View Full Version : BOOM! (open)

Jun 16th, 2004, 10:59:27 AM

-The clear blue skies resonated the crack of sound as it echoed over the small town, anybody with ears stopped and turned their heads to the source.-

"Damned boy...."

-An old man sat at his regular table at the cafe, he had been enjoying his morning cup of java when he jumped.-

"...always with the damned crashing and banging."

-It was a crisp morning on Tatooine, well, as crisp as it could get in such heat.
The otherwise quiet 3000 population town of "Dustwater" was still quite asleep before the ruckas.-


-Within sight from the cafe, about 200 yards out into the desert, a young man sat behind a large piece of machinery pointing off into the distance.

He was half standing (his stance distrubed by the consol jutting out into his lap), his greased face was almost entirley black except for the circular voids around each eye he uncovered as he pulled up a pair of dark goggles up onto his head with a gloved hand; the other hand held high in the air, waving in arge arks as he profusely appoligise for the noise.

Like he had done a hundred times before in the past week.-


-The old man was understanding, but he didn't believe a word of it.

Dekk pulled out the stool form under him, he walked around to the side of his hulking contraption to take a closer look.-

Jun 16th, 2004, 11:05:59 AM
-Sheilding his eyes from the bright sun with a hand across his brow, he looked out to his target. About 5000 yards away sat a pile of red ash; all that was left of a well-sized rocky outcrop.
He looked at his machine, it didn't look much better then the

"Well, it works......."

-He said sheepishly, a hand behind his head massaged the back of his neck.-


-Wiping sand and sweat from his forehead, he openned up a pannel and delved into his machine, quite litteraly; only a pair of legs sticking out the side alerted onlookers as to his presence, only the occasional ouch and profanity as he hurt himself alerted the onlookers that he was still alive.-

Linn O'Conner
Jun 17th, 2004, 08:24:58 PM
Linn O'Conner had been sleeping quite peacefully that night, and had not planned on getting up particularly early either. However, the noise outside, the cries of passerby, and the assurances that it would never happen again, woke Linn to the point that she could no longer sleep and decided not to try.

Once she had gotten up and done her daily routine, she went outside to see what had happened.

There sat a machine like she'd never seen before. And from it protruded two waving legs, like a red flag telling people not to come any closer. Linn blinked. Then blinked again. What was that thing? More to the point, who was the guy crazy enough to stick his entire upper half into it?

Linn leaned on a wall, intrigued by the scene unfolding in front of her, and watched.

Jun 18th, 2004, 04:18:35 AM
-There was one last "OW! FRELL!" before he clambered back out again.
The machine started clicking over until the generator started chugging away again.

He setteled back down on his stool and peered over the top to look at another hill in the distance.
A slight movement with his fingers and the joystick directed the machine, hydrualics whirring it around to face the new target.

He setteled back down on his seat to type n some commands into the console.
He pulled his dark welding goggles back down over his eyes and jovialy shouted.-


-A single push of the button and the machine fired as massive set of sonic pulses, they broke up the hill, the fragments barley having time to move before a closley followed energy pulse from the machine vapourised the rock fragments.
The machine calmed back down.

The large hill had been destroyed, virtually nothing left except ash and whisps of smoke.

He stood up on his seat and lifted his goggles and looked through a tele-visor.-

Linn O'Conner
Jun 21st, 2004, 04:39:26 PM
Linn's eyes widened.

"OW! FRELL!" came the sound of a voice. The person scrambled from the great machine and sat back down. He was dirty, but look thoroughly pleased with himself.

"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" she heard him yell, but she acted too late. The machine blew down a hill and the ground shook so violently than Linn fell forward into the dirt.

Linn got up rubbing her head and looking at the all over her. She looked at the man as he stood up in his seat and pulled down his goggles with a broad smile.

"Bloody hell," she muttered, shaking her head to try and rid herself of dizziness.

Jun 22nd, 2004, 04:59:30 AM
"Bloody hell"

-A voice came from over his shoulder, although somewhat muffled by the ringing in his ears.
Lowering his visor, his head whipped around like some inquisitive prairie dog.
He spotted the young lady on the floor; he wondered for a momment what she was doing there but then he noticed the yellow chalk he used to mark the saftey area had faded since this moring.

Remembering his manners, he dropped his visor on the seat and hurried over to the dazzled girl.
He spoke with a sheepish half-smile, although his words came out like a shout as he had forgotten to remove the ear plugs.-


-He offered a helping hand up.-

Linn O'Conner
Jun 22nd, 2004, 08:00:24 PM
Linn took his hand and stood, brushing the dust from her cloak, pants and shirt.

"No need to yell," she laughed reaching up and taking out his ear plugs. "That might help a bit. What're you working on over here?"

Jun 23rd, 2004, 02:04:53 AM
"Oh yeah, sorry 'bout that."

-He said, his intra personal experience (or lack there of) showing through a bit.-

"Oh, you been that?"

-He indicated to the machine, still making distrubingwhirring noises from the last execution.-

"Yeah, that's what I call an endo-sono-resonance-vapouriser; or ESRV."

-He breaks eye contact to look over at his machine.-

"If it works, it just might revolutionise mining and archetectual engineering as we know it."

-He beamed a smile at the thought of it.-

Linn O'Conner
Jun 24th, 2004, 04:50:06 PM
Linn smiled a little.

"Looks like it might break down any minute," Linn cringed as it popped violently. "Or blow up."

Jun 25th, 2004, 01:47:57 AM
"Ah, yes, well there's that yes...."

-As he is talking, a gust of wind blows out oe of the supporting struts and the hulking device tips over and rolls to one sidelike an unconscious elephant.

Dekk turns to look at the noise and winces as it drops.-

"Oh well.....
I was planning on taking a break anyway, maybe I could do with some breakfast.
Yes, that sounds like a good idea........."

-He wanders off toward the town as he mumbles to himself.
Before he completley forgets, he shouts over his shoulder.-

"...........and your free to join me if you'd like."

-He says, now quite close to arriving at a near by cafe; if you could even call it that.-

Linn O'Conner
Jun 25th, 2004, 10:38:15 PM
Linn shrugged, following him absentmindedly, and watching the smoking contraption over her shoulder as they enter a small cafe. She had a feeling that thing was going to give any second.