View Full Version : Lesson's Taught, Lesson's Learned(open)

Vista Alor
Jul 21st, 2004, 07:30:35 AM
Vista has been back with the GJO for a few months now. The physical injuries have healed, her hair is growing back, but she's very much a changed child. Where before, she would run around, doing what she wanted, when she wanted, she now makes sure the Rognan or Marga know where she's going and when she's going to be trying to be back by.

Some ppl may have noticed her disapperance, others may not have noticed at all. But that is the way of things, the way of everything. Some notice, some do not. There is no way of making all notice.

Today though, she's playing in the Garden, having some fun, wearing a hat which hides her regrowing horns. It's not pleasent having them regrow, but she'd rather have them regrow, then not have them at all. They garentee that she won't be mistaken as a human. Not that humans are bad, she just doesn't want to be mistaken as one.

Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 21st, 2004, 05:01:46 PM
Jame seemed to have spent a lot of time in the gardens lately. Training, studying... meetings. It seemed to be a preferred place by her master, friends and herself.

And apparently also the young charge of her twin brother. The nearly twenty Jedi Padawan was taking a stroll through said gardens when she saw the young girl. Slowly, she approached, and crouched, propping her elbows on her knees.

"Hello, Vista...Do you remember who I am?"

Vista Alor
Jul 23rd, 2004, 07:30:06 AM
Vista looks up from the toys she'd brought to the Garden when she hears Jame's voice, though she shakes her head slightly.

"Nope, though you important to Rognan."

Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 30th, 2004, 12:41:39 PM
Jame smiled, laughing a little.

"I'm his twin sister."

Vista Alor
Aug 3rd, 2004, 10:09:30 AM
"I knew that. I just testing you."

Vista says before laughing herself.

"You like my dolly?"

Vista asks as she holds up a doll which is in her hands.

Jame Kaman Dar
Aug 3rd, 2004, 06:02:18 PM
Jame nodded, looking at the doll Vista held up to her, and she shifted, moving from crouching to sitting.

"It's a nice doll. I never played much with dolls when I was your age. I played instruments and I went swimming a lot."

Vista Alor
Aug 4th, 2004, 10:53:30 AM
Vista picks up another doll which is laying on the ground and holds it out to Jame.

"Then you play dolls now."

Jame Kaman Dar
Aug 5th, 2004, 10:41:29 AM
"Thank you." Jame said as she accepted the doll, and looked at it, inspecting the details of the toy. It was nice, to think, that she was being given a chance to explore that which she had missed in her childhood.

"So what are our doll-friends doing today then?"

Vista Alor
Aug 5th, 2004, 10:45:32 AM
"Well, Rice, the one your holding, was wanting to go for a walk in the Garden and Bee, the one I'm holding wanted to join Rice on the walk. Then they started fighting because Bee wanted to walk by the rose bushes and Rice wanted to stay clear of them because last time a rose bush pricked her and she didn't like that."

Jame Kaman Dar
Aug 5th, 2004, 10:48:44 AM
"Ohhh.. I see." Jame smiled, and made the doll act in the context Vista had described.

"BeeeeEEEeee..... Please can we walk somewhere else? The rose pricklies hurt and I don't like 'em."

Vista Alor
Aug 5th, 2004, 10:50:59 AM
Vista giggles slightly.

"You just afraid cause last time you slipped. I'm with you this time. You no slip."

Vista has a huge grin on her face. It's been so long since somebody played with her like this.

Jame Kaman Dar
Aug 30th, 2004, 02:30:10 PM
"Oh... awwright. But I better not slip...."

Jame was having fun with this. It was simple, and imaginative. She laughed with Vista.

Vista Alor
Sep 4th, 2004, 07:13:32 AM
Vista shifts her position slightly so that she's laying on the ground, but continues to play with Jame