View Full Version : Retribution: Revisiting an Old Foe (LV, Vader, or by invitation)

Live Wire
Jun 24th, 2004, 03:32:54 AM
Live Wire walked through the halls her boots creating a rhythmic clacking pattern on the hard floor. She had spent the past few days re-familiarizing herself with TSO but today she strode the halls with a purpose. The first step of her plan was ready to be implemented but for that she needed the assistance of one more person. Darth Vader.

As she turned the corner heading towards his quarters she found him coming towards her.

"Ah lord Vader I was just on my way to see you. I believe you can assist me in finding someone whose whereabouts you may know. Some time ago the bounty hunter Sanis Prent kidnapped a former Jedi woman by the name of Jade Fire. It is extremely vital that I locate her."

It was her hope that not only could Vader help her in locating Jade but also aid her in turning her to the dark side. If her memory served her Jade had been quite strong willed and resistant to their methods to turn her. Now she had the perfect opportunity not only to turn her but use her to turn her former master...that horrid Jedi woman.

"Can you help me?"

Darth Vader
Jun 30th, 2004, 09:48:22 PM
The Dark Lord paused, turning towards LW as if her presence was an unwelcome distraction in whatever he was doing.

"The last time I dealt with her was over a year ago. She should be where I left her last, in the Corellian dungeon."

Lady Vader
Jun 30th, 2004, 10:02:18 PM
LV had taken a moment to join LW, and it was about the time that Vader had spoken that she showed up.

She stood just off to the side of her long-time friend, letting her deal with her quest for retribution.

Live Wire
Jul 1st, 2004, 03:04:53 AM
Ahh so TSO still had her, excellent! She could sense Vader's impatience. He at least hadn't changed since she had been away.

"Good. May I ask, how successful were your atempts to turn her?"

Darth Vader
Jul 2nd, 2004, 01:09:00 AM
"I wasn't"

Vader replied flatly.

"That she rots in that dungeon is adequate payment for my wasted efforts."

Live Wire
Jul 2nd, 2004, 01:49:32 AM
So Jade laid in the dungeon unturned to the dark side. This was delightful news to her ears. Jade would be her first victim. Not only would she have her revenge but she would also test the amulets powers thus creating another recruit for TSO.


Vader's curt manner had always uneased her a bit.

"I have a plan to turn her as well as another jedi woman. I believe LV here has found the key to both their undoings. If you would like to assist us I would be...glad...to have you along."

Lady Vader
Jul 2nd, 2004, 11:24:33 AM
LV looked at the obsidian mask, envisioning the dark eyes underneath. While LW was being polite in asking Vader to join her in her quest, LV wanted him to come, regardless of what his answer might be.

She was sure he could help them in turning two Jedi, thus crippling the GJO.

A corner of her lips lifted into a small smile. She however knew he would come. He wanted to obliterate the Jedi from the galaxy as much as they did, and if it meant starting with a couple, so be it.