View Full Version : Filling some awful big shoes (open WIDE open)

Jak Prent
Jun 16th, 2004, 02:41:39 PM
The kid swaggered into the bar. It was natural, as if he'd done it for years. He paused briefly at the front to unstrap his gun holsters at his belt, and hand them to the guards, and then it was back to swaggering.

He made his way to the bar, and took a seat next to an attractive young lady, whom he didn't know. Grinning suavely, he motioned for the bartender.

"Barkeep, I'll have your finest whiskey, and get my ladyfriend here whatever she wants while you're at it."

With the ice broken, he turned to her, and winked.

"Hey there, hot stuff."

Jun 16th, 2004, 02:56:24 PM
:: AB and Morg were on Coruscant for a brief period of time before heading back to Yavin. Things were going great on the jungle planet. It seemed the second school for Jedi training had been a good idea after all. ::

:: She had just finished nodding her head to something Morg had said, just before he got up to go to the refresher. As he vacated his bar stool, AB went back to take a drink from her glass, not noticing the kid who had just seated himself at the stool Morg had been sitting at. It was only when the young man had mentioned something about getting a drink for his lady friend, that she looked over, noticing a new face at the recently vacated seat, a wide grin on the face staring back at her. She hazzard a guess she was the "lady friend" he was refering to. ::

Uh, thank you, but I already have a drink.

:: She smiled and jiggled the glass in her hand, the ice inside clinking softly. ::

Jak Prent
Jun 16th, 2004, 03:01:56 PM
"Well, I guess I'll have to settle with dessert being on me."

Jak grinned looking Rie up & down.

"I'm sweet enough for you, but don't go expecting cherries on top either."

Jun 16th, 2004, 03:12:26 PM
:: AB blinked. ::

I beg your pardon?

Jak Prent
Jun 16th, 2004, 03:19:00 PM
Jak poured himself up a shot of whiskey, and downed it, rougueishly eyeing Rie all the way.

"Well I guess its rude to not introduce myself. Name's Jak Prent. Terror of the Telanus Sector. Wanted in six star systems. I'm worth 10,000 credits alive. Six thousand dead. Robbed six banks, five freighters, and two casinos, but I do declare that you're the biggest criminal sitting here for stealing my heart in broad daylight."

Setting his shot glass down, Jak allowed his hand to come to rest on Rie's thigh.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 16th, 2004, 03:28:23 PM
The Jedi Master frowned as he exited the fresher. He wasn't entirely sure why until he walked up behind the young man who had just taken his bar stool.

Morgan cleared his throat.

"Excuse me."

Jun 16th, 2004, 03:38:08 PM
:: AB's eyes traveled down to where his hand was resting on her thigh. ::

I'm flattered, but this isn't entirely appropriate.

:: She gently grabbed his hand and placed it on the counter. It was about this time Morg had come up to stand behind the young man, and had seen everything. ::

Jak Prent
Jun 16th, 2004, 03:44:52 PM
He shrugged, and his smile widened.

"I'll let you think it over, then."

Taking another shot as he turned, Jak's smile faded a little.


Morgan Evanar
Jun 16th, 2004, 03:58:09 PM
"I'd like my seat back, please. I just got up to go to the fresher." He glanced at the empty glass placed indecisively to Jak's right. It could have been interpreted for the next seat over.

Jun 16th, 2004, 04:20:46 PM
:: AB frowned slightly at his aloof manner, especially after her polite refusal. ::

:: She was about to remark along the lines she didn't need any time to think anything over when Morgan chimed in. ::

Jak Prent
Jun 16th, 2004, 08:26:02 PM
Jak glanced to his right, then to his left, and finally returned his attention to Morgan. The few drinks he had were beginning to draw a little color on his face, but he was outwardly otherwise unfettered.

"There's plenty of open seats up here. Besides, I just got settled."

Smiling disarmingly, the kid began to fill his shot glass again.

Shade Magus
Jun 16th, 2004, 08:40:36 PM
Shade was watching the scene from a few barstools down, as he was looking over some current event. He saw the kid come in and try to put the moves on Rie, but she politely refused him. He could tell however that he patience might be wearing thin. He was infact about to say something that might save the guy from being totally humiliated until he saw Morgan come out of the fresher.

He shook his head and smiled. This kid has no idea what he is getting himself into, the Jedi Knight thought. Though he had never met Rie or Morgan informally, their reputations definitely preceeded them. In fact he was hoping to visit Yavin to train one of his Padawans, but it looked like that quesion would have to wait.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 16th, 2004, 08:50:46 PM
This was becomming intolerable.

"I was trying to be polite, but I really would apreciate it if you moved so I could sit next to my wife. If you'd like, I guess we could find another place to sit."

Jak Prent
Jun 16th, 2004, 09:00:45 PM

The kid held up a hand, and looked at Rie.

"You mean you...and...you..."

He saw a slight glimmer on Rie's finger which answered his question.


Jak took the time to pour up another shot of bourbon. He downed it, rose from his seat, and palmed the bottle with his other hand. Before he side-stepped out of Morgan's path, he gave the Jedi a look as if to size him up, then quickly smiled a smarmy grin to cover it up.

Drinking from the bottle now, he allowed Morgan to pass, muttering under his breath.

"Well isn't that sweet."

Shade Magus
Jun 16th, 2004, 09:04:56 PM
Shade shook his head. There was the problem with kids drinking. He shrugged. Oh well, as long as he didn't try and start a fight.

Jun 17th, 2004, 10:45:52 AM
Neyasha walks into the B&G dressed in her tight black leather outfit, handing over her 6 bladed weapons and her lightsaber at the door. Her movments are graceful and her posture is perfect. She gets herself a bottle of the strongest stuff the Bar stocks, and walks to the back of the bar, taking a seet in a booth. She pulls out a datapad and starts to review it's contents, as she starts to sip her drink right from the bottle.

Jun 17th, 2004, 01:02:13 PM
:: AB cleared her throat softly as Morgan regained his seat. The boy certainly had an attitude to him, but she wasn't going to repay it with more attitude. Instead, she looked back up at the boy, not wanting to be rude. ::

Is this your first time here to Coruscant?

:: She went through the list of crimes and bounties he had mentioned, and wondered how many of them had been true and how many had just been to "show off". If they were true, Coruscant wasn't exactly the place one would want to be. ::

:: As she finished asking her question, she watched the boy circle behind herself and Morg, only to sit on the other side of her. ::

Jak Prent
Jun 17th, 2004, 03:03:59 PM
"Yep. I'm a big name on the Outer Rim. Figure now, all I have to do is make it big in the Core systems, and I'll pretty much be set for life."

He tilted up the bottle again, taking a few deep gulps of bourbon, which were now starting to catch up with him.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 17th, 2004, 06:01:23 PM
"I suppose if you mean 'running' by 'set'. It's rather easy to get on the wrong side of people in that sort of bussiness."

Make it big. It was like Sanis was echoing through this kid.

"Making it big isn't all it's cracked up to be."

Shade Magus
Jun 17th, 2004, 06:11:23 PM
Shade cocked his head to the side as he listened to the kid talk about exploits and him makig it big. Now where have I heard that before?

Shade looked up and ordered another glass of Blue Moon Juice. Looks lke this is turning into an interesting conversation.

Sanis Prent
Jun 17th, 2004, 06:59:59 PM
As I walked into the bar to order a beer, I picked up the tail end of a conversation between Morgan, Rie, and a sandy-haired kid nursing a whiskey bottle and an attitude. Snagging a tall pint of brown ale, I logged it on my running tab, which had become something of a small legend at the bar & grill (ie, I'll pay you when the next job comes in).

"Yeah, tell me about it."

I glanced sideways at Morgan, taking a few gulps off my beer's head as I turned my attention to the kid.

"You're poppin off at the mouth pretty big with that outlaw talk."

Jun 18th, 2004, 12:04:59 AM
:: AB looked over at Sanis as he sat down and was about to greet him when something made her stop. She looked at Sanis for a moment, then slowly turned her head to look at the kid (who once again had his lips plastered to the whiskey bottle), then slowly turned back to look at Sanis. Amidst several blinks, she finally remembered the boys name, mentioned somewhere back in the conversation when he had been placing the moves on her. It hadn't sunk until now. ::

Uh, Sanis... do you have a... brother?

Jak Prent
Jun 18th, 2004, 12:53:34 PM
At Sanis's little barb, Jak stopped drinking, lowering the bottle to his side, as he walked closer to him.

"I'm not just talking it, either. You wanna find out how an outlaw handles sass, keep flapping your gums and we'll find out."

Jak approached even closer, encroaching dangerously on Sanis's personal space.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 18th, 2004, 01:40:10 PM
Morgan blinked. This kid was in deep trouble. You could poke at Jedi to a degree, because most of them were patient.

The young man's fate was resting on Sanis's mood. If he was in a bad one, things would happen. Not immediately. Prent was patient, too. Unforunately for some people, it was usually pointed at someone or something.

"Lad, I suggest strongly that you reconsider." It was as much a warning from Morgan as it was good advice.

Sanis Prent
Jun 18th, 2004, 03:00:06 PM
I grimaced a little. Them's fightin' words & all.

Taking another drink of beer, I watched the cocky upstart get up in my grill. He was obviously trying to make an impression.

"You're drunk. Take your tough guy act and your war face, and cool your jets somewhere else, kid."

I pressed a hand against his chest, pushing him back six inches. Somehow, Rie's question had completely missed my train of thought.

Jak Prent
Jun 18th, 2004, 09:20:03 PM
The moment Sanis's fingers touched Jak's chest, the kid's hand snapped outward like a rattlesnake strike, knuckles rapping against the side of the smuggler's glass, sending it tumbling to the ground, where it shattered and spilled its dark contents across the floor.

Jun 18th, 2004, 09:47:16 PM
:: AB was up and out of her stool instantly, not so much to avoid the flying drink, but to try to distill the situation, or whatever could be saved at this point. ::

Gentlemen, please, there is to be no fighting in the bar.

Sanis Prent
Jun 18th, 2004, 10:24:01 PM
"There is today."

I don't know why I did it. I'm normally a laid back guy. The last guy to go flying off the handle like this. After all, its rarely worth it to fight unless there's money on it.

But then again...he did spill my beer.

Leaning back on my stool, I kicked out suddenly, catching the kid with both heels on his hips, and sending him sprawling to the floor. With the break in tension, I hopped off my barstool, and began to shrug my long spacer's jacket off my shoulders. I'm not what you'd consider to be the most in-shape guy in this corner of the galaxy, but when you spend ten hours a day turning a wrench below deck on your freighter, you can fill out in a few places. Enough places to land some vindictive haymakers like a jackhammer, at least.

And this kid was asking for it now.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 18th, 2004, 10:48:29 PM
There was an unwritten rule about spilling beer. That rule was you don't do it, and you certainly don't spill someone elses.

The kid was sprawled on the floor, and started to scramble to his feet. He placed himself between Jak and Sanis with uncanny speed. The situation had esclated far enough. He crouched slightly, grabbing one of Jak's legs.

"Enough." The Jedi growled as he returned to full height. Jak dangled like a piece of cloth.

Jun 18th, 2004, 10:55:22 PM
:: AB blinked, looking at Morg. ::

Well, I suppose that's one way of handling the situation.

Jak Prent
Jun 18th, 2004, 10:59:23 PM
Jak became a flurry of slurred threats and curses, and as Morgan hoisted him up by an ankle, he wriggled like a baited fish to break free.

Dipping his left hand in his pocket momentarily, he pulled it out just as quickly, this time around a set of durasteel knuckles, which he employed to drive a nasty hook into the Jedi's groin, connecting where it would hurt...three times.

Sanis Prent
Jun 18th, 2004, 11:08:59 PM
It all seemed over as Morgan hoisted the kid upside down, until the dren-kicker snatched a set of durasteel knuckles, and introduced them intimately with the Jedi's balls. I winced as the kid played piano on Morgan's crotch, which caused the Jedi to naturally drop the dirty-fighting hellion.

Fighting fire with fire, I inverted my barstool, catching the front two legs with each hand, and swung it at Jak's midsection as he fell to the ground.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 18th, 2004, 11:47:08 PM
Morgan held his stomach. His eyes were shut tight, and he moaned softly. He made an audible gasp, followed by something that sounded vauglely like a cross between a growl and an avalanche. The Jedi Master's eyes yanked open as the adrenaline silenced his pain. Narrow, cat like pupils snap focused on the source of his ire.

He dove into Jak, plowing his midsection with a large shoulder. Morgan flicked himsef onto to his knees, wrapping a hand around Jak's head. The Jedi snarled, and carefully but violently thumped the kid's skull into the floor.

Jun 18th, 2004, 11:54:46 PM
:: All had gone to hell in a hand basket. Jak attacked Morg, Sanis was going to attack Jak, and Morg had just retaliated against Jak. She had been going to ask Morg if he was alright, but that seemed like a moot point now. ::

:: Before anymore damage could be done, she raised a hand, stopping Sanis' momentum with the Force, holding the stool at bay from crashing on Jak and Morg. As for Jak and Morg, that could easily be dealt with words. ::


:: Her commanding and stern word echoed in the bar as sounds in the room went silent. Sanis stopped in his tracks, more so because the stool wasn't going anywhere, and Morg and Jak remained where they were, though Jak looked like he'd been knocked out cold by Morg's beating. ::

:: AB sighed. ::

I said there will be NO fighting in the bar!

Jun 19th, 2004, 01:12:46 AM
Alex chuckled at a joke he'd been told as he stepped through the doors of the bar. The guards didn't bay their usual degree of absent attention to him...not that it mattered. He had no guns. No saber. No nothing. Just a couple of credits in one hand, and a vacant space longing for a pint glass in the other.

Sliding onto the nearest stool, and flicking his coins across the counter, he looked around the B&G. It took a few moments for what he saw to register in his brain.

Why is that chair floating?

Shade Magus
Jun 19th, 2004, 01:32:35 PM
Shade had been on his feet, reaching for the chair to stop Sanis when AB had yelled for them to stop and made sure they did. Now he stood frozen with one hand on Sanis's arm, looking at the scene.

"I said there will BE no fighting in the bar!"

Wow..she sure does now how to make an impression, he thought. For awhile there was a silence until a newcomer asked why there was a chair in the air.

Jak Prent
Jun 19th, 2004, 09:01:01 PM
Every time Evanar dribbled Jak's skull on the hardwood, he saw stars. Arms and legs flailed underneath the Jedi Master nonetheless, as his entire body rebelled against the onslaught.

Originally posted by AmazonBabe
I said there will be NO fighting in the bar!

"Then kick us out the front door, so I can kill him!"

Morgan bounced his head on the floor once more for measure.


Morgan Evanar
Jun 20th, 2004, 12:40:20 AM
"Lad, are ya daft? I could have you put away for assault. Besides, that is Sanis Prent. If he doesn't wound you mortally, and you kill him, his best friend is a Jedi. I don't think she'd take kindly to that. So." Morgan pressed Jak's face firmly against the floor.

"Here are your options. You can stop acting like a drunk hooligan bragart, and I won't brake both your arms. Right now I'm strongly considering it, because I don't trust ya. Option two isn't as nice. I brake both of your arms, I charge you with assault, and then I turn you over to the City Watch who tend to be irritable when dealing with Jedi, and doubly irritable at dealing with people that the Jedi bring in."

Jak Prent
Jun 20th, 2004, 12:59:47 AM

Jak's demeanor changed completely, and he ceased struggling under Morgan's grasp.

"Say that name again."

Jun 20th, 2004, 02:37:09 PM
:: The stool that AB had been holding at bay with the Force slowly hovered back down to earth as Morgan spoke, resting back in it's original spot before Sanis had disturbed it. ::

:: As the stool again rested on the ground, it was at this point Jak's demeanor changed all together and AB remembered her question to Sanis. Her face still had a stern look on it, but her eyes had taken on a questioning look as her gaze traveled over to Sanis. ::

Sanis Prent
Jun 20th, 2004, 08:00:41 PM
I flashed Rie an uncharacteristically nasty look as she denied me of my barstool. As the Jedi more or less ended my fight prematurely, I started to cool down.

Then Jak's question came around. He looked at me differently than he had before...and repeated the question again.

"I'm Sanis Prent."

Furrowing my brow, I continued.

"What, you heard of me?"

Katina Van-Derveld
Jun 21st, 2004, 10:22:47 PM
AB was so focused on the agitated scoundrel that it took her several moments before she noticed a tugging on the end of her blouse. Her first reaction was to blame the swaggering youth, but she could clearly see both his hands. Instead, she turned down to see... a little blonde girl. She was smiling to herself, and twisting from side to side, like she was too shy to meet the woman's gaze.

"You're cute", she said simply, before a pair of large arms reached down and picked her up. The little girl was promptly carried out of the bar by a grumbling man with exactly the same shade of hair.

Jun 21st, 2004, 10:43:33 PM
:: It was too much too fast. AB blinked several times trying to find words for the little girl before she was gruffly picked up by a very large man non too gently. ::

Thank... you... ?

:: She was trying to defuse a situation here with Morg and the gang, and felt one brewing with the little girl and grumbling man. She had to rip her eyes back to the situation at hand. One thing at a time or I'm going to have to be hauled off to the funny farm. ::

Morgan Evanar
Jun 23rd, 2004, 10:54:46 PM
Morgan didn't let up. Jak was still pinned firmly against the floor. If the kid tried anything, he'd end up with broken arms.

The Jedi looked up. Sanis had been disarmed, and wasn't pleased about it. The scene had progressed from violent to confused. Still, Morgan wasn't about to let Jak attack again.

Kieran Devaneaux
Jun 23rd, 2004, 11:10:35 PM
Kieran Devaneaux strode into the Bar and Grill, noticing the chaos that had taken this place. He whistled. What the bloody hell happened in here? he thought. Then he noticed Morg with someone in his grasp. Oh. Nevermind then. He had been here long enough to know that when a Jedi Master has someone pinned down on the floor, you don't ask....

Jak Prent
Jun 30th, 2004, 09:57:15 PM
"Your dad's named Ledo Prent?"

Jak squirmed under Morgan's grasp.

Sanis Prent
Jun 30th, 2004, 10:04:21 PM
Well, that got my attention. I nodded in the affirmative.

"Yeah, that's him. How'd you know that?"

Jun 30th, 2004, 10:14:42 PM
:: AB looked again from Jak to Sanis, and then at Morgan. I'm going to hazard a wild guess about HOW Jak knew Sanis' father's name... Her thoughts spoke softly in Morgan's mind before she turned her attention back to look at the squirming Jak pinned by tall Jedi. ::

Are you saying...?

:: She made a motion with her finger, gesturing between the boy and Sanis. ::

Jak Prent
Jun 30th, 2004, 10:35:47 PM
Jak nodded, still a bit uncomfortable underneath Morgan.

"We got the same dad."

His eyes traced up to Sanis.

"Guess that makes us brothers or somethin?"