View Full Version : New character intro

The Lonely Galaxy
Jul 13th, 2004, 04:09:23 AM

I am not new by any means, but I am a new 'character' of sorts. I am, as you might gather, The Lonely Galaxy. I am a travel guide. I am a mix of The Lonely Planet and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. My purpose is random amusement and poking of fun, not in a bad way I might add. I exist to amuse my controlling poster and I hope to amuse you too.

Examples of The Lonely Galaxy can be found here - http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35984

While I do not have the DONT PANIC cover or the way with words of HHGTTG, nor the reams of factual info that TLP has, I can be summoned to your RP for either a random page of my own choosing, or one of yours. I can be serious or absurd, dependign on your wish. I will refrain from an uninvited drop in.

I do take ideas for TLG posting.

To summon me, post or PM a request.

I commend The Lonely Galaxy to you and bid you all, good day.


The LONELY GALAXY has much to say on every subject you can think of. Here's what it says on Roleplaying

roleplaying is a time honoured 'game' of sorts, where one will pretend to be soemthign else and go adventuring. While this is only the basic definition, Roleplaying extends from a flimsy based die random game, to full costuming. Poplular are holonet based terminals, where one posts with exotic names, pretending to be one of the many heros or villians the Galaxy has produced.

Normally, this is a harmless time waster that one 's children will grow out of. What worries us is the small minority that go too far. These are the ones that actually think they are another species, will dress as this other species, eat and drink like this species, have sex like this species..... and int he most extreme cases, actually have sex with that species. Such roleplayers are called Skinnies, due to the fact most will dress up as humans and even have a term for themselves - Unfers. Apparently the sound a human male makes when copulating.

Avoid Skinnies at all cost. There is good money to be made shooting Skinnies and we commend this public service to you

Sometimes, there are tings in THE LONELY GALAXY you just didnt want to know, but just have to read on to find out. Much like a speeder wreck - you dont want to look, but you are strangely drawn to it.

Lain Esuna
Jul 13th, 2004, 06:57:52 PM
What do you think about Venezuela?

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 14th, 2004, 01:33:16 AM
Pratchett-esque :)