View Full Version : Bored

Kyle Raiden
Jul 16th, 2004, 02:21:44 PM
I'm bored. I can't do much right now, with my computer broke an all (I'm using a different one atm. So, I was wondering. Any of you got any suggestions for something I can do to occupy myself, on my own, with as few resources as possible?

Jul 16th, 2004, 02:33:52 PM
Go rock climbing. Or just hiking. That's always fun.

Or, you could repaint your room a different color using some "oops" paint from your local hardware store.

Maybe you could draw something, too. That's cheap 'n easy.

You could also run down to your local grocery store and count just how many different kinds of cereal they offer. Though it may not be fun, it would at least be time consuming. And don't forget all the stuff in the healty and natural foods sections.

Jul 16th, 2004, 02:49:13 PM
*blink* I think I'm sorry I asked. ;)

Can't do anything that involves leaving the house. Its 21:43. Every shop is shut. I guess I could draw my penguin people though...I went through a phase a few months ago, of drawing people I knew (friends, relatives, teachers, celebrities) in the forms of penguins. I then expanded onto animals, after I realised one of my friends looked like an orangatang (or however you spell it...the big fat ginger monkeys). My gay friend ended up as a flamingo (campest animal I could think of), etc.

In answer to the cereal question, I can name them all, if you really want me to. From memory. There's a mirrored thing, and a really fit girl who works on the tills...if I use that, I can stare without her even realising. :D