View Full Version : Changing Times (Council, James Prent)
Figrin D'an
Jul 9th, 2004, 10:41:09 PM
The Council Chambers had been dormant of late, one of the few places seemingly untouched by recent events. The Jedi who made up the Council were swamped with their own tasks, tasks that would carry them far and wide to complete. But the single most time-consuming issue had been the attack on the Temple, and the abduction of Jax Tondry from his own room. It had shaken the Order to it's very foundation, and was now the focus of investigation, and, they all hoped, the eventually recovery of the child and his safe return to his father's arms.
Some had been cut more deeply by the attack than others. Pierce Tondry hadn't been the same since he returned to find the gaping hole blasted in his quarters. He was sparsely seen, and on the recommendation of a few, everyone was giving him a wide berth to sort out his emotions and what remained of his life.
James Prent was still difficult to read, however. Ever since arriving to study the Jedi arts, she had a connection with the Tondry boy that was unexplainable. Babysitter, big sister and surrogate mother all in one, James was the one Jedi besides Pierce who was closer to Jax than any other. The day of the attack, James had been functioning on adrenaline alone. Afterward, she seemed emotionally and mentally distant. It was decided that she needed time alone as well.
As for Figrin... he was slowly recovering himself. While physically uninjured, the Jedi Master had taken most of the responsibility for the tragedy upon his shoulders. Nothing could completely undo what had happened, but if there was any way to restore things to the way they were, Figrin was determined to find it.
Sitting down in his chair uncerimoniously, Figrin leaned forward and rubbed his temples. He was far from his normal self. He hadn't been sleeping, partly to handle the post-attack investigation, partly because the painful headaches he had been experiencing sporadically for the past 18 months had returned. He wasn't eating regularly either. By all rights, he was a mess. But, he couldn't afford to be. He was a Jedi Master, and that meant he always had be at his best... even if he had to fake it.
Today's meeting would prove enlightening, be it good and bad, or likely both. He could be sure of one thing, though. At least it was something to different to focus upon, if only for a short time.
James Prent
Jul 10th, 2004, 12:07:41 AM
Summoned to the Council. James could imagine several reasons for it, many of which ended up with her being kicked out of the Order. Surely she had known that something bad was going to happen. She should have spent more time studying how to tell the future through the Force. It was certainly a talent that she had, although no one knew much about it - least of all her!
But things were dropped into motion now, and she found herself covered head to toe with fear. Fear for Jax, but a deeper dread for something she couldn't quite bring herself to name. The nightmare where she was killed in a lightsaber duel.
It had not bothered her for two months. The vision had not cropped up after the kidnapping either. Perhaps they were not related. But the chance that they were.. It chilled her blood.
James Prent, Padawan, stopped up short outside the Council Room doors. A Jedi knight who she didn't personally know was standing there. "Padawan Prent, if you don't mind." He motioned to the scanner he stood beside, and she stepped up and submitted to a body scan. The Knight had her push aside her robe to reveal her lightsaber, and then nodded her through. "Go on in, Padawan. The Council is waiting for you."
James nodded, smoothed her robes with nervous fingers, and stepped to the door. Hesitantly she put her hand up, to knock - but then she drew her hand back. This was no way to come to the Council, covered with fear so stark it was a wonder she was not quivering on the floor. It took a moment for her to enter a semi-meditative state, sealing away the fear, overcoming it. Maybe overcoming it.
Calmed for the moment, James entered the room, the doors sealing behind her. She stood at the door for a second, and then stepped inwards, to the center of the room.
The Council members sat in a circle around her, and she met each being's eyes. "You have summoned me, and I have come."
Figrin D'an
Jul 18th, 2004, 09:23:11 PM
Figrin forced a slight smile, acknowledging James. In better times, it would have been a natural action, part of the occasion. That it wasn't caused more than just a hint of regret and sadness within him.
"Thank you for coming, James," he began, pushing everything from his mind but the matter at hand. The rest of the council settled in as Figrin stood. For reasons undeterminable, his chair was uncomfortable today.
"Our purpose for calling you hear today is two-fold," he began. "The investigation into the attack upon the Order and the kidnapping of Jax Tondry, while ongoing, is beginning to run out of solid leads. We simply do not have enough information to undertake a proper search. It is our hope that you may be able to help us in this area."
It was clear that James was distraught beneath the surface, but Figrin continued his inquiry, though it pained him to do so.
"You have had an... unexplained bond with Jax Tondry, and your precognitive skills, while still developing, are quite strong. We were hoping that you may be able to provide a unique insight into this matter that none of us can perceive."
There was a silence, as James hesitated to answer. It was obvious that she was fighting back the emotional well within her.
"I know how difficult this has been for you, James," Figrin empathized, stepping closer to her, "and if the circumstances were different, we would not ask this of you. But there are simply no other options. We need your help."
Wei Wu Wei
Jul 19th, 2004, 04:54:13 PM
Wei nodded. He had only heard snatches of information about the attack, and had worried a bit over it. Now it was time for action, and there was no use dealing with idle worry now.
"I can only guess how worried you must be over Jax, but please try your best, for his sake."
James Prent
Jul 20th, 2004, 12:16:54 PM
James hesitated. "I will help the Council in whatever way I can, of course. But I am not sure where to start..." Her hands remained hidden in the folds of her robe, fingers twitching slightly against the soft fabric.
"Master D'an, I have already attempted to seek a vision about Jax. All I got was a massive headache that made me unable to sleep last night."
Navaria Tarkin
Jul 20th, 2004, 12:23:03 PM
That was troubling but not unexpected. James was probably being blocked by the Dark Side when she tried her vision. "I know with your lack of sleep and worry, it would be hard to attempt another vision so soon, but are you willing to do this?"
James Prent
Jul 20th, 2004, 07:33:38 PM
The padawan wanted to shrug, but felt that wasn't quite formal enough. Master Hicchoru was fixated on her, his eyebrows furrowed. Master Relvinan was leaning back in her chair, appearing more relaxed, but she was concentrating on her just as much. Jax was her padawan, and surely the Jedi master was very concerned. As were they all.
"Master Tarkin," James replied, "I don't think - that's to say I'm not trained in seeking Force visions. I've only done it once previously with any success. I think that the stronger the connection between me and the people involved, the better my success should be. I thought maybe I was being blocked in some manner last night, but when I thought about it this morning, it doesn't make sense.
"In the scant records about the Dark Jedi Lilaena De'Ville, who it's assumed took Jax, there is nothing to indicate that she is strong in telepathy, or that she could block the Force in such a way to make a predictive or informative vision impossible. The only Dark sider in the Archives who could do that was Darth Sidious, and as far as it's known there is no Dark sider to match his power in these days."
James sighed regretfully, "I have to assume that I am simply untrained, but I will try again. Tonight, or now, if that is the Council's wish."
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 21st, 2004, 02:35:52 AM
Dasquian, who listened from his chair, could not help but shift somewhat uncomfortably at James’ mention of Darth Sidious. He recalled first hand the malice of this man, and his sabotage of the outward bound project. More worryingly, he suspected that there were men and women, now, who could have out-powered Sidious with the slightest of efforts.
“It seems unlikely,” he offered, “that if past attempts have been unsuccessful that any further attempts will have results otherwise. As much as it is imperative to find Jax, it seems – to me – that we would achieve more by having James dedicate herself to a more rigorous, and guided, training regime to further develop and control her abilities, rather than simply hoping that she may chance upon the clairvoyance to see what we wish to know.” This said, he looked to his fellow Council Members for a response.
Navaria Tarkin
Jul 29th, 2004, 04:23:00 PM
"But that would take considerable time, time that Jax may not have." She regarded her peers, "It is a shot in the dark, I understand that, but perhaps if one of us was willing to guide her in a different manner, perhaps it would not be so futile. Not all of us are gifted like James when it comes to clairvoyance. If we lend her our strength through the Force, perhaps that could guide her better?"
Wei Wu Wei
Jul 29th, 2004, 08:42:59 PM
Wei nodded. "But how so? How would we be able to boost her power?"
Perhaps Wei had heard wrong, or misunderstood. But that's what asking questions was for.
James Prent
Jul 29th, 2004, 11:43:52 PM
James kept quiet as the Council talked amongst themselves, her hands tucked up in the long sleeves of her brown robe. Her mind wandered enough to allow her to wonder about the second reason she'd been called, but then Master Wei began questioning Master Tarkin about her comment of 'lending' power.
The padawan had never heard of such a thing, and listened carefully, always ready to learn something that might help her in the future. Possibly the very near future. She also wanted to question the Council, but thought it would be more prudent to bide her time and see if they answered her question with their own talk.
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 5th, 2004, 02:07:43 PM
"It's not quite boosting her power.... No one can do that for Prent. What I mean is lending a part of ourselves to help guide the girl. To help her focus her energies in the proper direction.
When I heal, I give a part of myself. In the end, a person that does not wish to live shall die regardless of my power. It would be similar in this case as well. We can provide the means, but it still rests upon Padawan Prent's shoulders to emerse herself within the Force and hopefully be granted a vision."
Figrin D'an
Aug 8th, 2004, 07:28:54 PM
"This is not without risk," Figrin added, reentering the discussion. "Directed visions can sometimes overwhelm the seeker, and in rare cases, it can put the person into a temporary coma. Because of the danger, we will not insist that you do this, James. You must be willing to commit yourself completely to such a process for it to be successful, and if you are uncomfortable with this, you have the right to refuse. But, we do ask that you seriously consider it. It may be our best chance to find Jax."
James Prent
Aug 9th, 2004, 05:33:41 PM
She nodded at Master D'an's words. "I will consider it, yes." The danger bothered her a bit, but she wanted to say yes! right away - anything to get Jax back to Pierce - but she didn't want the Council to think her hasty. "If it's okay with the Council, I can, y'know ...I mean t' say, yes, if you all think it'll help, I can do this. Tonight, tomorrow - whenever the Council thinks is best."
She blushed a little, wishing she'd kept her natural accent controlled.
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 10th, 2004, 12:10:37 PM
"James," she spoke the Padawan's first name gently. Prent was a bundle of nerves because she wanted to find Jax as soon as possible. "You understand the risk?" Navaria wanted to make absolutely sure the Padawan truly comprehended Master D'an's words, "This may not end well."
James Prent
Aug 10th, 2004, 12:22:19 PM
James nodded, her short hair falling into her eyes. "Yes, Master Tarkin. I understand the risk. But even though I can choose not t' do this, Jax doesn't have a choice.
"He's just a little boy, and he needs my help. I'm - I am willing to take the chance that I might be able to help him. What else could I do?"
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 10th, 2004, 02:17:37 PM
Though his face remained grim, his eyes held a hint of a smile. "I appreciate your attitude, James. Your willingness to risk your life for someone else is a good quality in a Jedi. However, I must ask you to slow down. If you are not reasonably calm, then we can't help Jax, no matter how willing we all are."
Figrin D'an
Aug 12th, 2004, 10:52:13 PM
Figrin breathed a small sigh of relief. The hard part, at least for him, was past.
"Thank you, James," he said, with the barest of a smile. "We will do everything within our power to aid you, and to make sure you will be safe during your attempt. You will have the remainder of this day and the next to prepare. We will help you make the attempt tomorrow evening. Navaria and I will oversee it."
Figrin glanced about the faces of the Council members, wondering how many of them realized what he was about to do next. The reasoning behind it was hardly impartial, and perhaps not entirely wise. But it was hardly ever a clear and easily explainable desire to follow the will of the Force, and within him, the Jedi Master felt he was doing precisely that.
"I'm afraid that, even if an accurate vision is forseen, the most difficult part of this effort will yet be before us," he continued. "Regardless of the outcome, we need Jedi to search the galaxy, follow leads and ultimately recover Jax. More than that, though, we need Jedi to do what the Jedi do best... protect the Galaxy from the Dark Side. It is clear that the threat of the Dark Side is growing again, and for too long, we have been complacent and ignorant of the true threat it has posed."
He was preaching, but he didn't care. It needed to be said. The attitude of the Jedi needed to change.
"If we are to face this new threat, the Order needs to become stronger. We have the potential and the ability within our ranks to defeat the new shadow that is being cast. But to see that potential realized, we need the newest generation of leaders and teachers to emerge and take their places as Jedi Knights. I believe that one of these leaders stands before you now."
Figrin turned to James. The padawan's eyes got wide and she seemed to become tense, as if despite the shock at hearing the master's words, she deep down knew what was about to happen.
"James Prent has served the Order with distinction, and as a padawan has faced more adversity than most," Figrin said boldly to the Council. "She has persevered, and has remained true to the Light, even in the darkest of hours. She is ready to become true member of the Jedi Order. I submit that she be promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight."
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 13th, 2004, 09:13:00 AM
Wei smiled. "She's got my vote. I have never seen such a desire to help someone despite personal risks. I definitely think she's ready."
James Prent
Aug 13th, 2004, 03:00:17 PM
James' eyes widened, and her face blanched. She kept herself quiet, settling her features once more into calmness.
Jedi Knight? Like in the vision. I was a Jedi Knight.
But it was a tremendous honor, and the more she thought about it, the less she felt like she deserved it.
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 16th, 2004, 08:45:38 AM
There was something about the Padawan’s expression that suggested this had come as a complete shock. This was, Dasquian thought, always a good sign. Humility was a very important quality. He thought back to how the pair of them had chased a gruesome monstrosity through Coruscant and how, even then, he had seen something in James, a glimmer of what she would grow to become.
“I concur. James is more than deserving.”
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 28th, 2004, 05:06:32 PM
"I agree as well. James had the will and the patience to ascend as a Knight. Her drive to protect the innocent regardless of the sacrifice was proven today.
If we are to continue to protect the galaxy, we need more individuals to strengthen the light and combat the darkness we face everyday. We need more Jedi Knight's to help strengthen and teach our Order."
James Prent
Sep 7th, 2004, 07:20:34 PM
James waited patiently for the Council to continue.
Anbira Hicchoru
Sep 7th, 2004, 09:48:47 PM
Anbira kept his eyes on James. Throughout the proceedings, he'd remained silent. Eventually, he leaned back in his seat.
"Are you in any way aware of the sheer scope of the burden we are about to bestow upon you, James?"
He wasn't ready to throw his endorsement out to her just yet.
James Prent
Sep 7th, 2004, 09:52:42 PM
She almost, almost, flinched at the sound of Master Hicchoru's voice. Instead she merely blinked and licked her lips as she thought of how best to answer the Jedi Master.
"I believe I do understand what I'm goin' to be faced with. Death, pro'ly, at the hands of those who oppose what we stand for. But..." Poor little Jax. "If I can save one life from th' darkness... I hope th' Council's trust in me won't be in vain."
Anbira Hicchoru
Sep 7th, 2004, 10:03:09 PM
Anbira crossed his arms.
"...but sincere. That's enough for me."
He looked to Figrin, and nodded.
Figrin D'an
Sep 21st, 2004, 10:15:19 PM
"You will find your confidence in yourself, James," Figrin spoke softly. "I have no doubt of that."
The Jedi Master moved forward, assessing the mood and opinion of the Council. The support for James was there, even if in an unspoken manner. They all knew what she had overcome, and would have to yet conquer. Perhaps that was the overriding sentiment that drove their approval of her promotion.
"The Council has spoken," he said, acknowledging his comrade. Figrin looked to James. "To be a Jedi Knight is a far greater charge than actually reaching the achievement. The path is long and difficult, and can only be travelled by the most vigilant and most dedicated. Padawan Prent, do you accept this challenge?"
James Prent
Sep 22nd, 2004, 01:57:14 AM
"Yes, I do accept the challenge." James met the eyes of the Council as she spoke, hoping her voice was steady. "I will serve the will of the Council as a Jedi Knight."
Figrin D'an
Sep 22nd, 2004, 06:46:57 PM
"Then, speaking for the Jedi Council, we bestow upon you the rank of Jedi Knight," he spoke, at last some sense of happiness creeping into his voice. "Congratulations... Jedi Knight James Prent."
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 22nd, 2004, 06:54:34 PM
Navaria nodded in respect to the new Knight, "Congratulations indeed. Your new strength will be tested soon enough. I hope that you will be able to gain some insight to where Jax is."
James Prent
Sep 24th, 2004, 02:21:45 PM
James' face remained solemn as Master Tarkin spoke. She didn't know if she would smile again, as long as Jax was missing. "I will go to prepare myself for tomorrow evening, if that's okay with the Council." She waited for their murmurs of dismissal before carefully taking her leave.
The tall doors closed behind her, and she picked her way through the expansive hallways, her boots clicking on the floor. She had much to think about - being a knight meant that soon she might take her own padawan, which was an enormous responsibilty in itself.
But first... Jax.
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