View Full Version : A Cold Wind... [FINISHED]

Live Wire
Jun 21st, 2004, 09:16:41 PM
A cold wind blows through the halls of TSO sending everyone looking for the source of the disturbance. As they turn they see a tall cloaked figure standing in the middle of the Great Hall. In one fluid movement the hood is removed letting a cascade of long black hair spill over her shoulders. Cold black piercing eyes gazed at her surroundings. It had been a long time since she had stood inside these walls. She saw many unfamiliar and startled faces. She had changed a lot since she had been gone. The hair was darker and about three feet longer and if it was even possible her eyes were a much darker shade of black. Her face showed signs of wear and tear that came with experience and hardship but was none the less beautiful.

Igniting her lightsaber she held it over her head, the yellow blade casting an erie glow in the chamber.

"I seek the Lordess Lady Vader!"

The other sith looked nervously at each other. They could sense the power in her, power that had only grown over the years.

"Tell her, her sister is here"

Lady Vader
Jun 21st, 2004, 09:25:38 PM
The eyes were the first thing to be seen. Bright green, glinting in the shadows. A low growl was heard, but it didn't come from the level of the eyes, but further to the left and lower, where another pair of yellow eyes glinted much like the green.

A resounding hum joined the yellow lightsaber as a crimson dual saber lit in the shadows, reflecting off the fair face that accompanied the eyes. LV stepped forward, letting her body fall into the flickering light of the Great Hall. To her left, the yellow eyes materialized into a large Corellian panther. Iesis was forever with LV, and it was difficult to seperate the two.

LV's eyes narrowed as both women stared each other down amidts the softly humming sabers.

"There's no need to shout. I can hear quite well."

Live Wire
Jun 21st, 2004, 09:33:03 PM
LW turned her saber still at ready. Her face betrayed no emotion as she started at the other woman. Their sabers met sending a clash of sound richochetting off of the stone walls. The two cirlced on another never takign their eyes off of the other. Finally LW stopped and turned off her saber returning it to her belt. Kneeling she lowered her eyes in respect for her former master.

"My sister. I know it has been too long since we have fought side by side in battle. But I ask for permission to once again take my place at TSO."

Lady Vader
Jun 21st, 2004, 09:40:09 PM
LV let the saber hum softly, poised over LW's lowered head. She let the other woman's words echoed into silence in the large stone room, before at last shutting her own saber off and clipping it to her own belt.

Iesis had circled to sit behind LW's kneeling form, watching.

Finally LV spoke, a slow smile beginning to appear on her otherwise stern features.

"You need no permission to come back and be receievd into your home. You are always welcome here, whether your leave has been 10 days or 10 years."

LV took a step forward an extended a hand to her partner in crime.

"Rise and join us once again."

Live Wire
Jun 21st, 2004, 09:48:13 PM
For the first time LW let a smile escape her lips. She grasped LV's hand and rose and embraced her. Feeling something against her leg she looked down and saw Iesis looking up at her.

"I'm glad to see you too Iesis"

She had always been grateful to the panther for her watchfulness over Ariel.

"It has been too long but I am so glad to be home. I thought the answers I needed lied out there in the universe but all I've found was that my home was where I really needed to be."

She looked around at all of changes, different faces, different decor.

"I see much has changed while I've been gone."

Lady Vader
Jun 21st, 2004, 10:39:18 PM
LV returned the embrace, feeling it wonderful to have LW back. The place just hadn't been the same without her, and with so many things changing within and without TSO, having LW back was a very good thing. LV nodded her head as LW commented about the changes.

"Yes, much has changed, and just a few short months. We have new plans for where the Order is going. The tides are changing, and I foresee they are in our favor."

Live Wire
Jun 21st, 2004, 10:57:36 PM
A familiar evil gleam returned to LW's eyes.

"I want to be a part of that again. To make TSO as great as I know it can be."

She rubbed her hands together in delight.

"It's about time the jedi feared the name Live Wire again don't you think?"

It amazed her how quickly this place felt like home again. A shorter cloaked figure approached the two women removed her hood to reveal curly brown hair. The young girl quickly knelt down and began petting Iesis.

"LV, I do believe you remember my daughter Ariel. Though she was quite a bit smaller the last time you saw her."

Lady Vader
Jun 21st, 2004, 11:14:53 PM
LV looked down at the pretty little girl.

"Wow, she has certainly grown since last I saw her."

She knelt down, looking at the girl as she petted Iesis. "Hellow Ariel. Have you been taking care of your mother?" Much like a shy child, she smiled and nodded her head, but didn't look at LV. LV merely smiled and stood again, looking at LW, her voice dropping slightly.

"Does... she know?..." She waved her hand. "Nevermind, we can discuss that later. Right now, I have some Sith to introduce you to."

She turned and addressed those Sith that had been gathered when LW had enetered, and some that had just come.

"All, I wish for you to welcome Live Wire. She had been a long standing meber here at the Sith Order. I'm sure some of you have her of her exploits."

Rasha Vill
Jun 22nd, 2004, 01:00:25 PM
Rasha had been walking the Great Hall on her way back out after collecting some lists of resorces that the sith could commit to the assault on Drall that will be comming soon. She always felt out of place whenever she had to enter this place, since she is likely only non force user to walk the palace halls since Corellia fell to the sith.

Rasha having grown up on Corellia with her whole life with the planet under sith Rule, it was not hard for her to have heard of Live Wire, though she had never met her face to face.

Rasha desides to keep herself in the back and just watch for now in silence.

Ida Knoe
Jun 22nd, 2004, 01:16:23 PM
Ida speeks up from the crowd calling out to Live Wire...

"You don't look all that Evil or Tough! I've seen Jellyfish that look more Tough than you!" The 7 year old girl yelled. "If your such a big evil Sith How come I've never heard of you!"

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 22nd, 2004, 01:16:42 PM
Arrogant as ever, Vega regarded Live Wire with something of a smirk. He’d heard tales of a Sith Mistress by her name, and could feel she had some potency of power in the Dark Side, but doubted she was on par with the strength that the stories credited her with. Arms folded over his chest, he looked at the wayward darksider.

Watching the woman’s child for a moment, the Lupine observed, “I’m sure you’ll be a valuable asset to the Sith Order.”

Dark Lord Rivin
Jun 22nd, 2004, 01:44:08 PM
Rivin Stayed in the back watching what was going on. He couldn't help but think about why it seem that the most active Sith Leaders seem to female. Though he would love to get his hands on the Child that arrived today, and take her off to his lab, He does not want to have to deal with LV and LW afterwords. There are down sides to being a member of a sith group, and this was one of them. He is not aloud to torture the childen around here.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jun 22nd, 2004, 03:12:04 PM
He eyed the others present, face half-amused and half-contemptuous. Ida, being an idiot (read: 'child') as usual. Rivin, being standoffish, also as usual. Van-Derveld, too, was being true to form. Vill was barely deserving of a glance.

"Can nobody give a properly warm welcome around here?" he growled, striding forward to a respectful distance of the two Mistresses and bowing.

"Pleased to meet you, milady. I've heard a great deal about you."

He straightened, giving his best smile. It wasn't sickly by any means, but he wasn't beaming. He hadn't beamed in almost a year.

"Darth Shule, Sith Knight. At your service."

Live Wire
Jun 22nd, 2004, 04:45:43 PM
Live Wire looked around at the congregated sith cautiously. She could already sense the mixture of emotions. It was an eventuality that she had prepared for. Looking over at Lady Vader she gave a knowing smile, they would all learn in time what she was capable of and that her reputation if anything had been understated. But LW had never really cared what others thought. She knew what she was capeable of and so did LV and that was all that mattered. The rest would come in time.

She turned to look at the one night who had approached her and bowed her head slightly to acknowledge him.

"Pleased to meet you as well Darth Shule."

Pausing she turned her attention briefly to an unknown knight standing in the back. Her black eyes momentairily flashed yellow and returned to their usual dark pools. She gave the unknown knight a look that said 'don't fool yourself into thinking that your thoughts are secret around me'. The look lasted a brief moment but the warning was clear don't mess with me, and don't mess with my child.

Smiling again she turned her attention back to LV.

"Kind of an interesting bunch aren't they."

It was of no consequence to her one way or the other even though she was amused by it. She had her reason for being there and truth be told she didn't need anyone else to believe in her. Her and LV had created TSO and that was all that mattered to her.

Her face went serious as Ariel came and stood beside her.

"Perhaps we should talk in private."

Ariel Dalamar Mortis
Jun 22nd, 2004, 04:51:50 PM
Ariel had very little memory of this place and while she was shy around new people there was something about being here that awakened a little piece of her. Her mother had promised that this place was home even if she couldn't remember. Seeing the large cat however was like being reunited with an old friend. Ariel wasn't quite sure why but she knew this cat and knew that they had been fast friends.

She looked up as a crowd of people approached them and went and stood by her mother. Her dark eyes glared at the smaller child that had yelled at them. Something inside of her wanted to walk over and slap the other child but she held back. While the thought was enjoyable this was not the time to create a scene or make trouble for her mother.

Lady Vader
Jun 22nd, 2004, 05:03:12 PM
LV nodded and gestured with her hand towards one of the several hals that branched out from the Great Hall. "This way." (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36173)