View Full Version : Girl lost

Y'vonne Shadowbane
Jun 19th, 2004, 01:04:16 PM
"She'll just be a burden to you and your husband, Mrs. Shadowbane. It's best if you just leave her here and let us handle it.", the doctors had told the happy young couple a few minutes after the birth of their daughter, Y'vonne.

"Doctor, if it's all the same to you, our daughter will be coming home with us. You, along with your staff, can go to hell."

Arrangements were made to have the newborn infant transferred to a special care hospital, where she would undergo a battery of tests and exams to determine exactly what is wrong with her.


Years later ....

If only they had known sixteen years ago just how much care and attention their daughter required, Mr. and Mrs. Shadowbane would have heeded the advice of the doctors and left her at the hospital. Y'vonne would have been placed in a crib, left alone in a dark and cold room. Nurses would not come and feed her and her cries would go unanswered. Quite simply - she would have been starved to death. Y'vonne would have died a slow and agonizing death. There are some who think that one to two weeks until the final breaths come isn't a long suffering. Perhaps they are right. There are those who are suffering in agony for years, decades even, before finally succumbing to eternal slumber. But, put yourself in the shoes of a helpless newborn who never asked to be born both physically and mentally disabled. Alone. In the dark. Cold. No one to hold you or comfort you. No one to change your diaper, bathe you, or rock you to sleep after a nice warm bottle. To this newborn, it would have been hell.

Wandering the city streets, Y'vonne has no idea where she is or where to go. People pass right on by, not bothering to give her a second look; unless its to stare and gawk at her. She's downs syndrome. Her eyes are gently slanted upwards, a touch too far apart and she's twenty to thirty pounds overweight. She walks funny, on the balls of her feet. She's intelligent, to a point. Doctor's had placed her on the intellectual level of an eight year old, never to achieve a higher IQ as she ages. Though, there are things that she can do that most eight year olds cannot. Her speech isn't easy to understand, as no one has properly educated her. Frustrated by the time she was seven years old with trying to communicate to the only person whom has ever been there for her, she stopped trying altogether, rendering herself a mute by choice.

Her caregiver, an older gentleman by the name of Jonathon Kartel, passed away in his sleep only a week and a half ago; back in the alley. Passersby didn't bother to stop and help. They didn't even bother to check to see if the man was alive, passing him off as another of the city's hapless, lazy bums. They looked at Y'vonne with disgust. She can't blame them, really. It's been weeks since she's had a bath and her clothes definitely need to be washed; if not thrown away completely and replaced with new ones. Jonathon took care of Y'vonne to the best of his abilities. A few years ago, he lost his job and the two had been wandering from town to town, city to city, as he did everything he could to get them back on their feet again. Pneumonia claimed his life as he was too weak to fight it off on his own without aid from medications.

Y'vonne's not a bad looking girl. She doesn't look normal, but if others understood - if they could understand that she is normal, just trapped in a mind and a body that won't allow her to do the things she wants to do, to allow her to say the things she wants to say ... if only they could understand.

Her eyes are the color of stormy blue, that deep dark shade with swirls of grey and pearl one sees as a storm approaches over the horizon on a summer day. They are gentle, kind and pleading. Her eyes speak the words she cannot. Currently filled with tears, she meanders into the boarded up doorway of a business that suffered a fire about a month ago. There, she slides down against the boards and draws her knees up close to her body. It is here that she simply cries in silence as the world passes her by.

Jun 19th, 2004, 04:15:54 PM
Jacen had been walking along the streets of Coruscant, thinking about his recent acceptance at the Greater Jedi Order when he bumped into a little girl. At first it didn't register in his mind, but as he took a few more steps, he realized something. He turned to look back at the girl again and sure enough he had seen her before. Wait wasn't there usually an older gentleman with her? Where is he?/i] The Padawan thought as he scanned the crowd, looking for him. When he didn't see the man he turn4ed to look for the girl and noticed she too was gone.

[i]What the... he thought as he scanned the area again. He finally caught sight of her climbing into an abandoned old building. He went over and by the time he had gotten over there, she was already in and the hole wasn't big enough for him to get through. Maybe he could talk her out.

"Excuse me. It is ok. Do you need any help?"

Y'vonne Shadowbane
Jun 19th, 2004, 07:56:38 PM
"Excuse me. It is ok. Do you need any help?"

A voice. Slowly, Y'vonne lifts her head and peers at the teenage boy peering back at her. She doesn't understand his words. Y'vonne sniffles and swipes the palm of her hand across her nose, removing any mucus that has run free, caused from her crying.

She does understand the look in his eyes, so she lifts her head a little bit higher, canting it to the left as if to study Jacen. The only other person in her life to have given a look of kindness had been Jonathon.

"Haaa .. baaaa.", she utters, trying to communicate with the young boy as she reaches out a trembling, dirty hand; reaching out to the one person who has enough compassion to take a moment out of his life to give assistance to a young mentally handicapped girl in need.

"Haaa .. baaa.", she says again, reaching out a bit further to Jacen. He nods to her, coaxing her to come closer, to come out of the hiding place she has sought refuge in. Finally she does.

Wide eyes full of sadness and wonder peer up to Jacen, tears shimmering and teetering on the edge of her lower lids. Her lashes, lush and long brush against her cheek as she lowers her eyes of stormy blue. 'Now what?', she wonders.

Thinking of Jonathon, she tugs on Jacen's arm insistantly, uttering her apparently nonsense grunts and made-up words while pointing towards the alley up the way.

"Haaa ... baaa!", she tells Jacen again, tugging on the sleeve of his cloak to get him to follow her. Y'vonne turns, her gait is more like an awkward lumber from side to side as opposed to a "normal" walk, this is due to the fact that she walks on the balls of her feet first, her heels never truly touching the ground.

Surprisingly, she moves quick; at least, quicker than one might imagine someone with her disabilities could move. Passersby give her strange looks, children point and stare, yet most don't think twice about her.

She vanishes around a corner and hurries over to the long dead body of the man whom has been her caregiver, squating down beside his rotting flesh; pointing at him so Jacen can see.

"Haaaa ... baaa." Y'vonne shakes Jonathon, her tears spilling down her cheeks as he doesn't respond. She doesn't understand that he is never going to wake up. All she knows is that she needs him and she loves him like a father.

She is lost without him.

Jun 20th, 2004, 07:58:38 PM
Jacen knelt down next to the man and checked for a pulse only to find nothing. Ohh no...what am I going to do now? I don't know how to help, and I don't think she can speak enough to tell me what happened...if only I was better with the Force then maybe I could understand her, he thought as he put a hand on her shoulder. "I...I'm sorry, but I don't know what to do...."

Y'vonne Shadowbane
Jun 21st, 2004, 09:50:02 AM
Not understanding why this young boy can't make Jonathon wake up, Y'vonne shoves his hand from her shoulder and curls up next to her father-figure. Too tired to cry outloud, she whimpers and closes her eyes, sending more tears down her gently rounded cheeks.

Quickly, she sits up. Jonathon did teach her how to use sign language to communicate. Carefully, and a bit awkwardly, she slowly signs the word help to Jacen. The same motions repeated over and over. She doesn't expect him to know the word, or how to read/undestand signing, but it's all she can do to try to get someone to help.

Her expressive eyes meet Jacen's. Pleading, sorrow, a spark of hope and an intelligence which is trapped can be seen in just this one look she gives to Jacen. Frustrated, she flops down onto the ground and folds her arms around her legs; and begins to rock back and forth.

Jun 21st, 2004, 12:40:35 PM
Jacen watched the little girl move her hands. He thought it was a form of sign language, but he couldn't interpert it. He could however feel the emotion coming off this girl. What was he goig to do though? This was much bigger than him. He held out his hand.

"Come here little one. Let's get you to a hospital and cleaned up. Then we can come back and get him." He said, putting as much emotion into his voice as he could.

Y'vonne Shadowbane
Jun 23rd, 2004, 05:33:48 PM
Innocent to a fault, she takes a hold of Jacen's hand and awkwardly steps over Jonathon's lifeless body. She turns tear-filled eyes to Jacen then looks back to Jonathon once more as Jacen leads her away.

She doesn't understand his words, but the tone used in his voice brings a little comfort to her troubled heart. As they walk off, she glances back over her shoulder often, perhaps hoping that Jonathon is going to just sit up and everything will be fine again.

Y'vonne has no idea where she is. She has no idea that Jacen is going to take her to the hospital. If she did know that, she'd be pitching one hell of a fit. Doctors and hospitals scare her. Perhaps she has memories of what it was like for her all those years ago? Only she knows.

Jun 24th, 2004, 12:37:15 PM
This isn't something I can handle on my own. I need help, but how do I call? The Padawan asked himself as they neared a small hospital. He kept getting stares from passerby's, but he just shrugged them off.

He turned to the little girl and pointed at the small hospital. "Look, we are going there and they will get you all cleaned up and fed ok?"