View Full Version : Just checking something...

Kyle Raiden
Jul 1st, 2004, 12:07:02 PM
My character...the shmuck in the picture. I'm doing a "he was brainwashed, and doesn't know who his passed self is" thing with him. Fits with the whole ex-Federacy arc. I was wondering a few things for the long run (pretty long-run), that I want to bring out in RP stuff. I wanna start now, so I can start on the long road towards them.

Basically, can I make it so his passed self was a Jedi? I'm not gonna suddenly bring back his memories, and poof, he's all powerful. All I wanna do is slowly bleed through some Jedi abilities into his character as it exists now. Most of the sorts of things I'll be bleeding through will be connected with the agility and acrobatic side of things...I want to eventually get him jumping up stuff, and dodging about. Basically, I wanna spice up martial arts with the Force a bit. I might (eventually) try and get him hooked up with a trainer, to get him weilding lightsabers, and doing some other more fully fledged Jedi bits and pieces...but I don't want anything for quite a while...it just won't fit.

Second thing, is it ok if I use a type of pistol thats in Star Wars Galaxies as one of his weapons? Its not exactly canon, but it does have some sort of backing. I've forgotten the name of it, but its the FW something or other...one of the top pistols you can get. Basically, it looks like a modern pistol, in silver.

Third thing...the other weapons. I'm gonna customise a few weapons, but make sure they're doable achording to Star Wars technology. One of them will work like an ascention gun, for example, only a little different. Another will utilise vibroblade technology. These, I'm gonna slowly RP their design and creation over the next month or so, once Kyle realises he's got some Jedi in him. I'll make sure they aren't super-weapons or anything...will that be ok?

Thank you for your time. Wolf protect you.

Sejah Haversh
Jul 1st, 2004, 12:42:28 PM
Well, the problem with that would be that if he was a Jedi before, then odds are that a good number of the folks at the GJO would recognize him on the spot, and be able to explain to him who he really is.

As much fun as your idea may sound, I would really, really warn you against using brainwashing/amnesia as a character device. Oriadin was the only fellow I saw here who was able to pull it off, and that's because he didn't have any kind of neat past to remember. He just had to start from step one and go from there.

Weapons = not important. Honestly, if your character is good enough, you'll find yourself rarely using them. And remember, the more weapons you have, the more junk you have to lug around with you. If you have a lightsaber, there's almost no point in also toting any other blade than a pocketknife. And if you have a blaster, just make sure it's a good one, don't mod one. You don't see people modding most handguns today except for in the realm of comfort and looks, do you? As far as firepower, I meant.

I'd work on establishing your character before you establish his toys. I think you'll find that in the end, a month speny on character development will far outweigh any form of gadget you create.

Kyle Raiden
Jul 1st, 2004, 01:01:17 PM
The brainwashing device isn't really my choice. I already had the character started in the Federacy, and I now need to explain how he's ended up back in regular circulation. Seeing as the Federacy use brainwashing as a recruiting technique (prisoners, criminals, etc), it made sense as a scapegoat. The Federacy background of the character also lines up Imperial training and stuff, which explains why he's such a good fighter. I've also demonstrated a bit, in posts, his sort of logical side, and how smart he is. In short, the character is already established, and I don't really want to start him again. I like the backstory he's got right now. Why get rid of a good thing?

As for remembering a "neat" past...I'm not all that sure I ever will. I may, eventually, but its not gonna be anything spectacular. He'll spend years trying to work out who he is, and where he belongs, and discovers that he doesn't actually belong anywhere.

Perhaps saying he used to be a Jedi was the wrong term. He used to be someone who used the Force. I'm not gonna pick a "side" yet...he may well have been a Sith in the past. He would have been from some sort of Force group outside of those existing in the game. It could be that his father was one of the many nameless Jedi at the Temple, or in TSO, who had a fling with his mother. He just has some sort of Force ability inherant in his person, and before he was brainwashed, he maybe knew how to use it. He doesn't have any amazing power he can recover. He'd have been young and hot-headed at the time. He's not you're cliche Jedi. He's just a guy that uses the Force. Khendon being the man that he is, removing Kyle's knowledge of his abilities seems like the sort of thing that would appeal.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 1st, 2004, 01:11:46 PM
All I wanna do is slowly bleed through some Jedi abilities into his character as it exists now. Most of the sorts of things I'll be bleeding through will be connected with the agility and acrobatic side of things...I want to eventually get him jumping up stuff, and dodging about. Basically, I wanna spice up martial arts with the Force a bit. I might (eventually) try and get him hooked up with a trainer, to get him weilding lightsabers, and doing some other more fully fledged Jedi bits and pieces...but I don't want anything for quite a while...it just won't fit.

It's possible for a person to have the potential to use the Force, without actually actively being a Jedi or a Sith, but it's not possible for you to actually use it without conforming to typical Sith or Jedi methods - i.e. using your anger, if you're a darksider. For those things to 'bleed through', as you say, he would also have to begin using his emotions as such. In this case, it would be more likely that he was tapping into the Darkside. The Lightside requires a focused consious effort to tap into.

As Sejah said, amnesia is really not a great path to go down. It's one of the most clichéd and over-used plot devices you can come up with.

Kyle Raiden
Jul 1st, 2004, 01:29:28 PM
Yeah, well, if you can come up with a better way of me using this character without having to start from scratch, I'd like to hear it. To be honest, it doesn't matter how clichéd and over-used it is. If it works, it works. Simple as that. And besides, I'm not gonna be playing on the whole amnesia thing all that much, anyway. Kyle is gonna slowly learn that finding out who he used to be would mean that "Kyle Raiden", as he is now, would cease to exist. So he'll stop, and just be him. So I'm not really using it as a plot device...its just a handy little tool in his backstory.

By "bleeding through", I just meant he'd slowly learn that he had the abilities, and would learn to tap into them. I'm talking about concious effort when using the abilities (although it will probably become second nature after a while), as opposed to anything requiring emotions. Its just that his brainwashing is acting like a barrier, and he has to draw his abilities through it.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 1st, 2004, 01:34:25 PM
Whatever you call it, it sounds basically like him having the abilities without actually going through the training to learn them. It's possible for people to teach themselves to use the Force, but it's a long difficult process. For him to reach the level of your average Knight would take a great deal longer than someone with a tutor to guide them. As an aside - whatever side of the Force you're using, you need to use your emotions, serenity or anger, there's only two sides to the coin.

Kyle Raiden
Jul 1st, 2004, 01:43:14 PM
The abilities I want my character to have are the sort of things an entry level Jedi might have. If I ever want more, I will find him a tutor. Most of the stuff he'll do will be martial arts that his body is trained in. He'll eventually (and note the eventually) be able to do a few feats of Jedi acrobatics, but not for a long time. I was just checking this as a long term thing, so I didn't get started, get there, and have everyone tell me I'm not allowed. I doubt he'll reach the level of an average Padawan for a while, let alone a Knight. But I'll see, if I ever get to a point where I need Jedi powers. If I want to get up there, then I will probably find a tutor. I'll probably try and get on Yavin or something, so I'm away from the Temple. That isn't really his scene.

Serenity...isn't that an absense of emotion? Surely you're NOT using you're emotions, and thats the whole point?

Sejah Haversh
Jul 1st, 2004, 01:49:51 PM
Serenity is calm and peace, not lack of empotion. It means that you make decisions while level-headed, not on gut impulses.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 1st, 2004, 01:51:20 PM
Entry level Jedi don't have any abilities (outside of any skills they may have to offer - engineering, space flight, etc). They're like raw material, clay if you will, ready to be molded into something.

Serenity...isn't that an absense of emotion? Surely you're NOT using you're emotions, and thats the whole point?

To be a Jedi, someone has to be actively seeking a peaceful state of mind. Meditation and all that.
To just chance on that would be infinetly difficult.

Jul 1st, 2004, 02:03:48 PM
Originally posted by Sejah HavershAnd if you have a blaster, just make sure it's a good one, don't mod one. You don't see people modding most handguns today except for in the realm of comfort and looks, do you? As far as firepower, I meant.

This is incorrect. There are plenty of people who modify firearms for various performance reasons aside from comfort:

If you're talking strictly firepower, this is called "Wildcatting" in the firearm trade. You essentially mess with a gun's receiver, barrel, etc, and you can customize a cartridge that accepts differing diamter/weight bullets, in concert with different powder charges.

Like all firearm mods, you have definite pro's and con's to your decision.

I suppose if you were going to "wildcat" a SW gun, you'd be dealing with variables like:

Muzzle velocity (how fast your shot's going, which affects trajectory flattening and penetration)

Trajectory flattening (rate of "fall" of each shot, which determines accuracy)

Plasma pressure of each blaster bolt (analogous to a bullet's mass I suppose)

Recoil (self-explanatory)

Power pack capacity (analogous to magazine capacity; how many shots you can get with each battery)

Turbocharged? (like a turbolaser, which would I guess be similar to a magnum and/or a jacketed hollow point bullet. Increased damage potential, with higher muzzle velocity, plasma pressure, trajectory flattening, but suffering from higher recoil and lower power pack capacity)

There's like around a billion little niggling details you could get into if you wanted to mod a weapon, but you really have to understand the give & take relationship of firearms.

Kyle Raiden
Jul 1st, 2004, 02:05:01 PM
Entry-level Jedi, particularly the older ones, have vary basic abilities. They're demonstrating their sensitivity to the Force. I know, I am one. My Jedi character (Alex) did some things in his introduction that were beyond what any "normal" human could have managed. No, he wasn't at the stage of using his powers at will. It happened as a sort of instinctive reflex - Alex did that stuff to save his life. At first, it will be like that with Kyle. His powers are gonna be hit and miss at best. They'll be weak. He won't know how to harness them. But, slowly, he'll learn. He's not going to be getting much. The only real "abilities" I can imagine Kyle using are the reflexes, and maybe the agility. He's just gonna be a little beyond a non-Force sensitive individual. He'll move a little faster, jump a little higher, and dodge a little better. Nothing more than that to start with. Anything more will take a tutor, and I'll deal with that at the time. He'll have the sorts of things that I think Kyle could manage to learn on his own, through trial, error, and accident. Anything more than that, for now, isn't on the cards. When I do get to that point...as Jack O'Neill put it, "We'll jump off that bridge when we come to it."

Weapons-wise...I was actually thinking more in the way of melee weapons, and ascention guns and such, more than anything else. The two SWG pistols are pretty much all the blaster power he'll need. He might have a rifle, but that may well be shop standard, with a few home customisations (sniper scope, "silencer", etc.)