View Full Version : Dark Fury : Suicidal Dreams

Arwenai Evenstar
Jul 13th, 2004, 06:51:49 AM
Silverchair - Suicidal Dream

<font color=red>
I dream about how it's going to end,
Approaching me quickly.
Leaving a life of fear,
I only want my mind to be clear.

People making fun of me,
For no reason but jealousy.
I fantasise about my death,
I'll kill myself from holding my breath,

My suicidal dream,
Voices telling me what to do.
My suicidal dream,
I'm sure you will get your's too.

Help me, comfort me,
Stop me from feeling what I'm feeling now.
The rope is here, now I'll find a use.
I'll kill myself, I'll put my head in a noose.

My suicidal dream,
Voices telling me what to do.
My suicidal dream,
I'm sure you will get your's too.

Dreamin' about my death, dream...

Suicidal, suicidal, Suicidal dream
Suicidal, suicidal, Suicidal dream</font>


Why do some beings take their own lifes, when they have so much to live for? Why are cries for help never heard? How can one family be poor and yet be happy, when another has everything and is hell?

This is story on what the death of one being can lead to, how it affects the lives of others that never knew him, except after death. It's about the consequences our actions can have over others.

It is also about family and how important they are.

This is a follow-on to the Dark Fury fan fiction, removed several years from the final act. In between the time of Dark Fury and today, the characters have moved on, changing in some ways greatly. While this follows on from Dark Fury, then Sick Cycle Carosel, then Learning to Live, this is a new chapter and a new direction. It could also be called Children of the Jedi.


In a corner of Coruscant, not far from where her mother lived and worked at the Senate, Arwenai Evenstar slept. Only three months old, she was a Jedi child, for while her mother was a Senator, she was also a very well known and powerful Jedi Knight named Helenias Evenstar. Much rumour and speculation had occured in the halls of the Senate as to the father of the child - it had come to pass the father was named as Dwayne Hicks, a former NRSF soldier whom had died defending Evenstar in a dispicable assasination attempt as she was due to give birth. Footage of that attack had come to life, showing the pregnant Senator battling droids and Dark Jedi - the price on the Senator's head after that had doubled to an unheard of 4 million credits, but there were no longer any takers. Evenstar had a history of defeating assasination, with the assassins winding up dead. If a well executed attack while she was supposed to be at her most vunerable didn't work.... what would?

Still, she was cautious. The senator was loath to expose her tiny daughter to danger and hence, except for fleeting visits in secrecy, her daughter was looked after by the real father, a near-human alien from Arnor. Like Helenias, he was a powerful Force user.

A good deal more powerful. An ex-Jedi Master of all things, a being of real power, much older than his looks said he was. He had decided some time ago that his path was not of the Jedi and had become one of the few Jedi Masters to have ever willingly left the Order. His reasons had never been explained, but he had left quietly, having records of his existance erased or modified. As far as anyone was concerned, he was just some weary traveller. Except to Helenias, for the ex Master was her husband, even if they kept their union secret.

He lived generally upstairs of a Diner, which was where he also chose to look after Arwenai. The Diner was owned by a creature named Dexter, a rough lizard like being but with a good heart. Sharing the upstairs floor was River Kincaid and his children, Natia Telcontar whom was the Master's Padawan and whom he had custody of sorts. She called him Grandpa, which in someways was correct. Natia's adopted mother had also been a learner of the Master, becoming like a daughter before she disgraced herself and was killed.

The Master's name was Marceloi Telcontar. He preferred the shortened Marcus. He was over 160 years old, even if he only looked 40'ish. He had a long history, of which much had been written in the past. He never expected to be in charge of the care of a real daughter, especially not a baby.

Much to his surprise, he reflected as he leaned over the cot where his daughter slept, he was rather liking parenthood. Arwenai had a rough birth, but had quickly settled down, becoming a typical baby - eat, sleep, burp and cry. Marcus noted that Arwenai beginning to become aware of herself and her enviroment, able to respond to visual stimuli and recognise beings. She also was clearly able to identify voices and noises. She was sleeping pretty well now, which was relieving her father a lot - he thought the late night feeds were goign to drive him crazy. Helenias helped when she could, but with her roles as a Senator and a Jedi, there was not much left for full time mother.

Marcus didnt mind in the end. He never expected soemthing so wonderful and precious as this child to come into his life. He reached out and touched the soft cheek of Arwenai, smiing crookedly as she slept. What a little miricle.

"Hey... Hey Marcus?"

Arwenai stirred, sighed softly as she moved. The noise of her father moving to greet Natia didn't bother her, she was quite well used to such things. She was even used to the large black cat leaping lightly up onto the edges of her cot, then stepping down to curl up in the warmth of the foot of her blankets. The cat was named Stig, after a famed Pod-racer, black as night with yellow lantern eyes that seemed to glow of their own accord. Not that there was anything really special about the feline. He however was very careful not to disobey the command of his Master - foot of the cot was fine, no closer to the Sindarian Kitten would be tolerated.

And so the young child slept for another few hours. She began to stir close to evening, not too far in time from her regular feeding. The cat stirred as well, eyes partially closed as he stared at her. The cat sensed the approach of Marcus first, turning his head well before he had walked back into the room.

"Stig - out"

The cat yawned, got up, stretched, then leaped out of the cot as if he didnt have a care in the world. The girl stared blearily out of the bars of the cot, seeing only a large mass of cloth. She yawned, just before a set of hands gently folded back the blanket that kept her warm, then picked her up. She protested slightly, settling down only when she felt herself against the chest of her father.

"OKay... just me, Arwenai. You hungry?"

She yawned again, feeling safe and warm in her father's arm.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 1st, 2004, 07:27:00 AM
*Natia smiles to herself. Her family is different from that what you would normally expect. She has some biological family, but she also has her adopted family which is more family then her biological family. She likes to believe that her Grandpa has custody over her because it's better then who actually does have custody over her.

Her adopted Mother is dead. Her adopted Father busy with the GJO. She herself has sorta fallen through the cracks there. Still a member, but she has followed her Grandpa into the Lost where she's got River and his family. Her Grandpa and his daughter Arwenai. The most beautiful baby she has ever seen. But the day she was born was difficult, but still wonderful because Arwenai was born. It had taken her a couple of days to recover from that with only a couple of minor injuries to deal with, but her legs caused her the most problem. Ever since then, they've been acting up again.

Things have settled into a nice routine for her right now. Yes, things will change, but that does not matter. What matters is her Grandpa is happy, Arwenai is happy, and those that she cares about are happy.

After opening her eyes, she stands up and heads over to the room where Marcus and Arwenai are. Her closest family. She stands in the door, smiling as Marcus holds Arwenai. Fatherhood has done him good. He has blood family to call his own. He's learning the joys of blood family*

Fatherhood's doing you well Grandpa.

*Natia says from the doorway before she walks into the room and over to Marcus and Arwenai. She's even helped out with a couple of the feedings when she could, letting Marcus get his rest*

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 3rd, 2004, 04:53:14 AM
He glanced up, a half smile on his face.

"Aye. And now our young Sindarian here is beginning to sleep through the night, her poor father can start to catch up on his sleep. Oh, could you go downstairs and grab her bottle? In the cooler near the vegetable rack. I think our young lass here needs to have her bum changed before she has dinner"

There really wasn't much to think - the smell was obvious. Natia grinned, before turning to do as she was asked. Marcus waited until she was out of the room, before taking the baby to the change table.

"You like your auntie Natia, Arwenai?"

Of course the baby didnt answer, except stare intently at the ceiling. Her father got to the business of changing nappies, thinking of somethign else to help ignore the smell. Not for the first time, he asked himself how something like milk could be reprocessed into something so noxious like baby poo. Or how a baby could wait until their nappy was off to pee on the change table. The Jedi however was quite used to this, even expected it to some degree, which why there was a nice thick towel.

Natia's growing into womanhood, he thought. She's what, 15? 16? and approaching the time he needed to really look into her training too. So far there had been some instruction but not as much as he would have liked. Mainly with the ability she had with nature, like communicating with animals. She had gotten to the point where Stig was having normal conversations with her, if you could call conversing with a cat normal. He hadn't really considered much martial training for Natia, but that might be a good idea. She was turnign out much different to her damnable mother, thankfully - she wouldn't be going turning traitor, stabbing everyone in the back and gettign herself killed.

Didn't pay to think of Xazor too much. His temper always flared.

A reminder of what could go wrong.

"This it?"

He looked up from the final clip on the nappy. "I think so"

Natia tossed the bottle over, Marcus catching it neatly. He squirted a bit onto his wrist, sipped the drops. He smiled, thinking whom it had come from.

"Well, treat time tonight, young lady. Your mother prepared this bottle. Aint you a lucky lil girl?"

Arwenai didnt care, he noted. She only had eyes (and stomach) for dinner and didnt care where it came from. Picking the baby up, the Jedi crossed to the lounge, flopped down with a heavy sigh, then allowed Arwenai to begin feeding.

"Have a seat, Natia. Been meaning to talk to you for a while. About your training. What do you know and what do you want to know? Where have you been lately too?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 3rd, 2004, 10:02:05 AM
*Natia sits down on one of the chairs and puts her feet up on the table infront of it. She wasn't completely expecting the question that Marcus asked her, but she should have expected it. Also, little as Marcus knows, she just celebrated turning 15 yestarday, though she spent it by herself. One thing she has never done is tell anybody when her birthday is. Over the years, she's just kept it quiet, never doing anything different to point out the day*

I want to learn as much as I can. As for what I know, I know how to use a lightsaber a bit, cloak myself in shadows, and talk to animals.

*Natia looks at Arwenai drinking her bottle, a smile crosses her face*

Grandpa, I'm curious on something, what will you do if my legal guardian ever shows up asking for custody of me??

*Natia questions, avoiding Marcus's question of where she has been lately*

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 15th, 2004, 05:48:32 AM
"Your legal guardian? You have one?" he asked, sounding mildy puzzled. "This I would like to have explained. "You are here under my roof, you have been accepted as part of my family, you are my Padawan.... I dont think a guardian could take custody. To be truthful, the law that allows you to train as a Jedi means that any claim anyone had over you is nullified and you are under the legal authority of the Jedi, answerable to your Master. even if I am no longer of the Order, that law is still in effect. You are my Padawan, so if I recall Republic law correctly, that actually makes me your legal guardian. Why do you ask such a question?"

Indeed, it did seem odd. But then, there was a lot about Natia he didnt know and wasnt goignt o ask. Marcus was a fiercely private person and tended to reciporcate, generally never asking questions or recalling someone else's past. It wasn't right - even as a need to know, Marcus chose privacy. Thence, he really didnt know much about the young woman whom called him Grandpa. Maybe this rather odd question was to do where she had been lately - he had heard from a source in the GJO Natia was a wanted person on her home system.

Not that Marcus cared. He had been honest some time ago hen he told Natia that he would prevent any harm befalling her. Family ties were the hardest to break, after all. didn't matter what she had done in the past, he accepted her as she was and would treat her as family.

The question of training had been on his mind too. But first, he would hear her answer before talking more on training

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 15th, 2004, 11:14:40 AM
*Natia smiles when Marcus says that under Republic law, he has custody over her since he is her Master*

You know how when I was four years old, I unknowningly used the Force to kill my Father. Well, I went into the custody of a man by the name of Thalius who, through my Father's will, became my legal guardian. He's the first one to notice that I had Force potential. He started my training then, but it was of the Darkside.

At first there was nothing wrong with that. I was young, he was treating me nice, and I was learning. But after awhile, he started beating me every time I made a mistake so I ran from him. Something I never could have done with my Father. But then he caught up with me a short while after I left and he probably would have beat me to death if a young lady by the name of Aleona hadn't stopped him.

After I recovered as mush as I could, I started travelling the galaxy until I came to Tyntia, which sent me to the GJO. Ever since I was saved from him, he's been hunting me, trying to get me back.

*Natia's not sure of how much of this Marcus knows, but figures he should have the whole story of it to help understand a bit better*