a spirit while Obi-Wan and Yoda would remain as they appeared when they died. While this is something that, one would think, should be obvious to all involved in the "restoration" of the films for the DVD release, I wouldn't put anything past Lucas at this point.
Jul 24th, 2004, 10:46:53 AM
Does anyone have a way to take a screencap from the end of ROTJ, so we can do a side-by-side comparison?
I, too, wouldn't put anything past Lucas at this point. Someone mentioned that Anakin is young in this scene because he "died" as a Jedi while he was still young, or some such nonsense.
Master Yoghurt
Jul 24th, 2004, 01:52:58 PM
I am fairly certain thats not a hoax actually.
Its a clip from the rip circulating on the net..
.. and no, I dont like it either
Master Yoghurt
Jul 24th, 2004, 01:55:18 PM
Jul 24th, 2004, 02:22:42 PM
I know, I've been keeping up with the thread. If it is real, then it was really poorly done. I could have done a better job with 90 minutes and some mediocre video editing tools.
Look at how Anakin's head sits on his neck: It looks like it was just copy-pasted over. That's why I was asking for comparison shots, to see if the body was the same.
Also, it didn't look very convincing in the clip I saw. Anakin fades in very oddly.
I'm holding out the belief that this is just a hoax. Because if it's real, this is the most terrible thing Lucas has done to the OT.
Jul 24th, 2004, 04:32:22 PM
Ug. It's confirmed to be real. Worse, I talked to someone who did a side-by-side comparison and the bodies really are the same. So they just pasted his head over Shaw's and ran with it. How utterly disappointing.
My biggest gripe with Greedo shooting first wasn't the fact that he shot first: It was the fact that Han apparently dodged the shot by having his image jerked to the side for a second. It looked terrible. For his obsession with CG, Lucas sure employs some of the worst film editing in the industry sometimes.
Master Yoghurt
Jul 24th, 2004, 04:37:15 PM
Yup, its a simple cut and paste thing
.. and may I add, the change feels so utterly wrong
Jul 24th, 2004, 04:47:39 PM
If that link is true:
* Light Sabers changed for Vader versus Ben Kenobi Death Star duel.
* Han and Greedo scene slightly changed (everyone's seen this).
* Jabba the Hutt redone from Special Edition Jabba.
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
* Emperor replaced with Ian McDiarmid.
* Naboo has been added to the final planetary celebration montage at the end of the movie. It is a shot very similar to the helicopter shot of Theed in TPM when AATs are moving up the street towards the palace.
Original Trilogy Bonus Materials Extras:
* Easter Egg: Warwick Davis short film of Wickett the Ewok fighting Boba Fett on the Death Star II, shot as a gag during the filming of Return of the Jedi.
That makes up for it :D
Anyway, where is this confirmation?
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 24th, 2004, 08:53:55 PM
The other changes are great if even they are real. I will be glad that monkey thing is out of there. I don't mind the Hayden thing, it doesn't bother me that much, there are worse things they could do. Also it looks like they might be changing the Leia talking about her mother dialogue does that mean what I think it means
Jul 25th, 2004, 12:06:36 AM
They improved the special effects/makeup on Vader's unmasking, and it actually looks pretty good. But they also somehow managed to make the lightsaber effects look much worse. :huh
Figrin D'an
Jul 25th, 2004, 12:39:59 AM
Originally posted by Shawn
Ug. It's confirmed to be real. Worse, I talked to someone who did a side-by-side comparison and the bodies really are the same. So they just pasted his head over Shaw's and ran with it. How utterly disappointing.
It really does look that way. With all the film manipulation ability available, they give us a hack job like that. What a bunch of crap. I guess it's assumed that we'll all ignore that Anakin has never worn the Jedi outfit used by Shaw in the original shot. Or how he still looks like an evil arrogant bastard with that stupid cocky smile.
It looks lame. Plain and simple. If they wanted to replace Shaw with Christensen, fine. Just do it so it actually looks good.
The other "changes" I've read about seem alright, but I hold final opinion of such things until I actually see them.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 25th, 2004, 05:17:05 AM
I really want the OT as it was seen in the theatres on DVD. Is that too much to ask for? I hate this revisionist crap!
Jul 25th, 2004, 02:49:41 PM
Images removed. If you really want to see them, have a look at the thread linked in Yoghurt's post.
The Man in Black
Jul 25th, 2004, 04:30:03 PM
Originally posted by Shawn
The top one was taken from the Non-SE OT, the bottom one is from the DVD.
Wow this is depressing :(
Kyle Raiden
Jul 25th, 2004, 05:05:49 PM
Yeah, but how much of that are you gonna notice watching it on a dvd? Its a few seconds. The sabers were re-done to look rounder, rather than like flat white things. Thats just one bit.
As for the Anakin thing...yeah, it sucks. The looks like a uniform for dead Jedi...Yoda is wearing the same sort of thing. And the "expecting us to overlook the fact that Anakin never wore that outfit"...same would be true even if they hadn't changed the head. Your point is um...pointless.
Originally posted by Marcus Telcontar
I really want the OT as it was seen in the theatres on DVD. Is that too much to ask for? I hate this revisionist crap!
Don't worry...that little money-making gem is probably in the pipeline...Lucas is trying to squeeze every last drop of profit out of Star Wars, so its bound to come out eventually.
Also, where are people getting these rips from? Are we even sure that it is a finished version? They could be fixing bits. Who knows?
Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 25th, 2004, 05:40:54 PM
If Sebastian Shaw is indeed replaced by Christensen, does that mean he gets to sue Lucasfilm?
Also, it makes sense, sort of, that Anakin is shown in his youthful form - it's before he was Darth Vader...
Okay it doesn't, not really. It would make more sense for an aged Christensen to replace the other, or just to leave it as is. Sheesh.
Jul 25th, 2004, 05:48:27 PM
There's some more pics in the link Yog posted; I won't be posting them here because I don't feel like pressing my luck. ;) Suffice it to say that I'm fairly convinced of their authenticity at this point.
Malcolm Trippen
Jul 25th, 2004, 05:49:11 PM
Think of the Obi Wan speach. What Lucasfilm did was right...from a certain point of view. ;)
Jul 25th, 2004, 06:23:50 PM
I refuse to believe they are changing that until I see it on the DVD.
It does not make sense, they look horrible, both the Anakin and the Lightsaber shot.
Jul 25th, 2004, 07:21:00 PM
Rick McCallum replied "Where did _that_ come from?" when asked about it at the San Diego panel Jinn Fizz and I saw yesterday, and Hayden had a blank look on his face like "Huh?" So unless Hayden Christensen is in fact a better actor than we know, I'll guess the fixed shot in this thread is the more accurate shot of what'll be on the discs.
The good news on the DVDs are the extras look amazing, and will include outtakes and screen tests including Kurt Russell as a potential Han and Teri Nunn (later of Berlin) as Leia, and lots of documentaries.
[edited for clarity- QGJ]
Jul 25th, 2004, 07:31:54 PM
I'm afraid that it's all very convincing at this point, JB. :( It looks like ESB has had some changes, too: The Emperor has been given new lines and they changed Boba Fett's voice.
The Emperor's new lines:
Palpatine: "We have a new enemy: The young rebel who destroyed the Death Star. I have no doubt that this boy is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker."
Vader: "How is that possible?"
Palpatine: "Search your feelings, Lord Vader. You know it to be true. He could destroy us."
Vader: "He's just a boy. Obi Wan can no longer help him."
After listening to Boba's new voice, I realized that it's the same guy who played Jango. On the plus side, I'm glad they replaced that ugly version of the Emperor in ESB with Ian McDiarmid. That always bugged me.
QuiGonJ: I'm not sure I understand the first part of your post; Are you saying that you asked them about the DVD changes yesterday and they had no idea what you were talking about? Because I'm 99% convinced that this is all genuine at this point.
Jul 25th, 2004, 08:06:46 PM
I mean I saw the two of them answer the question, and since I would assume Hayden of all people would know if he's in the flick, the look of puzzlement on his face said "No" more convincingly than had he said no.
The body in that film clip is still Sebastian Shaw and there were no ILM "test" markings on it like in the clip circulating that shows the new "Greedo fires first" footage I saw which is most likely real. I think the ROTJ movie is a hoax.
I could still be wrong, but as far as I know, Shaw is still Ani in ROTJ.
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 25th, 2004, 09:17:10 PM
I think the Rip is a hoax, some overzealous fan probably did it, it would explain about the lightsabers. There is no way they could look that fake, come on they look more real in the Prequels why make them look fake now? I mean anybody these days could take the movies make it into a DVD and post it on the net, that would be my bet.
Figrin D'an
Jul 25th, 2004, 09:42:49 PM
Originally posted by Kyle Raiden
As for the Anakin thing...yeah, it sucks. The looks like a uniform for dead Jedi...Yoda is wearing the same sort of thing. And the "expecting us to overlook the fact that Anakin never wore that outfit"...same would be true even if they hadn't changed the head. Your point is um...pointless.
No, it's not. Yoda and Obi-Wan are wearing the Jedi robes they wore when they died. Prequel Trilogy Anakin has never been shown wearing the "Shaw" outfit, so why not just completely remove Shaw's body and replace it with that of Christensen, and in robes that befit him more than the Sebastian Shaw incarnation of Anakin?
Either leave it be (leave Shaw in as Anakin), or change it completely. Doing it half-way makes it look cheap. If it were to have been left alone, one can overlook the discontinuity because it's preserving the film it's in original form.
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 25th, 2004, 09:56:41 PM
That is why I think its fake now, it just smells of a hoak, Qui-Gon's report confirms it to me.
Figrin D'an
Jul 25th, 2004, 10:01:17 PM
Originally posted by Jedi Master Carr
That is why I think its fake now, it just smells of a hoak, Qui-Gon's report confirms it to me.
I hope that's true. Change it completely, or leave it be, IMO.
The Man in Black
Jul 25th, 2004, 10:04:59 PM
The saber thing just has to be fake. I can't believe that lucasfilm would botch lightsabers so badly, especially when any moron with photoshop can create convincing lightsabers.
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 25th, 2004, 10:25:43 PM
Yeah that doesn't look real at all it look animated. Is that coming from this rip?? If it is than this rip has got to be fake. And honestly do you think LFL would allow something like that to leak out two months before the DVD? I personally think there security is better than that.
The Man in Black
Jul 25th, 2004, 10:27:19 PM
Originally posted by Jedi Master Carr
Yeah that doesn't look real at all it look animated. Is that coming from this rip?? If it is than this rip has got to be fake. And honestly do you think LFL would allow something like that to leak out two months before the DVD? I personally think there security is better than that.
Considering how much has leaked from the prequels before release, I highly doubt this.
Figrin D'an
Jul 25th, 2004, 10:30:38 PM
If the scenes are indeed fake, they're one heck of a good trolling attempt. It's certainly riled up a lot of people, including many of us.
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 25th, 2004, 10:41:09 PM
Well I mean a whole copy of the DVD but what is weird just this one movie showed up why not the others? That alone makes it look phony. As for the trolling well it wouldn't suprise there are some weird fans out there who love to urk people.
Jul 26th, 2004, 02:23:40 AM
I'm afraid that I'm still pretty convinced.If nothing else, the screencaptures simply came from a higher quality source than anything else previously available. And there's tons of evidence that it's from a DVD source.
If it is a hoax, it's a hoax made using the new DVDs, no two ways about it. And I don't think a fake version of the film would have been released without a genuine DVD rip. Simply put, fakes aren't released and circulated in the manner that this was.
Also, for what it's worth: the person who originally posted about this is a very reliable source: He often gets spoiler info way ahead of time and has never been wrong. Lucasfilms made him shut down his site circa AOTC because of all the spoiler info he had there.
Malcolm Trippen
Jul 26th, 2004, 04:57:06 AM
No, it's not. Yoda and Obi-Wan are wearing the Jedi robes they wore when they died. Prequel Trilogy Anakin has never been shown wearing the "Shaw" outfit, so why not just completely remove Shaw's body and replace it with that of Christensen, and in robes that befit him more than the Sebastian Shaw incarnation of Anakin?
Either leave it be (leave Shaw in as Anakin), or change it completely. Doing it half-way makes it look cheap. If it were to have been left alone, one can overlook the discontinuity because it's preserving the film it's in original form.
That's what I was saying...if the Anakin we saw had never wore those robes, then why would a different actor wear them? It makes no sense either way.
The Emperor has been given new lines and they changed Boba Fett's voice.
That at least makes sense - Boba is just a clone of Fett...of course they have the same voice.
Jul 26th, 2004, 10:53:22 AM
I agree, vader does look better.. glad they took out the freaky eyebrows. But, why did they have to mess with the lightsabers? They're pretty much a solid color now. Are they going to edit them in the other movies as well?
Jul 26th, 2004, 12:07:20 PM
I think that, when you see the Sabers used in combat, they'll look a little more like they do in Episodes I and II, and less like big white things painted over the top. The clipping issue...meh. A few seconds. Its ignorable.
Dan the Man
Jul 26th, 2004, 12:14:46 PM
Originally posted by Alex
I think that, when you see the Sabers used in combat, they'll look a little more like they do in Episodes I and II, and less like big white things painted over the top. The clipping issue...meh. A few seconds. Its ignorable.
Not really. That's a pretty static scene. You see the sabers interlocked for quite a good moment of time. At that point, it looks ridiculously gaudy, and is quite apparent to anybody.
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 26th, 2004, 05:04:42 PM
I still say its fake, these days the technology out there I think somebody can pull it off. Why else would Hayden be so shocked at San Diego Con, I can't believe he wouldn't know about since he would have to be paid for it.
The Man in Black
Jul 26th, 2004, 05:14:26 PM
Originally posted by Jedi Master Carr
I still say its fake, these days the technology out there I think somebody can pull it off. Why else would Hayden be so shocked at San Diego Con, I can't believe he wouldn't know about since he would have to be paid for it.
Not really, as they could've simply taken a picture of him from something else and used that.
Jul 26th, 2004, 05:17:52 PM
Anecdotal evidence hardly competes with visual proof, in my eyes. :\ I don't like it, but those caps were definitely taken from a DVD quality source.
There's an enormous thread about the episode IV-VI DVDs here ( The mods there have warned people about "posting links to leaked material". Take that as you will.
Just to be on the safe side, I've removed the images in this thread. If you still want to see them, have a look at the link Yoghurt posted earlier or check out
Jinn Fizz
Jul 26th, 2004, 07:50:12 PM
I personally think it's all a lot of hokum...somebody's pulling off a very successful practical joke at the moment, and lots of people are falling for it. I won't believe it until I see it with my own 2 eyes.
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 26th, 2004, 09:47:43 PM
Yeah me too, the lightsabers prove it to me. Come on they look so fake, and why would LFL make it look worse than the prequels and I mean much worse that just doesn't make sense to me. I say its a huge hoax.
Jul 26th, 2004, 09:54:50 PM
I don't have the technical expertise, but I've seen plenty of bootleg DVD copies of the 'Original Trilogy' sold at cons and stuff.
Could someone pulle the footage from one of those chinese DVD's?
Figrin D'an
Jul 26th, 2004, 10:08:35 PM
Those bootlegs are pulled from, more than likely, laserdiscs. Burning them to DVD isn't hard. It's cleaning up the shots that is difficult and time consuming (it can be done by people with the right software and the l33t video editing skillzs, but's it's not easy).
That's why I said, if those images are fake, it's one heck of a good trolling practical joke.
Jul 27th, 2004, 12:03:08 AM
Originally posted by Jedi Master Carr
Yeah me too, the lightsabers prove it to me. Come on they look so fake, and why would LFL make it look worse than the prequels and I mean much worse that just doesn't make sense to me. I say its a huge hoax. And why would a person perpetrating a hoax like this bother making the lightsabers look that bad? It makes just as little sense - they could have easily left it alone. Lucas, however, has a track record for bad SFX in his movies.
JB: To elaborate on what Fig said; It's easy to burn any kind of video onto a DVD that you can play in a standalone player. The thing is, you don't increase the quality of the source video. You take a Laserdisc quality source and burn it to a DVD, it's still a Laserdisc quality source that you can now play in a DVD player. These are much higher quality (check out how much clearer Vader looks in the comparison shots) and apparently have lots of touchups (such as the matte lines being removed around the rancor).
Of course no one will know for sure for about 2 more months, but I don't really have any doubts at this point. If anything, the Lightsabers prove it to me, since anyone with enough technical know-how to pull off a hoax like this would never have let a technical flub like that slip by.
Edit: Ok, I read some spoiler info for ROTS which makes the addition of Hayden's ghost at the end make a lot of sense. I still don't like it, but it explains it.
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 27th, 2004, 12:35:27 AM
But why would they look worse in ROTJ than any other the films? Unless those screens are just really really bad quality. I guess that is possible. The Hayden part doesn't really bother me, I can live with that (I think he needs to fire his agent though if it is true) but the lightsaber deal is just strange unless they are just bad images and didn't show up well as pics taking from the film.
Jul 27th, 2004, 12:57:58 AM
Do you have a copy of ANH SE handy? Fast forward to the Han-Greedo scene and tell me why Han's image is jerked to the side when Greedo fires. It looks terrible, but it made it into the final cut. :\
Jul 27th, 2004, 06:55:30 AM
Originally posted by Shawn
Edit: Ok, I read some spoiler info for ROTS which makes the addition of Hayden's ghost at the end make a lot of sense. I still don't like it, but it explains it.
Where did you read the explanations for this?
Jul 27th, 2004, 09:41:27 AM
Well, it's from the same place I saw the screencaps. So if you're completely convinced it's a hoax, it probably won't do much for you. :) I'll find the post with the spoilers in a little bit and post it here.
Anakin does die. He falls into a pit of molten lava and is boiled and burned to death. Darth Sidious, in his frustration and rage at this turn of events, summons every ounce of Sith magic he has in him to ressurrect the dead Jedi (and in the process, corrupting his own self into the hideous visage of the Emperor we all know and love). Anakin returns as little but an evil spirit controling a ruined shell, kept in tact by technology created for General Grievous, a cyborg warlord. Darth Vader is the result... essentially a Force zombie.
Now, keep in mind that a Jedi's spirit is released upon death, but only by a forgotten Jedi technique that Yoda discovers can it return to the corporeal world and be seen by the living. Since Anakin literally died as a man in his twenties, when his shell is finally destroyed in Return of the Jedi, his spirit can at last return. It is still a representation of the man he was when he was killed all those years ago.
Now, there's absolutely nothing to back that up as being legitimate in any way, but it does fit.
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 27th, 2004, 09:58:17 AM
Yeah but the lightsabers in that image looks horrible they look like something from a cartoon. Unless it is a bad screencap and it couldn't capture the lightsabers in action or something. I guess that is possible. I am still leaning to fake, I don't trust fan websites I have been burned on that stuff before.
Jul 27th, 2004, 11:51:42 AM
I guess that does technically fit, but IMO, Vader acted more and more human as the OT continues. I'm not so sure how an evil zombie would do things. To me, Vader is just an mechanized man possessed by rage, and obsessed with control. I buy Obi Wan's explanation more. I believe more in the fact that when Anakin fell into that pit of lava, he ceased to be the person everyone knew...and became Darth Vader. For many long years Lucas has maintained that his kids redeem him and finally break through that shell of anger and hate.
Jul 27th, 2004, 12:20:22 PM
I agree with you completely. But I always felt that Anakin was a man of good intentions and a great Jedi before he was seduced by the Dark Side. Perhaps even out of noble intentions. And then I saw AOTC. :|
Jul 27th, 2004, 01:25:26 PM
My biggest beef with AotC is that we never got to see this 'great Jedi' that Obi Wan kept talking about in the OT. He was described as a cunning warrior, the best starpilot in the galaxy...yet we haven't really seen ANY of that yet. Sure he piloted his pod with more skill than anyone else, and sure he flew that speeder through Coruscant without blinking an eye...but neither qualify someone as the best starpilot in the galaxy. The only times we saw Anakin fight anyone was a bunch of Geonosians and droids. When he fought Dooku he lost a limb...hardly what I'd call cunning. I really hope we see what Obi Wan was talking about in the early going of RotS.
Jul 27th, 2004, 02:14:52 PM
I still have a problem with the footage in that Ani never wore the Obi-Wan/Sebastian Shaw robes. That is the part that makes me believe the footage is fake, well, that and no markings on it.
Jul 27th, 2004, 02:22:49 PM
I do have a problem with that too, but we haven't seen RotS yet, maybe he will be in that outfit at some point. If he isn't, I don't see how Lucas can get away with this...
Jul 27th, 2004, 04:24:35 PM
Regarding the ComicCon Panel:
When asked if Shaw was going to be replaced by Christiansen at the end of ROTJ, whatshisname said to buy the DVD's and find out.
Nathanial K'cansce
Jul 27th, 2004, 04:40:23 PM
I don't like that answer. Nope nope.
And JMK - I think the Clone Wars mini series showed how Anakin was all cunning warrior like and good starpilot like.
Though with that, I don't like how thay had to go to a cartoon to describe something that should be seen in the movies.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 27th, 2004, 05:27:34 PM
Sahwn.... is that spoiler for real? That's .... ehh..... I think
if he's a Zombie, then ROTS is a perfect name for the movie :D
Still, I dont quite buy it yet. It just doesnt quite fit with IV V and VI. Maybe somethign else is missing
Jul 27th, 2004, 05:51:49 PM
Like I said, it's basically just a rumor. But it does seem to be what GL is leading up to. The phrase "zombie" was just the original poster being cheeky, however.
Jul 27th, 2004, 08:01:36 PM
Yes, that is what Sansweet said, but Sansweet likes screwing with us.
Jarek T'chort
Aug 2nd, 2004, 02:52:35 PM
If it's true about these changes, I will not be buying the DVD's. I have no desire to see the films I have enjoyed since I was a kid further chopped up just because GL isn't 100% satisfied with them.
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 14th, 2004, 12:23:14 PM
I'm just glad they're not editing in all of the dead Jedi.
Figrin D'an
Aug 14th, 2004, 02:38:38 PM
I managed to acquire a copy of the DVD screener, and it would seem that most of the changes discussed here are indeed true. The lightsabre clash infront of the Emperor looks worse than it did originally... Hayden Christensen has indeed replaced Sebastian Shaw in the ghost sequence... the Stormtroopers' voices have NOT been changed (at least not in ROTJ, so I would imagine they haven't been changed at all)... other than that, there are a few minor things that have been cleaned up or digitally enhanced, but you have to watch carefully to catch them.
Really, the only thing that irks me is the lightsabre clash. Hayden replacing Shaw is marginal, but I'll live with it I guess. Of course, I have yet to see screeners for ANH or ESB.
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 14th, 2004, 11:52:15 PM
Is this the actual film? Or is it the one floating around the internet.
Ishan Shade
Aug 22nd, 2004, 11:22:08 AM
to quote someone from the other forum who originally posted the screencap.......
"i refuse to believe this
i refuse to believe this
i refuse to believe this
mommy make it stop"
That about sums up my sentiments exactly.
Figrin D'an
Sep 10th, 2004, 01:03:49 PM
If anyone is interested, I have a few short film clips from the ESB and ROTJ DVD cuts that show some of the more significant changes in those films. I won't link them here, but if anyone wishes to see them, just PM me and I'll provide you the means to find them.
Jedi Master Carr
Sep 10th, 2004, 05:49:04 PM
Well it seems true according to one website who has seen the movies. I still have my doubts about the lightsaber thing, since none of the new reports are mentioning it. The rest of the stuff I don't mind I like most of the changes actually there are only like 4, 3 of them are great, IMO. One I can live with.
Sep 11th, 2004, 02:24:30 PM
I was holding out hope that the replacement of Sebastien Shaw at the end was a rumor, but it seems as though most of the web articles I've read seem to confirm it. I'll live with it, but I really don't like the whole thing. I was always of the opinion that Darth Vader died right before throwing the Emperor into the reactor core - it was actually Anakin Skywalker that destroyed the Emperor. Subsequently, I always was of the mind that Anakin Skywalker - not Darth Vader - died speaking to Luke in the Death Star. As such, I thought it totally fitting that Anakin's spirit should appear as Sebastien Shaw, not as Hayden Christenson. Otherwise, why does Obi-Wan's spirit appear as Alec Guinness and not Ewan McGregor?
Who knows, maybe something we learn in ROTS will shed some light on this, but I gotta say I'm somewhat disappointed in this change. The rest, from what I've heard, don't bug me as much...
Jedi Master Carr
Sep 11th, 2004, 05:15:27 PM
The rest I really like I am glad they ditched monkey emperor that was cheesy back then. Not sure why Lucas did that in the first place. Glad they fixed Jabba, he needed to be fixed. And its cool to see Naboo in the celebration scenes it honestly should be. About Hayden well I think they did to push the new movie but that is just my opinion. I can live with it. It is not nearly as bad as the greedo shoots first stuff.
Sep 12th, 2004, 04:46:52 AM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
I'm just glad they're not editing in all of the dead Jedi.
Don't even joke about something like that. Lucas might see it.
Jedi Master Carr
Sep 14th, 2004, 09:32:25 AM
I will post this under spoilers it is a list of the changes to the movies in the DVD. Most are very minor like FX stuff but a few major ones
A New Hope:
- 24'51" : twin sun effect has been renewed.
- 48'50" : Han Solo avoids Greedo's shot before shooting at him.
- 50'30" : Jabba effect renewed completely, in accordance with Episode 1.
- 71'30" and after : Death Star jail corridor is much deeper.
- 77' : the garbage monster has been improved.
- 82'10" : "Power" and "Tractor Beam" stencils have been replaced with Star Wars "foreign" signs.
Empire Strikes Back:
- 50'56" to 52'05" : Emperor's hologram has been reshot with Ian Mc Dairmid. A new dialog has been recorded and Palpatine informs Vader about Luke's real identity!
- 63'42", 87'18" & 98'39" : Boba Fett's dialog has been re-recorded by Temuera Morrison.
- 92'05" & 92"15 : Han Solo's black jacket has been erased, due to cut mistakes in the original movie.
- 101'40" : Luke's scream, which was added in the '97 Special Edition, has been removed again.
Return Of The Jedi:
- 24'44" and after : Edge transparency defects around the Rancor have been removed.
- 115'41" : Old Anakin's eyebrows have been erased and eyes are now blue, to fit with Hayden Christensen.
- 120'44" : Naboo has been added to Tatooine, Bespin, Coruscant and Endor victory celebration scenes.
- 120'58" & 121'03" : Senate & Jedi temple are now included in Coruscant panoramic view.
- 122'30" : As everyone knows already, Hayden appears as a ghost beside Yoda and old Obi-Wan at the end of the movie.
Now the Greedo one, if it looks right I will be happy with, as I have said before my problem with that is nobody could miss at that distance. If Han moves that is great (no clue how they can do that though). The emperor stuff sounds awesome, I hated the ESB Emperor just didn't look right. Not sure what this new dialogue is. Morrison doing Boba Fett's lines works. Heck it should sound like him. Naboo being added to the end is a great idea. Only thing I am uncertain about is Christensen being added to the end. I can live with it, have to see how it looks.
Sep 14th, 2004, 10:00:51 AM
Saw that this morning on TF.N. I think it is interesting that they say The garbage monster has been improved. I wonder what they mean by that? Maybe we'll be seeing more of the dianoga and what it really looks like.
I'm very happy they've removed Luke's scream in ESB.
Also happy that "Tractor Beam" and "Power" go away.
Hopefully the Han/Greedo scene will not be so bad now, but I agree with you Carr - how are they gonna do that???
I'm still kinda ticked with the whole Hayden Christenson addition in ROTJ, but I will hold judgement on that until after ROTS...
Sep 14th, 2004, 11:34:28 AM
Originally posted by Darth McBain
Saw that this morning on TF.N. I think it is interesting that they say I'm still kinda ticked with the whole Hayden Christenson addition in ROTJ, but I will hold judgement on that until after ROTS...
I won't have a problem with the visual aspect of it as long as Lucas has a GOOD explanation as to why it's a young Christensen and not an older one. As it stands, I'm treating this is as something they've done just because they can.
Sep 14th, 2004, 12:27:15 PM
That's exactly how I feel, JMK... If there's something in ROTS that would explain this, then fine, but if they just did it because they could, then I really don't like it. It's not like we can't put two and two together to realize that Sebastian Shaw is the older Hayden Christenson - its almost like they want to tie the PT to the OT with this change, but it's not necessary. And unless there's a decent explanation in ROTS, it opens up too many cans of worms in continuity.
On a side note - I don't know even know if that is spoiler-tag-worthy, but why not :D
Jedi Master Carr
Sep 14th, 2004, 12:33:55 PM
Well I guess some people might want to wait until they see the DVD :p about the garbage monster. It could just be an update with the eye or something is my guess. I bet it is very minor. Most of the changes are very minor and will be hardly noticable honestly there are only four/ five depending on the Greedo thing. The emperor change is the best. Naboo is a good change since it ties with the prequels. The Morrison one makes sense. It's going to be the Hayden one that will be the one most question, I think.
Sep 14th, 2004, 01:41:08 PM
They had to go about it one of 2 ways; leave Shaw in as the aged Anakin who resembles nothing like Christensen, or change it for Christensen and make him somehow look older which will then clash with how Anakin looks under the mask. I think ideally they would have to either completely remove Shaw from all scenes and replace him with appropriately aged Hayden shots.
Jedi Master Carr
Sep 14th, 2004, 09:49:26 PM
Yeah that would work for me.
Sep 16th, 2004, 12:59:05 PM
Here's an interesting side-by-side comparison of some of the changes. It doesn't look like they got all of them, but a bunch.
It looks like they did a much better job with Jabba in Ep. IV...
Sep 16th, 2004, 02:14:10 PM
They certainly did, and I'm still of the opinion that most of the changes will be for the better. Very positive review, but then again, how could it not be? ;)
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