View Full Version : Breaking a Sweat. (Yulis)

Rognan Dar
Jul 1st, 2004, 11:34:14 PM
The GJO was quiet. The sun was just coming over the tops of the buildings. The whole place was at peace and sleeping this beautiful morning. There was very few souls that got up this early. Some did, for their own reasons. Rognan was up this morning, walking through the halls, to start on the training one off his padawans.

There was a soft knock on the door of Yulis Romanov. It was a steady three knocks every five seconds. Feeling a little withdrawn, he goes ahead and knocks louder, loud enough for others still sleeping to hear. He continues to do this until he could hear someone coming to the door.

Yulis Romanov
Jul 20th, 2004, 07:12:49 AM
Yulis had just gotten up and was finishing his shower when he heard the knocking on the door. He rushed to his closet and quickly threw on some clothes. Yulis got his shoes on and opened the door quickly, breathing a little heavy.

"Master Dar, sorry about that, I was in the shower." Yulis said as he brushed his still wet hair back. He looked up Rog and smiled, "Are we going training?"

Rognan Dar
Jul 22nd, 2004, 11:49:47 AM
Rognan was pleased to see Yulis come to the door. His knuckles were going red. Composing himself, he returned Yulis's smile and answered his question.

"Yes, we are going to start your training. Now. I suggest that you put on some light clothing that you can move around easily in."

Rognan was fitted in a loose T-shirt and slack shorts. He also had two cantinas of water attatched to his belt.

Yulis Romanov
Jul 24th, 2004, 07:02:57 AM
Yulis was excited to start his training, but he knew that it would be a tough road ahead. The way his master had just told to put on the right clothes was all that he needed to let him know that they would be working. Yulis, however, had learned that nothin calms to you if you don't work and was fully ready to do anything and everything neccessary to complete his training.

"Comfortable clothes are all that I have Master. I am ready to go and work."

Rognan Dar
Jul 24th, 2004, 06:15:07 PM
"Very well then. But we wont be doing much 'work' as we would be working our bodies. We are going to have a little jog this morning. It is always a good thing to keep your body in shape because you never know when you will be but into a physical challenge. Lets go."

Rognan then started walking off. Without looking to see if Yulis was following, Rog started out in a slow jog, just slighty faster then a fast walk.

Yulis Romanov
Jul 25th, 2004, 08:38:07 PM
Yulis ran a little to catch up to Rog and then settled into a jog next to him. He was ready to train in anyway that him master wanted. The running part wasn't that hard for him since he was used to running in the lower levels of the city. Throughout the months he had needed to run a lot to get away from trouble. Something inside him, though, told him that this would be harder. He kept up with Rog, but his breath started to get shorter over time and he was getting tired.

Rognan Dar
Jul 25th, 2004, 10:06:39 PM
There was nothing better then a nice job in the cool morning sun. Not to long ago Rog felt like he was out of shape and made it a personal goal to do as much jogging/running as he could. But this was not all just about getting a good exercise routine down, it was to stretch how much physical endurance he had and to improve it.

"Keep up now, Yulis." Rog said over his shoulder, picking up his pace into a steady run. He saw that some people were exitting there rooms, entering the hall and stood aside as the two ran out down the halls.

"We are going to head to the Gardens and then back through the Order and out into the city."

Yulis Romanov
Jul 26th, 2004, 02:20:49 PM
Yulis was getting tired, but didn't want to show it. He sucked it up and started to run faster to keep up with his master. It was getting harder and harder, but he was going to do the best that he could, so he kept running. His legs were now on fire, but he didn't dare stop. Yulis would have to start conditioning himself once this was over. Until then though, he would keep running.

Rognan Dar
Jul 26th, 2004, 11:39:52 PM
As they were running Rog could sense that Yulis was quickly growing tired. The thing about running or weight-lifting or just any exercise is that you can't just stop when you get tired. To build the muscles you needed to push them farther then what they could normally do.

So he pushed Yulis more untill it looked like he was about to fall over. Which at that point they were already in the garden. Slowing down, Rog came to a halt and turned around.

"Alright, take a break. The next part is going to be harder."

Yulis Romanov
Jul 31st, 2004, 10:29:55 PM
Yulis already had an idea that Rog knew how he felt and how much he could take. This knowledge, however, still didn't help Yulis from being surprised when his master suddenly stopped and let him take a break. Yulis was on the verge of falling over, when the running stopped. He dropped onto the grass and put his arms over his back so that he wouldn't start cramping up.

"Now that's a workout." Yulis smiled and called out to Rog. He was too tired to laugh, but he tried anyways.

Rognan Dar
Jul 31st, 2004, 10:38:41 PM
Rognan was also breathing heavily, but not nearly as much as Yulis was. He never knew how much doing this exercise really helped him untill it was compared to that of someone else.

"Yes it really is a good workout. And I can clearly see that your exhausted. So this will be a time to learn and to catch your breath.

What I want to teach you today is how to use the force to supply energy and strength to your body. With it you will be able to run faster, jump higher, and just about anything else physical. Though, it may seem to give you energy, it also takes a bit back in return. Its not a power source per-say. It amplifies your own strength and uses your own muscles, so that in the end, it will feel as if you just had a really hard workout."

Yulis Romanov
Aug 2nd, 2004, 09:18:49 PM
Yulis had read about this ability and was glad that he would finally start learning it. "I would like to learn that very much Master."

Yulis stated and sat up, cross legged.

Rognan Dar
Aug 2nd, 2004, 09:50:17 PM
"Good. For now we will start with something simple. You dont know how to use the force yet do you? No matter. We will learn that first.

What I want you to do is collect your thoughts and then let them drift away, let your troubles and worries be no more. Calm yourself and focus on something that sets you at peace, and let that feeling flow through you. Then, I want you to try and reach out for something thats unseen. Reach out and tap into the Force."

Yulis Romanov
Aug 5th, 2004, 06:00:32 PM
Yulis listened and did what he was told. He still remembered the last time he used the force and that helped him tap into it again. He relaxed and opened those doors in his mind that allowed the force to shin in. It had taken some time, but now he could feel its power. It was inside him and was reaching out to him, gladly giving him strength. Somehow he no longer felt tired and his muscles had stopped their hurting.

Rognan Dar
Aug 17th, 2004, 06:10:49 PM
Rognan could feel the Force fill Yulis up. He noticed his breathing wasn't as heavy and hurried as before. This is what he wanted. For now he could use the force to help with easing his muscles and focus his breathing.

"You are doing well. Before we go into our last event, I want to do a little more...easier...things before that. Have you ever used or seen a Jedi jump really high or run faster then could be expected?"

Yulis Romanov
Aug 24th, 2004, 06:52:01 AM
Yulis listened and watched his master, "No, sir, I haven't seen anything like that. I have read about it though in your jedi archives. I was hoping to learn that one day."

Rognan Dar
Aug 25th, 2004, 01:20:01 PM
"Then you shall learn it today. With the Force, I want you to focus it within you, applying it to your muscles to strengthen you. You will then be able to do things physically that you would not have been able to do before. And keep in mind, that just because you are stronger when you use the Force in this way, does not mean that it doesn't take something back from you. You might find yourself more tired and sore afterwards. Just like you would if you were excercising with weights and the like."

Rognan took a moment to look around the garden for something that he could apply this training too. As he searched, his gaze came to that of a large rock.

"You see that rock over there?" Rog said pointing in the direction of the rock. "I want you to try and pick it up on your own, first. Then, I want you to try and use the Force to strengthen your arms and once again try and lift it."

Yulis Romanov
Sep 3rd, 2004, 07:07:21 PM
Yulis got up and walked over to the rock. He looked at the large size of the rock and then back toward his master. Bending down Yulis grabbed hold of the rock. He could almost feel that this rock was too heavy for him to lift. Looking once more at Rog, Yulis nodded and started to lift.

His legged strained as he pulled on the rock with all his might. His teeth locked as he tried harder, but it was no good. The rock just wouldn't move. Yulis closed his eye and though about what Rog had said to do. Breathing steadily, he started to relax. His mind was clear except for his task. Drawing deep inside himself, Yulis started to open all those doors, allowing the force to come in again. Things started happening within him and thoughts rushed back as the force over took him.

Somehow, he started to channel that strength to his muscles and instantly their weakness went away. He strained only a little bit before the rock went up inside his hands. He couldn't believe it himself. As he held the rock, sweat came down his face and he could feel his breath quicken as the blood rushed to his muscles. After a bit he started to feel weaken again, and call on more of the force before pulling the rock down.

He was breathing hard when he turned toward his master.

Rognan Dar
Sep 13th, 2004, 10:20:32 PM
Rognan watched expectently as his young apprentice went to the task he appointed. When Yulis was looking over his shoulder he was still sitting on the ground watching. Once he went head first into his task he stood up and slowly walked over, hoping not to distract him. Rognan watched, not so much with his physical eye's as he did with the Force. He could feel it gather into the small body of the boy. Though, he was not what some would call strong, he still did what Rog had told him. Against his better judgment, too.

After trying in his own might to lift the rock, which Rog knew he couldn't, and thought that he most likely wouldn't be able to do much even with the Force to strengthen him, he at once went to the second part. Rog watched as, even though it was not a great distance lifted, he lifted it with the aid of the Force, giving him the power to even lift it that much. And that in itself was enough.

Closing the final gap between them, Rog walked up and clapped in a slow firm beat.

"Very good. Did you see, let along feel, the strength the Force has to offer? Yet it might seem like great power, which the Sith take for so much, it really takes as much as it gives. For you are still using your own muscles, just that they are givin a stimulant you could say to give that little bit that lifted that rock. How do you feel now? Do you still feel strong? Do you feel like you just lifted that thing on your own and now about to fall over in exhastion?"

Yulis Romanov
Oct 2nd, 2004, 06:19:15 PM
Yulis breathed heavily and looked at his master. "After everything, I do feel my muscles are weakened and I am tired. It doesn't feel, though, like I did all the work myself. My muscles hurt, but not quite as much as if I lifted something heavy just by myself. It did take a lot out of me. "

Rognan Dar
Oct 2nd, 2004, 06:26:28 PM
"Good. Now sit down and have a breather. Your going to need to get your breathing under control. That will come in time, though. As will many things."

They waited there for a few minutes in silence. Rognan watched Yulis as his breath came in deep, calm breaths. He then spoke up again.

"Tell me, Yulis, a little about yourself. Where did you grow up, how big is your family, how old are you, what led you here. Anything, you can choose."

Yulis Romanov
Oct 3rd, 2004, 03:54:59 PM
Yulis sat down beside Rog and started to calm his breathing. He looked at this master and shrugged. "I don't really remember my parents. I remember waking up inside the reckage of a shuttle and begin found by some medical personal. I wasn't harmed and they were wondering why I was the only one to survive. The only problem is that I don't remember anything else before that. I don't know who my parents are. I guess that it why I'm here. My whole jurney has led me to the jedi temple and I hope that maybe with training I can unlock those memories or use the force to help me find my parents."

Yulis sighed and looked at the ground.

Rognan Dar
Oct 3rd, 2004, 10:30:00 PM
"I see. Unlocking memories can be a hard thing. And you might not like what you find out. But I know how it feels to know who you are, and where you came from. Dont you think, then, that joining the Jedi was kind of a selfish quest for yourself? I dont mean to sound critical, but thats not only what the Jedi are about. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you are really looking to help others, and as a side effect, regain your memory. I'm sure that there are a few Masters that could help with this, ones that are well gifted in mind reading and the like. Maybe after your training you could go and ask them."

Yulis Romanov
Oct 5th, 2004, 05:01:40 PM
Yulis thought for a moment and frowned, "Maybe. I've never thought about that before. However I do want to help people and I've read a lot about the jedi in the past days and it makes me want to be one even more. I really want to find my parents, but I also want to help people that need it. When I didn't have anyone, people helped me and I'll never forget that feeling."

He looked at his master and smiled, "Maybe you can show me these Jedi? I would love to know if I remember anything at all."

Rognan Dar
Oct 5th, 2004, 09:25:54 PM
"Yes. I guess I could get a meeting with one that might help. But that will have to wait until another time. For I dont know who or even if someone might be able to help you.

But I'm curious. If you did not know your parents, then where did you grow up and with who?"

Yulis Romanov
Oct 6th, 2004, 06:13:53 PM
"Well it turns out that I was traveling to coruscant for some reason and the shuttle crashed. When they found me, they tried to find out who my parents were, but there were no records of anyone having kids with my blood type. They didn't know what to do with me, so I was sent to an orphanage and stayed there for a while. A couple that couldn't have kids noticed me and adapted me. They were really nice people and didn't have much. Even though they didn;t have the money, they did everything for me and I love them like my parents. It was they who saw me use the force for the first time and suggested I head to the temple."

Rognan Dar
Oct 7th, 2004, 01:49:18 PM
"I wonder, would you have found your way here if they did not take you as their own? Maybe someone else would have found you and turned you to a different path if was not for your adoptive parents. And for that I am thankful. But where are they now? Are they still on the planet?"

Yulis Romanov
Oct 8th, 2004, 10:00:12 AM
Yulis nodded at the masters question. "They should still be in the lower levels of coruscant. That is unless they moved. I know before I left that a crime boss was bothering them and making them pay protection money. So I don't know if they are still there. I hope they moved away from that horrible place."

Rognan Dar
Oct 8th, 2004, 09:10:52 PM
"Thats two of use that hope they went somewhere else. Maybe we can go and find them and see if we can maybe help them out a bit."

Rognan then stood and looked about the garden.

"Well, you look rested up enough. Time to continue on with this lesson.

For this finally stretch we are going to be doing somemore running. But this time, we are going to apply the Force to our bodies as we run. You will do the same thing you did when you used the Force to strengthen your arm muscles, just this time it will be to your legs and your lungs. Use the Force to open up your lungs more so that you can breath better and, therefor, run longer. Are you ready?"

Yulis Romanov
Oct 8th, 2004, 10:09:38 PM
Yulis stood up and nodded, "I would like to find and help them very much."

Taking a deep breath, Yulis cleared his mind and got ready to reach into the force. This time it would be a little easier since he has had some practice.

"I'm ready master."

Rognan Dar
Oct 9th, 2004, 03:43:46 PM
"Good. Now, dont over push yourself right away. We will go for a while to re-warm up. And then when you are at the peek of performance use the Force to push you even farther."

With that said, Rognan then made his way back from which they came. But this time he took a different path that led them to the main doors that entered the temple. He used the Force to open those doors and continued running out of them. Looking behind, he saw that Yulis was still keeping up.

"Lets step it up a notch."

Rognan then went into a sprint once down the stairs that led to the door. He was going off in no apearent direction. Just a walkway that keep connecting to more, giving them a long stretch to practice.

Yulis Romanov
Oct 11th, 2004, 05:29:19 PM
Yulis was ready to start once again and followed his master as best he could. As told, he called up on the force and let it flow into him, increasing the blood flow to his legs and calming the pains that came with running too much. As Rog sped up, Yulis tried to follow.

Soon he was calling on the force more and more to try and keep up. He was slowly tiring and falling behind. The pain increased inside his legs and chest, as his heart beat faster and faster. Breathing hard, Yulis kept on running and clinched his jaw to keep the pain away. He did the best he could.

Rognan Dar
Oct 11th, 2004, 09:26:53 PM
Rognan knew that Yulis would not be able to keep up forever. And it wasn't even at the point to which he was using the Force yet. But it took a long time for Rognan to run like this. And it seemed that Yulis was like him when he started. But with time, he hoped that he could get the boy up to speed with him.

"Ok, Yulis..." he said as he stopped and paused for breath. "How did it feel..to use the Force..to strengthen yourself in a different manner?"

Yulis Romanov
Oct 15th, 2004, 08:59:01 PM
Yuis slowed down and started to take deep breathes and tried to lower his fast heart beat.

"It..felt good...Master. At first...it was like I wasn't...doing a lot of work. After a while though...it started to weaken me and I had to...use more of it to keep myself strong as well as my feet...in order to keep up."

Rognan Dar
Oct 17th, 2004, 07:37:01 PM
"Very good. You have learned to us it quickly. But its not how fast that you learn to use it...its the way you use it that counts. Remember, having all the abilities you could possibly get in the shortest amount of time does not mean that you can use those skills well. But if you take the time to practice and learn better ways of using and exicuting those skills you will indeed be a great Jedi."

Yulis Romanov
Oct 21st, 2004, 06:13:15 PM
Yulis listened and nodded, "Yes master, thank you for the advice. I will practice all I can. I wish to be the best jedi I can be."

Rognan Dar
Oct 21st, 2004, 08:17:42 PM
"Good. Then this lesson is over. You may go back to the Temple. I'm going to be out here for a while."

Yulis Romanov
Oct 22nd, 2004, 05:48:58 PM
Yulis nodded and bowed toward his master. "Yes master. I will be ready for my next leason as soon as you see fit to get me."

Smiling, yulis started to walk back toward the temple. AS he did, a hunger sensation grew in him and he realized that he only ate once today. Now it was getting late and he started to head down to the mess hall. After that he could get some much needed sleep.