View Full Version : Realization of a past mistake

Ken Finley
Jun 14th, 2004, 11:19:26 PM
As Ken walks into the bar and grill his is reminded of how he left the order in a blast of splinters and anger. He looks around not really supised to draw some stare. Ken is a Huge Cat like Togorian and 9'5 he towers over almost everyone he meets. As Ken thinks to himself

"I wonder if they'll make me pay for my old room and well that section of the temple"

Ken left the order because of the slowness of his teacher and his own inpatients and wants of quick cash and glory. After an unsuccessful run as a bounty hunter and a mercenery he is back and kicking himself. Looking around at all his old classmates that are already knights for the majority. Then Ken says

"Why did I leave Why?"......as he sits down in the corner closest to the door.