View Full Version : Terms of Release: Responce from Rivin(Rognan and Council)

Marga Alton
Jul 7th, 2004, 09:04:14 AM
OOC: Before anyone gets mad, I've talked with Rognan, and we believe that we have been given the ok for this thread. I posted a thread in the Oratory chambers asking if we should make a new thread for this or continue from the previous one that was started, and the responce we got was to start a new thread so this is the thread.

Marga and Rognan are walking side by side, she's silent as their walking, thinking of what Rivin had said to do for the payment to get Vista back. She looks at Rognan and gives a small smile of reassurance, for both her's and his sake.

After a short while, the reach the doors leading to the Council chamber where she pauses and looks at Rognan before she starts walking again and enters the Council Chamber. This time, she's going to let Rognan start the speaking unless a Council member speaks up first.

Rognan Dar
Jul 8th, 2004, 05:09:55 PM
This little epidemic was growing tiresome. Rognan wished that he could just go to Rivin now and take Vista back. Thats all he wanted right now. He didn't want to kill him, though, that wouldn't be such a bad thing, he just wanted to have the girl back. And if this was all up to him he would be finding the closest ship that could take him to the ransom point. But he didn't have the money that was needed, which is why he is asking again for help.

As he and Marga are returning to inform the Council of what they have found out, he looks to Marga and see's her smile. It was a warming smile, yet it was not a true smile. She was worried about Vista just as much as he was. He'd smile again once she was back here were she would be safe.

When they entered the chamber Rog did a quick bow and quickly and went strait into talking.

"Members of the Council, we have heard back from the kidnapper. He has reasponded with a location to drop the money. He wants all if it with no tracers or anything attached or who knows what he will do to Vista. I took down the locations on my datapad," he said as he floughted the pad across the room the closests person. "What are we to do now?"

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 11th, 2004, 06:34:24 PM
"Proceed as stated before. We aren't going to do anything to the money. We were going to have a Jedi or two follow the droid in secret." She looked back and forth between the two of them, "Was that all the message said?"

Marga Alton
Jul 13th, 2004, 10:59:43 AM
Domna, we are to drop the credits off at a navigational bouy in space where a ship will pick it up. After he has confirmed that all the credits are there, then he shall inform us of where we can get Vista back.

Marga says through telepathy to everyone in the room.

Rognan Dar
Jul 13th, 2004, 03:21:12 PM
"But he also said that the longer we take to deliver the money, the more he is going to torture Vista. We have to do this quickly, might we leave Vista to a horrid wait."