View Full Version : Getting in the game (Lucian Belial)

Live Wire
Jun 24th, 2004, 12:02:41 AM
It is about 2:30am corellian standard time and LW barges into Lucian's room without knocking. With a look of sadistic pleasure she uses the force to dump Lucian out of bed. Shock and panic plays across his face as he sees the sith mistress standing there in a black skintight catsuit. Tossing him a lightsaber she turns on her heel and heads for the door.

"You have five minutes to be in the training grounds. Don't be late."

Jun 24th, 2004, 11:52:58 PM
The unmistakable scent of death lingered with all its dark glory in the crisp nights air, weighing heavily upon ones senses; overwhelming as its bitter sweet taste captivates entirely, holding you close and ever tight. Fresh blood streamed onto the floor from the diamond blades of the twin sith daggers that sat embedded into the desktop. It had been less then a week since he had arrived on Corellia and was accepted by the Sith Order, and yet he had already killed two, a young couple as they walked the barren streets of the city, savagely did he tear into their flesh, removing their still beating hearts from their chest.

Suddenly his eyes snapped to an open, only moments before the door to his personal quarters burst loudly open, he had felt the Sith Masters powerful presence near his own location, how could anyone not. He had not been asleep for more then an hour before she came to call, as he was roughly tossed to the floor an equally sinister grin graced his lips.

" Finally ... "

He had waited for what seemed like an eternity to test his skills in combat against a worthy opponent, and now it would seem that his wish had finally been granted, against a Master that harnessed such renowned and awesome power. Wasting absolutely no time he leapt to his feet, dressing quickly in his pure usual black attire and oversized crimson cloak and hood, the Sith rushed with speeds unmatched towards the training grounds and the awaiting Sith Master. He would not be caught off his guard, very cautiously he entered, fully expecting to be attacked at any moment. The same wicked grin playing endlessly on his lips as he awaited.

Live Wire
Jun 26th, 2004, 02:25:27 AM
LW stood in the center of one of the larger training rooms. It was set up to be a mock outside area complete with places to hide. There were large rocks and false trees lining the walls and creating tricks with light and shadow. She had set the lighting for dusk which made the setting a little bit trickier. She climbed to the top of a large boulder just as Lucien entered the room.

Lucien gasped as he walked through the door. LW just smiled. It used to be a shock to her when the force was cut off from her. Now she knew how to adapt.

"I assume you are familiar with the creatures known as ysalimir as well as their effect on the force. You have to learn how to fight without it. If you are too reliant then you have a weakness and weakness is unacceptable."

He looked up at her as he tried to adjust to the sensation.

"You may use your saber and anything else in this room but you don't have the force. Show no mercy because I won't" She spoke the last words with a grin. "Now," she said holding out the palm or her hand face up, "attack me."

Jun 26th, 2004, 03:13:14 AM
A particularly twisted grin of malice sat controted on his thinnly pressed lips, curling them in the most horrific manner, his cold, dark, hollow eyes narrowed on the Mistress with an unrivaled intensity, the likes of which had rearly been seen, such raw hate could be felt coursing through his veins, granting him unimaginable power and strength. Tightly he clinched his teeth as he felt the absence of the force, giving him a serious disadvantage, though in the end, she was right, he had to test all his aspects. Not once did his gaze faulter from her figure, he would not allow her to gain the upperhand.

" Mercy ... is for the weak. "

Thumbing the activation switch the blade of the saber jumped to life, its brilliant crimson hue illumiated the Sith Lords face as he drew it near. Seemlessly he twirled the saber through the open air, the hum nothing less then music to his ears as it brought back fond memories of a thousand battles faught. Without a moments hesitation he attacked, swinging the blade of the saber as he jumped, aiming to remove her feet.

Live Wire
Jun 26th, 2004, 03:31:36 AM
Without even igniting her saber she did a jump up and a forward flip up and over Lucian's head. Landing on the ground she ignited her lightsaber, the yellow blade casting an eerie shadow on the ground, she cut into the boulder causing it to start to rock forwards. Side stepping she swung at lucien as he came tumbling off of the boulder.

"amature" she spat at him.

"My daughter could beat you at a fight." Her grin widened as she taunted her prey. Toying with them was the best part for her. Make them suffer. So many of her victims had begged for death before the end.

Nov 19th, 2004, 08:40:00 PM
Her attack was swift and well calculated, just as he had come to expect, this only confirmed his beliefs that he had indeed chosen the right Master in which to teach and a guide him in the dark arts. Unheard, he chuckled lightly to himself upon hearing her comment, just as he had planned, let her think him weak. Her own arrogance would be her downfall. His harsh, merciless eyes narrowed greatly on his master as her saber connected with the boulder in which he now stood. Without a moments hesitation he launched himself into the air with what footing he stood possessed, landing several feet to her left side in a low crouch. The enormous demonic cloak which hung loosely from his broad shoulders drapped around his body, concealing it from the masters view. His crimson eyes flared with an eternal hatred, causing them o burn brightly in the poorly lit training room.

Slowly he stood, his gaze unwavering from his master. Wasting no time he once again moved to attack, charged forward, quickly closing the distance between the two. Nearing where she stood he struck, swinging his saber in a high diagonal arch which would cleave her in two.