View Full Version : Heart of Darkness

Jarek T'chort
Jul 6th, 2004, 06:19:46 AM
A pale grey moon hung low in the pitch dark sky of Sabor IV. It's curved orb was slightly obscured by a plethora of treetops, which waved lazily in the nighttime breeze. Cries of nocturnal wildlife rang out through the dense jungles and mangrove swamps. The air was humid, filled with the humming of thousands of insects wings, which darted about above the swamps and through the trees.

At one shore, a stream of bubbles floated to the top of the swamp, then another, before six shadow shrouded forms slid from the glassy waters. Dripping with water, they emerged from the swamp, now recognizable as humanoid, with blaster rifles clutched in their gloved hands. Each wore helmets, much like a Scout Troopers, yet covered in flecked jungle camouflage. These were Storm Commandos, Imperial Spec Ops. Silent instructions flited between the Imperials comlinks, as the six spread apart, moving cautiously into the tree line. Stepping over mangled roots and fallen branches, their movements were deliberate and measured, every half movement and rustle in the jungle was registered. Finally, they slowed, their eyes drawn to a dim light that glowed in between the rugged tree trunks. In a series of fast movements, they spread further apart, darting forward towards the revealed fishing village before them.

The village was quiet, a few primitive boats moored to a jetty, surrounded by stone walled huts and animal pens. It had stood for hundreds of years. The Saboreans were a race of stocky humanoids, who lived in scattered villages and tiny towns, with little knowledge of space, or civilization. Yet they were content, fishing and harvesting crops. However, some years before, an Imperial survey team had discovered vast quantities of Tevelic - a somewhat rare mineral used in fuel production. An Imperial contracted company, DeraCorp, had set up large mining operations, much to the consternation of the natives. A small force of Storm Commando's had been despatched to take out the village elders and quell the sporadic attacks that held up Imperial operations.

As the camo clad troopers swept forward into the village, their silenced blaster rifles held taunt before them, a single Saborean watchman started to cry out, turning to run to a large bell to alert his fellows. But he fell, a smoking hole blown through his head. The Imperials reached the largest hut and with a flurry of motion were inside, pumping blaster bolts indiscriminately into the sleeping Saboreans. In the darkened room, twelve bodies lay motionless and very much dead, a testament to the efficiency of the Storm Commando's.

As the pale moon sunk further and the dim light of dawn flickered on the horizon, the village was silent, the phantom figures of the Storm Commando's long gone.

Jarek T'chort
Aug 2nd, 2004, 06:07:48 PM
"You can try."

The dry tone of the young engineer caused Lowerman to glance at his companion, eyes narrowed.

"Nev, you have little faith." Lowerman growled. A bulky man with short cropped hair and a square jaw, he was the opposite of his companion. Nev was short and scrawny, a face that had a permanent look of disinterest on it. Their dark blue uniforms and insignia marked them as mechanics, corporate workers. They stood together above a scene of devastation. Trees, that had stood for thousands of years, were now blackened stumps, in turn surrounded by broken roots and foliage. Large construction vehicles dealt with the fallen trees, picking them up in large vice like claws and depositing them in great woodchippers. Figures moved about, probing the ground for the tell-tale mineral deposits the Imperial contracted firms were looking for on this backward world.

As Nev simply shrugged, Lowerman strode toward the foreman, hard hat slung under his arm. "Uh, sir, I - that is - myself and Nev, we were wondering if we could get a bathroom break?"

The grim looking foreman nodded without looking up from various computer images strewn across a small portable table.

Lowerman grinned and turned to Nev with a mocking look. Nev merely grimaced and followed his larger companion.

They reached the edge of the cleared forest, away from the restrooms on the other side of the vast area. The forest was silent, as far as they could tell, disrupted by the noise of the machines. Lowerman knelt, brushing the earth with his fingers. A series of tracks led into the foliage.

"See, I told you I was right. Somethings been watching us." Lowerman grunted. Nev nodded.

"Aye. Best to report it eh?"

"Yeah I guess so. Just wanted to prove it before they shut the place down on an alert like last time." The mechanics scowled in unison, recalling the docked pay for the false alarm.

As the pair retreated back toward the work site, several large humanoids armed with mean looking slug throwers of rudimentary design, emerged from the greenery. Thin blue eyes and short snouts marked them as different from the Saboreans, these were larger. In the distance, an explosion rocked the jungle, dropping leaves in cascades about the aliens. They grunted to one another, moving toward the rising fireball ahead.