View Full Version : Life, as we know it, in SWG

Jun 24th, 2004, 02:35:30 PM
This might be difficult for those that have not played SWG to follow. Unless you've played a MMORPG, then this might make some sense. :)

Star Wars: SWG Style


The rebel trooper kneels along the corridor of the Corellian Corvette. He knows that any moment now Imperial troops will bust open the door. “First I’ll hit em with a Health Shot,” he says to himself, “and then I’ll just spam em with Body Shot 3.” He waits, and then hears the dreaded sound of the hatch blowing in. He opens fire, but with every pull of the trigger he feels weaker and weaker. Eventually he is so weak from spamming attacks that a stormtrooper blasts him with one shot, and he falls over. “Damn,” he says as he falls over incapacitated, “I shoulda buffed first.”

Princess Leia doesn’t have much time. The Imperial troops will be here any moment, and she doesn’t have a chance against them. No armor, no buffs, and only a CDEF pistol to attack with. It leaves her little options. “Ah, an R2 unit,” she says, “lucky for me I haven’t surrendered all my Smuggler slicing skills yet on my path to be a Master Politician.” She stops the little droid, and after some cussing about the radial menu not working, accesses the droid’s datapad. “Take this message to Obi-Wan on Tatooine. I’ll give you the waypoint.” Satisfied that the droid will do its work, she heads off to try to distract the Imperials enough for R2 to get away.

TK-437 is leading his troops through the corridors of the captured Rebel ship looking for prisoners. “This will be easy,” he thinks to himself. “There’s one,” says his buddy RK-921, “set weapons for stun.” A Rebel dressed in white robes ducks behind some equipment at first, but then jumps back and fires off a shot knocking RK-921 over. “Haha,” says TK-437, “she owned you with a Low Blow.” TK-437 raises his Enhanced E-11 carbine, and fires off a single Leg Shot. “That’s okay. I got her. Easy faction. She wasn’t even buffed. Stupid Rebels.”

“Where are you going,” asks C-3PO with an annoyed voice. “Waypoint? What waypoint? What are you talking about?” R2-D2 chirps a response, but C-3PO ignores it. “I don’t have any Scout skills, and there are too many hills that direction. Let’s go this way. It’s much faster.” He looks increasingly annoyed as his little blue friend chirps. “Look, I don’t care if some Master Droid Engineer made you with good HAM and medium armor. You know as well as I do that some newbie kid in the back of a junk shop built me. You were there for crying out loud! I wouldn’t last a day out that way. So go ahead, and go that way. See if I care.”

“Luke,” yells Aunt Beru, “make sure that your uncle gets a droid with a maintenance module.” Luke mumbles under his breath. “This crap is cutting into my grinding time. I want to get Master Artisan soon,” he says to himself. He makes a quick reply and then runs to catch up with his uncle. “Luke, take these droids and get them cleaned up,” says Uncle Owen. “But I was going to go to check the Bazaar to get some grinding resources.” Owen chastises Luke and the young Artisan starts the long walk back to his Small Tatooine house. “I hate Droid Engineer. Stupid grinding,” he says as he kicks over a pile of MSE droids he made while grinding earlier. “Come on, Red, let’s go.” The little red droid starts, then stops, then starts, and then stops again. “Uncle Owen, this red droid is bugged. What about the blue one instead?”

Luke goes prone near the edge of the cliff wishing he could find some working electrobinoculars. He’s looked on the Bazaar almost every day, but all he can find are Broken Binoculars, and Broken Datapads. “Doesn’t anything work in this galaxy?” He peers up over the edge and sees a Bantha. “Yep, they’re sand people for sure. I see one next to that bantha.” Luke visions blurs, and suddenly he is incapacitated. He was no match for the Tusken Executioner that popped up out from nowhere. Luckily, the Tusken became preoccupied with Luke’s speeder or he might have ended up a clone.

Luke slows the speeder to a stop outside the Mos Eisley cantina. Not far behind him is Ben Kenobi on his own speeder. “Sorry we couldn’t ride together, Ben. I’ve got an extra seat, but for some strange reason I can’t use it.” Ben looks at Luke and replies, “it’s okay. I had this swoop in my datapad. Let’s go inside.” Luke stores his droids marveling at the way the droids fold nice and neatly, turn into data packets, and get stored in his tiny datapad. He follows Ben inside the cantina. “What’s all the little blue I things floating above their heads,” he asks Ben. “Just ignore them,” replies Ben. “It just means they have some stupid errand they want you to do.” The pair walk over to a human and a wookie sitting at a table near the corner.

“What do you mean you can’t take us,” says the newbie farm boy. “Look, kid,” says Han Solo, “it ain’t that I don’t want to it’s just that I don’t have a ship. I will in a few months though.” Chewbacca growls in agreement. “What did he say,” says the farm boy. “Wow, kid, you must be new if you don’t understand wookie speech. Here let me teach you. There, is that better?” The farm boy nods. “Now, Chewie and I can group with you and help you to where you want to go, but it’ll cost you 10k.” The farm boy gets upset for some reason. “10k? That’s crazy. Do you know how many missions I’ll have to do here to get 10k? I could go to Lok maybe, but it would take me all day to get 10k here.” Han sits back in his chair. “No problem, kid. Chewie and I can wait here. I’ll be spamming spice sales, and Chewie will probably be working on his Dancer skills. Send me an email when you get ready to go.”

And… the story ends here for now because there’s no ship to take our happy little group into space.


Darth Viscera
Jun 25th, 2004, 05:52:41 AM
That was depressingly funny :(

Jun 25th, 2004, 08:33:08 AM
yes, but I have passed along the link... cause it's so true.

Dan the Man
Jun 25th, 2004, 10:54:16 AM
This is why I refuse to play that game.

Jun 25th, 2004, 12:13:44 PM
LOL! Funny. But there were no people who look like power rangers...:( And what about the lag?

Jun 25th, 2004, 03:13:25 PM
Yep. Very true. My 14 day trial ended today and I will not be buying the game. I didn't even play it for all of the trial

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 29th, 2004, 01:10:59 AM
Originally posted by Dan the Man
This is why I refuse to play that game.

And it begs the question why others play it.

Darth Viscera
Jun 29th, 2004, 06:45:06 AM
because there are some good times in there. SWG right now is a good core of a game, it just needs a very large KOTOR-like quest which immerses you from the getgo and ties all the other quests together. In KOTOR you start the game and are immediately embroiled in the action, in SWG you start the game and are immediately bored and clueless about what you're supposed to do.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 29th, 2004, 06:53:35 AM
in SWG you start the game and are immediately bored and clueless about what you're supposed to do.

Now there's a novel concept.... totally alienate casual players. WTG!

Dan the Man
Jun 29th, 2004, 11:00:44 AM
Originally posted by Marcus Telcontar
Now there's a novel concept.... totally alienate casual players. WTG!

They're marginalizing the world's nerd community. From here, it makes it easier to register them, tag them, put them in camps, death, etc.

Master Yoghurt
Jun 29th, 2004, 01:49:54 PM
Well, if youre a casual player, you gotta ask yourself why youre playing a MMORPG in the first place.

Jun 29th, 2004, 01:54:16 PM
And on that note...

Star Wars Galaxies Veteran Reward (PC)
Star Wars Galaxies players will soon be able to benefit from the first veteran reward for longtime players. Veteran players of this online role-playing game inspired by the Star Wars films and books are those who have subscribed to the game for at least 6 consecutive months. These players will receive the deed for a multi-passenger ship model SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 on the day the expansion, Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed launches. This starship model may be recognizable by those who have read the Star Wars books as the selfsame model used by Lando Calrissian - called the Lady Luck. Non-veteran players needn't worry about being left out - once they reach the six month mark, they too will be eligible for the reward.


Marcus Telcontar
Jun 29th, 2004, 04:51:16 PM
Originally posted by Master Yoghurt
Well, if youre a casual player, you gotta ask yourself why youre playing a MMORPG in the first place.

Guild Wars seemed to accomodate the casual player pretty well. The point of my post is that you need to be able to capture casual gamers to allow the userbase to grow. How are you going to get new players if the entry is boring and confusing?

Lady Vader
Jun 29th, 2004, 05:55:11 PM
And yet, the game captures new players each day.

Fancy that. :)

Malcolm Trippen
Jun 29th, 2004, 06:09:57 PM
Originally posted by Dan the Man
They're marginalizing the world's nerd community. From here, it makes it easier to register them, tag them, put them in camps, death, etc.

I assume you speak from a lead-lined bunker deep underground, where they will never find you?

And SWG does work for the casual player. You just need to get the hang of the controls first. Sure, if you want a game where you go on, kill stuff, and then wander off somewhere else to kill something else, SWG can do that. Coz thats all casual play in any MMORPG amounts to. If you want to get any more out of the game, you have to play the game properly. OK, SWG isn't kill, gain level, kill more powerful thing, gain level, seek out boss, kill, gain money and level, buy better sword, kill next boss, gain money, bigger sword, bigger kill, etc...but thats a good thing. If you settle into SWG for the long run, you can get a lot out of it. If you're a really casual player, you can go out, kill stuff, and grind up skill trees. It has both. So :mneh.

Originally posted by Darth Viscera
because there are some good times in there. SWG right now is a good core of a game, it just needs a very large KOTOR-like quest which immerses you from the getgo and ties all the other quests together. In KOTOR you start the game and are immediately embroiled in the action, in SWG you start the game and are immediately bored and clueless about what you're supposed to do.

Agree with ya there. Three letters sum up what the game needs. G. C. W. Well, they make no sense individually, but the GCW (Galactic Civil War) is the sort of central storyline that the game needs to sort out for itself. Little bits of the game have little stories to them. As soon as you add a story, that isn't just to tie together a few killing opportunities, that would help a lot. Once JTL comes out, they might try it again...you'll have more scope to work in. They can make quests that spread across various planets and such, that require deduction and logic and stuff...using your skills, or the skills of your group, to the optimum, finding the right people to talk to, buying the right stuff, selling it in the right place, fighting for the right side, etc. But thats four months away. *shrug* Guess that's a good thing...I'll have a good few Smuggler levels, just in time to get my smuggling ship. :D

Any of you people who criticise a game you've not played, you obviously haven't seen the wonder that is composite armour. As the Red, and original Fury Ranger, I hereby proclaim that your anti-SWG statements be deemed irrelevant in all decisions regarding the quality of said game.

Thank you, and goodnight.

Figrin D'an
Jun 29th, 2004, 07:11:56 PM
Originally posted by Malcolm Trippen
Any of you people who criticise a game you've not played, you obviously haven't seen the wonder that is composite armour. As the Red, and original Fury Ranger, I hereby proclaim that your anti-SWG statements be deemed irrelevant in all decisions regarding the quality of said game.

Thank you, and goodnight.

It's still a standard MMORPG, which some of us believe, in general, suck. Our personal experiences have told us that they simply aren't what we want in games.

Originally posted by Lady Vader
And yet, the game captures new players each day.

Fancy that. :)

And how many of those n00bs drop it after the first couple of days? And how many new users are hardcore gamers that simply waited to get into the game, rather than casual gamers?

The matter is a lot more complex than simply "It gets more players every day."

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 29th, 2004, 11:50:04 PM
Originally posted by Lady Vader
And yet, the game captures new players each day.

Fancy that. :)

Does it? Oh I'm sure a few suckers get in, but I doubt it's a lot. Most of the people who wanted to get in would have done so close to day one.

Jun 30th, 2004, 01:00:44 AM
Originally posted by Lady Vader
And yet, the game captures new players each day.

Fancy that. :)

There's a sucker born every minute. And if we're talking about the internet, make that a second.

Originally posted by Malcolm Trippen
I assume you speak from a lead-lined bunker deep underground, where they will never find you?

Why would I hide? I'm not the nerd playing the MMORPG. I have nothing to hide in our new world order. :cool

Any of you people who criticise a game you've not played, you obviously haven't seen the wonder that is composite armour. As the Red, and original Fury Ranger, I hereby proclaim that your anti-SWG statements be deemed irrelevant in all decisions regarding the quality of said game.

Thank you, and goodnight.

I heard the game is a system hog, full of bugs, and that the network guys don't know their own Oracle database from a hole in the ground. Oh, I also see that you have to pay a ri-damn-diculous up front cost for the software, and a bloated marginal subscription fee. I think that's plenty enough strikes against your little MMORPG.

If I'm that terribly interested, I think I'll just stick to dice-rolling RPG's and save myself the grief.

Darth Viscera
Jun 30th, 2004, 09:30:34 AM
Originally posted by Lady Vader
And yet, the game captures new players each day.

Fancy that. :)

I'm not sure if it's capturing enough new players every day to equalise against the numbers of veterans (some of them who've been playing for months or even the full year) who are dropping out every day. The largest exodus that I've been cognizant of was around April 1, when our player city, Bastion, went from a population of 88, to a population of 8 or so actives. The question is whether or not the veteran population (veteran = a person who has mastered an elite profession) is still in decline.

Jun 30th, 2004, 09:37:45 AM
*shrug* Fair enough. Maybe you don't like the game. That doesn't mean its a bad game...just means its not the game for you. A lot of people get a lot of enjoyment out of it. Thats all that matters.

The way I work it out, the amount I'm paying for it means I essentially buy a new game every couple of weeks. With the updates and such, and the fact that you aren't always playing against a computer means the game isn't the same day after day. If I get as much gameplay out of this than I do most other games, it'll be worth what I pay for it.

SWG also has a massive social side. Its non-fighting areas are particularly strong compared to some other RPGs. There are lots of things to do if you're bored of fighting. The game, if you give it a chance, can actually be more playable than other games, because you can go kill stuff whenever you feel like it, but it isn't the ONLY thing you can do...you can still play if you're in a non-killing mood.

If its not your thing, its not your thing. Can't change that. Over 10,000 people think it is their thing, and think its a good game, and I'm one of them. If you don't play the game, I don't think anyone's gonna loose any sleep over it.

Visc...achording to SOE, a "Veteran" is someone who's played solidly for 6 months, without any breaks in their account status. Thats the "official" description, anyway. :\

Jun 30th, 2004, 10:36:54 AM
I couldn't immagine still playing SWG this late in the game. And the Starship reward... for everyone whos been there six months? What about all those poor people who played it for a year? What do they get, bantha fodder?

Travis North
Jun 30th, 2004, 11:53:01 AM
I'm a veteran who's played for a year and hasn't mastered an elite prof. just cause I don't take to grinding. And what rewards have I recieved. A painting, a ship, 2 holocrons and 2 pieces of art. Oh ya and a badge for a facinating biography.

Jun 30th, 2004, 12:52:07 PM
Originally posted by Firebird1
I couldn't immagine still playing SWG this late in the game. And the Starship reward... for everyone whos been there six months? What about all those poor people who played it for a year? What do they get, bantha fodder?

I don't think I quite follow what you're trying to say here...

Ppl who have played for six months consecutively get a Sorosub yatch. Those that may have just joined will also get their free Sorosub yatch after six months of consecutive play. So those that have played for a year have obviously done the six consecutive months therefore get the yatch.

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 30th, 2004, 01:57:02 PM
Well those who played a year might get into beta for JTL that is what I have heard. I enjoy the game but it isn't for everyone I have to admit. Also it is funny it is the #2 amount of subscribers for a MMORG I think only Final Fantasy Online has more. It is over 500,000 subscribers that is a lot of people, could be more I am not sure. The game isn't a failure, heck the biggest failure is Sims Online that thing almost ruined Maxis.

Darth Viscera
Jun 30th, 2004, 07:38:13 PM
Originally posted by Alex
Visc...achording to SOE, a "Veteran" is someone who's played solidly for 6 months, without any breaks in their account status. Thats the "official" description, anyway. :\

I'm talking about my personal definition of a veteran though, not the SOE forum's definition of a veteran poster.

Carr, where are you getting these subscription numbers?

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 30th, 2004, 10:30:30 PM
From Computer Gaming magazines, they had an article on MMORGS and they listed SWG galaxies #2 in subscribers.

Jul 1st, 2004, 08:58:25 AM
Originally posted by Jedi Master Carr
From Computer Gaming magazines, they had an article on MMORGS and they listed SWG galaxies #2 in subscribers.
Did it list City of Heroes? Apparently that did much more than the makers expected.

Garret Treborn
Jul 1st, 2004, 09:45:22 AM
City of Heroes is a pretty cool game. However, after the trial month I did not renew my subscription. The reason being is that what you do at high level is pretty much the same thing you do at low level. So it seems a waste of time to me. And I thought the idea of no economy was good at first, but I changed my mind about that. At least an economy gives you something else to do. There was no crafting or trade skills or anything of that sort in CoH.

Jul 1st, 2004, 11:16:01 AM
If I ever did the MMORPG thing, I'd probably do it with City of Heroes. I like that concept more than I do Galaxies.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 1st, 2004, 11:50:09 AM
Guild Wars will get my money, I suspect. It looked great in the test period and I have high hopes for it getting better and better :D

Jul 1st, 2004, 09:20:35 PM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic
Guild Wars will get my money, I suspect. It looked great in the test period and I have high hopes for it getting better and better :D

It doesn't even HAVE to get better. I'd buy it the way it was for the alpha. Of course, I'd have run out of things to do(since they only made enough quests for a few days).. and not every aera was finished.. but hey :) There's no way I'm not buying it.

Figrin D'an
Jul 1st, 2004, 11:03:15 PM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic
Guild Wars will get my money, I suspect. It looked great in the test period and I have high hopes for it getting better and better :D

Guild Wars may be the first MMORPG-like game to get my money. I liked the alpha, and I do like a lot of the details that the developers have discussed. The fact that it won't have a monthly subscription fee is a big plus.

I would like to at least test out World of Warcraft, just to see if Blizzard has managed to do it's usual job of taking a concept, trimming the fat and emphasizing the good aspects. If they ever open up the beta to the general public, I'll probably jump in for a little bit, just for kicks.

Pierce Tondry
Jul 2nd, 2004, 12:40:05 AM
From the WoW website:

Phase Three of the World of Warcraft Beta Test has started, and we have randomly selected the next group of people to be added for this important phase of our testing process. Invitation emails will be sent out shortly, so please disable your junk mail filters and check your inboxes!

If you don’t hear from us for this phase, please note that there will be additional phases with more testers added in the weeks and months ahead. In addition to that, we will eventually be holding an Open Beta Test as well, during which many more people will have a chance to try out World of Warcraft prior to launch!

Please do not contact us to inquire about the status of your Beta Test application. We will continue to post announcements here whenever new phases have started.

There's a friend of mine with a beta key who has played it and he likes it very much. As a definite Blizzard fan, I will at least look into the game's Beta test and may buy it if I like the product.

Guild Wars I have not yet tried, so I can't say yea or nay in any way.

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 2nd, 2004, 10:53:36 AM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
Did it list City of Heroes? Apparently that did much more than the makers expected.

I think it was listed well below I don't think it was in the top 5. I know Everquest was on there, and two others that I just can't remember. I know it had more subscribers than The Sims Online but heck that wouldn't be hard :p I think it might been kind of low because it had just came out though.

Jul 2nd, 2004, 11:07:36 AM
Originally posted by Pierce Tondry
There's a friend of mine with a beta key who has played it and he likes it very much. As a definite Blizzard fan, I will at least look into the game's Beta test and may buy it if I like the product.

Guild Wars I have not yet tried, so I can't say yea or nay in any way.

I also have several friends who have gotten into the beta testing, and all of them have given it high remarks. I'm geeting really psyched about WoW. :)

I tried the open beta for GW, and it was ok. I'll prob end up playing it, but I'm more excited for WoW than I am for GW.

Figrin D'an
Jul 6th, 2004, 11:04:06 PM
Speaking of WOW, the European Beta Test sign-ups are open now, so any of you folks in the applicable nations can toss your names into the hat to test out the game.

Lady Vader
Jul 7th, 2004, 01:35:09 PM
JENNY! GO SIGN UP! NOW! :verymad Don't make me use my whip! :mischief ^_^; :D

Darth Viscera
Jul 7th, 2004, 03:02:29 PM
I signed up for WOW beta ages ago, no email yet

Pierce Tondry
Jul 7th, 2004, 03:12:21 PM
That's because you're ugly and they don't like you.

On a serious note: sign-up Jenny! The WoW beta is an awesome thing to behold!

Lady Vader
Jul 7th, 2004, 05:26:13 PM
I signed up for WoW beta and I didn't get any reply yet. Does that make me ugly and not likeable?? :cry