View Full Version : EU story... of sorts.

Figrin D'an
Jul 11th, 2004, 07:49:06 PM
I rarely contribute anything to this particular forum, but I was sorting through some old files on my computer, and I can across something mildly interesting.

I have a ridiculous number of e-books on my system (most of which I haven't read), and when I was sorting through the Star Wars ones, I found a copy of the second revision script for the original Star Wars film. It's been posted around the net before (many times, I'm sure), and some of you probably have already seen it. But, I figured I'd put it up for people to take a look at, just for kicks. It's dated January 28th, 1975, is labeled as "Episode I", and is subtitled "The Adventures of The Starkiller." It's definitely a very early version of the story, as it references the Journal of the Whills, and talks about the Kibur Crystal and lots of other things that ultimately got cut or changed. It's interesting to see how the story was originally constructed, though.

So, if have some time to waste and you feel like reading it, I've put it up on the GJO webserver. It can be found here (http://www.thegjo.com/Star_Wars_2nd_revision_script.txt).

Happy reading.

Jul 12th, 2004, 06:45:46 PM
That would make the basis of a pretty good movie :D

Seriously for a sec, pretty interesting read. I had around here another draft that referred to a lot of what became the prequels.

I did get a laugh out of the Bogan side of the Force