View Full Version : Perdition's Ransom (open to Jedi)

Dan the Man
Jul 17th, 2004, 08:55:45 PM
"Ten minutes."

Dan closed his chrono, and looked at his guest. She wore a tasteful night gown, and her hair was done up in scented blonde tresses. A few mussed ends were the only signs of something gone terribly wrong.

"Imagine where you'll be."

Well-intended mascara now lay in ruins, running down her tear-streaked face. Dan paced away from her as she sobbed silently.

"Do you believe in God? Do you believe in money? Do you believe in your friends?"

He struck a match against the hammer of one of his pistols, the flame dancing violently on the match head, as he lit a cigarra.

"I'm always the most interested in moments like that. If you have anything you need to get off your chest, pontificate away to your heart's content."

Her head sagged in a deep exhaling of breath, resting adjacent to her left armpit. Her lithe arms were stretched taut above her head, and bound together with synthetic rope.

"Would it make it easier on you if I told you how this will end?"

Dan turned back to her, breathing smoke.

"YES!" She screamed, desperation thick on her voice.

"Miss Lane, please be careful what you wish for."

He looked at her and smiled.

"Your one call, who was it to?"

"I called the Jedi." She spat defiantly at him.


"The Jedi?" Dan paused in the middle of smoking, arching an eyebrow.

"Well," Dan's smile remained "that'll definitely raise the ante. But to answer your question, you're still going to die. You don't have enough friends, enough money, or enough Jedi in all of Coruscant to change that."

Miss Lane shrieked, as her second shoe slipped of her foot, and tumbled down the edifice of the Coruscant skyscraper she hung from.

In the meantime, Dan watched her dangle, and smoked his cigarra.

"Nine minutes."

Jul 31st, 2004, 05:14:24 PM
OOC- I wasn't exactly sure of your use of the word Edifice (http://www.yourdictionary.com/ahd/e/e0039800.html)

Spada sped down the streets of Coruscant on his swoop bike, narrowly avoiding a few close spills with pedestrians who did not see him coming. His destination was to the location he had overheard from a desk clerk at the Jedi Temple. The call was posted in by someone who was being held prisoner in a scyscraper in Coruscant.

Spada reached out with the force to see more clearly through the blur of the swoop and concentrated on finding the right address. Sensing something immediately, he slammed on the brakes in front of a scyscraper which he could barely see the top of. Shedding his cloak, he draped it over the swoop and looked up at the building. Suddenly sensing something, he caught sight of a shoe falling down the building. Straining to see, he looked up and through the bright sun could see a woman bound and hanging from the top of the building. Busting through the entrance, he ran to one of the turbolifts and pressed a random button, hoping to get lucky.

Removing his comlink, he punched in Shade's channel and tried to contact him, but unfortunately could not. Leaving a message for him telling him where he was and that he would need help, he put it back away and emptied his mind of all thought to prepare himself for the inevitable confrontation with whoever was holding the woman hostage.