View Full Version : A request for some help

Jun 28th, 2004, 08:24:20 PM
I'm asking for some help in this thread: Imperial Intrigues (http://swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36028)

The basic plot summary goes something like this:

This character (Wysperz) was once a well known film star. The director/producer (Ch'been) of some of the films and holodramas aired over the holovid has been "rumored" to have been "associated" with the Alliance. Its been said that Ch'been used his films and holodramas to relay encrypted messages to Alliance operatives. Of course, since these messages are encrypted, the majority of the public would have no idea that they existed in what they were viewing. Those in the intelligence divisions of the Alliance and the Imperials would know, though.

I haven't decided yet just what information it is that's encrypted on a disk that Wysperz has in her possession; just that someone or a few someones have been killing to get their hands on it.

My fiance and I were talking about the plot this evening and he had an idea that I liked and it goes something like this:

Maybe it's not the Imperials as a whole who want this disk, but perhaps a two or three who want it. Maybe these two or three Imperials were involved in a rogue operation and the disk contains information that is both pertinent and damaging to these rogues. What that pertinent information is has been left open to suggestion. The damaging portion of it is that it would lead the proper authorities - from both sides - straight to them and then they'd be in a world of hurt if they are discovered.

My request for help falls into a few areas.

1. Plot suggestions
2. Plot twists
3. Attempted murder
4. Two or three Imperials willing to take on a role

Of course, no characters will be killed off; unless of course, someone makes up a character for the sole purpose of this plot and they don't mind getting it killed off.

I appreciate any help, advice and participation.