View Full Version : To Prove.

Kiane Silvina
Jun 27th, 2004, 01:25:09 PM
Character name: Kiane (Prounouced like Diane only with a K) Silvina. Nick name: Kain (Like from the bible.)

Character Profile: A smart <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> that thinks she is better than others of her level in training. A bit egotistical and always challenges those of her level that have more authority than herself.

Character History: Raised on tatoine by an abusive and alcoholic father and a step mother that annoyed the hell out of her by trying to make her better and trying to get Kiane to like her more. Kiane never would.
One day, her father had gotten overly drunk and beat her within an inch of her life because she had said that she was not going to hand him the drink that was a foot out of his reach. When he was about to hit her a final blow, a vase on a table flew into the air and hit him upside the head, knocking him unconcious. She got up and stumbled to her bedroom, gathered her things, bound her wounds and left.
She only carried a few changes of clothing, a blaster, a bit of food, the money she had and that her family had lieing around the house (she didnt care that it was stealing) and her grandfather's lightsaber and what he had told her when he gave it to her. "If something happens, you have the power to make it better." He had left and never came back after that.
She had trained a bit in using the lightsaber but was an excelent shot with the blaster, being able to hit some of the large rats around the city from a hundred yards away. She had also got some hand to hand combat training from a retired guard of a crime lord in the city. With these knowledges, she quickly gained a job from a hutt as one of his guards.
This life was alright. She was a 16 year old human girl with a job as a body guard. Not many could say that. But this fact also got her into trouble. Several of the other guards, mostly males that were older than her of various races, found it entertaining to bother her. Doing a number of things including harassing her, pushing her up agianst walls and at one point knocking her out by "accedent" with the but of their guns. She brought this matter up with the hutt she worked for and he just laughed at her. She grew angry with him rather quickly.
The last straw was when one of the guards, a large human male of about 36 years old, became drunk and tried to rap her. Somehow, while he had been ontop of her, she had got the lightsaber of her grandfathers into her hand and activated it right into the man's stomach. He rolled off of her and she jumped to her feet. The last words out of the human's mouth were "you jedi scum bag."
Kiane fled the hutt's place a quickly as she could, knowing the penalty for killing another guard was death itself. She had gained enough money to get off the stinking, hot land mass known as Tatoine. But she was not sure where she was going to go. Then the words of the man came back to her. A jedi scum bag. She had heard of the jedi. How they are force users and such and she thought about how many times odd things had happened to her that would suggest that she was able to use the force, one of which being getting the lightsaber into her hand to stab the guy when it had been laying on her bed 5 feet away. She thought about the jedi then relised that she was in no way a jedi.
She had been standing in the port when she figured this out. Someone behind her said something interesting. "So why not try the sith?" When she had turned around, there was a black cloaked figure looming over her. She turned and ran from him, unsure on how he had read her thoughts. But his words stuck in his mind. About an hour later, she saw him again, once again looking at her. She asks him where she could find a sith to train her and he instructed her on how to get to the Sith Order. She instantly bought her ticket and at 18 years old, with a life of pain under her belt, she took off for The Sith Order to prove to herself and the people who had pained her in her life, that she could be a sith.

Character Motivations: A life of abuse, harrassment and death. Driven to join by the dieing words of a stupid body guard. (See history)

Character Skills: Telekenetic use of the force (Uncontrolable at the moment), sword/saber fighting, gunner, martial arts.

Why should we accept you: I will be loyal as long as there is no one like the body guards trying to bother me there. Fighting skills are at the peak and I cant get any farther with my training in combat with out someone to teach me. I need help figuring out how to control this telekenetic energy that springs up when ever I am angry.

Roleplaying example: http://swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35630 (Never finished due to him not posting)

Do you understand that your application can be rejected: Yes.

Have you read the rules: yes.

Lady Vader
Jun 27th, 2004, 05:25:44 PM
Members of TSO will vote on this thread until a majority of 'yay' or 'nay's is achieved, to determine whether you will be accepted or rejected.

My vote, Yay.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jun 28th, 2004, 06:10:47 AM
Yea. Verily. Forsooth.

Rasha Vill
Jun 28th, 2004, 09:24:55 AM

Jun 28th, 2004, 05:55:41 PM

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 29th, 2004, 06:40:47 AM
Yay, although the character's skills are a bit highly stacked for a beginner.

Lady Vader
Jul 7th, 2004, 02:27:52 PM
Granted you tweek the character's skills to match with that of someone learning anew...

Congratulations, Kiane Silvina. You have been found to be worthy of joining The Sith Order.

Come and meet your brothers and sisters of the Dark Side.

You will be given access to the Sith Only locked forums. Have fun exploring and posting. :)

Kiane Silvina
Jul 7th, 2004, 08:16:53 PM
I will tone down her fighting. But when it comes to using force, the only thing she has is telekenetic abilities that she does not even have control over.