View Full Version : A chilling future.

Trunks Alvein
Jul 3rd, 2004, 01:48:13 AM
Trunks was walking through the halls of the Jedi Temple, when suddenly he felt a familiar presence.

"Meet me in the archives chamber old friend." a voice said.

"Old friend?" Trunks thought to himself. He never had any real friends in his life...unless, no it couldn't be. Trunks reached out with his feelings for Yulis Romanov, for he knew Yulis was in the archives room. Gathering his robes around him he raced down the hall. A dark foreboding swept over him life a fire burning inside his chest. Bursting through the door, Trunks felt what he thought must be a blaster bolt to his head.

"Ahhhh! Please stop, the pain!" he said, falling to his knees clutching his throbbing skull.

"You always were weak Trunks. Diddent you learn anything from me?" said the same familiar, yet evil voice.

Trunks rose to his feet and looked around. Yulis was looking at him with a concerned look, but went back to his research.

"....Anakin..is that you..where are you?" Trunks said finally recognizing the voice.

"Its Anakin Darklighter now. Befitting of a Dark Jedi don't you think?"

A figure materialized in the spot the voice was coming from. Anakin wasn't exactly the same as when they were friends. They had been the same age during there time together, but now he looked quite old. He was dressed in black robes with a dark red trim, the hood concealing most his face.

"So you really did it, your a Jedi. We talked about it so much back then, I knew you'd make it." Trunks could hear his old friend again as Anakin spoke,

"I've actually been to this temple a few times, but unlike you I was rejected as a Jedi." Anakin's tone suddenly became very angry.

"They said my future was clouded with doubt, and I would one day betray the Order" he raised his hand and several Jedi Trunks recognized flashed as if he were holding a holocron.

"But I had my revenge. Many Jedi fell before me in battle, but YOU, you were different. You struck me down on Yavin IV...."

Anakin waved his hand and a much older Trunks came into focus. He was holding a purple lightsaber and had very long hair. Anakin was also in the scene, but he wasn't quite as decrepit looking as he was now.

"Come Trunks, only you can defeat me, and then you will become the new Dark Emperor." said the evil Anakin."As the leader of the New Jedi Republic I've sworn to purge the Galaxy of your evil, Anakin. For my Master, my Padawan, and the force."

With that Trunks side-stepped Anakin faster than even the evil lord could anticipate and lunged, only to contact air. Trunks spun barely quick enough to parry his opponent's lightsaber with a blow sending him off balance. Taking advantage Trunks kicked hard at Anakin's abdomen, but he executed a backflip that put some distance between the two. Pressing his attack Trunks swung hard with his saber forcing Anakin back to keep him on the defensive.

"Come on Trunks! Is that all you've got? I've killed two of your Padawans and your going to let me live?"

The words stung true at Trunks' heart. Anger rose to its peek inside Trunks, and he started to glow a pale yellow, no doubt caused by excited midi-chlorians in his body. His lightsaber began to glow as well and Trunks ran at Anakin swinging wildly, beams of force energy extending from his lightsaber, each sending him reeling backward. Once reaching Anakin he made his deathblow. Anakin attempted to block, but Trunks exploded with power and sent both lightsabers plunging through flesh bisecting Anakin in two. A thick black smoke escaped from his body and enveloped Trunks. He drooped to the ground gasping for air and coughing smoke. Suddenly he started breathing normally and stood up, his eyes now bright red and an evil smile gracing his face. The disturbing image faded back to the old visage of Anakin.

"You see Trunks? This is your fate, you are to become the greatest evil the Galaxy has ever seen. Your power is so great entire planets are destroyed before your might. No Death Star can compare to your ultimate strength. I foresaw everything, I unleashed your power, and I made it evil."

"No! Its not true! It cant be!" as Trunks screamed the intense pain in his head grew unbearable and he passed out.

Trunks Alvein
Jul 3rd, 2004, 10:14:33 PM
Trunks felt consciousness return, still accompanied by a throbbing headache. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around. Vision quite blurred, Trunks diddent recognize the young man standing over him.

"Was that real, or was I dreaming?" he said quietly, mostly to himself.

"Aar yu alright?" a barely audible voice muttered. Trunks' vision began to return and he saw the slightly familiar figure of Sarr Koon.

"Sarr...what happened? Where am I?" Trunks said.

Sarr Koon
Jul 3rd, 2004, 10:45:17 PM
The Kel Dor was standing over the youngster and gazing down upon him. His lightsaber was ignited in one hand. If he were allowed to show emotion, it would have been one of concern.

"It would appear that you blacked out. We were having a little spar and you collapsed."

Trunks Alvein
Jul 3rd, 2004, 11:05:19 PM
Trunks' memory began to return, though the details were still foggy. He had stumbled upon Sarr practicing sword techniques in a clearing near one of the gardens. After a short conversation, they engaged in a practice duel after Trunks expressed his interest in learning a few moves Sarr was working on.

"I remember asking you to spar with me, but not much else." he said while rising, and adjusting his robes. Sarr seemed a little winded, more so than Trunks would expect from an experienced Jedi.

"You seem a bit fatigued, are you ok?"

Sarr Koon
Jul 3rd, 2004, 11:21:44 PM
"Before blacking out, you released a sizable ammount of uncontrolled energy. I was able to defend myself adequately enough to prevent serious injury."

Trunks Alvein
Jul 4th, 2004, 12:08:14 AM
"It happened again?" Trunks said with gasp.

This wasn't the first time his power had been more than he could control. He could feel the hidden strength inside him even now. It was like another side of him he diddent understand trying to get out.

"I hope you can forgive me. I wasnt myself." he said bowing his head in shame.

Sarr Koon
Jul 4th, 2004, 12:16:29 AM
"No need to be sorry. I sustained no damaging injury. Although I can see why you have joined the Jedi. A power like that is asking to be controlled. Potentially lethal to a non Force user."

Trunks Alvein
Jul 4th, 2004, 12:28:58 AM
Sarr's thoughts paralleled his own. Trunks had put a lot of thought into the subject of his force abilities, and the Jedi order seemed to be the best path.

"I hope I can learn to control myself soon," he said waving his hand, a flower following it through the air. "I fear harm may come to those around me otherwise."

Sarr Koon
Jul 4th, 2004, 12:40:03 AM
"That fear is understandable. If it were me in your place, I would avoid contact with non-Jedi. A non-Jedi at the recieving end of that kind of uncontrolled power would not survive. As for control, that will come in time. Keep your mind focused and think about remaining in control of yourself."

Trunks Alvein
Jul 4th, 2004, 12:46:12 AM
Trunks thought about what Sarr had said for a long moment.

"I'm sure your busy Sarr, but would you mind helping me work on my powers?" he said with hope in his heart, "I think I could learn a lot from you."

Sarr Koon
Jul 4th, 2004, 12:52:28 AM
"If the decision were up to me, Trunks, I would help you. The Jedi Council, however, I doubt would approve of one Padawan instructing another. Especially in a situation as delicate as this. Would you like to continue our spar?"

Trunks Alvein
Jul 4th, 2004, 01:01:02 AM
Trunks took a minute to reply. He hadn't meant to imply any wish of Sarr becoming his master, though he liked the thought very much.

"Oh...I diddent mean..." He stopped talking, gathered his thoughts, and began again.

"Yes, the spar. I did cut it a bit short diddent I..."

Trunks planted his feet in a defensive stance.

Sarr Koon
Jul 4th, 2004, 01:10:59 AM
The Kel Dor brought his lightsaber up from the down position it had been in. He would not, of course, go all out against the youngster. That would teach him nothing except how to be defeated quickly. Sarr would definatly be keeping Trunks guessing though.

After quickly analyzing the stance that the youngster assumed, the Kel Dor planned out his attack. He started with a series of quick hacks and slashes in an attempt to drive Trunks backward.

Trunks Alvein
Jul 4th, 2004, 01:32:17 AM
The sword Trunks carried was of his own design. It was outfitted with a shield generator in the hilt that could withstand even a lightsaber's blow. Drawing his weapon from its sheath, Trunks began to block Sarr's furred blows fairly well, but was still losing ground. Sarr obviously wasn't fighting at full capacity, and Trunks hoped to force him to step it up a bit.

Reading his opponent's next blow, Trunks executed a cartwheel, managing to get a bit to Sarr's right side. Taking advantage he swept low at Sarr's feet, but he parried the blow and countered quicker than Trunks could keep up. Not wanting to lose so soon, he retreated a few paces and began attacking again.

Sarr Koon
Jul 4th, 2004, 01:50:15 AM
The quick reflexes of a Kel Dor contributed greatly to his or her expertise in combat. Against a non-Force user or one with minimal ability to use it, Sarr could remain one step ahead. A ploy that Sarr liked to use was to give his opponents the false idea that they had gained a brief advantage. Thus, a fighter was more likely to become careless if they saw a quick advantage, leaving themselves open.

Sarr parried and blocked each incoming attack with absolute precision. The Kel Dor gave up no ground to the young Jedi Intiiate. In the bat of an eye, Sarr dropped and executed a leg sweep, intending to knock Trunks off his feet.

Trunks Alvein
Jul 4th, 2004, 02:05:26 AM
Caught only slightly off guard by the leg sweep, Trunks lost his balance as his left leg was almost kicked out from under him. Luckily it actually gave him a bit of forward momentum he used to roll through Sarr's legs as he rose, and emerge behind him. Springing to his feet, Trunks swung around with his sword extended, hoping to catch his opponent off guard.

Sarr Koon
Jul 4th, 2004, 09:40:11 AM
As expected, the young fighter had become careless. Trunks swung his sword blindly around, even though he couldn't be certain where the Kel Dor was. Sarr had recovered quickly from his leg sweep and was turned to face the Jedi Initiate as he swung his sword around. He parried viciously and that left Trunks unprotected. Bringing his lightsaber around in a short arc, the blade stopped inches from sweeping off the young boy's head.

Trunks Alvein
Jul 4th, 2004, 08:35:51 PM
Trunks winced as the blur of Sarr's saber came inches from his neck. He closed his eyes, and could feel the heat of the blade stop just before striking him down. Suddenly he felt the presence deep inside him begin to grow.

".You've failed again Trunks. You disgrace us with your weakness. " a voice said in his head. Trunks shook it off and looked up at Sarr.

"I am defeated" Trunks said, sheathing his sword

Sarr Koon
Jul 4th, 2004, 09:08:36 PM
The Kel Dor returned his lightsaber to his belt after the blade had disapeared.

"If you choose to look upon it that way, then yes. I would think of it more as an instructional lesson. You have undoubtedly caught the mistake that you made. Attacking an opponent, if you are unsure of where they could be, is never the best decision. An experienced Jedi, with plenty of Force training, can rely on that form of attack much better."

Trunks Alvein
Jul 4th, 2004, 09:36:59 PM
Taking a moment to think about Sarr's comments, Trunks knew he was right. He had been careless, and that was unacceptable.

"I realize now more than ever I need training. Care to go again?"

Sarr Koon
Jul 4th, 2004, 10:10:45 PM
"If your feeling up to it."

Sarr unhooked his lightasber from his belt and ignited it. The blue blade sprang forward once more with a snap-hiss. Taking a defensive stance, he awaited the younger's attack.

Trunks Alvein
Jul 5th, 2004, 12:46:57 AM
Taking a step backward, Trunks closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Do not fail again. "the strange inner voice said.

"Get out of my head!" Trunks screamed out-loud, grabbing his sword.

He shook off the dark feeling that came over him, and held his sword at the ready. Taking a step forward, Trunks began his attack. Making a few swift, well timed swings at Sarr's defense, Trunks felt in tuned with his opponents fighting style. Reading a few moves ahead, he managed to find an opening, only to realize Sarr was toying with him again. This infuriated Trunks a bit, but he managed to quell his anger before it got the best of him. He continued to attack and parry, trying to learn from Sarr's superior skills.

Sarr Koon
Jul 5th, 2004, 01:32:55 AM
The Kel Dor sensed that the young boy was becoming frustrated. As Sarr parried and blocked incoming attacks he vaguely wondered if Trunks might black out again. The power that had been exhibited directly before the first black out had been tremendous. Defending against it a second time would drain him significantly and perhaps cause more then just a feeling of fatigue.

Sarr had been slowly giving ground to the young boy as he parried and blocked. Firmly, he planted his feet to the ground. The lightsaber and sword made contact and remained locked. The Kel Dor pushed forward and the two blades separated. He unleashed a flurry of attacks against Trunks. Each attack was from a different direction and angle.

Trunks Alvein
Jul 5th, 2004, 01:56:03 AM
As Trunks fought he tried to keep in mind Sarr's words about not attacking blindly. He diddent want to make the same mistake again.

Realizing Sarr was allowing him to gain ground against him, Trunks stepped back, then lunged forward. The lightsaber and sword again locked, causing Trunks to fight for supremacy. Feeling himself losing the struggle , Trunks reached down deep and tried to call apon his inner power. This gave him the strength he needed to push Sarr back a step, but only for a moment.

Sarr Koon
Jul 5th, 2004, 02:39:37 AM
After being forced to step backwards, the Kel Dor did a backflip and landed a few feet from where he had just been standing. Dashing forward at blinding speed he brought his saber in an upward motion to attack.

Trunks Alvein
Jul 5th, 2004, 03:09:22 AM
Having less than a second to raise his guard before Sarr's attack, Trunks was only able to block part of the blow. So intense was the impact, it sent him stumbling backward to a disadvantage. Sarr's still unrelenting series of blindingly accurate blows was difficult for Trunks to deflect while still on unstable footing.

Realizing his opponents forward momentum wouldn't be easy to stop quickly, Trunks planted his feet, and executed a corkscrew front-flip over Sarr, landing behind him. Now facing Sarr's back, only for a moment he knew, Trunks leapt forward with an arcing vertical slash.

Sarr Koon
Jul 5th, 2004, 11:53:39 AM
Sarr reached behind his head with his lightsaber and twisted his hands slightly. The blade of Trunks' sword impacted with the saber. Swiftly the Kel Dor made his turn so that he was facing the youngers once more. Bringing his saber back from behind his head, Sarr executed a vicious downard slash.

Trunks Alvein
Jul 5th, 2004, 06:08:49 PM
Trunks jumped aside, narrowly escaping Sarr's lightsaber as it came crashing down. Swinging his sword from its downward position, Trunks executed an upward slash as Sarr was recovering from his last attack.

Sarr Koon
Jul 5th, 2004, 06:55:23 PM
The Kel Dor twisted his torso and Trunks' sword sailed upward harmlessly. Sarr aimed a kick at the now exposed midsection of the young boy.

Trunks Alvein
Jul 5th, 2004, 07:23:00 PM
Sarr's kick hit its mark true, sending Trunks flying backward, landing in a heap.

"He's humiliating you boy! Get up, use the pain to your advantage."

Trunks rose to his feet and swallowed hard. He focused his thoughts on the pain in his abdomen, the pain faded and he felt renewed strength. Going on the offensive, Trunks rushed at Sarr with a series of powerful, yet quick blows.

Sarr Koon
Jul 5th, 2004, 07:37:13 PM
The two blades locked once more and the Kel Dor twisted both of them around in a circle hoping to disarm Trunks or at least put him at a disadvantage.

Trunks Alvein
Jul 5th, 2004, 09:41:46 PM
Trunks had a hard time keeping up with Sarr as he spun the two weapons around. Losing his grip, Trunks' sword slipped from his hands, and into the air. In an attempt to salvage the fight, Trunks leapt up after his weapon, and caught it with his extended hand. He couldn't stop the sword from spinning, so instead he went with it, straight downward at Sarr.

Sarr Koon
Jul 5th, 2004, 09:48:41 PM
Diving to his left, the Kel Dor rolled and resumed a standing position.

Trunks Alvein
Jul 5th, 2004, 10:11:02 PM
As he came crashing to the ground, Trunks' sword bit deep into the ground, and he went flying face first into the dirt.

Sarr Koon
Jul 5th, 2004, 10:17:59 PM
The Kel Dor quickly deactivated his saber and attached it to his belt. He rushed over to the youngster and hoisted him up off the ground and set him on his feet.

"That was some fall. You alright?"

Trunks Alvein
Jul 5th, 2004, 10:32:32 PM
A feeling to shove Sarr away from him came over Trunks for a moment, but quickly passed.

"Yes..I'm ok. Thank you Sarr." Trunks said dusting himself off.

He walked over to his sword and attempted to remove it from the ground, but it was in to deep.

Trunks cleared his throat, "A little help..."

Sarr Koon
Jul 5th, 2004, 10:41:40 PM
The Kel Dor walked over to where the sword was imbedded in the ground. He placed both hands firmly on the hilt and planted his feet. After taking a deep breath and holding it in, Sarr pulled up on the sword. His muscles bulged out momentarily and the blade came free. He stepped backward quickly a few times to keep from falling over and then tossed the sword to the young boy.

Trunks Alvein
Jul 5th, 2004, 10:54:30 PM
Catching his sword, Trunks spun it around a few times before returning it to the sheath on his back.

"So...ummm, waddya say we call it a draw." he said with a bit of a chuckle.

Sarr Koon
Jul 5th, 2004, 11:07:27 PM
Emotion was all but impossible read on the face of a Kel Dor. But if Sarr could display anything it would have been a look of amusement.

"That's okay with me. I will see you again undoubtedly."

Trunks Alvein
Jul 6th, 2004, 03:14:11 AM
"I'll be looking forward to it." Trunks said with a bow, attempting to convey his respect for the new friend he'd made today.

Sarr Koon
Jul 6th, 2004, 04:34:24 PM
"As am I, young Trunks. Farewell."

With that final word the Kel Dor turned and strode off. It was time for his training with Shade.