View Full Version : Another Race Day (56K DEATH)

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 27th, 2004, 04:33:21 AM
Well, it's not quite a forest, but it's sorta close. This is close to my place.

<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/marcus/27062004/240z-sideways.jpg>

Older car. It clobbered a tree earlier.

<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/marcus/27062004/escot-sideways.jpg>

Older Ford. Theese. things aint bad.

<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/marcus/27062004/turbovl-sideways.jpg>

Turbo Commodore. Lots of hp. No weight. Fun

<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/marcus/27062004/turbovl-sideways2.jpg>

Rear drive fun

<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/marcus/27062004/turbovl-tree.jpg>

>_< Now that was close.....

<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/marcus/27062004/rx2-trees.jpg>

<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/marcus/27062004/rx2-sideways.jpg>

<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/marcus/27062004/rx2-speed.jpg>

<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/marcus/27062004/rx2-missile.jpg>

RX-2. Nice attitude.

But the best thing on the way was.....


Guess who?

Slayn Cloak
Jun 27th, 2004, 05:38:30 AM
Yeah, I bet he can have some real fun now; Not to mention someone to teach him. This entire thing is just awsome, wish you the best with new beginings! Not to mention new boss lol.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 27th, 2004, 06:21:14 AM
For the sake of clarity

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 27th, 2004, 06:53:03 AM
Oh wow. You're way taller than I thought . Unless Mark is just short o_O

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 27th, 2004, 07:02:14 AM
I think Marky boy is just a bit short.

:wave hey guys. nice pics.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 27th, 2004, 07:30:51 AM
Originally posted by s'Ilancy
Oh wow. You're way taller than I thought . Unless Mark is just short o_O

No, Chris is tall. He's I think 6'3. I'm 5'10.5 or something like that. 177cm in proper scale.

I'm no expert, but I think he's enjoying the place so far. Prolly be even better once I have the RX-7 up and going properly for him to rip around in.

Oh, I think he can confirm the Forester is every bit as fast as I've claimed it to be :D

Razielle Shadana
Jun 27th, 2004, 08:57:42 AM
awesomeness! ^___^

(nice piccy's guy's :wave )

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 27th, 2004, 10:10:27 AM
woohoo! :wave hi to the boys down under. :)

Slayn Cloak
Jun 27th, 2004, 01:49:24 PM
:: waves fist at forester:: That's just not... argh. Marc can you guys "rent" a cosmo? If you can, you should, and then gloat. One day the states needs to get good cars, or I need to have the money to import them...

:: stares at math homework ::

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 27th, 2004, 02:36:46 PM
aww look at you two ^___^ hehe

Jun 27th, 2004, 05:13:38 PM
:: Stands on head ::

There! Now you guys are right side up! :wave

Jun 28th, 2004, 01:00:19 AM
Would anyone believe that Mark and I are EXACTLY the same height?

Man, you need to stop copying me, dude. These good looks and perfect body are pateneted. Don't make me go copyright infringement on you.

Live Wire
Jun 28th, 2004, 01:05:58 AM
*jumps up and down so she can look face to face with Chris*


And yeah Chris is tall. The first words out of my mouth when I met him were "wow you're tall!!!"

I know, of all things to say right. But he is tall! Not to mention an amazing back adjuster. :D

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 28th, 2004, 07:32:18 AM
Originally posted by Mitch
Would anyone believe that Mark and I are EXACTLY the same height?

Man, you need to stop copying me, dude. These good looks and perfect body are pateneted. Don't make me go copyright infringement on you.

I'm older, so I have prior art. And before we start on the who's cooler or who's better battle once again, I'll just put on the table my trump of coolness....

Rally Car.

Nyah Nyah!

Now thinking of cool, I have to say Chris is fitting in quite well. It's still a catch me out to see him online on GAIM, but he's actually in the next room.

Silus Xilarian
Jun 28th, 2004, 12:58:41 PM
You have to get him sloshed. It's tradition.