View Full Version : Here comes trouble

Jun 19th, 2004, 09:03:07 PM
Cassandra said her tearful goodbyes to the love of her life, Daerlayne, as he packed a few of his things and headed off to ... well someplace. He promised that once he got settled, he'd send word to her and she could come to see him. It's only been a week since he left and she's been miserable for every passing minute. Her waitressing job didn't pan out as she hoped it would. Of course, she also hoped that it would keep her close to Daerlayne since he was working right there at the docks of the spaceport. It wasn't too often that the two were seen apart, not since the day they met many years ago.

Her days have been spent filling out application after application. It seems rather hopeless lately that she'll be able to find a job that will pay enough to cover the meager rent, utility bills and buy a meal now and then. She's faced it long ago that without a decent education, she isn't going to get much.

Now she finds herself wandering the streets with her hands shoved deep into her pockets and her head hung low. Being out on the streets in the wee hours of the morning, or very very late depending on one's view of things, isn't anything new for her.

She's lived on the streets since the age of nine and that is where she met Daerlayne; known on the streets as BirdDog or Birdie. She learned quickly how to handle herself and how to get out of just about any situation a streetrat can possibly get into at a young age, so there isn't all that much that frightens this young lady.

One exception to that is the run in she had with a thing called Galavander. By the end of that night, she and Daerlayne were forced to move miles and miles away just to avoid getting caught up in the destruction of a core explosion at the power plant. That not only made them temporarily homeless - again - but it put her out of a decent paying job.

Shouts and cheers erupt from a building she nears. Looking up, she sees a sign depicting that the place is a fighting arena. Her fingers wriggle in her pocket and her ears are rewarded with the jingling sound of loose change. She pulls her hand out and finds several credit chits, at least enough to place a one time bet.

"Eh, why not. I've got nothing better to do and nothing more to lose. Who knows ... maybe I'll scrape up enough tonight to pay the rent in the next two weeks."

With a shrug, she saunters into the establishment. She wrinkles her button nose as the odor of smoke stings her nostrils and burns her eyes. Smidget coughs lightly a few times, strolling in further. She makes her way down towards the roped in arena and has to rise on her tip-toes to see the final knock out. The crowd erupts in cheers as well as hissed boos.

A bell rings, signaling the end of the fight. The winner is announced and then a brief intermission before the next round begins. Cassandra meanders around some, locates the betting booth and places her bet. Not much, but if the man she bet on wins, the odds are fifty to one and she just bet the last fifty credit chits to her name.

Opting to find a seat that some drunkard will forget he even occupied, she sits down and waits for the next fight to begin. Unknown to a few who stagger past or trip over her foot, their wallets have been lifted by nimble fingers and stowed away safely upon her personage.

Zachariah Jak'el
Jun 19th, 2004, 10:16:09 PM
Times were hard for Xel as well, Having not had a decent job in a long time had forced him to use other means then bounty hunting to get some cash

He walked into fighting ring and a bunch of cheers and boos pierced the air as he stood there surveying the crowd. He turned and watched his opponent, who's name is burton, move into the ring

But the fighting today wasnt civilized fighting, it was street fighting, a fight without rules. The Ref moved into the middle of the ring "Now this fight has no rules exept one, No killing!" He Ref said before retreating out of the ring

Burton held up his hand "May the best fighter win" He said but Xel knew Burton was just going to throw him to the ground as soon as his hand was inside his opponents

Xel moved forward and stretched out his hand, but instead of shaking Burton's hand he grabed the man's wrist and twisted it. Burton wasnt one to give up easily, He threw a punch that his Xel in the forehead

Xel released his grip and took a few steps backward while holding his head. Burton charged forward throwing another punch, Xel ducked under it and brought his fist up in a dealy uppercut that landed on Burton's chin

There was a nice smack noise and Burton took a few steps back while holding his jaw. Xel charged forward, faking a low punch that caused his oppenent to to block low but Xel had his other hand coming around for a high punch that his Burton on the side of the head

The man went down and the Ref jumped up "1....2....3.....out" He stood up and raised Xel's hand "Mr. Naga is the winner!" The people in the crowed who had betted on Xel cheered loudly and the ones that didnt sat sulking in their chairs

--------------------------An Hour later------------------------

Xel's fight had been the last one of the night and now he had just gotten his prize money was was heading out the door when the manager stoped him again "There a girl over there who betted on you and hasnt reseived her money yet, we are a little busy with other people and could you give her this"

Xel walked over to the woman "You don't look like the kind of person to be in a place like this" He said lifting his hand with her money in it "but atleast you know how to bet on a winner."

Jun 20th, 2004, 12:00:47 AM
Plucking at her lower lip, Cassie didn't cheer, shout or encourage the fighter she placed her money on. There really wasn't a need to with all the other people crowding the place doing it. In fact, they're shouts gave her a headache. She swings her right leg nervously as its crossed over her left knee. Eyes the color of spent charcoal remain steady on the two duellers. Inwardly, she's cheering for Burton. She's heard of him down around the spaceport docks, mostly from the guys that hang out with the other Southside Dockhands; the name of the small gang Daerlayne leads.

Smidget smiles a crooked smile as she watches Burton slap Xel around like a rag-doll. "This is in the bag, Cassie. You picked right tonight.", she gloats to herself, sure that Burton is going to win this one hands down.

Suddenly, Burton was getting his butt kicked by the challenger, which turned Cassie's smile into a deep scowl. "There goes the rent.", she scoffs under her breath, plummeting into a brooding mood.

She didn't notice the crowd disperse, or that she's the only one left in the stands; aside from the cleaning crews, the bookie and Xel.

"You don't look like the kind of person to be in a place like this." he said, lifting his hand with her money in it "But atleast you know how to bet on a winner."

Long lush lashes flutter upwards as Cassie tilts her chin back to look up to Xel. Her eyes slowly travel down the man's chest then to the extended money-laden hand. As she uncrosses her leg and rises from her seat, she eases the money from Xel's hand; glancing up to him once more.

"Yes. I sure do know how to bet on a winner. However, ...", she continues as she slides the money into her shirt, nestling it safely between her breasts. "... my winner was the one you knocked out."

Cassie smirks to Xel, looks him over once more then pivots on the ball of her feet; heading towards the exit.

"Thanks for the cash.", she states as she pauses at the door, looking back over her shoulder towards the man with a faint smirk edging her lips.

'Count it all when you get home, Cassie. Be careful to not let any of the other items slip from their precarious hiding places.', she reminds herself as she turns to the door once more and pushes it open.

Jun 20th, 2004, 06:47:46 AM
-The young man passed through the doors on his way in, he brushed passed Xel subtly depsoting a slip of paper whilst seeming to appoligise for this mishap.
Even Xel hadn't noticed the drop untill Jandor had passed them and walked into one of the back rooms.-

"..My apologize..."

< On the piece of paper. >

:: I here you're short of work Mr Naga.
If you're the right man for the job, I may just be able to help you out.
If you're interested then meet me in the cafe across the street in about 10 minutes. ::

Jun 20th, 2004, 10:00:45 AM
Smidget snarls at Jandor as he brushes rudely past. "Excuse me." As the door closes, she mutters; "Jerk."

A few blocks up, Cassie glances around, making sure there aren't any lurkers milling about in the shadows. Growing up in the streets has taught her just where to look. Seeing no one, she pauses on her walk to withdraw the few wallets and the cash the fighter deposited into her hand.

"Sucker.", she chuckles as she counts it out. "Crap. A hundred credits short. Well, there's always tomorrow night."

Cassandra looks around once more and returns her hard earned cash to the safety of the inside of her shirt. She sighs, wishing Daerlayne were here with her. Slowly, she begins to head back towards home.

It's not a fancy home, certainly not like some of the apartment buildings and homes she passes. No. She and Daer couldn't afford much so they took a small studio style apartment in the run-down sector of town. Each time it seems as if they just might be able to pull themselves out of the gutter, something comes along to set them back. Cassie's pretty fed up with that, truth be told. Now, Daer is off on some adventure and she's stuck here. Damn him!

Zachariah Jak'el
Jun 20th, 2004, 10:42:01 PM
The manager ran out of his office and stoped infron of Xel "Not that woman. that woman" He said pointing to a woman who had been standing behind Smidget

"Oh" Xel said not really caring "Well I'm really sorry but I haft to be going now" He smiled and turned around "You'll never fight here again" The manager yelled

I want need to if this guy has a good job for me He thought as he walked outside and looked around He saw the woman from the arena but only for a second as she disapeared from his field of vision

He waited for the traffice to calm down before he crossed the street to the little cafe. He walked inside and looked around, waiting for whoever droped the note to show himself or herself.

Jun 21st, 2004, 09:57:15 AM
Cassandra peeks from around the corner, watching the fighter cross the street and enter the cafe. Her curiousity is going to get her killed one day; at least, that is what Daerlayne tells her. If he knew she just stole a few wallets and took money that she didn't win fair and square, he'd have her head!

Chewing on her lower lip, she slips into the flow of a passing crowd and dodges a few vehicles as she crosses the street. 'Might as well get something to eat.', she justifies as she passes by the front window and enters the small cafe.

So as not to look too obvious, she browses the counter and picks a few things from the display. She pays, then finds a seat that's within ear shot range of Xel (her back towards him). Then, she begins to enjoy the few items she purchased; purposely taking her time.