View Full Version : Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 15th, 2004, 01:07:13 AM
Figured with the Third Movie out I start a thread about the Fourth film currently filming and will be out November 2005
Here is the Cast so far
Daniel Radcliff-Harry Potter
Emma Watson- Hermione Granger
Rupert Grint- Ron Weasley
Michael Gambon-Dumbledore
Maggie Smith- Professor McGonagall
Alan Rickman- Professor Snape
Jason Issacs- Lucius Malfoy
Tom Felton- Draco Malfoy
Robert Hardy-Corneilius Fudge
Robbie Coltrane- Hagrid
I assume, the twins, Ginny, Percy and Mr and Mrs Weasley will all be back as well
Also for those who have seen POA, Gary Oldman will be back as Sirius Black
New Cast members
Katie Leung- Cho Chang (best pic I have seen of her ) She will be Harry's love interest :)
Brendan Gleeson- Mad Eye Moody,%20Brendan
Frances de la Tour- Madame Maxime
Clemence Poesy-Fleur DeLacour
Robert Patterson- Cedric Deggory
Stanislav Yavevski- Victor Krum (no picture available)
So far the cast looks great I am glad they picked a french and a bulgarian actor to play Fleur and Krum it just wouldn't have worked otherwise for me. Still a few characters yet to be cast
Mr Crouch, Ludo Bagman (who I think will be more of a background character) Igor Karkaroff, and Lord Voldemort.
Personally I think they should put Tim Curry in Karkaroff's role he plays great cowardly villains. and Jermey Irons in Voldemort that would make a really good cast then :)
Cyrel Annat
Jun 15th, 2004, 08:59:21 AM
Irons and Curry would definitely add a nice touch to the cast, much in the way that I imagine Gary Oldman has (Still haven't seen it, been real busy but will see the movie eventually. I simply know the effort that Oldman puts into his roles and frankly, I don't recall ever seeing him perform poorly). And as you said, Tim Curry plays a very good 'all talk, no walk' villain. He carries on that holier than thou arrogance quite well, too.
Irons plays a great villain, and I think he could fit the bill of Voldemort very well. Another actor that I really have not seen perform poorly (I blame the D&D movie on those behind the scenes, not Irons' performance which I thought was still done well. He does a good job with the borderline - and some times not - psychotic types who love power.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 15th, 2004, 09:19:04 AM
His best film as a villian has to be Die Hard 3 he was brilliant in that movie. He was also truly evil playing Claus Von Bulow in Reversal of Fortune and playing those evil twins in Dead Ringer and of course Scar in Lion King. I think he is the perfect actor for the part.
Jun 15th, 2004, 09:31:13 AM
Agreed. While I have only seen DH3 and the Lion King of those movies you listed (the latter of which I wasn't even aware of), I still think that he would be the perfect cast for it. Granted, I have not read any of the books (don't beat me and I know that I should, but I just don't do the reading that I used to), casting him as the part still makes sense just from what I've gathered in the HP movies thus far. Irons is a terrific actor that I feel is quite underrated.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 15th, 2004, 09:36:47 AM
Heh I wouldn't beat you for not reading them, I can understand time reasons for not doing so. But yeah Irons is a perfect choice for the part I hope he gets it.
Jun 15th, 2004, 09:37:07 AM
I'm reading GOF at the moment. People are commenting about how it would have to be split into two movies to do it properly; I'm just not seeing it. I'm over halfway through the book and not too much has happened yet. Much of it is just elaborate descriptions. I can see the SFX budget being through the roof, what with the 4 dragons and all.
Jun 15th, 2004, 10:18:26 AM
Wow - I never thought of Curry in the role of Karkaroff - he'd be awesome...
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 15th, 2004, 10:22:21 AM
Yeah the hardest part is the action sequences, IMO, specifically the Dragons and the Merempeople Honestly I agree with you there are a lot of subplots while interesting are meaningless, like Ludo Bagman's whole gambling thing, Rita Sketter's role in the book, and SPEW. Honestly what I think will be kept in The TriWizard Tournament, all the tasks; The Quidditch World Cup; The Yule Ball, Ron and Harry's fight (although abrieviated), more stuff hinting about Ron and Hermione; Mad Eye Moody and the curses, and Voldemort's return. Everything else is secondary heck they could even cut out the QWC although I think it will stay although shorter than the book.
Jun 15th, 2004, 11:46:06 AM
I'm working my way through the books right now, I read Sorcerer's Stone when the movie came out and am just now reading Chamber of Secrets. My sisters kept telling me how good the book was for PoA so if I wanna read the book I might as well get through Chamber first. I'm finding it to be very quick reading though, I can sit down and start reading and before I know it about 50 pages are gone, I'm not a speed reader, it just reads fast and the fact that it mirrors the movie so much I think speeds things up.
One problem I am finding with the books....and yes its minor is the line that seems to get drawn between the Wizard world and the Muggle World. There are always comments about how Muggle's are so wierd and how all of their items, practices, etc are so alien to them and a great myster. I don't recall specific examples but really obvious stuff.
Haven't they made a point to say that few wizards are pure blood anymore? So wouldn't it stand to reason that the majority of Wizards are growing up in Muggle Households and seeing both worlds.
Like I said its minor it just irks me that they would be talking about everyday items and trying to unlock their secrets like they were Ancient Myan tools and no one is left alive who knows what they do.
Marcus Telcontar
Jun 15th, 2004, 04:01:42 PM
One point always to remember - the average wizard is an idiot, that comes through quite clearly in the books.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 15th, 2004, 05:15:00 PM
Well I think its heavily by the Weasleys that don't understand muggles, it is because they are a pure blood family, but in Arthur's case he is in love with everything that is by Muggles, I think COS does bring this up at least. The funniest thing was the telephone bit, that Ron doesn't understand at all, that happens in POA. I don't think they are stupid just ignorant they do interact in their world it be like a Muggle going into theirs in that way.
Jun 16th, 2004, 04:01:19 AM
Have they actually cast any of the players for the world cup? A couple we know, but it might be fun if they actually got some sports stars to play the role of Quidditch players...especially if they're English.
They're gonna need to be careful with the World Cup, so that they don't make it too American. It is set in England, after all. We aren't gonna have giant scoreboards like the Americans have in baseball, or American football, for example. If you watch the English fans at an international Football (Soccer) match, or at any of the league ones, thats the sort of way you'll want the crowd to act.
Its a shame that Goblet of Fire is coming out next year, rather than 2004, or 2006. If it were in 04, it would correspond with Euro 2004 , and the Olympics...if it were 06, it would correspond with the football World Cup. I've always thought that the books were supposed to be happening more or less in the year that they were published in, and the same for the films. I think the idea is that the whole magical world could actually be going on, and we wouldn't know about it. I like concepts like that...things like Men in Black and the Matrix have elements of that in them.
Gary Oldman has definately made it into my favorite actors list. He just has the whole crazy thing down to a fine art. I saw an interview with him in, and he was teaching and demonstrating acting techniques to the interviewer. He just did the whole "Silence of the Lambs" stare, where you look up with your head first, and then your eyes. It looked really scary. The man is amazing.
Cho's kinda cute, int she? :D
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 16th, 2004, 05:06:08 AM
I'm looking forward to seeing what the guy who they cast as Krum looks like. I always had a very defined picture of him, and Fleur, in my head. Cedric looks about right, even if the picture isn't the greatest.
Jun 16th, 2004, 07:12:49 AM
I assumed the Seeker struck by lightning in the third film was Cedric Diggory since the other two seekers are Cho and Malfoy, it had to be him. They probably never thought about that and just cast him as a seeker.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 16th, 2004, 11:04:20 AM
Yeah I think it was Cedric but I doubt they list that in the cast listings. Not sure why there are no pics of Krum out there? I am guessing it is because the actor is almost an unknown being from Bulgaria. Also I have a question do you think they will keep the tension between Ron and Harry in the book? I personally hope they keep some of it because it is believable friends fight and it is good character develoment for the Harry and Ron because of why they fight and the fact they make up and become friends again. I am sure they will keep it short like they kept the Ron and Hermione squabble short in POA
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 16th, 2004, 12:14:09 PM
Second question we know the Dursleys will not be in the movie, this has been admited so obviously the film will be starting at the Burrow, of course after the Riddle House scene, the question is will they keep the QWC?? I thought about it, and honestly there is only one thing plot wise that happens there and it is the Portakey and that is it. The rest is character introductions. You would have to remove Winky from the film if you did this (no great loss there :p) and basically introduce Crouch and Bagman at school, and have Ron bragging about the QWC on the train and saying how good of a seeker Krum is. Now the Portakey has to be dealt with somewhere maybe in a class, maybe McGonnell or somebody talk about. The Dark Mark no clue how to deal with that unless you can cut it out. Now I don't know maybe they can fit all that in but it can't take too long. GOF will be longer than POA I am sure you are looking at 2.5 at least, but can you squeeze the QWC sequene in there is the question without having to remove something else? For example I would take the Yule Ball over QWC in a heart beat, in part because you learn so much there like about Hagrid, Snape and Karkalovk, and of course about Ron and Hermione :p It is also something different to see that no Potter film has ever had and I can't see them no including it. I guess we will have to wait and see.
Jun 16th, 2004, 12:15:30 PM
I will murder the world if they miss out the QWC! :mad :mad :mad
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 16th, 2004, 12:25:51 PM
LOL Well it might get in I don't know I been trying to sit down and figure it out on Paper, what will get cut, but it is hard to figure out how much time things will take. I am guessing it would take 20 minutes to deal with the Riddle House, the QWC to the time they get on the train if they can get in that short of time they probably will be okay.
Sarr Koon
Jun 19th, 2004, 01:47:41 PM
Are you kidding? I wouldn't imagine the taking out of the QWC is even up for discussion. Things happen there that are crucial towards the end of the book. It's been a while since I read the 4th book but if I am not mistaken Barty Crouch's son is hidden by invisibility and is under a spell that makes him do whatever he is told. It is during the QWC that he mananges to free himself and steal Harry's wand from his back pocket. Then later on he stuns the house elf and plants the wand on her. You already mentioned the other stuff that happened during the QWC, so I will stop there.
Jun 19th, 2004, 01:59:27 PM
Uh, spoiler tags? Thanks a lot. :mad
Originally posted by Shawn:
I'm reading GOF at the moment
Sarr Koon
Jun 19th, 2004, 02:10:54 PM
Oops, sorry. Didn't know how to do those.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 19th, 2004, 04:41:47 PM
Man that sucks at least he didn't give away the full ending but still about the QWC I don't know they might be able to fit in without any problems, I am guessing the match it self will hardly be shown though it is the stuff after that, that is important.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 25th, 2004, 03:14:21 PM
New Casting information Report
Here are the new actors
Joining the ensemble are several new cast members, led by esteemed actor Brendan Gleeson ("Troy," "Cold Mountain"), who plays Hogwarts' new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Mad-Eye Moody. Frances De La Tour ("The Cherry Orchard," "Strike it Rich") plays the Headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Madame Maxime; Roger Lloyd-Pack ("Vanity Fair," BBC TV's "Only Fools and Horses") plays the Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Barty Crouch; Pedja Bjelac ("Eurotrip") plays Durmstrang Professor Igor Karkaroff; Jeff Rawle ("Inspector Calls II," "Baal," TV's "Drop the Dead Donkey") plays Amos Diggory; and David Tennant ("Bright Young Things") plays Barty Crouch Jr.
Interesting choices for the Crouches, never heard of the guy playing Karkaroff. Anybody know these actors? I know Barty Crouch sr's character is a well known in England from Harry Potter sights.
Well we have three characters left to be cast
Bagman and Sketter (who I think will be more background characters) and of course Lord Voldemort. According to rumors it looks Voldemort will be between Jermey Irons and Ralph Fienees. I would take either one of them. They be great choices for the role.
Cyrel Annat
Jun 25th, 2004, 03:29:46 PM
Outside of Gleeson which I think most people know right off-hand, I don't recognize a single one of those names. In fact, Eurotrip is the only feature that I recognize for those other actors, though I have not seen this movie, though given its family of movies (Road Trip and Old School, I think, can't recall on whether Old School was done by the same people), I imagine that this role will be a bit different for this actor.
And agreed, either of those choices for Voldemort would be good.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 25th, 2004, 03:32:33 PM
Well the Crouch part fits according to the people I hear from Harry Potter sights. They say he is a good actor, and he is very well known in England but just haven't done much in the U.S. I have seen pics of the Karkaroff guy he looks like I imagine him to. I guess they wanted to go with a real easter European actor and his name suggests that.
Cyrel Annat
Jun 25th, 2004, 03:37:22 PM
Well, they have yet, IMO, to cast someone that does a role poorly. Granted, no clue who these people are but I don't foresee them being cast if they couldn't handle the roles.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 25th, 2004, 03:42:45 PM
Yeah they have done a good job with the adults they all have been perfect honestly. And the kids for that matter now that the trio have grown and become better actors I can't imagine anyone else in those roles.
Cyrel Annat
Jun 25th, 2004, 03:47:05 PM
And I do like the fact that they are filming rather quickly so it's easier to keep all the same actors together. One of the smartest things done with the LotR trilogy and something that really should be more of the norm when successive movies are planned.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 25th, 2004, 04:07:23 PM
Well they are filming one movie every 18 months. That works as it keeps the actors around the same age.
Cyrel Annat
Jun 25th, 2004, 04:11:45 PM
Which is ideal for this series of movies and thankfully, the main stars seem satisfied enough that the actors should remain for the duration. We can only hope, at least.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 25th, 2004, 07:49:31 PM
I think they will, WB wants to keep them. And they can't say it will type cast them as it probably already has. And with the money WB will give them I can't see them turning it down.
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 3rd, 2004, 09:47:13 PM
Well Dru I found this for you
Looks like the Quidditch World cup will be in the movie now.
Jul 3rd, 2004, 10:01:39 PM
God bless em! :D
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 4th, 2004, 03:33:05 PM
Heh I knew you be happy. I also figured it was staying in when they cast Amos Diggory, his only major role was during the QWC. I guess this means Winky will be in the film, and Dobby will probably be back as well.
Ryla Relvinian
Jul 5th, 2004, 11:30:47 PM
I really don't care as long as I get some Lucius Malfoy lovin. I need my fix of evil, blonde bastards. Huminahumina. ;)
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 5th, 2004, 11:39:29 PM
Heh he will be back, he has said so, not sure if he will be in the QWC scene but he will be there when Voldemort returns for certain. I am hoping the Yule Ball is in it, I love it the way Ron acted he got so jealous :p I loved the shouting match they had in the common room.
Jul 12th, 2004, 10:37:44 AM
After having to set it aside for a while, I just picked it up again yesterday and finished it. I was quite satisfied with it. I can definitely see how this is the favorite of the fans. I think it was a good thing that I took so long to getting around to finishing the book, since I forgot all of the spoilers I had read. :)
It's going to take a strong script to pull off the movie right. I like a lot of the character developments that took place, especially with Snape. I hate to say it, but I think the Harry Potter craze is starting to finally take hold of me a bit. I'll probably wind up getting book 6 the day it comes out.
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 12th, 2004, 10:46:10 AM
Heh the same thing happened to me after I read GOF so I know what you are talking about. As for the book yeah, it is right there with POA to me at least. Its hard to pick which one is better. GOF does have more action in it which will translate very well for a film. Things also get more complex like with Snape being a Death Eater, Harry and Ron's fight, Ron's jealousy over Hermione going with Viktor Krum at the Yule Ball, Hagrid being a half giant, etc Radcliff said in an interview recently that the GOF was the best script yet so I am not worried about the movie.
Jul 12th, 2004, 11:09:16 AM
I actually laughed when it was mentioned how Viktor couldn't pronounce Hermione's name properly; He originally pronounced it "Her-me-own", which is exactly how I pronounced it whenever I saw it in writing. It wasn't until I saw the movies that I realized it was pronounced differently.
I liked the stuff surrounding Snape being a Death Eater. In fact, I wonder if maybe he's mean to Harry just to keep up appearances so he can continue to be a spy for Dumbledore. He's actually becoming one of my favorite characters.
I think Cedric's death is going to really make some parents wonder if this is a kid's movie or not. It was very solemn in the book, and I'd hate to see it glossed over or left out.
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 12th, 2004, 12:19:31 PM
Oh I don't think it will get left out at all, I bet it is made very dramatic and shocking, but honestly it should be as I think Death is going to be a common theme from here on. It shows up in OOTP, I won't say more about that, I will let you read that one :) and I think a lot of characters will die in Book 6, heck it is possible although I don't think so right now that Harry could die at the end of Book 7. I think it shows the books are becoming more grown up. I think GOF will be fine because of how it works. Cedric isn't a character most of the kids are going to be really upset about, its Book 5 I am worried about, not sure how they are going to film that one and make it work for film.
Jul 12th, 2004, 11:53:09 PM
Wow. I looked around at a few forums and some of the fans really are anal about the books. I saw quite a few people insisting that they had to include every little scene in the movie or else they'd hate it. The Yule Ball came up the most frequently, with everyone wanting to see it, but I don't think that actually had anything to do with the story at all. Also, I was a bit preturbed by the number of fan girls drooling over the prospect of seeing Harry partially naked during the bathroom scene.
Jul 13th, 2004, 04:32:06 AM
Originally posted by ShawnAlso, I was a bit preturbed by the number of fan girls drooling over the prospect of seeing Harry partially naked during the bathroom scene.
*blink* He's 15. Ew.
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 13th, 2004, 10:42:48 AM
That won't happen not sure if they will include that scene or not. About the fans, yeah they can be kind of insane some are as bad as Tolkien or Star Wars fans (I am talking about the ones on the boards). Still I think the Yule Ball will be in the film, I say that because they were looking for two girls to play Harry's and Ron's dates. Also I think it is important to the plot, well the Ron and Hermione part of it :p I think it will be a shorten version of it. There is no time to include the whole thing.
Jul 13th, 2004, 12:36:49 PM
Its not of VITAL importance to the plot, but what about the whole bug thing? That happened during the Yule Ball. It answers a few of the questions that the story raises. It'd be a shame if they had to leave them all out. It ties in with Hagrid going off to meet the giants in OOTP.
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 13th, 2004, 01:01:37 PM
Well I think they will cut Rita being an animagius out of the film, it is too time consuming to go into that, now they might keep the scene where we find out Hagrid is a half-giant that I think is important to the overall plot.
Aug 4th, 2004, 05:53:37 PM
It's official: Ralph Fiennes is Voldemort.
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 4th, 2004, 08:42:03 PM
Shoot I was just going to announce that :p heh also Miranda Richardson as Rita Skeeter
here is the report
Great choices, I love Fiennes as Voldemort that man can play evil, watch him in Red Dragon and Schindler's List he can play the menacing bad guy without much trouble.
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 4th, 2004, 09:41:53 PM
Scar is the bad guy! w00t!
I haven't read the books, but he seems to have been well cast. :):thumbup
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 4th, 2004, 10:09:31 PM
He is a really good choice Fiennes is great at bad guys. Maybe I am just not thinking straight but who is scar? I am guessing that is a character Fiennes has played just can't think of which one.
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 5th, 2004, 11:33:30 AM
Oh no wait, I'm dumb. Scar (from the Lion King) was played by Jeremy Irons. >_< SOrry!
I do think that Ralph Fiennes voiced the Pharoah in the animated movie "Prince of Egypt" though...
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 5th, 2004, 01:25:12 PM
Ralph Fiennes is a perfect choice. I'm happy. In your face Rowan Atkinson!
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 5th, 2004, 04:51:50 PM
Yeah Finnes has great ability, and LD he did play the Pharoah I believe. Also what about Miranda Richardson as the tabloid reporter Rita Skitter? She is a great choice as well.
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 7th, 2004, 08:42:13 PM
Here are some pictures and a couple of pages of tthe script (don't read the script if you don't want to know how that part of the movie goes. The pictures are a little out of focus but still cool to see.
here is the link
Sep 9th, 2004, 07:15:31 AM
Gonna dig this bad boy up!
I started reading Goblet of Fire, I was torn to wait for the movie first or read the book and as I had nothing else to read the book won out.
I'm halfway through right now with the first task completed.
Already I'm seeing how great of a movie this could be, the choice for Mad Eye is awesome! He'll be perfect for the role.
Fleur Delacour.....the girl they chose doesn't look pretty enough to play the part :)
As for turning it into a movie, my guess is the Quiddicth will be severly downplayed, after reading Prisoner of Azkaban and seeing how much a part of the book Quidditch was and then seeing how little of a role it played in the movie its pretty apparent they don't mind cutting it out.
If they don't spend serious time on the School Cup then the World Cup shouldn't get too much of a mention. Maybe the first 10-15 minutes of the movie to lay the ground-work.
A few other oddities though, the thing I still don't like about the books are how Wizards and Muggles are made to seem like 2 seperate species, if nothing else after the first task and the medical tent, just the things Wizards can heal......wouldn't they cure the world's ill's? Cancer, tumors, etc.....seems like they would all be easy with Magic.
Jedi Master Carr
Sep 9th, 2004, 07:19:07 AM
Well the Quidditch World cup makes the film but not very much, I read it is mostly there to introduce the whole dark mark thing which is way more important anyway. Yeah I like the guy playing Moody too, he was a great choice. As for Fleur I haven't seen many good pictures of the actress. Maybe she will wear a lot of make up I don't know.
Sep 24th, 2004, 08:40:23 AM
Ok I finally finished the book, took me longer than I wanted but been a busy few weeks....
Great book, easily my favorite of them all. The book to me was better than the last 3, I think as Rowling wrote more her writing prowess has increased.
I did have a few problems with it, mainly with the structure of teh Wizarding world in general but as a whole it was great.
Just to be safe I'm going to spoiler everything else from here on out.....
Ok, as far as the movie is concerned I'm seeing a lot of stuff they can leave out, the Rita Skeeter stuff isn't necessary, its interesting in the book but it really doesn't further the story along.
Winky, SPEW, etc....can all be left out as well.
As for Barty Crouch & the Cup, I could see them doing a little bit at the beginning, a few quick shots of the game, the press-box afterwards and then the riot and ensuing fun in the tree's. The rest could be shown as flash-backs at the end when Crouch is being interviewed.
I definetly want to see the Ball, the fights between Harry & Ron and of course the Cup and all its events.
The ending should be awesome, the death of Cedric was dealt with very smoothly in the book, it happend so quickly and it was done, a few reflections back on it but it happened so matter of factly that I don't think they would have a issue doing the same in the movie.
I must say I had to re-read that part a few times, it shocked me when it happened, after coming off the Tournament I was waiting to see what would happen and I was totally not expecting that to happen.
Now one of my problems.....what exactly is the differences in power level between Wizards? From a few things I gather it seems most Wizards can perform any spell/curse/etc if they practice it enough, Krum with the Crucio, Harry with all the ones he learned for the Cup, etc. Like Moody had said about the death curse, if the students tried it on him it would only tickle and not kill him, so in that respect I can see how a more powerfull wizard could use it to kill while a lesser Wizard could perform the spell, just not kill with it.
Just seems odd, with your typical fantasy Wizard they have power levels and the most powerfull Wizards can perform the most powerfull spells while a weaker Wizard can't even comprehend them, I guess I'm used to that formula.
Also....4th year Students at Hogwarts really don't know much pratical magic do they? I keep expecting Potter to break out and do some incredible Magic, and he has done a few like the massive Patronus at the end of PoA but as a whole he hasn't been overly impressive and most of his new spells came through studying with Hermoine.
4th years just seem a tad on the lame side, not sure how much they learn as they go you would think they would know more spells and have some level of power.
Enough ranting for now, great book!
I'm not sure if I should go for Order of the Phoenix now or wait a while....
Sep 24th, 2004, 08:48:45 AM
I started into Harry Potter watching the movies. From day one, I was left wondering why Harry Potter, the central figure whom everyone makes a big deal out of, uses practically no magic at all. In the Philospher's Stone, I don't think he casts a single spell. In CoS, I only recall the magic duel with Draco. In PoA and a few times in GOF, he does the Patronus charm.
Judging by the end of PoA, it seems that he does have a lot of raw power, he just has no idea how to harness it. It'd be amusing if he ever turned "dark" and started using the insta-kill curse on a few people, since he's probably powerful enough to pull it off.
Sep 24th, 2004, 12:05:30 PM
I'm in the same boat Shawn, when Philosophers Stone came out and everyone was making a huge deal about it I didn't know anything about the book or the movies and was sick of all the attention they were getting.....but my step-daughter wanted to see it so we all went and I quite enjoyed it.
At some point after that I read the first book. We then saw the 2nd movie, after that I read book #2, on came movie #3 and I saw it with my sisters who said the book says so much more, so I read #3 and by then I was really enoying them so I broke the chain and read #4.
Very good points, for a wizard we don't see him do squat most of the time, admittedly he has started to do more in #4 and hopefully the movie will reflect that. In most cases though, like at the end with Voldemort and their duel he gets lucky that they both had the same wand, thats what saved him. Now one could say that possibly his power level is whats drawing the good fortune to him as he gets lots of it
My other question, is Harry's mother a Muggle or not? I've seen in a few books where they talk about Mud-Bloods, Pure-blood, etc and I thought I kept reading it both ways, or was it that his mother was a Mud-Blood but still a Witch herself?
Which brings me to my other thought which I missed above, in reference to Snape & Slytherin vs Harry. I really did keep wondering why is so unfair and mean to Harry. Yes he had issues with his Parents, Sirius, etc but the point made above about keeping up illusions is a very good one.
On the flip side the Malfoy's are obvious supporters of Voldemort and Lucious is a Death Eater, so his son must know that Snape used to be a Death Eater, wouldn' t they also know what the tribunal had found that Snape had renounced his ways? As such why would he be left alone and allowed to groom the various Death Eater's children?
Just curious....maybe its obvious and I missed it.
Sep 24th, 2004, 12:14:37 PM
I don't have a shred of evidence to back it up, offhand, but I think both of Harry's parents were "pure" Wizards. If it was stated one way or the other, I can't recall. But that was just the impression I got.
Perhaps they thought, up until Voldemort's return, that Snape was still a Death Eater, too. He obviously favors Draco and has a vendetta against Harry. Maybe they think that he just managed to fool the tribunal.
Alternatively, maybe they don't care. He helps their children, hinders Potter and the rest of the "good guys", so that's good enough for them.
Or perhaps they just don't have much of a say in it. He's a teacher at the school they go to, and they can't control that.
Edit - I Googled: Harry's mom was indeed a mudblood.
Sep 24th, 2004, 12:36:24 PM
You could be right on his mother, I seem to recall voldemort referencing his Muggle Mother at the end of GoF though...
Good points, or it could be that they knew that with Voldemort gone or in hiding that Snape had a position of Power as a teacher at Hogwarts while they were on their own, but with the return?
Jedi Master Carr
Sep 24th, 2004, 03:08:00 PM
Okay first Lilly is a mudblood as Shawn said. Second well Snape has his reasons for hating Harry. We learn why partly in book 5, so I won't go into it. You need to read that one to find out. About Snape, the question is why don't the other Death Eaters know that is a traitor. Well, my theory is that they Snape has convinced Lucius that he was a coward. Voldemort mentions one was too cowardly to come, and Lucius and the others would suspect Snape. They know Karkalovk told on a bunch of Death Eaters so they thought he was the traitor. Know Voldemort I suspect knows the truth but is going to keep Snape around for his own motivations. Next about Wizards and spells. Well I gather that the more powerful you are the more powerful spells you can do. Some of the students just aren't that good at certain spells and are weaker, at least that is how I look at it. I figure the Owls and Newts determines all of this (those are the tests they take in year 5 and year 7). Now about the book. Yes I think it is one of her bests. It's close for me between GOF and POA, both are great books. OOTP is a great book too. As for what will be cut. Well Rita is in the film but I don't think we will get her spying stuff. I think she will be there just to write dirt on Harry, which is very important for OOTP. Winky is going to be in the film too from what I read, but I agree Spew should go. Maybe a reference to it, I would love to see Ron give it an offhand remark. Bagman's character seems to have been cut, from what I read. And the whole thing with the Durseys is gone. The Yule ball has made it but is shorter. I am guessing its mostly going to be about Ron and Hermione. I can't wait to see their fight :) The film should be amazing if they capture the book the way they captured POA.
Nov 17th, 2004, 08:57:39 AM
Time to dig this bad boy up again!
I'm about 20 pages from the end of Order of the Phoenix... Harry & Dumbledore are in the midst of their talk and Dumbledore is lamenting over the fact that he didn't tell Harry as much as he should have throughout the years.
Great stuff so far, though I did get annoyed very early on by the "Whiney" Harry Potter. As a whole I felt Goblet was still the best one, this was good but it dragged on way too long and then after all the time culminated in about 30 awesome pages before settling back into backfilling that should have been handled ages ago.
I guess one of the things that really annoys me about the series in general, and its been a consistent theme through-out the books is something happens to Harry thats groundbreaking and instead of telling someone he keeps it to himself and something bad happens because of it. Obviously that played a huge part at the end of OotP with the whole Sirius affair and him not taking his Occlumency seriously. They kept telling him and telling him what would happen, in his anger/etc he kept ignoring it and look what happened as a result? Then of course Dumbledore takes all the blame off him and puts it onto himself. Not saying Harry should have taken all the blame but considering whats at stake he shouldn't be coddled like he is.
I must say though that the ending was great, with proper editing this could be the best movie yet, the early portions of the movie will have to be thinned considerably and them and the main points of OotP pushed heavily to the forefront with the final sequence and battle taking up the last 30-45 minutes of the movie.
If done right a Dumbledore vs Voldemort duel could be played up like the big Lightsaber Battles in Star Wars, that alone will get people into the theatre.
It was great to see the kind of power that Dumbledore has, between his attempted capture in his office where he basically shrugs them all off, even tells a Auror that while he did well in his N.E.W.T.S that he's no match. Then at the end with Beatrix trying to tell Voldemore that "He's" here. Very subtle but I loved that part.
But Lord, He's Here!
When he broke into the battle, you knew some Death Eater <smallfont color=#FF0000>-Censored-</smallfont> was gonna get whupped on, heck the Death Eaters even started running and he pulled them back! Great stuff!
A part of me wishes Harry had killed Beatrix, finally broken through the fog and proven that he is actually a potentially great Wizard, for all the Dumbledore Army training they did when they got down to it they used very few spells against the Death Eaters, the Petrification Spell and Stupefy were pretty much it. Where's the offense? I know they're only kids but they had to have tested more offensive spells, heck in Chamber Harry used a offensive spell against Malfoy dueling that we haven't seen since.
The Battle at the end...great stuff. When the Order rushed through the door it was awesome, very well done.
Re: Sirius....his death sucked. And maybe something will be revealed in the final 20 pages but as it stands it sucked. Yes Beatrix is powerfull, she had just taken down the Auror and then fought Sirius, I always asumed he was fairly powerfull in his own right yet she got the spell through, then he falls into the arch? least have Voldemort kill him and not have him fall through a Arch and dissapear.
As for the rest, great stuff, again my biggest problem with the book is Harry's constant attitude through the whole thing. Yeah I know he's got a lot going on with him but its still annoying to read.
I'm very anxious to see the rest of what Dumbledore is going to say to him, so far its all as expected, though the whole Prophecy thing is interesting and a nice touch, gives you more of a idea of the motives of what is going on.
Hopefully from here on out Harry will take the tone down a bit, actually communicate with everyone and maybe for once learn some real Magic! I know he's a kid but I wanna see him whooping some Death Eaters 1 on 1!
Nov 17th, 2004, 09:07:07 AM
Nice spoiler tags.
Nov 17th, 2004, 09:57:35 AM
I had a s on my second tag, sorry about that!
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 17th, 2004, 06:04:26 PM
Cool you are on my opinions on some of it
First yeah I got a little tired with whiney Harry I was thinking he needs to grow up especially when he was constantly yelling at his two best friends.
As for him keeping it to himself, well it gets bigger about the prophecy. He tells no one. And I sure don't blame since he isn't sure what he means. He might die. Question after you read what do you think it means? Personally I am not sure you could interprete it about 20 different ways but I have one theory I won't share yet. Next Sirus's death, yes I hated it too, although I saw it coming about a third away through the book. He has more page time in this book then the third and fourth combined. That spelt doom for him, I just knew. She was building his character so his death would be more meaningful to Harry and to us. As for the Veil. Well I think there is something about that which hasn't been said. Somehow that is going to play a role in the last two books. Either Harry is going to try to find a way to contact him or something else. Rowling has given some teasing hints about that which makes me wonder. Here are some other things I liked about the book that you left out. Ron, his character was expanded he became a prefect which was a huge shock. Won a spot on the Quidditch team and struggled for two matches but finally overcame his nervouseness and won the Quidditch Cup for Gryffindor. Also there are more hints about Ron and Hermione, more subtle hints but they are there if you pay attention to them :) Snape, his character really became more complicated in this book. You actually showed some pity for him, which I was surprised about. Still, I have to wonder about him. I still don't entirely trust him. I think his hatred for Harry could be his undoing we will have to see. Overall I agree with you that this could make a great movie. I can see how they could get rid of the weaker parts of the book and get to it. I think the whole Umbridge thing would be great on screen especially when the Weasley twins make their exit (I figure since they building them up more they will keep that in) Overall, I think its great book better than the first two for certain maybe better written than POA. I have to say its close behing GOF, IMo.
Nov 18th, 2004, 12:39:01 PM
Agreed on Harry & his yelling at Ron & Hermoine, I just wanted to reach out and slap him a few times.
I liked the Prophecy, thought it was pretty well written, the repetitivness of the 7th Month was interesting, that was the only line that was said twice, could that mean that there are actually two? So its not just Harry but is Neville as well?
The one can't live without the other line...a little odd and very vague, but thats a prophecy for ya, it does sound like one will have to die by the hands of the other. On the vagueness though, obviously both are living at the same time...I would have rather it said something about fullfilling their dreams/desires/etc while the other lives.
Good points on Sirius, she was definetly bringing him to the forefront, though he wasn't a terribly likeable character, sullen, drawn back, I never really felt any connection to him. I much prefer Lupin, heck even Moody & Tonks over Sirius.
And as for the very end of the book & the mirror....if Harry had that all along why wouldn't he have been reminded of it by the Order? That would have been the perfect way for him to keep in touch with them through-out, seems like it was ignored cause it was easier that way.
I quite like Ron's character, as a whole he was probably the most likable main character in the book, though its too bad his brothers took so much of the attention away. I knew at some point he would make the Quidditch team, just didn't make sense for him not too, though Harry & his brothers getting kicked off was a huge shock.
As for him and Hermione...they're what 15 now? I'm sorry but how many 15year olds at this age have never had a girl-friend or even entertained the thought? The young hormone factor is being overlooked way too much for certain characters. It seems like Ron & Hermy is being drawn out just for the sake of it.
So many subtle hints have been dropped over the past two books, its obvious Hermy likes him and keeps dropping hints which he keeps totally missing, which makes sense as thats typical but the fact that Ron totally ignores just about any girl but Delacour as a possible girlfriend, just isn't realistic.
Snape was good, I still don't trust him either and the fact that he's juggling his hatred for Harry with his faith in the Order. The piece in the pensieve where Harry saw his father, that was good. Made you feel sorry for Snape and give a bit more insight into why he feels like he does. At some point he's going to have to reveal himself as a member of the Order, something will happen around the Malfoys, Death Eaters, etc that will conflict with the Order and he won't be able to hide it, when that happens things should get very interesting.
The whole isue of Percy was left hanging as well, I imagine that will be resolved soon as Fudge is now back on the Dumbledore bandwagon. I do like how Dumbledore swept back in at the end and cleaned everything up, including all the Ministry Crap.
She did do a very good job of pissing everyone off with the Ministry, Umbridge and Draco. The fact that they all did what they did and no one could stop them, as it progressed you just hoped they would get what they deserve...and they did!
Figrin D'an
Nov 18th, 2004, 02:34:46 PM
I've read a lot of the comments made about Harry being too whiney and angsty in the fifth book, and have to say that I disagree with the stance. The whole point of the series, the all-encompassing story, is to serve as a coming-of-age tale. Strip away the fantasy setting, and that's what you have, in a nutshell.
Harry is a character who is going through all of the things that we all had to experience as teenagers... school, developing social lives, learning how to handle love and the opposite sex, going through puberty, dealing with friends and bullies, wondering where he fits in the grand scheme of things, etc. Now, throw on to all of that his status as one of most important figures in the history of the 'Wizarding World.' He's deified by some as a Christ-like savior, hated by others and targeted as someone who needs to be killed for their plans to succeed. Within his own school, his classmates and teachers are harshly divided on him... some admire or adore him, some fear his potential power, some nurture him as best they can, some are overly hard on him for reasons he has trouble understanding. He lived most of life with emotionally abusive relatives who loathed him yet were forced to tolerate him. He knows little of his parents beyond what has been told to him and what he has learned in his few years at school. He is continually subjected to facing his supposed destiny, whether he is ready for it or not, and he really has no say in how the cards of his life are played, as others are the ones holding the hands and placing the bets, and all while tell him only what they feel he needs to know.
Now... tell me, that in a similar situation and at the same age, that any one of us wouldn't blow up in frustration at some point, even at our closest friends?
This has been building over the course of the five books... Harry is at a turning point in his young life. The pressure surrounding and anger about what was happening finally started to get to him, and he expressed it in the way that most teenagers would... he got pissed off at people whom he shouldn't have. If he learns from this and matures as a result, he will be a more balanced and complete person in the next part of the story, (which I expect we will see).
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 18th, 2004, 05:48:36 PM
That is a good point Fig I understand where he is coming from and it is tough and I felt awful for him at the end when Sirius died and the whole prophecy was revealed it was just a huge revelation that put a lot on his shoulders. I think Rowling did a great job like you said Fig. The only time I got mad with him was when he was yelling at Ron and Hermione it is like they are his best friends they are on his side why did he keep getting mad with them?
Next your points jjwr. First the prophecy, it is very ambigious. I, like Dumbledore agree it is not Neville. Voldemort seeked Harry out so it kind of rules that out like he says. I do think Neville is going to play a big role in the rest of the story. Second the only line about he can live while the other lives is weird. Some think and I am almost in this camp, that this means that Harry has to die along with Voldemort. I can see this honestly because it says it will be something that Voldemort would never do. I think it could be Harry sacrificing himself for someone he loves (Ron and Hermione, or Ginny if she goes down that road) that would be something Voldemort would never do. Now that might not be it but it sure a possiblity.
Next the mirror, well have to remember that all of the members of the order were kicked out by that point. Also we don't know if anybody other that Sirius knew he had it. He told Harry he didn't want Molly to know so it is possible that he never told anybody else. The only place Harry screwed up there was not telling Snape before he did. I think his fear and hatred of him got the best of him and he never thought about him. Of course who knows how Snape would have acted.
About Ron, yes he is a very likeable character which is why he is one of my favorites. Ron is easy to identify with more so than Harry to most people which helps. About the romance well who says Ron doesn't like her ;) Remember he gave her Perfume for Christmas what kind of gift is that for someone who is just friends. He gets very jealous when ever Viktor is brought up, in GOF he destroyed the action figure he had of him and said had that famous shouting match with Hermione over him. In OOTP when Hermione mentions him Ron gets very jealous. Another thing Hermione kisses him on the cheek before one of the matches and Ron gets very red and puts his hand to his cheek like it was one of the greatest things to happen to him. There are other things some less obvious then others. The problem is he doesn't know how to say his true feelings. Why? Why does any boy not tell the girl. I think there will become a point when he will tell her have no idea when. I hope the next book because it gets frustrating the waiting although maybe that is the point.
Now Snape, you see I don't know about him. Rowling has said don't pity him and she doesn't like him as a character. That is very odd since we do pity him in that scene. It makes me wonder if there is something we don't know. In the first book we are lead to believe Snape is the bad guy helping Voldemort turns out we were wrong. But what if we weren't? It be funny if Ron is actually right about something what if Snape is a traitor? He is a master at Occulemency heck he is better at it than anybody maybe even Voldemort himself. It is possible he could be hiding his true thoughts from Dumbledore so Dumbledore doesn't see it. This could be Dumbledore's downfall as he is too trusting of Snape and it could end in his demise. This is just my theory but either way I think his hatred of Harry is going to play a huge roll in the end.
Other thoughts, Percy not sure where she is going with this he might come back in the fold he could end up going to the other side since now he is basically ruined. I say this because Fudge is going to resign from I read and there will be a new minister in the next book. Percy will probably get fired because he signed with Fudge and kept the public from knowing the truth. That could put him over the edge. All he cares about his power and his own career with that he could join the death eaters or worse become a traitor (I betting on either him or Snape to do that). He might come back I am not sure. Well that is it for now :)
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 3rd, 2004, 07:16:22 AM
Also what about Miranda Richardson as the tabloid reporter Rita Skitter
No news, but I only just read about this and just thought I'd post to say I'm absolutely thrilled about seeing Miranda in GoF :D
Jedi Master Carr
Dec 21st, 2004, 11:26:20 AM
Two new pictures from the movie
The first one is hilarious that is about how I imagined Ron's dress robes heh. As for the second I read somewhere that is from before the first task and you can see Fleur in the background, if you can make her out.
Dec 21st, 2004, 12:55:55 PM
Thats awesome!
Though from the looks of the second picture maybe the directory will stick with the mostly muggle clothes look...I personally quite like the school robes.
Jedi Master Carr
Dec 21st, 2004, 01:02:59 PM
Well Harry is wearing his quidditch robes it looks like in that pic. Since Hermione is watching it I don't think she would have to wear the school uniform. To me it makes sense that the students would only have to wear their uniform for class and other school functions. On weekends, I would imagine they let them wear what they want.
Dec 21st, 2004, 01:22:49 PM
Hard to tell, it could be the Quidditch Robes....actually...Quiditch was cancelled for the it can't be that :)
I don't mind them out of their robes, as long as we see them in them on occasion through-out. Part of the problem with PoA is a huge chunk of the movie took part in single day so they never changed, with GoF its so far spread out we should see a variety of outfits.
Jedi Master Carr
Dec 21st, 2004, 10:37:41 PM
Yeah the the Shrieking Shack-Time Turner sequence was the largest part of the movie so that was why. GOF does take over more time, I am sure. About the robes they could be champion robes made for tournament, if you can see Fleur you can see she is wearing some kind of blueish looking robe.
Dec 22nd, 2004, 08:20:28 AM
Your probably right, I didn't realize they were in the tent when I first saw the picture, I didn't think Hermoine was even in there? Though as he was still fighting with Ron she may have been.
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 22nd, 2004, 08:50:50 AM
Originally posted by jjwr
Your probably right, I didn't realize they were in the tent when I first saw the picture, I didn't think Hermoine was even in there? Though as he was still fighting with Ron she may have been.
Yeah, I was and still am having difficulty figuring out that picture o_O
Jedi Master Carr
Dec 22nd, 2004, 10:34:55 AM
I am not sure what they are doing that is my point, unless they are looking at something, have no clue what.
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 10th, 2005, 04:23:46 PM
I keep reading that Ralph Fiennes is playing Voldemort... anyone know if there's any truth behind this?
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 10th, 2005, 06:53:01 PM
Originally posted by Jedi Master Carr
Shoot I was just going to announce that :p heh also Miranda Richardson as Rita Skeeter
here is the report
Great choices, I love Fiennes as Voldemort that man can play evil, watch him in Red Dragon and Schindler's List he can play the menacing bad guy without much trouble.
post 47
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 10th, 2005, 11:30:22 PM
Yep Fiennes got the part :)
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