View Full Version : A few questions...

imported_Jacali Danner
Jul 6th, 2004, 09:35:48 PM
I'm going to bring Quay back into the Order. But, when she left she was married to Darksider Anthony Scott, who was played by Xazor.

So, with her being gone, I wiped out all the storyline of that ever happening, as many of you know. So, Quay's leaving thread in the council chamber is now null and void, so I won't have that hanging over her head when she comes back.

Is this alright?

Figrin D'an
Jul 6th, 2004, 10:23:45 PM
Several people have had to do "short term resets" with their characters because of the Xazor situation. It's not a problem. Just make sure that everyone with whom you RP regularly knows what you are doing, and post any details of what you are "voiding" in this thread.

imported_Jacali Danner
Jul 10th, 2004, 08:17:52 AM
Okay, thanks.


Anything having to do with Anthony Scott and his brother Dante.

The story line with Quay's pregnancy, has come from a date-rape with a guy named Brent, whom she has no contact with now.

I guess that is about it.