View Full Version : Looking to get Drall (TSO Elders and Other Sith) [continued]

Rasha Vill
Jun 16th, 2004, 11:13:32 PM
"Yes Governor Shaln, I understand you beleave that your forces are suitable to protect Drall from what ever attack you may come your way, but Drall would be safer under the protection of TSO.... Yes I know the incident at the hotel was unfortunate, but it was only a minor breach in security, and we delt with it in a very timely fashion.... Governor, cant you see that THIS system is our primary concern. If this System is breached NONE of our people will be safe. Do you want the Jedi to take over your planet by force? Don't you think they will see your planet as a way to get a foot in the Corellian system?.... You would be surprised how little you truly know about the Jedi, sir. We did nothing to provoke the Jedi to blow up the Hotel, and If the Jedi are the gentle protectors that you seem to portray them as, why would the Jedi kill so many innocent people?.... Governor, sir, The people of Corellia, and the other Sith protected worlds have nothing to do with TSO itself aside from the fact they protect us.... Very well governor, I will call you in a month to see if you have reviewed the information I have sent you about TSO's changes in policies since the change of power.... Thank you for your time sir."

Rasha Hangs up her Office communicator and Sighs. It has been a month since TSO arranged the so called Jedi attack on Coronet, with Southstar playing the Jedi, and Rivin playing the Sith hero. It was effective at getting the people of Corellia to dislike the Jedi even more than before, and got other Sith worlds admiring our work at cleaning up the mess that Southstar made. But Rasha's big project was put back at square one. With the death of a number of political assistants of the Drall Representive that was due to show up the next day, Drall pulled out of the running for possible Sith Protection. Only this last week did she get them to even think of talking with her again, and even now it doesn't look good.

Rasha hits her intercom, calling up her assistant.

"Sammy, would you be so kind as to come in here. I would like to dictate a letter."

"Yes Miss Vill, I'll be there in a moment."

It is not long till Samantha enters her office and takes a seat, pulling out a data pad and gets ready to type, as Rasha gets ready to deliver her message to be typed.

"Start the message...

Title: TSO Drall Must Join, Time is Short.
Priority: High

Greeting Noble Sith,

I have been talking to the Governor of Drall for the last week trying to convince him that joining TSO would be beneficial for him and his people, but it always comes back to them believing that we can not defend our people due to the Jedi attack that the Sith Staged a month ago in Coronet. The Governor does not believe in our forces and The force. I think it is time we make plans to get them to join. So I ask that any interested Sith Knight, Master, or fighting capable Apprentice join me in my conference room after my office closing hours. I will leave the back door unlocked so you may enter.

Your Mayor Of Corellia
Lady Rasha Vill.

....End message

Now Samantha, if you would be so kind as to send that to the sith?"

Sammy nods and hurries off.


Hours pass by, and finally her office closes. Rasha sits in the Big chair at the one of the ends of the Conference table, reserving the one at the other end for whatever Elder first shows up. Samantha was waiting by the back door to her office ready to let in any sith that show up and to direct them to this room. But at the moment, all she can do is wait.

Lady Vader
Jun 17th, 2004, 12:37:51 PM
*LV had received the message shortly after it's been sent and made it a poin to go to the appointed place and appointed hour when the time came. She even went so far as to contact Warlock to ask him to join her. After all, it had been her, Warlock, and Rasha that had made successful contact and promising negotiations with the Selonians. The way she saw it, Selonia was nearly theirs. Now it was time to work on Drall. And Rasha had proven a master at convincing the people of the Corellian syste to unite.*

*She stepped through the door and made her way up to the office, stepping through into the waiting area. rasha's assistant was there working late and stood when LV entered.*

"Mayor Vill is waiting for you inside." The assistant gestured towards the Mayor's office door.

*LV nodded, looking breifly down at the name plaque on the assistant's desk.*

Thank you, Samantha.

*LV made her way to the door and opened it, stepping through. Behind the polished desk sat Rasha Vill, Mayor of Coronet. LV smiled.*

Hello, Rasha. So good to see you again.

*She sat down in one of the plush seat facing the desk and Rasha.*

I take it work has been keeping you busy... we haven't heard from you in some time.

*She rasied an eyebrow.*

I hope we haven't been overworking you.

Jun 17th, 2004, 12:44:37 PM
Warlock followed shortly after Lady Vader, his staff spilling an incandescent bottle green glow over the dimly lit room. He did not sit yet, however, but instead stood calmly behind the Sith Mistress – listening and watching. The situation with Drall was one that needed a delicate touch, one that he had no doubts Mayor Vill could provide if she set her mind to it. However, it would not hurt to have a little Sith manpower behind her pleas.

Rasha Vill
Jun 17th, 2004, 01:56:31 PM
Rasha stands and bows as the two Sith Elders enter the room.

"Greeting Lady Vader, Greetings Warlock it is nice to see the two of you again. Work has been keeping me busy, and I must say that Drall has been my biggest focuse. As for being over worked, it just come with ths job, and I except it completey. I am asuming that the two of you got my message. "

Rasha sits back down in her chair.

"I am asking for Sith Help with the Drall situation. The governor of Drall is proving to be a pain, and my souces are telling me that he is attempting to undo our work with Selonia, by trying to get them to join with Drall rather than TSO. Selonia still seems interested in joining us, but there are some people with influence that are preventing 80% vote required for them to side with us.

Drall thinks that it is safe, and does not require our assistance. I've informed him that if Drall stands alone it will be a target for the Jedi so that they will have a foot hold in the system. He did not beleave me. The governor needs something to think about. He thinks that if the Jedi attack his old broken Vic star, and handful of assualt transports would prevent an attack from reaching the surface.

The Assistant Governor, is swaying to us, and would likely Join if he saw that his boss was wrong. If the Governor is dead, He will be in charge. If we make it look like ether the New Republic, Jedi, or Empire Killed him, and we came to rescue Drall, Then They would know that TSO will protect them, and that if they Join We offer to lace part of our fleet near them for protection, and offer to repair their Vic Star, We will have them. But I fear that drall will Never let itself join while Governor Shalin is in charge, Since of the Drall that was killed in the exploding hotel, one of his daughters was the lead assistant killed."

Lady Vader
Jun 17th, 2004, 02:56:19 PM
*LV tapped a claw delicately against he chin in thought.*

Take the Imperial Empire out of the equation. We will need to make them allies, or at least close friends to help in keeping an eye on our assets further set apart from us. No... we must keep the Empire close.

*She leaned forward.*

As to the Jedi or Republic, we can certainly stage something to that effect.

*She looked up at Warlock.*

Your thoughts? It shouldn't be too difficult to persuade the Governor. After all... accidents do occur...

Jun 18th, 2004, 11:58:07 PM
Southstar glanced at his chrono as he walked swiftly down the halls of the capital building in Coronet. He began to walk quicker as he realized a was late. He had been involved in the operation to make the Jedi look like murderous animals when they, supposedly, bombed a major hotel in the heart of the city. Since then he had felt that he should start taking some part in the business of Sith expansion and propaganda.

He approached the mayor's secretary in his quickening pace. "Have they started yet?" He asked while still walking.

"I believe they have." She responded.

He swore and broke into a light jog. For the first meeting he was attending he really shouldn't be late. Oh well. He came to the doors and cracked one open, peering in at first, then walking in.

"Sorry." He mouthed and took a seat. Through telepathy he picked up on what had been said so far; he hadn't missed much.

"After all... accidents do occur..." Lady Vader had said.

"Well, if the planet's defenses are weak, I'm sure we could stage an embarressing defeat for Drall. Dress up some of our ships as the New Republic's. The governer would likely resign at that and it could only persuade more planets to join us; realize our protection is needed to prevent another Drall." He said and looked for response in the others. "Actually, I'd bet we could trick the New Republic into attacking Drall for us. All they'd need was a plan for another Death Star or something."

Je'gan Olra'en
Jun 19th, 2004, 03:10:42 PM
Je'gan glanced up from his newspaper - pure propaganda, but entertaining - as he noted that the man in a hurry across the street was in fact Southstar. He snapped his fingers and put the paper beside his plate, folded. His stomach rebelled as he stood to leave the restaurant's terrace: there was still food on the plate, and with the amount of energy he'd been channeling lately, it only stood to reason that he'd have to make up for it. This on top of the low-level, consistent hunger borne by most teenage humanoid males.

He put a few coins beside the plate, paying for both the meal and the paper. The Sith Knight was fully aware that not many people would have the guts to collect from TSO if that was where he directed them, but he was doing his best for public image. Even the garbage in that rag had its purpose. Vaguely, he wondered what would happen if it all just collapsed, the whole infrastructure. Sith would get lynched, that was for sure.

He smacked his lips and wiped his mouth, removing the last crumbs. That was another, albeit lesser reason that he'd payed; the food had been very good.

His cloak levitated to his shoulders from where it sat, draped across another chair at the round, glass-topped table. The green fabric was plain, like the rest of his attire; not ostentatious in the slightest. There were advantages, notably that wrinkles were less noticeable. The hem flared out around him as he headed down the street after his Master.

The young Sith Knight smiled at the Mayor's assistant as the door swung closed behind Southstar. He caught the knob a hair before it clicked and opened it enough to see his Master begin to speak.

"Well, if the planet's defenses are weak, I'm sure we could stage an embarressing defeat for Drall. Dress up some of our ships as the New Republic's.

Je'gan took a seat silently, half-bowing in deference to the others present as his agile mind caught the tone and at least some of the objective of the meeting. Southstar continued.

The governer would likely resign at that and it could only persuade more planets to join us; realize our protection is needed to prevent another Drall. Actually, I'd bet we could trick the New Republic into attacking Drall for us. All they'd need was a plan for another Death Star or something."

Je'gan had a thought or two on the earlier part of his Master's comments, but was perhaps wise enough to realize that others should speak first; he was the most junior Sith present, after all, even as a Knight.

Jun 20th, 2004, 03:49:43 AM
“We must be cautious,” Warlock chided. “It is all good and well for us to implicate others for crimes we have committed, but I fear the government of Drall will not be so easily fooled as the narrow-minded Selonians. While we may have tools of cunning and guile, we do not hold sway over all minds. The people of Drall will no doubt have heard of the incident that killed their representatives, and wish retribution – and in this, the Governor will be their champion. To kill him now would make a martyr of him. No, I feel this matter requires a solution beyond simple bloodshed and combat… a more delicate touch.”

Lady Vader
Jun 20th, 2004, 02:49:00 PM
*LV looked up at Warlock.*

What would you suggest then?

Rasha Vill
Jun 20th, 2004, 03:02:49 PM
"If I may just address a few matters and express my Idea?"
After she is told she can continue, Rasha looks to Southstar.

"Tricking the Republic to do the attacking is out of the question, since the likely size of force that they would bring to a fight at a planet THAT close to Sith Space, let alone if they thought there was another superweapon there.. The last thing we want is the Republic to have a strick force of that size on our door step.

As to getting the governor resign, I doubt that would happen. His family has been in the controling circle of Drall's government since the fall of the empire. The only way for his Assistant Governor and Son to take command of Drall is for the Governor to be dead. Though if they think that we are behind it, we will lose both Drall and Selonia. "

Rasha goes back to facing everybody

"I have arranged a Visit to Drall for myself and my assistant Samantha. I was thinking that while we were there some 'Jedi' could attack Drall's Government house, and military comunications as if they were wanting to cripple Drall. If I had a Sith with me as like an honor guard, the honor guard could start helping Drall, as I call for reinforcments. We could also look through the prisons of Corellia and find people sentanced to death, dress then in NR shock troop gear, and have them act as an expendable army for the Jedi, informing them that if Drall is brought to it's knees they will be set free from Jail.

In the attack, Myself and The Assistant Governor are injured and the Governor is killed. Then the Sith look like Heros, and I enter in to negoations with the new Governor, before they have the time to call an election to replace the dead Governor.

What do people think of that Idea?"

Jun 20th, 2004, 04:00:31 PM
"It's more simple." Southstar said. "But it would have to be quick, I mean very quick. We don't have the information blockade there like we do here. The Jedi and New Republic could get in there immediatly and cry foul before the attack is over. Our propaganda doesn't reign supreme there. Plus, I can't do it. I've been 'captured.'" But Je'gan could, he was an able knight. Still, word would get out to the New Republic and Jedi and they would immediatly claim it wasn't them, and likely place a peace keeping force as well.

"We could establish a sect of Jedi within the Sith planets and blame them..." He mused.

Rasha Vill
Jun 20th, 2004, 08:03:30 PM
Rasha smiles at Southstar.

"I hate to burst your bubble Southstar, but your propaganda doesn't reign supreme here ether. There are many people that think it is a load of bantha dung, but the majorty do beleave your propaganda here. Though I must admit that there are many more on Drall that do not beleave it. Though if the off planet communications were taken out after I got my call, or durring my call for help was being transmitted, that would stop them from confirming with the Republic about the Jedi assualt.

Also if we had a ship or probe set up near the planet to intercept any transmitions, we could choose to halt the transmition at that point.

As for you not being able to join the Jedi party, I know some makeup artists that could make you looks like a 19 year old Twi'lek slave girl."

Jun 20th, 2004, 11:10:40 PM
He and Rasha didn't get along simply based on different ideas, but after his operation posing as a Jedi, where he had killed many people, he put Rasha in hot water for quite some time and he always suspected she might dislike him even more. That was fine, he wasn't a fan of her either.

The propaganda was going better than she was telling him, or at least he thought so. It seemed she was only trying to upstage him; make his ideas look bad. Cutting off all planetary communications? I think she's underestimating the size and population of a planet. He thought to himself but let her continue.

"As for you not being able to join the Jedi party, I know some makeup artists that could make you looks like a 19 year old Twi'lek slave girl." She said and gave him the slightest insulting look.

Before she could blink an eye Southstar was launching across the table to ring her neck.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jun 21st, 2004, 08:00:08 AM
For a split second, Je'gan considering bringing up a Force wall to stop his Master. For a split second only. That decision, he recognized regretfully, was not up to him. In fact, it would be infinitely better if he just stayed out of it entirely. Vill hadn't insulted him - he wasn't even sure if she'd insulted Southstar - and his Master was capable of making his own decisions. He'd learned a long time ago not to second-guess that man.

So he did nothing.

Jun 21st, 2004, 10:22:31 AM
Unfortunately, for Southstar, Warlock swept his staff out in front of the Knight at the last moment. “If you cannot reign your temper, then please leave. We have important matters to discuss, matters which require the Mayor to have the ability to speak.”

Lady Vader
Jun 21st, 2004, 04:36:09 PM
*LV remained seated, but her gaze traveled towards Southstar, and if looks could kill, Southstar would be a smoldering heap of ashes on the Mayor's polsihed desk. She snarled.*

Stay your hand, Southstar. This is neither the place NOR the time.

*She returned her gaze back to the Mayor, who had surprisingly remained in her seat througout all the commotion.*

I agree that the Republic should not be brought into this, but having something look like it is them would be preferable.

I like your suggestion, Mayor Vill. I would be more than willing to go as one of the Sith honor guard, along with some others of my choosing.

*She turned to look at Southstar.*

If we are to convince the people of Drall, we must make this look like an all out attack, without TOO much damage and bloodshed. The Drall keep to themselves, but are cowardly. If we invoke too much on them, they will only hide further into their shells like giant sea tortoises.

Jun 21st, 2004, 11:38:34 PM
Southstar glared at Rasha with his hands on the table and slowly sat down. Dispite the fact that he was not attacking anymore, his anger had only grown when he noticed that two members of the Sith Order had taken sides with the non-Sith, the non-Force user. But that was a battle for another day. He was going to have to work with what he had.

He sat back in his chair, crossed his legs, and kept his teeth clenched. He listened for a moment as Lady Vader spoke. They couldn't fake an all out attack without scaring the people of Drall too much, but it had to seem the Republic was moving in.

"We could fake an aggressive ambassador. Someone who deems it necessary to take Drall to keep us from expanding too much." He threw out. "As far as I understand the governer isn't pro-Republic either, right?"

Rasha Vill
Jun 22nd, 2004, 11:47:13 AM
Rasha had kept her cool through out the whole incdent of southstar attacking her. She had faith that the sith elders would not want her to be harmed yet, but in the the event that Southstar did make it to her, Rasha was ready. The only movement she did as Southstar attacked was to mover her hand to a button under the desk, would have fired a poisoned dart from the wall behind her, at the nearest moving person that did not scan as a match to an ID signature in her database.

Rasha would hav lost no tears over Southstar if he died, since if it was not for his reckless behavior, relations with Drall would not be this bad and this meeting would not have need to happen.

Rasha gives southstar a smug smirk as she comments...

"The governer has no love for the republic, he likes the amount of power he has and doesn't want to give it to anybody. However at this point in time he would be more likely to join with the republic if they offered, since he is blaming us for the death of his daughter."

She turns to address the others

"It will not be difficult to shut down off planet communications of Drall, since they are still routing most external comunication to one large transmitter in the hills just outside the captial city of Meccha. The govenment house also has a backup transmitter that will have to be taken out. The back up transmitter however is only strong enough to get a message as far as Crollia on the outskirts of the system. After main communications are down a strike team should come out of hyperspace from a vector the would implicate the NR military for the attack. Since this would be pulled off as a capture mission, it would be understandable if the 'Republic' ships would mainly use Ion cannons on the defencive Vessels. From there 'The Jedi' on planet should start their attack, aiming to disarm and disable all hostails, with the occational death thrown in. while this is going in the landing crafts filled with the prison inmates, will come down. It is in my oppion that it would be best to kill all of those that come down in the landing craft, since I do not want them filling Corellia's prison's which are currently full, and I am having troubles convincing CorSec that we do not need to build a new prison, and I do not want them running free on Corellia.

Does anybody have any comments, or objections to this course of action?"

Je'gan Olra'en
Jun 22nd, 2004, 12:40:50 PM
For the first time, he spoke up, clearing his throat.

"I have no objection to masquerading as a Jedi for the purposes of this operation." He was not blind to the sheer irony of he - the young man who had been tempted by such a path less than a year ago - playing such a role; on the contrary. A slight smirk told volumes.

Jun 22nd, 2004, 11:10:42 PM
"Will the Republic troops be lead by the Jedi, or their own commanders?" he asked. "And if need be, I can masquerade as a Jedi." Minus the slave girl. he thought, but everyone should have figured that was implied.

Lady Vader
Jun 23rd, 2004, 07:27:36 PM
*LV nodded at Rasha.*

The plan is sound.

*She looked to Warlock.*

If you do not have any objections, I say we go with this. It may very well be our chance to bring the last planet in this syetm under our flag.

Jun 26th, 2004, 03:52:22 AM
Warlock nodded sagely. “This is to be our plan then – but we must be cautious, careful that it goes to plan. We cannot risk failure.”

Lady Vader
Jun 27th, 2004, 05:27:09 PM
*LV nodded approval at Warlocks words and turned back to look at the rest of the Sith gathered in the room, each one, eye to eye, before finally resting her eyes on Rasha's own.*

No failure.

Rasha Vill
Jun 28th, 2004, 09:13:25 AM
Rasha nods as lady vader says her last piece.

"Very well, Now that we know what the plan is, we nead to prepare. My visit to Drall will be in 10 days. In that time we will need 1532 Republic uniforms for the prisoners. I have a list of Names and sizes of uniforms required. If we are going to make this look right then we will need the outfits to fit them properly.

We will also need 2 - 4 Republic landing crafts."

Rasha knows that there is a posibilty of failure for this, but she doesn't was to think of what the sith would do to her if this did fail. Though she could tell that if this failed they woul loose Drall, Selonia, and posibliy cause a revolt on some of the other Sith Planets in system. But if you want to win big, you must risk big. Thats the way it works.

Rasha Vill
Sep 28th, 2004, 03:03:20 PM

Here is the thread where this goes on.


and here is the OOC discussion thread