View Full Version : Bringing my weapons to bear (open, preferably to a trainer)

Jul 14th, 2004, 08:57:54 PM
Buliwyf walks out into the training grounds and begins a series of stretches to loosen his muscles. Across his back is strapped a gigantic sword, engraved with runes all along the blade. The blade is canted sideways, the hilt extending above his left shoulder. The blade is so long that, when oriented vertically, it is taller than the man himself.

After he completes his stretches, he pulls the blade, Rundig, from its sheath, holding it before him. He closes his eyes, focusing on his ancestors and the honor of his people. Though he is unaware of what he is truly doing, he is performing a very rudimentary version of Jedi Battle Meditation. Once he is sufficiently focused, he begins his training. With slow, deliberate motions, he begins swinging the sword through various patterns. As he continues through the exercises, his movements get more and more complex, adding precise footwork and intricate patterns with the blade. He stumbles a few times, but continues working, attempting to improve his form.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 27th, 2004, 12:19:58 AM
Anbira keeps close attention to the warrior's kata. Working the canvas belt at his midsection taut, he critiques Buliwyf's form with an experienced eye.

Gaining a sense of the padawan's timing, Anbira steps toward the berserker as he continues his moves. Sensing an opening, the Jedi Master draws himself close to Buliwyf, and intercepts the hard-cleaving blade with the palm of his hand. All exertion from the padawan meets full resistance, and his blade comes to a halt in Anbira's hand.

"That's a keen edge you have."

Withdrawing his hand from Buliwyf's sword, Anbira wipes a faint red line from his palm against the side of his combat robes.

Jul 29th, 2004, 04:50:25 PM
Buliwyf''s concentration is broken with quite a shock. He knows that there is nothing nearby that should be able to stop his blade so...

He turns seeing the Jedi Master wiping the slightest amount of blood away. He hears the man's comment, but can still barely believe what has happened. His full, and rather prodigious, strength was behind that blow.

No one... no one has ever stopped Rundig. How, pray tell, were you able to do so, sir?

Buliwyf is indeed awed by this man. Such strength... if this man were to train him, he would be more than honored.

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 5th, 2004, 01:06:58 PM
"The force is what grants me such power. It is also the reason you are here, yes?"

Aug 12th, 2004, 09:33:44 PM
The tip of his sword dips slowly, coming to rest on the ground next to him.

Indeed. I have come to fulfill my quest. I have been... drawn here. I cannot say what it is that draws me... I do not know myself. But, in this place, I feel at peace. This is where I am supposed to be. Now, I just need to know what to do next.

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 30th, 2004, 09:13:29 PM

Anbira pondered this a moment.

"If you are serious about this, I will take it upon myself to train you as my Padawan. I already teach another student, and plan on traveling to the jungle moon of Yavin to train with him in depth. You may travel with us, if you wish to learn what I have to teach."

Aug 30th, 2004, 10:39:30 PM
The tall man inclines his head toward Anbira.

I would be honored, sir. When do we leave?