View Full Version : New purpose

Rhea Kaylen
Jul 6th, 2004, 08:48:48 PM
OOC: I have submitted The Application to its appropriate thread and been accepted. So...I post here next, correct? If so, then everybody jump in who wants to!


Ugh, jet lag was a horrible thing. Really, really awful. Rhea Kaylen glanced at her wrist chronometer and did some quick mental calculations around a yawn. Something like...what, four-thirty a.m., Imrani time? She hadn't been up that early in months.

The sunlight was glinting off pristine transparisteel and gleaming reinforced metal girders with a cheerfulness Rhea found difficult to tolerate, let alone imitate. Coruscanti sunrises were generally unpleasant things: in the lower levels they were more like gradual, greenish illuminations, and in the upper levels were so brutally reflected off of building surfaces and atmospheric smog they nearly blinded residents every morning. Rhea squinted through the brightness, yawning again, as she clambered out of the air taxi and proceeded into a heated debate about her fare with the cabby.

Five minutes and twenty-five and a quarter credits later, Rhea strolled down a large, glistening white-stone thoroughfare painted rosy by the rising sun. As it was only about seven-thirty local, there were very few other souls out and about yet. The street Rhea walked, leading to the infinitely majestic, towering Jedi Temple, was atypically silent, actually peaceful, which was quite an occurence in this part of the city. Of this, Rhea was very glad. She needed the time to think and clear her head.

She was very nervous about what she was about to do. Six months on Imran had given her time and opportunity to come to some realizations about herself and her life to this point. What she'd come up with was a really pathetic lot of...well, nothing. She had left her six-year life behind on Coruscant when she went home. But when she'd arrived, she'd found out there was nothing for her there, either. Oh, her uncle and his new wife, Rhea's extended family, old friends had all welcomed her, made her happy with their smiles and hugs. But later, when the homecoming was over, there was nothing. No job for Rhea except to do whatever she could to help her uncle with young Tayadhara Ramanuja's training. And that wasn't a lot, considering Rhea wasn't well-trained, herself.

And, in the silence of living from day to day, when people around her thought her ears were closed, the whispers had begun to ring loudly again. They were the same murmured echoes of a horrible past that had driven Rhea from Imran at the age of twenty, buzzing, poisonous lies mouthed in ignorance that had tortured her otherwise happy childhood.

Mutterings of the curse, the imagined taboo on Rhea's family that had made most of the Imrani Rhea had ever met keep their distance from her.

Not all those people were malicious. Some were genuinely frightened or concerned, even more were simply curious. But whatever their individual reasons for carrying on the ridiculous rumors, their words had done more harm than they could know. Rhea had not wanted to leave Tayadhara behind on Imran. But she could not have stayed another moment.

She had needed to get away from the memories she could not escape. She'd needed to get away from Imran.

By now, Rhea had reached the enormous arched, tooled metal doors leading into the front area of the Temple. Beyond these doors was a new life, a new reason to live--and a hundred new things of which to be unsure.

Gah, she was getting nowhere just standing here gawping. And it was cold out here.

Rhea entered quickly, not giving herself another moment to argue with herself. She was going to do this, now.

The high-ceilinged hall on the other side of the doors was empty and dim and quiet. For a moment Rhea thought that perhaps she shouldn't have come so early--maybe no one was about yet. Oh, well, if no one was up (Rhea couldn't help thinking that she shouldn't be up at such an obscene hour), she could wait.

Rhea's scuffing footsteps and meek, tremulous voice echoed softly in the hall of the Recruitment Center as she walked in.


Pierce Tondry
Jul 9th, 2004, 11:40:07 PM
Rhea was so nervous, she hadn't spotted Pierce. Yet.

"Isn't this ironic?" he asked as she almost passed the nook in the wall where he stood. "I seem to be there whenever you enter this building, like it or not."

Pierce smiled, but there was some part of his eyes the smile did not touch. "The Force works in mysterious ways."

The smile faded from his face, leaving a look of quiet inquiry behind. "Did you need something, Miss Kaylen?"

Rhea Kaylen
Jul 12th, 2004, 09:30:06 PM
Rhea jumped violently, swallowing a yelp. She whirled on the voice, pressing her palm to her breast as she caught her stolen breath.

A man emerged from the sepia shadows of an alcove to Rhea's left, his face sliding, as he neared her, into a slanting shaft of morning sunlight.

Rhea's heart skipped a beat--it was him. The man who had caught Kale and her trying to sneak around the Temple gardens months ago. Pierce Tondry.

Or...was it? Rhea remembered his face as being intense, but something about him had changed. Like his whole personality had been stretched taut as a bowstring, and this was reflected in the new, deeper lines etched into his brow and around his eyes. His eyes were different, too. They burned now, with something beyond the seriousness she'd seen before.

What it was...she could not tell.

Belatedly, Rhea realized he had asked her a question. Once she had blinked away the shock of seeing him again, she bowed in greeting.

"Sir Tondry," she said. Oops! Stupid Imrani speech habits! Oh, well. She just hoped the slip wouldn't make him angry at her. She didn't think she wanted him mad at her. Again.

Mysterious ways, indeed.

"I-I...I've come to take your advice, sir," she meekly replied. "I've come to try to join the Order." She looked around her for a moment, then lowered her eyes and attempted a small smile. "Though maybe I got here a little too early."

Pierce Tondry
Jul 12th, 2004, 09:54:06 PM
"No, you're right on time." Pierce snorted lightly. "On time for what, is another question. Why have you come to join the Order?"

Rhea Kaylen
Jul 12th, 2004, 10:17:30 PM
Rhea blinked. He apparently was not in the mood for small-talk. Quickly she gathered her wits.

"Well..." Well what? This shouldn't have been so hard to answer; after all, she'd spent serious time over the past few months asking herself the same question.

Tondry deserved the truth, this time. Not a stupid lie or a childish attempt at a scam. The truth.

Rhea looked him in the eyes. "I'm joining because I need a reason to live, Pierce Tondry. Not just something to do. I've given my life a great deal of thought since last we spoke, and come to the decision that my ability, such as it is, could and should be used for something greater than anything I can do on my own. The way I used to live is no longer an option for me. And I would like to find a new way. I think I may find it here."

She stopped short, catching her breath. "I suppose that sounds selfish. And I suppose maybe it is. But I've lost sight, at some point, of what it is I'm supposed to be doing. I know that, given the chance, I could try to learn what the Jedi teach here. Then maybe I can be useful to someone again."

There were other reasons, many--she was looking for a new home, a new place to belong, where no one would hold her "curse" against her. She wanted to help people, and if there was one thing the Jedi historically stood for, it was for helping those who couldn't help themselves. And, when she came right down to it, she wanted a chance to get out and see more of the galaxy for herself, and being a Jedi was maybe her best chance at that. But these were only peripheral reasons, not her main focus. Tondry may or may not find out about them later; he didn't need to know them now.

Pierce Tondry
Jul 13th, 2004, 02:02:40 AM
Pierce half-smiled and the act brought a certain amount of levity to his otherwise stern face. "That sounds about right," he said. "Being the caretaker of the ghetto you lived in is all well and good, until the job outgrows you. I suspected it would. Once you'd helped those who could actually benefit from a touch of compassion, they would move on. The only people still left would be those for whom your help will accomplish nothing."

"So you have a personal void as well as a professional one. What about a spiritual void? Does the Force actually mean anything to you?"

Rhea Kaylen
Jul 13th, 2004, 02:29:53 AM
Rhea had to try hard not to gape. What Tondry was saying...he was practically reading the story of her life. How could anyone know her so well after only so short a space of time? Was she that transparent?

Does the Force mean anything to me? It seemed a foolishly obvious question, until Rhea tried to answer it.

She took a slightly shaky breath. "The Force is life as I know it. It means family and strength to me. I never blamed the Force for what happened to my family." She just said things as they occurred to her; she'd never thought before about the Force's meaning. "The Force is something I live with every day, something I've pretty much always been used to. Perhaps because of this, the Force is something I sometimes take for granted. I do try not to, because even I realize that I wouldn't feel half the things I feel or live half the life I do without it.

"The Force isn't just something to use; it's how I connect with people and how I see the world. As for me, I don't think I would call this 'spiritual,' exactly. But it is a way of life." She spread her hands. "And that is all I can say.

Pierce Tondry
Jul 16th, 2004, 01:21:56 AM
Pierce's tone became wry. "Well, that's farther than I've gotten with it," he admitted. "Except that I'm starting to think it's something a lot bigger than Republics and stars."

He cocked his head. It wasn't that he was staring through Rhea, or anything as mystical as all that. But intuitively, he could tell there was something there. "If you'd like, you're welcome to join me in discovering what that something is."

Rhea Kaylen
Jul 16th, 2004, 01:34:11 AM
Rhea blinked as she felt her stomach twist in anxious excitement. Surely...it was not that easy. Where was the test of her mettle, the written exam, even the biting expectations or rule-reading?

But then, she knew she would have been surprised if any of that had been waiting here to meet her. In her heart, more than in her mind, she knew the Jedi were not like that.

Still, she needed to clarify his softly-spoken words. "I-I'm not sure I understand," she admitted, embarrassing as that admission was. "Join you--as a fellow Jedi? As a student?" She hazarded a small smile. "As a friend?"

Pierce Tondry
Jul 26th, 2004, 01:35:51 PM
"As a Padawan," Pierce said wryly. "One who has a lot to learn, at that."

Rhea Kaylen
Jul 26th, 2004, 08:33:47 PM
Rhea knew she paled, from shock and not from fear. Her first instinct was to question Tondry's seriousness, or to wonder at length if this was a good decision.

But then she took a breath, and stilled her heart, and knew the answer at once.

"I accept, with all respect. And I thank you; I look forward to--learning--whatever it is you are pleased to teach me. I hope...I will not disappoint you."

Rhea tucked her hands and bowed, sincere. "So...what comes next?"

Excited and scared at once, Rhea realized that she had made no real plans beyond just joining the Order. She knew she'd likely spend some time in being accepted and gaining a master, but she'd had no idea she would have achieved both inside of an hour. She certainly hoped Tondry--oops, Master Tondry, now--would know what she should do with herself at this point.

Pierce Tondry
Jul 27th, 2004, 12:44:57 AM
"First we get you a room." Pierce strode over to a nearby terminal and began to work with it. "Life lesson number one: always take care of basics first."

After finishing his search request, Pierce produce a small keycard from his pocket and handed it to Rhea. "Go down the main hallway and take the third left. The first door on your right leads to the mess hall. Hand this to whoever's there and get yourself something to eat. If anyone asks where you got the keycard, tell them I gave it to you. Got that?"

Rhea Kaylen
Jul 27th, 2004, 12:53:19 AM
Rhea took the card, nodding hurriedly to her new master. "Yes, sir." She looked down the hall, then back to Tondry. "Umm, how will I get in touch with you later?"

Pierce Tondry
Jul 27th, 2004, 12:58:29 AM
"I'll be contacting you," Pierce replied. "Just go wherever you like, so long as it's not restricted. You won't be hard to find if you stay in the Temple."

Rhea Kaylen
Jul 27th, 2004, 01:08:47 AM
Rhea nodded again. "Alright, then. I appreciate this, Master. Thank you."

She fingered her keycard, tucked it into her pocket, and bowed again. It was then she realized--she was a Jedi now, for real.

She wasn't sure how she felt about that. She'd figure that out later.