View Full Version : A warrior, but no jedi (open)

Jun 29th, 2004, 01:31:58 PM
Anduril retracted his two blades and turned to the training bot that was flying around the room. Then, after a little thought he turned it off again. Checking the weight of his blades he began to go over the moves he always used with his regular training technique.

He moved his blades with a fluid motion, closing his eyes as he did so. He liked to relax in his movements, circling around the room as he practised his footwork. Though it was strage for him to be in the academy again, it felt good to return to his old training.

Trunks Alvein
Jul 13th, 2004, 03:13:00 AM
As Trunks walked through the hall of the Temple, he felt a presence he knew to be Lord Anduril emitting from a near by chamber. Passing through a high arch he saw his friend, weapon activated, facing a training droid. Taking a seat in a near by chair, Trunks sat observing the Padawan in silence.

Jul 13th, 2004, 10:21:12 AM
Andúril made a few movements with his blades. Making downward slashes with left hand, bringing it round again. Then repeating the same movement with his right.

Turning to the trining droid, he readied his sabres. One with a defensive stance, the other with an attacking. Soon the droid began shooting small shots at him.

The first took him by surprise, but he soon regained his concentration, and began to deftly repel the shots from the droid. After a while he retracted his blades, and sighed.

"I dislike sparring with droids," he said. "They have little emotion, and they are harder to read than beings." He looked up at Trunks for the first time since he entered.

Trunks Alvein
Jul 13th, 2004, 11:00:19 PM
"I find it quite difficult battling against droids myself, though my reading of sentient beings isn't that developed anyway." Trunks said eyeing a disactivated droid hung on the wall next to him. He stood and flipped on the switch behind its neck.

"Training droid ready for orders." the robot said in a purely mechanical voice.

"Level two defensive stance. Holoblade in use." Trunks said and drew his sword. He pressed a button on the hilt and the blade disappeared. It was replaced by a hologram image of its former self.

Sliding out one foot to widen his stance, Trunks held the blade out a few inches from his body.

"Begin." With that the droid brandished his hands, and two small transparent shields formed. Trunks charged at the mech, swinging his sword in an overhand arc. The droid blocked several swift blows with ease.

"Aggressive stance, level 2." Pressing Trunks backward with jabs and thrusts, the droid was doing a good job of keeping Trunks on his toes.

Trunks dove and rolled to the side of the droid, slicing into its left leg as he went. As it went down, he spun around while rising and connected with an upward slash, an attack that would have bisected it clean in half if his blade were activated. The droid's shields deactivated and it stopped moving. Trunks flipped off the main power switch and returned it to the rack it came from.

"Not much for training I'd say."

Jul 14th, 2004, 01:08:36 AM
Andúril smiled a little to himself.

"Indeed no. I am more looking forward to learning to use the force more in my combat. Though Im good now, I could never be as good as a jedi using the force as he fights."

Trunks Alvein
Jul 14th, 2004, 05:28:56 PM
"I've had weak, if any, control over the force in battle. Well...except when I blacked out a few days ago during a spar." Trunks tone became more serious.

"I lost control and discharged a large amount of pure force energy at my opponent. Luckily he wasn't hurt badly..."

Jul 15th, 2004, 12:58:13 AM
"Hmm." Andúril paused for a moment thoughtfully.

"Well, with time and training, i'm sure you will learn to control your powers."

Trunks Alvein
Jul 19th, 2004, 05:11:13 AM
"I hope that happens before I lose myself...to the dark thoughts that accompany my powers." He said shifting his weight nervously.

"Every time I use them I feel a little closer to a darkness hidden inside me. Like it envelopes me slowly, for the light wont give up, not easily." Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and released it.

"I've seen my destiny, and it frightens me."

Jul 19th, 2004, 09:36:17 AM
"Your destiny? The future is before us, certainly, and destiny can never be changed. But nothing is certain. I believe a man does what he can, until his destiny is revealed."

A strange light came into Andúril's eyes, and he paused for a moment. "Some people have no past, so they must look to the future for guidance... But those who have past may look to it for path they must walk in."

Trunks Alvein
Jul 25th, 2004, 12:06:51 PM
"Past..." Trunks thought to himself.

"My past is nothing I wish to revel in, I hope to put it behind me." He said suppressing the darkness' urge to invade his mind...his thoughts.

"Besides, I have enough trouble dealing with the present."

Jul 25th, 2004, 03:10:33 PM
"But the future is just like the present... only longer. We must look to something..."

Trunks Alvein
Jul 28th, 2004, 08:49:18 AM
"Look into something?" Trunks repeated. He wasn't sure, but the tone of his friends voice seemed to imply he wanted to discuss something more important with him.

"I sense there may be something on you're mind Lord Anduril, anything I may do to help?" he said in a soft voice.

Jul 28th, 2004, 09:41:49 AM
Andúril sighed. "I mentioned before that I have no past. That is so now. I have nothing else but here, and now. My lightsabres, are... a link to my past, but only a memory. You were the one that reawakened that memory, through the use of my old title. Under my father, I was Lord of a great land on Trinity. But there is nothing left for me there now..."

Trunks Alvein
Aug 3rd, 2004, 11:34:26 PM
"Trinity..." Trunks repeated inside his head. The name struck his mind rather sharply.

"You're home sounds familiar Lord...err sorry..Anduril." he said timidly.

"If you don't mind my asking, what happened to your land...and your father."

Trunks felt the matter held some great importance to his future.

Aug 4th, 2004, 05:07:02 AM
Andúril sighed yet again. "I don't know Trunks. When I returned there after my initial training the land was desolate, and my city in ruins. I searched it vainly for traces of my family, but there was no sign of them. It looked as if war had passed over the land, though it is strange, when I left we were a peaceful people, and had no great reason to go to war. It seems that so much had changed since then... I loved my family greatly... my father, and mother... and my sister..." his eyes glazed over as he remembered a distant memory.