View Full Version : Dark Coruscant Bar (Open)

Blane Strongman
Jun 17th, 2004, 02:44:43 AM
A darkly clad, darkly complected, and exhausted man walked into a tiny place called Dusty's in the lower levels of Courscant. No one noticed him as he walked in. The place was packed and it was busy night. As he sat down at the bar he looked at the bartender threw a pair of black reflective sunglasses. The bartender could literally see the tiny glow coming off the top of his bald head as he looked at him. "Bartender, give me a bottle of lum."

The bartender reached around behind the bar and came up a second later with a full bottle of lum and even took the lid off for him. Reaching for the bottle Blane held it up against his lips but stopped before he could take a drink at which point he became completely still aside form his labored breathing.

Jun 17th, 2004, 10:10:28 AM
-A door to one of the back rooms burst open, a pair of Faleens fly though at great speed; they sprint flat out for the exit.
They don't make it far when a double-tap eminates form the far end of the bar, a round bursting through each one of their heads.

The tall, stern man strolled slowly forward; applying the safetys of his pistols before his hands slip them back under his coat.

Few people give the incident much more attention the a brief gaze.
The gunman's expression gives no clue to the fact that he's just shot the runners (not to mention the other dozen assorted armed criminals in the back).
He pulls up a seat at the bar, a slight nod gets the bartenders attetion; the bartender responds respectfuly.-

"What'll it be?"

"Large jawa juice."

-His dry voice smoothes over the cold tone of his words.-

Jun 17th, 2004, 10:29:00 AM
A woman dressed in tight black leather, armed with two Katana's on her back, Two daggers straped to her arms, and a lightsaber at her side, walks into the bar. She moves with perfect posture over to the bar and gracefuly sit on a stool there.

The bartender's attention is taken by the woman, as he walks over and leens on his side of the bar. "Hey there, and what may I have the plesure of bringing a fine young lady such as yourself."

Neyasha looks up at the bartender saying with no emotion in her voice, "I would like a Pint mug full of the strongest drink you serve."

The bartender looks at her with shock on his face. "That stuff is pritty strong, I'm not sure if you could take it. 3 shots noramly take out some of the big boys."

Neyasha stands up with lightning speed grabing the bartender by the Neck with one hand, and lifts the rather heavy set man above her head with that one hand. Still in her emotionless tone she says.

"I will be able to take whatever you have to offer. You will bring my what I want, now."

Neyasha lets him go, dropping him to the floor, then sits back down, her posture still unflawed. The bartender takes a moment to catch his breath, then runs to fill Neyasha's order, forgetting about Gray's. Moments later the Bartender give Neyasha her drink.

Jun 17th, 2004, 10:46:54 AM
-Gray was in the middle of something on his datapad when Neyasha came in.
She straitened him out, he had it coming.

But needless to say, he wasn't happy with the service; forgetting orders is just plane rude.-


-He said, indicating to anther guy behind the bar.-

"...Tell me, do you work here?..."


-With that Gray pulled a weapon on the first bartender, in a single movement he drew the pistol, disengaged the saftey, and put a lone round through his forehead; the exit wound littering the shelves behind with cerebral material.

He returned the safteyed weapon as swiftly as he employed it, his harsh eyes cast back on the other bartender (who by now was quite convinced he was going to die).-

"...Then can do you think you can get me a large jawa juice?"

-The worker fumbled nervously as he grabbed a container and a large glass, his trembiling grip barley keeping the liquid in the cup.-

Blane Strongman
Jun 17th, 2004, 02:36:28 PM
Blane was startled by the sudden blaster bolt. Earlyer he'd fallen asleep before the bottle even touched his lips. One of the side effects of being hunted man was you didn't usualy get very much chance to sleep and the first time you started to calm down was usualy when you fell asleep. Getting up from the bar he turned around walked a few paces to the nearest table and sat his bottle of lum down. Then in one fluid motion he reached his hand behind his head and reached down the back of his coat about 3 inches and drew a merr-sonn power 5 pistol that was hanging in a holster he'd sewn into the back of his coat there.

Pointing the blaster at the back of Gray's head he said in a loud and irritated voice, "Tell me, do you make a habbit of killing bartenders? You know its not smart to draw a blaster around around a hunted man. Especialy if your waking him up from the first nap he's had in days."

Blane was a dark figure indeed as he stood there. He wore an open trench coat that was black and whore a pair of pants that where the same color of his coat, but he wore a white shirt under all that. His face too yeilded few emotional details what details would normaly be seen where beging conceiled behind a pair of black reflective sunglasses that matched the color of his equily black hair that easily stood out on his otherwize pale face.

Jun 17th, 2004, 02:54:12 PM
Neyasha Does a Quick Spin out of her seet, drawing the two Katana's from her back. The speed that her genitic enhancments has given her gives ger the ability to be between the two boys with in seconds, and a half second later she has a blade at each of their necks. Still with no emotion in her voice she says.

"It is also not wise to disturb a woman trying to enjoy a Drink. Both of you put your weapons away. "

She nods to Gray.

"I could have you arrested for killing this man, Or I could have you pay this man's family for the loss of income."

She then looks to the other man.

"If you are truly hunted, you will likely be dead within the next month if you keep advertising the fact you are hunted."

Blane Strongman
Jun 17th, 2004, 03:36:52 PM
The sunglasses fell of of Blane's face and bounced off the floor. Anybody looking at him could see the fatigue in his eyes which off set the rest of his face.

"Maybe thats because I have a deathwish."

Blane reached down and grabbed his dark reflective sunglasses again and but them back on his face again and went back to appearing his usualy emotionless, invulnerable self. Keeping his hand on his blaster he took a couple steps backwards, never moving the blaster of Gray all the while.

Drake Shadowstalker
Jun 17th, 2004, 05:02:38 PM
Drake was sitting in the back of the bar overlooking the events that were transpiring. His hood was pulled over his scarred face and cast it in deep shadow. A strong drink was in front of him, which he sipped regularly. The man in the trenchcoat seemed to be a complete fool. Perhaps his fatigue was effecting him in more ways then one. What fool would pull a blaster and announce to the many denizens of a bar that he was hunted. Not only that, but then saying he might have a death wish. If he did indeed have a death wish, he would not be hunted, because he would already be dead. The Sith Apprentice sat back and waited to see what else would happen.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 18th, 2004, 01:02:41 AM
A single body (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36126) fell past the open door of Dusty's, appearing for only a split second before continuing on its' freefall drop.

Jak Prent
Jun 18th, 2004, 01:04:35 AM
"Would all of you kindly shut the frell up already?"

Jak leaned against the piano at the far side of the bar, a pair of girls at each side, and one more tickling the ivories. The kid was nursing a bottle of bourbon, and the little amount he'd had was getting in his system. He glared at the rabble-rousers with fiery annoyance, before his female companions diverted his attention again.

"Hell, its like I'm drinking at a Tourette's Syndrome hobby club."

The brunette to his left was probably a good seven years his senior, but it didn't stop him from riding his hand up her skirt as the music began to play once more.

Jun 18th, 2004, 04:11:10 AM
"Tell me, do you make a habbit of killing bartenders? You know its not smart to draw a blaster around around a hunted man. Especialy if your waking him up from the first nap he's had in days."

-Gray couldn't help but give a little smile.-

"Glad to see someone has balls."

-Gray lifted the datapad above his head, he flashed the screen in front of Blane's face.

It was an info-net newsflash, it showed a picture of the two Fallen's and the barman, it showed their mugshots next to rather legnthy criminal records as well as a reward with their execution scrit.
Apparently the bartender wasn't who he claimed to be.-

:: Edwardo Swarez, wanted for 23 accounts of murder, 12 kidnappings and 152 accounts of extortion.
Hutt Salisar has issued an execution scrit for Edwardo's death for 90,000 credits.
The Fallen had similar reports. ::

"Well, I was on my way through and thought to myself why not?.
So I thought I'd pay them a visit"

Jun 18th, 2004, 10:27:40 AM
Looking back at Gray she says...

"New Republic Bill 9981 - Bounty Hunter Political Protection, Line 4, Paragraph 6.

In order to apply for dipliomatic emunity of any crimes you may have commited inorder to apprehend a bounty, the target must ether know you are a bounty hunter, or a warning shot must be fired first. All bounties isued or colected in new republic space must be on a capture first, kill as a last resort basis.

You are in viloation of this bill that was passed through the republic senate by Chief of State Mon Mothma 1 year 2 month 3 days 13 hours into her service of the Republic. Weather or not you have a bounty on him, or a bounty hunters licence. You are under arrest by the order of the Greater Jedi Order. Lower your Weapon and surender yourself, or I will be forced to take you by force."

Neyasha moves her other Katana that was at the neck of Blane so that it is ready to attack Gray. She keeps one of her Katana's at Gray's neck, as her other hand does a quick tap on the top of her braclete, allowing her modifacations to let her use the force.

Neyasha says back to Blane...

"I would also recomend that you lower your weapon as well, as pre my past request."

Jun 18th, 2004, 02:29:20 PM

Jun 18th, 2004, 02:32:27 PM
-Gray swiveled around to face the Jedi.-

"New Republic Bill 1156 - Basic Rights Ammendments, Sub-section 5, Line 36, Paragraph 2.
In any motives pertaining to the action of violence, self defence may circumvent standard laws of minimum force up to and including deadly force entirely granting immunity to any legal repremand or sentance.

Sub-section 6, Line 5, Paragraph 6.
With a legaly attained Bounty Hunter Licence valid within Republic domains, A bounty hunter may assume that the possestion of a high-yeild explosive and/or biochemical device(s) constitutes a life threating situation on himself and those in the immediate vicinity. As such a bounty hunter is granted a position of self defence and so may claim legal immunity as based on self defence law as outlined in the New Republic Bill 1156 - Basic Rights Ammendments, Sub-section 5, Line 36, Paragraph 2."

-Gray flashes a holo-badge, it displays his image as well as some identification information.
The expiration date suggests that it has recently been updated.-

"If you search his person you will no doubt find a triggering device for a 1 kiloton sesmic charge in the back room, which I had previously unsuccesfuuly attempted to deactivate.

Jedi, I am a proffesional, I act no less and no more."

Blane Strongman
Jun 18th, 2004, 05:08:04 PM
Just my luck to run into a bounty hunter in a place like this. Its only a matter of time before I'm recognized.

Reaching over to the table Blane grabbed his bottle of Lum and hid it inside if the fold of his coat. Turning his back to the bar he tucked his blaster into his coat pocket and walked towards the the door. He waited until he'd steped in the middle of a bunch of tables until he purposly began to heavy his foot falls to cover up anykind of excess sound that he might be continued his walk.

Blane's bounty wasn't a legal one and he was hopeing the fact might buy him a little time. The bounty had been offered up by a group called the blood ravens whose terf wasn't too far from here. He wasn't a threat to them on his own, but he knew enough about the older gang leaders to put most of them in jail for a long time. He was easily worth a prety credit more than the man who'd just been killed.

Drake Shadowstalker
Jun 18th, 2004, 09:21:25 PM
The Sith Apprentice's eyes remained fixated on the individuals who were the main focus of the entire bar. Drake disliked bounty hunters and this Gray seemed more or less the typical kind. Bounty Hunters pledged loyalty to no one. They were merecenaries available to the highest bidder. Trained to kill and earn their living as such.

Drake noticed the hunted man in the trench coat making his way to the door. After pulling a blaster, the Apprentice doubted if the man would make it to the door, let alone through it. He sipped casually at his drink, taking a sort of pleasure out of this whole scenario that was playing out before his eyes. Drake was pleased he had chosen this night to go out.

Jak Prent
Jun 18th, 2004, 10:04:38 PM
"Are we done yet?"

Jak came up for air from the blonde's cleavage, glaring at the clowns at the bar and their latest drama session.

"If you're gonna blow each others brains out, take your butts outside. This is a bar. Its for drinkin, smokin, playing sabacc and/or grab-tail."

Taking another unsteady drink, he continued.

"Now, if you want a bar fight, drop those smokewagons and crack some skulls old-fashioned style, cause I'm getting tired of the pecker-waving in here."

Jun 19th, 2004, 12:50:11 AM
A medium height man was sitting at one of the tables by the door, sipping his drink, when he saw a tall man suddenly draw a blaster and shoot the bartender through the forehead. His eyes widened at the sudden violence, but he quickly recovered.

Watching the scene unfold in front of him, he chuckled quietly into his drink.
As the man in the trench coat headed for the door, his eyes followed his movements, as he tried not to draw attention to himself.

Jun 21st, 2004, 05:23:36 AM
Jyorn wasn't a Jedi Knight, he wasn't even an Initiate yet, but nothing would stop him from backing up the Jedi, even at risk to his own life.

He rose from his seat and removed his Charric blaster from under his cloak. He walked over and stood beside the Jedi, his blaster pointed at the man's chest.

"Remember, the Jedi have friends everywhere," he said.

Jun 22nd, 2004, 04:53:11 AM
I have not broken the law.

If you are a friend of the Jedi, then you would know better then to draw a weapon and agrivate a situation in close proximtity to civilians.

-Gray raised from his seat, raising his hands to show no weapons. He casuly walked behind the bar to collect the medallion from the dead bartender; proof of the job.

Now done with this place, he heads for the door.-

"And as a Jedi I trust you wish not to attack an honest man working well within his legal rights so if you don't mind, I must be going now."

Jun 22nd, 2004, 12:00:58 PM
Neyasha puts her weapons away.

"Sir, You are still obligated to remove the corpses caused by your deadly force, as pertaining to new republic law. If you would be so kind as to extract the 3 bodies before you leave then we will have nothing further to discuse."

Neyasha Pickes up her drink and walks past Blane, grabing him by the arm, and taking him back to a both in the back of the bar.

"Sit." Neyasha orders as she sits in ones side of the both.

"I would like an explanation on why you are hunted."

Jun 22nd, 2004, 12:49:15 PM
The man drained the last of his drink, and then swiftly walked out, with one last chuckle.

Blane Strongman
Jun 22nd, 2004, 04:12:16 PM
"Well this is a first, I've never been interigated by a Jedi before, let alone a prety one. Tell you what, you give me a safe place to lay my head down for a few hours and I'll think about talking."

Blane smirked but was also completly exhuasted. His head was foggy and his vission was begining to blurr again. He knew he'd be safer under the protection of a jedi than anywhere else on the planet and he knew that the republic had nothing on him.

Jun 22nd, 2004, 09:12:08 PM
Now that the confrontation was over, Jyorn faded back to a watching position.

Jun 23rd, 2004, 11:55:46 AM
"Why should I, if I have no reason to protect you. As far as I know you could be hunted because you kill some important political person."

Jak Prent
Jun 23rd, 2004, 02:07:36 PM
As Gray headed toward the door's threshold, Jak turned his head, and spit on the man's right shoe.

Blane Strongman
Jun 23rd, 2004, 03:42:23 PM
Blane's head slumped forward as he spoke, just barly awake at this point.

"If I where being hunted for any reason concerning the Republic I would have simply left dear. After all a simple scan would be all you need to pull my background and would show who I am. I know that the republic has no reason to come after me, or else I wouldn't have suggest that you take me anywhere. There are other forces at work here than the repubic miss Jedi."

Jun 23rd, 2004, 05:45:51 PM
Dusty's? Another bar, no pool tables. That was fine with Dillon; he hadn't had much luck collecting his pool winnings lately. Of course, when the kid you owe is the size of a twelve-year-old, it's easier to pull a blaster than to pay up. Not that he was twelve - Dillon was sixteen, almost seventeen... just short.

Well, maybe they had darts or something else he could wager on. It'd be nice to have something to bring home.

He ducked inside and almost ran into a tall man who was leaving. A woman was saying something about removing corpses. Dillon glanced at the floor, then at the man, who now had spit on his shoe and didn't seem to care about it or the brain-spattered glass in the least. He pulled at the man's coat.

"Eh, Mister? I see you're busy. I'll haul those bodies out if you like, clean up, get that lady off your back." He flipped off his cap, held it out. "For a small fee."

Jun 24th, 2004, 01:47:35 PM
"I am very much aware that there are other forces at work around here. For a number of years I was a killer for hire, so I am very aware of the darker side that haunts this planet and many other planets. I asure you that you will be safe with me. After I get a basic rundown of your situation I will take you to a safer place. Speek as quietly as you wish, I will here what you are saying."

Blane Strongman
Jun 24th, 2004, 05:35:37 PM
"In that case I guess you could say I'm what some people might call a data theif, a slicer. Or at least I was up until a couple of years ago. I was one of the best there was, no matter who I went after nobody could catch me, nobody. This place, it dose something to people, it turns them into criminals just maintain basic survival. I was younger than that kid over there when I got started in this mess."

Blane began to nodd off for a secound before he forced himself back awake.

"I'm like an invisible man when I work. The thing is I used to work for a local gang called the blood ravens. I joined up a few years befores Vader blew Prince Xizor to dust and in the power vacume that came up from the good prince's death my old gang faired very well. For some reason or another, or fearless leader had a liking to me. He didn't have any kids of his own so he took me in like I was one of his own. Becasue of our relationship I was practicly untouchable by anybody inside the gang unless they wanted a death mark."

"All of that changed a little more than two years ago. I was hired to slice into a network at a place called Cloud City in Bespin. My partner at the time was a wookie named Salzaaar. His parrents where old republic diplomats. When palpatine took over Coruscant and had the wookies inslaved his parrents arranged to have him hide out among the Crouscant underground. Like most people he got into this line of work from becoming freinds with the wrong people. As honorable as wookies tend to be, honor comes secound nature in this buisness to succeess and survival and Salzaaar wanted success. So he told the authorities on Cloud City where I'd be working and when and they busted me. The only I've ever been caught."

"You see Salzaaar wanted to run the gang for himself, and with me out of the way there was a complete power vacume within the gang. So he killed the boss and took over."

"Since I was an offworlder and I'd never been convicted of anything before they gave me a light sentince and when I got out early on good behavior they sent me back home. Only to find out when I got here that I had a bounty on my head worth more than twice as much as that 90,000 that bounty hunter just got for killing that guy over there. Sure its not a legal bounty, but its beeing held up by one of the largest gangs on the planet. Going to the cops isn't a smart idea on this planet since half the police force is owned by the gangs anyways, and with a 200,000 reward theres no garontee that the cops wouldn't turn me in for the reward themselves."

Jun 28th, 2004, 10:04:56 AM
"You story in interesting, but I am still wondering what you would like me to do about it. I can not stand behind you forever and keep these people off of you."

Blane Strongman
Jun 28th, 2004, 01:32:44 PM
Blane took out his blaster and laid it out on the table, "Becasue even though I've told you my life story I havn't told you anything about what I know about them. So, heres the thing, you give me a safe place to lay my head down for a few days and I give you enough information to put some of the older guys in a cell. Deal?"

Aug 31st, 2004, 10:57:52 AM
Neyasha Nods, and stand.

"Please Come with me."

Neyasha walks out of the bar and down the road to turbolift where she waits for Blane. After Blane gets there she takes them down a few floors. They walk into an appartment building and Neyasha takes the owner off to the side and talks with him for a moment. Then she returns to Blane as the owner hands her a Key and asks some of his people fetch some things from a storage locker.

Neyasha Takes Blane to the room number on the key and enters.

"After I am finished with this room it will be safe for you." She says to blane.

Blane Strongman
Aug 31st, 2004, 05:09:07 PM
Blane enters the room and sits down in the corner a few feet left the door. As he sits down his exhaustion takes over and he begins to drift between being asleep and awake. As he dose so his hand drifts instinctivly the handle of his blaster. He knew he wasn't safe yet, but he hopped he would be.

Aug 31st, 2004, 08:23:49 PM
While Blane sleeps, a few people from the hotel come in to the room, droping off a number of boxes.

After the men have left, Neyasha opens the boxes and pulles out a number of small Quartine grade Shield generators, and sets them up in the room. Along with a few other devices, it is only a few hours till the room has a self contained atmosphere. Allowing nothing in or out, unless the person with the controler allows is.

Then she waits for Blane to wake up.

Blane Strongman
Sep 1st, 2004, 06:19:42 PM
Blane looks at Neyasha threw his dark shades, "Thank you."

Blane walked over the bed and sat down. He took his glasses off and sat them on the table and began to rub his temples, "By the way sweety I never did get your name."

Sep 8th, 2004, 10:27:26 AM
"I am Neyasha." She says, no signe of emotion on her face. She looks around the room.

"You should be safe here. I have a deal with the owner of this place back from when I was a Hired killer. I spared his life since my employer only told me to get him out of the way. In return he collected the shields for my and told me I could use his place to hide out if I ever needed it."